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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:17 pm

A hot and dry day in the country of wind, more typical weather then it has been usually recieving. For the past month it has been raining heavily, an odd occurance that would take place in once maybe twice in a few months. Nevertheless the weather was typically normal. It was four days after the events that occured in the village hidden in lightning, and has been three weeks since Kyouken had reunited with his brother, Kudara. The thought was both memorable and somewhat relieving to know that his brother was still alive and the two fearsome brothers have returned with both the unified skills of each other and there unique and different skills that made them imfamous

Both brothers, Kyouken and Kudara, both walking in the hot and windy desert travelling towards sunagakure no sato. It was not unnatural to see the brothers walk together, both of them wanted to take there time and try to catch up on there lives. They have not seen each other for more than thirty years, they had much to catch up on. Kudara was doing most of the talking, his cheeful personality could not reach into Kyouken's shy and calm personality. Only Kyouken's brother would make him revert back to his personality of orginality. His eyes were blue instead of the bloodly crimson red, in which he was famous four . Kudara was telling Kyouken about his research lab, his new apprentice's, his shadow spirit and where he has travelled in the past thirty years. Kudara was laughing when he was telling some parts of his stories, more so his apprentice Nail. Kyouken had a shy smile on his face as he turns away from his brother. The stories simply astounded Kudara as he was talking to Kyouken.

Finally when Kudara asked about his past, Kyouken brushed it off saving it for later. Kyouken folded his arms and looked forward. His eyes reverted back to crimson, his face went from calm to a serious calm expression. Kudara places his hands into his pockets, he knew that Kyouken had felt a presence from someone from afar, someone had caught up with them. Kudara had sense there chakra, radiating off the bodies of the individuals. Kudara continue to press on with his stories but telepathically he contacted with Kyouken

So you felt that too eh? How long have you known that they been tracking us

Kyouken sighed Troublesome humans.......i've been knowing for awhile now, ever since we got into wind country

Kudara continue to tell Kyouken his stories and some really corny jokes trying to make Kyouken laugh which failed epically
Kyouken Uchiha
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:20 pm

OOC: bump
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:19 pm

Yoshimo halted to the team behind him to stop as they landed on the edge of the forest, getting closer and closer to the desert of Sunagakure. The heat began to dimish over them as the rare rains of Sunagakure settled in, but Yoshimo knew it wasn't that time of month for the rain to drop down on Sunagakure. It was Kyouken. It was as if his evil spirit brought upon everything that was bad. Yoshimo put his hand down and began to grab his things out of his pockets. Yoshimo could see the two figures in the distance, and they were far enough that they couldn't be heard. Taking the scrolls out of his pouches, Yoshimo placed them on the ground and faced Lelia and Munashii.

He placed three scrolls on the ground each covered in kanji that explained the contract. There were however, three round circles, and in the middle circle was the kanji for "tool". Yoshimo reached in his pocket and drew out three bloodvials. He tossed one to Munashii and Leila.

"Those blood vials are important, if you ever get close enough to your opponent, take a quick blood sample. You don't know how helpful it is for medic nin's like me."

Yoshimo took his own blood vial and squatted down to the three summons scroll infront of him. After that, Yoshimo showed his most laziest move ever, which would probably leave his genin laughing, or surprised at how lazy he was.

Taking the blood vial, Yoshimo poked it in his arm and drew blood out of his shoulder instead of simply biting his thumb. He hated to bite his own thumb, it was something about forcing him ownself to bleed that he hated. He couldn't bring himself to bite down on his thumb like that.

Squirting the blood out of the vials into the outside circles in all three summoning scrolls, Yoshimo disposed of the vial by crushing it, and putting it in a deep pocket, as to not let his blood fall in the hands of the enemy. He rubbed his hands together with a bright clapping sound and placed them on the first scroll.

"Summoning Jutsu!!" Yoshimo repeated two more times, as the smoke departed from the summons.

