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The Beginning

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The Beginning Empty The Beginning

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:01 am

A High powered aura filled Konoha as a Genin from the mist arrived. This boy, seemed different than most, but it was over looked, because as soon as someone had seen him, they could no longer feel the aura. The boy would laugh every now and then, because he was good at confusing people. He then smelled the air, and could smell fire. This boy loved all types of fire, no matter how big or small. He flicked his fingers and began to run towards the fire that he had smelled, and on the way, made a little bit of his own, with a passing trade cart. "How I love the use of fire." As he reached his goal he stopped in laughed. "Seems like you are having a bit of trouble." He walked over to a boy, failing at a fire jutsu.


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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:51 am

Kratos was out in the training fields, practicing his fire jutsu. He wanted to get his fireballs bigger, as he practiced everyday out in the field. He blew anther fireball, and it was bigger than the last one, as the pulled his fingers away from his mouth. Kratos began to hear footsteps, as he thought someone had been watching him the whole time. He turned around once he heared a child's voice talking to him, as he looked at the short, brown haired child. "Im not having any troubles."He said in a stern and deep tone, "What brings you here?"He asked, needing of answers.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:17 pm

"I guess the fire just had brought me here, I love fire." He smirked and as he said he was not having problems he laughed. "Those fireballs aro so small it's not even funny." He made a few hand signs and then blew out a gaintic fireball, almost ten times as big as the one Kratos made. "And thats not even the good one." He smiled and then put his hand on his chin. "How about, I teach you?" He reached for his sword and smiled. "I don't do this often, so you better say yes." He walked over to Kratos. "Because if you don't, you missing a chance to get trained by the best fire ninja, alive."


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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:05 pm

Kratos watched the child as he blew out a fireball; it was large, very impressive. He went wide eyed as the fireball grew even bigger, as it then faded down and dispersed into ember. He sighed and said, "Nice..."he then looked at the boy, "Thats pretty impressive, for a small boy as yourself."He said with a chuckle. He heared his proposal and smirked, 'I could use some work on my fire jutsu..."He said to himself and thought about it for a moment. "Alright, you got yourself a... Student, I assume."Kratos said and held out his hand, "Im Kratos Aurion, by the way."
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:53 pm

Faia smiled as Kratos had introduced himself. "Well, thats not all. I gotta so you something, big." He lead Kratos out of the village and looked around for a spot where he could show him, where no one would see. He saw a spot and nodded. "Over this way." He began laughing and his voice did slowly change. "Wanna know why I can do that jutsu?" He smiled and looked at him. "Well, here is another." His eyes soon turned into fire, and a huge ring of fire formed around the two. "Nice, eh?" He began to laugh as he began to change. "Oh, one last thing. I'm a GOD!" He began to change into his God form, laughing. It was already easy to firgue out which God he was, the God of fire.


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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:03 pm

Kratos followed Faia, as he walked behind him. He sighed, hoping the place where the boy was taking him was accually worth it. Once they were out of the village, he began to get suspicious of the boy, hoping he wasnt up to devious plans. Once they both got to the spot, he heared Faia's somewhat odd confession, "A God... Eh?"He asked and looked at the boy's eyes, seeing how they turned a red and flaming like glow. 'Whats up with this kid...?'Kratos thought as he let Faia continue to do an odd transformation like jutsu as he saw the ring of fire appear benieth them.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:00 am

The God clapped his hands together and began to laugh. "It seems you want to improve on your fire element. I can do just that for you, with some training, and this." He spreaded his fingers out and then a monemt later thrusted both arms out towards Kratos.. He then started saying some things that seemed like nothing, but it really was a way for Gods to speak. The voice had a sort of power behind it. He rasied his right hand up towards the sky and flames began to engul Kratos. "Do not frieght, those flames will not harm you...much." He laughed and as the Flames consumed Kratos, he disappeared. When the flames ran out, Kratos was nowhere to be found. Soon later, they appeared in what seemed but a pit of flames all around. "This is my home land. You shall never step foot here again."


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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:05 am

Kratos stayed calm as the God spoke to him, as he couldnt understand what he was saying. When flames began to emit from his own body, he looked at his hand and his eyes went wide open. It didnt burn at all, as he was slightly confused by the jutsu; was it Genjutsu, or ninjutsu? He then closed his eyes for a second and opened them, seeing how he was in a pit of flames, when he looked to his side to see the God again. "W-What are you going to do with me?"He asked in a nervous but wanting to know tone.

Last edited by Kratos Aurion on Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : damn darkred color isnt working)
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:15 am

Infreno looked at Kratos. "Well, I will just show you what I am going to do with you." He began moving his hands all around and flames circled around Kratos, making a complelte copy of him. The only thing that was different from the two, was the copy was stronger and had different eyes. The God rushed towards Kratos and quickly removed his right eye. He took the clone and force his whole body into the eye socket. As he did so, the clone changed into an eyeball, which had great power. Inferno laughed and then they both appeared back were they first stood. "You know have the power of the Satan eye, everytime you use it, your left eye will slowly be consumed by the other, then you will be able to learn the second form of the eye. But I cannot teach you it, only two Gods in exists can. The God of Lightning and the God Darkness." He laughed and disappeared.


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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:25 am

Kratos then opened both his eyes, seeming if everything was just a dream. His right eye began to sting a bit, as he cupped his right hand over it. "Wha.. Huh?"He asked, but it was too late. The child and the Godlike creature was gone. He looked around with his left eye, as he closed his right eye and tore off leather from his sleeve, then wrapped it around his forehead and dropped it down his right eye. He was able to only see from his left eye, now having to get used to the new vision. "Wonder whom this... Lightning God is..."
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:32 am

Faia appeared behing Kratos. "Alright, now that you have the Satan eye, lets see how well you use Fire jutsu, in a firece battle. You always train before using a jutsu in any battle." He took out both of his Katanas and smirked. "I might be only using these two swords only, while you do whatever you wise to defeat me. Igt for now it's these only." He smirked and rushed towards Kratos with his sowrds, swing at his head and his chest. "You gotta firgue out, when the time is right." He laughed. "And also, finding the God of Lightning would be a bad thing."


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The Beginning Empty Re: The Beginning

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:41 am

Kratos had listened to what Faia had said, as he felt ripples in the earth slide under his feet, knowing he was coming at him. He turned around and took out his Flamberge, beginning to collide his blade with the child's. This kid was good at Kenjutsu, but Kratos would have to keep up to find out what he was really made of. He then leaped back and began to focus fire chakra into his blade, causing it to turn red and lava like. He then ran back at Faia, dragging his blade down into the earth as it ripped through the soil, then swinging it up with full force, "Blazing Uppercut!"He shouted as the blade came close to which it seemed it could shred Faia in half.
The Beginning Kratos3
OOC: Hehe had to use the pic
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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