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Finding the Curiass

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Finding the Curiass Empty Finding the Curiass

Post by Zen Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:24 pm

Zen then soon arrived in the village hidden in the clouds,he stopped in the middle of the street taking out the map and looking over it following the directions to the Curiass. He went down another alleyway seeing another trap door opening it and heading down into the cave"jeez are everyone of these armor peices in a cave?"Zen thought. As he went down the pathway he was met with various doors 5 doors to be exact,he crossed his arms"hmm...well normally only one of these doors has the thing I need the rest has a death trap,so guess I need to be careful with this.."Zen thought. The wolf ninja then went up to the first door opening it seeing a dark room with no light,he raised an eyebrowl and started walking in as he then jumped back and rolled to the side dogding arrows shot at him as they hit the wall.

"Well...guess that wasn't it"Zen thought,he then looked at the 4 remaining doors he went over to the 2nd to the last one and opened it up. He walked in getting furthar this time and he sighed hoping that this was the right door,but his ears then perked up as he heard some sort of rumble. The wolf ninja then looked straight ahead and his right eye widened as a gaint hammer came towards him,he quickly ran towards the door and dove out of the way as the hammer graze him even though it didn't touch him the wind force from it did.

Now there were only 2 doors left and he had to choose one of them,he stared at them trying to decide on which to choose. "Left or right?..."Zen thought,he then went over to the left one grabbing the handle and hesitating for a momment before opening it up.

He was met with a bright flash of light which blinded him somewhat,but as it died down he saw the curiass on a stone wall hanged up. Zen walked up to it and grabbed it carefully off the wall setting it on his shoulder and disappeared outside in the alleyway he was in before. Once outside he carefully wrapped up the greeves and the curiass before placing them in his jacket and disappearing for the next armor peice.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Finding the Curiass Empty Re: Finding the Curiass

Post by Jacksanto Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:36 pm

Akira, being the curious but cautious man he is noticed the man enter the village and check a map and thought to himself, "heh maybe this one will have some money avaliable.. or some job for me to do". Akira would chuckle a bit, pushing his glasses up his face to avoid them falling off. He would then glance up and down the street as he watched the man go to an alleyway as he put his hood up and followed slowly but as not to lose the man.

Akira would reach the alley way and hear the sounds of arrows striking rock and dirt.Akira then dashed into the tunnel with caution, gripping his hidden kunai as he heard other noises, soon coming upon the room being blinded temporarily as the man opened the door, Akira quick to look away making a slight noise of "pain" which he knew from his studies that it was just his eyes attempting to adjust to the light rapidly causing his nerves to freak out and assume pain.

When Akira looked back up he noticed the man was gone as he slowly walked up to the door that had the blinding light. Akira then searched the rest of the room for the man before quitting and exiting through the tunnel back into the alleyway seeking for any information that may lead to where, or who, that man was and what he was after.


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Age : 30
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