Before them was a set of 24 kunai, three rolls of wire, and a book of explosive notes. He used a bit more chakra on the kunai, to summon twice as much. Yoshimo cut the book of explosive notes in three, along with the kunai set. He passed a set of explosive note, kunai, and a roll of wire to each of them and pocketed his own set. He knew they'd notice the difference in the explosive notes, as they were trimmed black instead of red.

"Those explosive notes could level a tree. Not a dead tree either. They are very powerful. They don't require that much chakra to explode remotely, just a bit more than the red trimmed ones. So I'd advise you just stick them on the front of a kunai and throw them. Instead of using a wire attachment, just slap them on the front of the explosive note. That would create a "frag grenade" and that would be a lot more powerful. You can also use the wire to redirect kunai path and save your kunai. I usually attach the wire to the end of the kunai, throw them and let the roll of wire spin. When the opponent deflects them, I usually just swing them back around, sending them to the opponent again. They can also be used for setting traps, and tricks to explode explosive notes. Got it?"

Yoshimo looked at the two ninja, looking at their facial expressions and how they were taking in the battle. None of them seemed tired and that was good. Yoshimo had came prepared and there were still a lot of solider pills that he had. They would not die, or go un-prepared.

OOC: Here's a link to my tools so it's explained. (For Munashii and Leila if they have questions) Link.
And when I said cut the book of notes I mean like cut as in a deck of cards. Lol I don't want you thinking you have 1/3 of a explosive note to work with.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:42 pm

Lelia nodded in understanding, briskly taking the weapon items with a slender hand and placing them in her weapons pouch. Organized in the seperate slots she'd put in her weapon's pouch on her left thigh. It was proabably weird the way she had to place them in. Her skirt ran to her knees where as her shorts were much higher, and just below where she stored her smaller weapons. Her hands lifted the skirt slightly to place the items. The eges of her shorts barely seen. Lelia slipped out a hair tie and tied her hair back in a long pony tail. In the Lightning, it was much cooler than the blistering desert, so it was alright to have her hair down. However, looking through the haze of heat across the sands they were about to come over, she was definitly going to have to stay as cool as she could get herself.

Still with the blood vial in hand, she slipped this in the safest place upon her person, in the hidden pocket of her crimson skirt. This place was padded and her dog whistle for her 'faithful' bear-dog-thing, Sanshain, stay cool and protected so as the thin metal wouldnt' carack and she could call her dog for whenever she needed him.

The young kunnoichi's face was calm and casual, she'd crossed these lands with her parents and brother, while the family was mostly alive to get to the Lightning Country a few years back. So she was pretty much aquainted with the terrain. Her stealth would be easy, especially with her padded-heel boots she'd stitched for just the occasion. Briskly, she looked behind herself to check how the pads were doing, it had been a while since she had checked, however, they were sturdy still enough.

"Understood," Lelia replied as she performed it all. "You get it, Munashii?" Her silvery-brown eyes glanced to her friend/companion.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:04 pm

Munashii took the weapons offered to him. A good thing too, he was running low on supplies. Taking the blood vial, he examined the item. A useful little tool. That reminded him! He secured his sword retriever to his arm guard. He may not have mastered the Needle Weaving Sword technique just yet, but there was no better time like the present should it come to that.

Removing his green cloak, he rumaged around in his pack and sighed with relief. He always carried around different coloured cloaks for just such an occasion. Putting his old one in the pack, he withdrew and placed a sandy coloured one over his head and shoulders, melding with the surroundings perfectly. Stealth, while unnessercary in a confrontation situation like this, was something you should never just discard.

