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Search for the Coins, Sendo gets a step closer

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Search for the Coins, Sendo gets a step closer Empty Search for the Coins, Sendo gets a step closer

Post by Guest Mon May 11, 2009 6:30 pm

OOC: Sorry has to be done iin Oto and there is no thread and this is the best place to put it as of now.

Sendo crossed the border into rice country at last. It had been a long awaited journey, but only the first stop in his quest to invoke one of the deadliest men alive or dead, or anywhere in between. He was after the third coin in his collection. Thus far he had in his possession the mind and blood coins, both of which worked together to allow his to surpass the already loose limitations of his being and consciousness. But however much was granted to him by these two priceless objects, he would never be satisfied until he used them and there brethren creations to invoke the one who had made this whole thing possible.

He noticed there were poppy fields aplenty in the area, even as he neared the fist village he had seen since coming here. He was moving at an extremely fast pace, and had already traveled a good mile though having only entered the area two minutes ago. The poppy fields gave off an amazing aroma and sensation that he assumed was only detectable to him because of the mind coins influence. Normally such things would have escaped his notice, as it would for most normally people as well. He was truly blessed that the blood coin had “chosen” him, though he suspected more so that they had chosen each other.

He slowed his pace as he neared the village, it would be pointless setting off whatever guard may have been patrolling in or around the community. If they were skilled enough they would see him for what he was, but he doubted this highly. That was only something he would suspect from shinobi from the five great nations, not a speck of the map such as places with in the bounds of the Rice Country. With in minutes he was in and off on the hunt for his precious target. It shouldn’t take to long. He then realized where he was, this was the place where a few of the members of the Fuuma clan resided. It made sense to him suddenly then. It would be in possession of one of them, as they would be the only suitable defense that he could think would possibly be found in this place. The mind coin had brought him here, and now reassured him of his suspicions. Unfortunately it could not tell him all, but it could lead him down the correct path, which was much better than wondering aimlessly.

It did not take him long to find the ones he was sure he was after. He entered what looked to be the most successful bar in the area. There were more people in this part of town than what he could sense was in the rest of the village. The math solved itself in this instance. As he entered he opened up his mind to those around him, searching for that familiar feel of the Fuuma clan. He had once encountered an entire ban of them, and they had a distinct aura about them that was detectable even with out the mind coin. They had all walked away from that, as that was during an instance during his times in Konoha, back when he was still a good little boy, but he still remembered the feel.

There was a group of four in the southwest corner. Using his mind he alerted one of them of his presence. It was a fairly simple thing for him to do, and with in a few moments he could see the targeted one excuse himself and begin on his way over to him. Now that he had baited and set the trap, he quickly found himself upon the roof top of the building he had been in moments ago. The Fuuma clansman was moments behind him. “Who ar………,” was all he could get out before he was suddenly overwhelmed in agony as the pool of acidic blood he had so foolishly landed in began to eat away at his feet, and rose quickly to destroy his entire body. Sendo appeared behind him and covered his mouth with a broad hand, quickly relieving him of the conversion coin with his other. Sendo was very unimpressed with the level of ability this man and how little difficulty he had been given. The man now lay in a puddle of dissolved material along with the pool of acid which was contained from eating the roof as well by a layer of basic substance of his own making.

He flipped the coin as he had with the mind coin when he had retrieved it and watched its glint in the afternoon sun. As it lowered back down into his palm, he caught the reflection of the other three arriving on the roof from the wall behind him. He quickly turned to face them. They would have to die. There was no way around it. They wasted no time as strands of their arcane clan’s technique branched forwards towards him to ensnare him and destroy him in the most eloquent way. Sendo had always enjoyed the principal behind their technique, it was beautifully deadly, and Sendo envied them for it, but he had his own standard from which they would suffer the same basic fate as their friend.


Ten minutes later he was on his way through the poppy fields of rice country, this time in the opposite direction. The whole process had taken him twenty five minutes, a new record. In his belt now sat the third coin, and he was one step closer to facing that man. It would not be much longer now that he had gathered enough information, and the speed at which he managed to get each new coin would only increase as the amount he had in his possession as they would each assist him. By the time he was ready and activated all of them to their fullest, he would have achieved yet another level of power, but it was possible that it would cost him his life. It was a price he was willing to pay.


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