Checking his sword to make sure it was sitting well on his back, he replied to Lelia, "I get it. Sure as sure. Ready when you are Yoshimo-sensei".
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:24 pm

Kyouken and Kudara continued to walk the path in the hot and steamy desert, it was beginning to become mid-afternoon and the heat was becoming much unbearable. Kyouken places a hood over his head, the cloak that surrounded him was simular to an grim reaper appearance only the cloak stopped at his thigh and it was somewhat tathered and seemingly ripped. Kudara didnt do anything, he appeared as though he was fine with the immense desert heat. The desert of Wind country was the enemy for those who get exhausted from the intense heat of the sun, or the if that didnt get you then if those who get lost will surely die. Doubting that the shinobi that Kyouken had sensed were that unsenseable or unreasonable, they were sure not to die by the heat, but more so by either him or his little brother.

Kudara continued to talk but he was fully aware that there were shinobi were following them to this location. Both Kyouken and Kudara could easily use the Tenshu Hitokoki and disappear without a trace but knowing Kyouken, he probably wanted to know who these enemies were and probably wanted to either see if they were worthy to either kill or talk to. Most likely, Kudara knew by fact that Kyouken would want to talk to them before doing any action.

"So brother" Kyouken said something finally.

Kudara looked over at Kyouken, he notice something peculiar about Kyouken. He notice that he had an expression as though he wanted to ask him something important. Kudara slightly and barely turns his head to look at Kyouken. Kyouken finally asked

"Why did you give up your eye's willingly to me?"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:23 am

Yoshimo held up his hands and pointed his index and middle finger forward towards the target. He crouched down low, walking on his knees, occasionally looking around to see if they were being tracked, if there was anything in the vicinity that would give off their location. Making sure they were safe from being caught by unwanted problems, Yoshimo pressed on. He backed out of the lead, and let Munashii's senses guide him as they followed the two ninja. Speaking low, Yoshimo signaled them to listen.

"There's two of them. So we can only presume that they are the same rank. Keep your eyes out for the blue haired one he is our target."

Yoshimo watched them walk up a sand dune and back down. That was the worst possible thing to happen, because now the target was out of sight, and they could be possibly waiting for them to cross over the sand dune to ambush them. The dune was too large to go around, and too wide to dig under, they had no other choice but to either make themselves known or to cross. Yoshimo signaled his team once again to stop as he went ahead.

"Stay here"

Yoshimo crouched down and began to walk his way up the sand dune. Making his way to the top, he noticed that the opponents were still walking forward, but now they were even closer to them. The walk down the dune must have slowed them down a bit. Yoshimo got to the top of the dune and placed his hands together in the Rat handsign, focusing his chakra and sending his shadow quickly down to the feet of his opponents. Yoshimo turned back to them and mouthed "Get Ready".


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:34 pm

Kudara sighed when he Kyouken asked him about that. Kudara knew that Kyouken probably wanted an explanation for giving him his sharingan. He smiles gently and his open his mouth as he was about to say something, but then he sensed that they were caught on something, something had taken control of his body. Kudara looks down to see that there shadow was caught onto a trail of a lengthy shadow that lead up to a dune. He smiled alittle wider seeing how ironic it was that they could had escaped but Kyouken refused to do so.

"Well look at the predictament we are in now, brother, looks like we have been caught"

Kyouken knew this would happen, but he allowed it. He casually says back to Kudara "Its a shadow possesion jutsu, only used on both the Nara clan and the more refined Izoto clan. I dont know any Nara's that are alive but I do know one Izoto"

"I know that brother, its just ironic that we just let them take over our bodies in such a way. You knew we could've avoided it"

"Its not like we are in a hurry, besides, I like to talk before I attack, seems less violent"

Kudara seemingly chuckled, his hands were still inside of his pockets and he was waiting for the group to show themselves. After a few seconds, Kyouken began to say "Come on, Izoto, I know you're back there, I've sense you even before you caught up to us"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:52 pm

Yoshimo felt surprised that they'd let his shadow connect. This was confirmed by the two's dialogue as they admitted that they had let him connect his shadow. Yoshimo had to take advantage of it, even though he knew that they could possibly kill him. Yoshimo continued to listen to them, and the fact that they knew his clan surprised him also. No one knows of the Izoto clan, so his mind began to think how they knowed of his clan's name. They didn't mind talking so Yoshimo would hold the possession and talk with them.

"You, Kyouken Uchiha. You've run into my village the other week looking for a coin. I was just wondering who gave you the permission to do so. I wouldn't run up in your personal space like that," Yoshimo said. "But it seems that you two think that you're above the laws of my land. It seems like you two have a brain on those shoulders also. You think you know my clan, but I know lots about yours. That blood running through your veins. The blood of the dogs of Konoha. I'm surprised their aren't leashes around you two with a Senju yanking on it."

Yoshimo loved to play word games. He knew that talking about the Uchiha might not respond nicely to his last comment, but it seemed as if they liked to play word games. Yoshimo wanted to play right along with them. He could keep up with the jeers and taunts as long as they could.

OOC: Don't take it personal. I'd never thought I'd get this chance to argue with an Uchiha, much less argue with you lol


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Guest Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:26 pm

The heat bared down upon the young kunnoichi as she and the others made their way over the sands. Her feet, being just so small in weight in height than her graduating class, hadn't had the time to sink in as she followed in line. It was a little easier to cross, but still more friction than she'd perfer.

Lelia stopped immedietly after the given order. Watching as Yoshimo made his way up the sand dune and performed a shadow jutsu. Overhearing the words of the person and someone else they were after, it seemed the jutsu was permitted to be used. She held one sign, a main sign of one of her defense Raiton jutsus. Just in case she needed to throw somethineg out to defend briskly. She couldnt' see over the oversized sand dune, nevertheless, she watched it closly any way with her focused silvery brown eyes.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:57 pm

Munashii watched as Yoshimo-sensei went ahead without either of the genin. He kept his eye on his teacher and his hand ready on his sword, waiting as he was ordered.

Almost invisable thanks to his cloak, he watched as Yoshimo did his jutsu and heard as he engaged in conversation with the target, ready to come to his teachers' aid if the worse came to worse. He was suprised that his sensei would provoke the two men like that, as he said the mission was to avoid combat if possible. Nevertheless, he knew what he was doing better than Munashii did.
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:11 pm

Kyouken and Kudara looked at each other then back at Yoshimo. Kudara raised his eyebrows quickly as though he was preparing for Kyouken to say something in a defensive and odd retort back at Yoshimo. Kyouken glared at Yoshimo, it felt odd in a way that he was about to say this but he knew it had to be done.

"Dogs of Konoha? Please, Konohagakure is nothing more than waste inside of dirt" Kyouken replied, his words almost sounded depressing, despairing and more so a deathly tone. It was odd the way he talked, it had a calm and cool overtone, but yet it was depressing and deathly. "I dont like keeping the name of the Uchiha, just because I wield the eyes of the sharingan, doesnt not mean we are Uchiha"

Kudara looks at him as though he was preparing to hear something that he did not want to hear. The oddity of the situation made it more uneasy and replusive to Kudara at the same time. Kyouken was about to reveal to them about their true race, their true clan, their true nature of the two brothers

Still talking calm, not even raising his voice, he begins to say "You say my name is Kyouken Uchiha and the Uchiha blood runs through my veins, indeed that is the name that I have falsely given myself in order to hide my true identity. My name is not Kyouken but Noctis. Noctis Lucis Caelum, leader to the Caelum clan and the kingdom that is underneath my shadow. This is my brother Volo Tempus Caelum, my twin and second in command in the kingdom. You say that I have come into your land and went above your law. I come towards your land as a neutral deity, a man that is independent that has taken up no side with anyone, nothing more nothing less. But what is insulting is you trapping me into your shadow possession, Izoto. That is truly insulting. That, eager shinobi from Kumo, is more insulting then slapping my mother or telling me that Konoha had leashes around us. I let you ridicule me for my false race but never shall I be caught by a human"

Kyouken's eyes become more of a crimsom blood red color, his facial expression hasnt change from the calmness he has been keeping. Kudara sense the immense power that echoed off Kyouken's body. Kudara thought to himself What are you about to do....Noctis. Kyouken looks at Yoshimo and begins to release the murderous intent, the intense killer intent that was dormant inside of his eyes. It had a psychological effect, the opponents around that area would begin to have doubt, fear or immense hysteria depending on the type of training they had. Physically, it felt as though the gravity around them was getting heavier.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:42 pm

Yoshimo listened to Kyouken's response, letting the corner of his mouth rise into a smirk as he knew he had gotten his attention. His jeers and taunts were sure to get the Uchiha talking, and prolonging battle was at the upmost importance right now. Need he get into contact, Yoshimo would possibly be seriously hurt. He would never die, by any means Yoshimo would never lose his life. Unless he had to use that technique...but there was no need for that now.

Thinking about the genin he had right behind him, Yoshimo though that he should take advantage of their situation and summon them into battle at ones. Yoshimo began take his hands out of his pockets, forming his hand into the symbol that he had chosen for them to respond to for attack. His fingers began to form the sign, but then his arm was forced down to his side, and even his spiked hair began to slowly press back upon his head. Ninjutsu. He could feel his body being pushed down into the sand, along with his jutsu. He was fighting it, but the jutsu wouldn't hold, and the freedom that the two strangers felt confirmed that his Kage Mane had been released. Yoshimo didn't know whether to signal the genin into battle or not, he didn't know how long this gravity would last and he hoped that Lelia or Munashii wouldn't do anything rash.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Guest Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:38 pm

Lelia let out a small gasp without intention. Fear struck her dead on without a clue on what in the world just happened as the gravity around her began to pressurize. "What the..." she couldn't help but murmer to herself as she looked around warily. Her natural senses knew something was to be feared, something was wrong. She looked to where Munashii was. Unsure on what to do for a long moment. Looking up at Yoshimo as his stance spoke slight unsurity as well.

Stepping her right foot back more to hold her graceful stance of first Buttafuri, her fingers flittered through handseals until coming to Tiger. Holding that as chakra flowed and hovered ready in her hands for Raiton - Hekireki no Jutsu, one of her defence/attack jutsu. SHe wouldn't let it go recklessly just yet. That would be stupid and idiotic. No, she'd hold it until she knew it would be a safe counter. No way was she going to risk anyting. Especially with only two genin and a highrank against two S-ranked wanderers.

Her face held a slight pinch of fear as she pushed herself to focus. Now wasnt' the time for emotion.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:18 pm

Munashii saw his sensei start to make the sign for them to attack. Readying himself, he suddenly flinched back, a voice echoing in his head. It was not the voice of someone in the present. It was the voice of a memory.

Pathetic, cowardly creature...

For a few moments, self-doubt knawed away at his very soul. Was he right? But he shook himself. No! There was no way he was going to go back to being like he was before, no matter what insanity afflicted him. When he came back to himself, he realised he was sinking. Using all his strength, he pulled at his legs, but it was like quicksand. The harder he struggled the faster he sunk. Looking over at Lelia and looking up at Yoshimo-sensei, he knew that they were in the same pridicament as he. But then he was struck by an idea.

He stopped struggling, and started to concentrate.

He started to focus his chakra in his feet, like he did when training in chakra control by running up a tree. Slowly, he began to stop sinking. Then he stopped. Panting from the effort of keeping the chakra control flowing in the bizzarre jutsu ("What else could it be?", he thought to himself), he pulled his feet out of the sand. He ran over to Lelia as fast as the heavy air would allow him. Grabbing her and pulling her out of the sand, he simply said, "Put chakra in your feet, like when you run up a tree".

Without wasting any time, he got out a bunch of the ninja wire that his sensei gave him. Twining them together to make a stronger wire, he rolled it out to his slowly sinking sensei, using the same chakra as when he was training to use the Hari Chimitsu Ken. If the sensei wanted to fight, he could pull himself out and give them a sign. If not, he could ignore the wire and keep talking, with the wire there in case it got to much. Either way, the genin's position was not comprimised.

Well, that was the plan anyway.
Munashii Hissori
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:49 pm

As the Kage Mane released from underneath the two brothers, both Kyouken and Kudara, or Noctis and Volo, looked at Yoshimo and seeing the wire that was attached to him. Kudara felt the emotion of both panic, doubt, fear and despair. It was obvious that Kyouken had released some of his death intent seeing that the feeling of those emotions were around him. Kudara looks at Kyouken having a plan at hand.

"I'll handle that guy, you go after the others"

Kyouken looks at Kudara, alittle irritated but never showing it. He knew what level those children "You cant be want me to attack those young kids? *sigh* whatever, not like I have a choice in this matter at the moment, I could argue but what would be the point.

Kyouken repressed back his killer intent, retaining back his eye color to a dark crimson color. Both Kyouken and Kudara ran forward towards Yoshimo but there movement was so instaneous that the no eye of any kind could see how fast they moved. Only thing that was seen was the afterimage left behind them both. Kudara came up from behind Yoshimo, he takes out his katana and focuses lightning into the wires, he slashes at it cutting it in half. He deactivates the lightning that was flowing in the blade and then grabs Yoshimo out of the sand so he would not sink. Kudara then moved away from him, at least eighteen feet away from him. He puts his blade back in his sheath and stares at Yoshimo

Kudara frowns as he takes his hand and begins to emit lightning out of it. He raises his hand and it was in the direction of where Yoshimo was. He had no intentions to kill anyone but from the power that he was giving off from just the lightning, he would probably be mistaken that he was about to kill him.

Underneath the feet of the two genin, Munashii and Leila, was there own shadows and they began to waver back and forth, both of them fusing together creating one large shadow. The shadow began to laugh chaotically, its cynical laughter echoed through the minds of the both Munashii and Leila. It would be difficult to tell if it was a genjutsu or ninjutsu but soon they would be able to find out.The shadow began to form out vine like objects out of it self and began to entangle Munashii and Leila's foot crawling itself upward slowly onto there legs and so forth. Reappearing behind the two genin was Kyouken, his left hand was in his pocket and his other hand was on the side, his eyes stared at them. He then looks back at Yoshimo. He see's that Kudara was aiming at Yoshimo. Kyouken sighs and then begins to say

"I have no intentions on killing you, tell me, you wanted to come here and gather information from me, from what I have been sensing. Tell me what is your question, speak now and quickly before I end these two new generation shinobi lives by letting my shadow consume them both"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:09 pm

Yoshimo felt a sigh of relief as the gravity was unleashed from him. He felt a lot lighter and his breath returned to him along with his sigh. Knowing the situation of the battle, Yoshimo knew that he had put his genin in a horrible situation, and for that he felt remorse. Yoshimo could sense that Munashii was up to something, but he had to react quicky to the situation at hand, instead of worrying about Munashii and Lelia. Even though he was still under their control, Kudara had removed him from the sand that had almost swallowed him alive. Yoshimo would have made it out of that, even if he went completely underground. He was prepared. He was always prepared.

Yoshimo thought quickly and reacted quickly. Even though he couldn't look the blind Uchiha in the eye, Weaving his shadow around his legs, Yoshimo began to completely incase himself in his own shadow. The shadow wrapped around his legs, weaving and tangling up around his legs. The shadow quickly wrapped around his chest and around his whole body. Yoshimo's mouth moved into a slight "hmph" as his shadow continued to craw upon his body.

The "Yoshimo" that Kudaara was now holding was nothing but a 3-D silhouette which began to bubble and writhe about. The shadow began to fall from Kudara's hands as if it were putty. It landed on the ground like a regular shadow would with no sound. It began to slowly split at the base and form quickly again, rising from the ground in a some what slow manner. One part of the shadow quickly traveled behind Kyouken. The shadows began to form legs and and the rest of a body behind both Kudara and Kyouken. The shadows finished their transformation turning into two "Yoshimo's" that were behind both Kyouken's and Kudara's back. Each of them held a tagged kunai which both "Yoshimo's" slightly pressed at the clothing of their backs.

"I'm not fucking around with you two. I want to know what you were doing in my village. Now.", both "Yoshimo's" said in unison.

The "Yoshimo" on Kyouken's side shadow moved to depart itself as the tags on the explosive notes sizzled, signaling an explosion in less than a second's coming.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by L Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:48 pm

Sanmaru sat ontop of a tree, trying to see find out where he was, when he remembered about Yoshimo. He didn't know about the demons that had attacked Kumo, it had only been about 10 minutes since they left, but he still felt as though He should know. He began to make a mental connection between him and Yoshimo.

"YOSHIMO! We need you back in the village as soon as possible. We're currently being attacked by a hord of demons. They've destroyed almost half of the village already and there's this gaint one that seems to be unstoppable. We need you here right now. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep fighting them.

He tried to make it sound as if he was still in the village fighting that one giant demon.

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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:12 pm

As the suspense of an oncoming explosion ascended, the sizzling notes on the kunai that the clones held behind Kudara and Kyouken continued to sizzle, revealing that they were not going to explode. They continued to sizzle and *poomf* was heard as a dark gray cloud of smoke filled the area. Yoshimo's shadow pulled off away from the clones as they exploded also, leaving Kyouken and Kudara in a horrible situation. Pushing his true physical form out of his shadow, Yoshimo began to reach in his back pocket for a piece of paper and some ink. He grabbed a pen and quickly wrote in the small piece of paper, throwing it along with a kunai to Kyouken's feet. The incoming mental intel that Yoshimo had just recieved made it important that Munashii and Lelia get back to the village.

Darting over to the both of them, Yoshimo kneeled down and expanded his shadow under both Munashii and Lelia. They both sunk down into his shadow, causing them to enter into a suspended shadow world. This was the jutsu that Yoshimo used to travel in shadow form, and also travel quickly away from anything that could possibly harm him. He decided the safest way to get them out was the fastest, and as he was lowered into the shadow also, he began to quickly move away from the smoky scene, leaving his opponents in dust. Yoshimo would have to wait for a while to reappear on earth, but luckily in the shadow world that Munashii and Lelia were in, the could make contact mentally to talk to Yoshimo.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:27 pm

Munashii struggled against the shadows that were restraining him, cursing himself for being too slow. A growl came from his throat, a deep menacing sound that would stop most people in their tracks. Unfortunately, it was obvious that these two men (if they could be called that) were anything but "most" people. Their speed was inhuman, too fast even for Munashii to track their movements. Due to the huge struggle he was putting up, he didn't see what his sensei was doing, and so when he sunk into the shadow he went fighting into that as well. But he still couldn't resist it.

"If I ever get out of here, I swear I will make you pay for threatening my friends", he thought. But then things started to fit together. He remembered seeing Yoshimo-sensei for a moment before sinking into the shadow.

"Sensei? What's going on?"
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:38 pm

As Yoshimo traveled quickly away from the scene, and out of Sunagakure territory, he could feel Munashii's mental contact. He kept moving on, propelling his chakra forward, faster and faster through the forest. Since they were in his shadow, Yoshimo was the only one that could see where they were going, and the advantages of traveling in a shadow were great, because there was nothing in the world that could slow you down besides a light bomb. They'd be home in no time.

Mental speech was just like physical speech, and Yoshimo sighed deeply, knowing Munashii could hear it.

"The village has been nearly destroyed by demons. It seems as though this mission was planned at the wrong time. We must make it back to help Raikage-sama. Do not worry Munashii. Take advantage of this jutsu and drift off into sleep"

Yoshimo was trying to get Munashii not to focus on the oncoming problem ahead, but he knew that he'd probably as more questions. And he knew he would probably have to answer to them. Kumogakure was Munashii's home just like it was Yoshimo's and there was nothing that he could do to change that. He didn't want him worrying, but now Yoshimo was worrying enough about Kumogakure for the both of them, and being mentally linked, Munashii couldn't help but feel it.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:52 pm

Munashii heard his sensei answer his question, and everything else in his mind seemed to just drop away.

Kumogakure was nearly destroyed...

Slowly and quietly, rage started to build up inside the young Hissori. His home had been attacked. And he had not been there to defend it. Knowing his clansmen, they all would have responded instantly to any threat to the village. That could mean that all of them could be...

His voice loaded with his fury, he asked "Why did they attack us?"
Munashii Hissori
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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:58 pm

Yoshimo could feel the anger that was building up in Munashii, and he knew that it was coming. He had no real answer for the child but he had to tell him something. He had people that he cared about in the village, and Yoshimo hoped on his own life that they hadn't died. Being the only one of his clan, Yoshimo had never felt that kind of connection to other people of the same clan before. Feeling it from Munashii, he knew that it was not only a strong emotion, but an emotion that could bring out the strength in people.

"I have no clue Munashii, I'm burning all my chakra up to get there as quickly as I can. We're about halfway there. I know you are mad, but I can't answer anything. I promise you this, that when I found out who is behind it, I will kill them."

Yoshimo didn't mean on falling back on his word.


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The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning Empty Re: The finding of the ancient coins of sages: the beginning

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:06 pm

*Before the explosion*

Kyouken stands stills as he realize that he would need to absorb Yoshimo's shadows quickly and efficiently. He had Hitoshi, in his shadow snake form come up from behind, the slithering and sliding Hitoshi reaches towards Kyouken and wraps his body around his leg like a coil, a small but deceitful smile had come upon the shadow spirit as he was about to engulf the shadow. But as quick as Hitoshi had appeared over his leg he saw the expression on the man's face, he saw that he was in complete shock as though he had been told of someone's death. Hitoshi eye's slitted like a snake then he saw that there was something odd happening to the man's body. He knew that there was an occurance. Reacting with much haste, Hitoshi's body expanded creating an orb of darkness surrounding Kyouken. Kyouken eyes remain closed through this process

Kudara felt the pressure of a kunai behind him, a small prick of the metal tip did not surprise them at all. This was just another situation dealing with a team. Kudara places a smile on his face and then says

"Byakuya.....Use your kekkei genkai...."

Slowly oozing up from the ground like water spouting out of the a fountain formed the being of Kudara's shadow spirit, Byakuya. Instantly, withouth the thought of Byakuya he takes out his sword and then says

"Enzeru......release state number 3"

His blade begins to scatter into tiny little blades, resembling sakura petals. They begin to encase both Byakuya and Kudara in a pink dome. All in a matter of seconds

*After the explosion*

Hitoshi released the dome in which he had encased his master into. Kyouken runs out, leaving an afterimage of himself. Hitoshi jumps upwards out of the cloud of smoke, looking to find where Kyouken's enemies were at. He looks down and see's whats left of a shadow trail left from the Izoto. Hitoshi smiled wanting to follow but he was not order to do so.

For Byakuya and Kudara, they waited until the smoke had cleared up. The pink sakura petal dome began to blow away forming back into the blade which Byakuya hold. He puts it back into his sheath and looks at Kudara. Kudara somewhat laughs

"My, that was most fun. I havent had something like that happen to me in ages"

"Such a troublesome act" Kyouken replied "It seems they have a bigger issue then just trying to handle me. Looks like there village was attack, simular to our villages being attack only this village"

"You think so?" Kudara questioned

"I know so....."
Kyouken Uchiha
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