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Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read*

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Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read* Empty Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read*

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:02 am

Ok guys, i'd like to point out that those posts we saw from Shinjin before hand, were not of his full potential. Even with such short posts, even someone like me, could see the quality within the writing.

I don't know what any of you others think, but i know what i think. If there is anyone on this siyte that should be a Jounin, he is one of them by far.

Shinjin Necros wrote:"Ughhhh..."Shinjin groaned as he stirred from the his slumber. Deep creases lined his flesh from where he lay, on the cold hard ground of an endless plain of tall grass. Surrounding him was the small and scattered remains of an abandoned crypt. With his eyes still closed he released his first real breath in atleast 10 yrs. He slowly started to come to, as his memories surfaced in a dreamy haze, dancing around in vague shadows of those whose names he knew well, but their faces had already dimmed from the years spent in hibernation. Just as one of the more familiar, beloved faces started to come through, a musty gust of cold soil was inhhaled sharply into his nostrels...

Shinjins eyes shot wide open, which didnt do any good, his eyes hadnt processed real sunlight in over a decade. Shinjin then started gasping for air, taking in sharp, quick gusts of air, until his lungs were stretched out, his nose full of the scent of the cold ground, eventually his breathing became regular. His breathing pumped his lazy bloodstream more regularly, and finally, after listening to his heart pound like a war drum, his eyes recieved thier strength. The darkness faded to crimson, and the crimson lifted to an overwhelming glare, which eased gradually until his vision came into a clear focus.

Still lying on the ground, Shinjin felt the dirt crusted on his cheeks. He was probably filthy. But that didnt matter. He loved the smell of the soil, of its cold embrace...and speaking of embrace...Shinjin was completely nude. Next to his body was an assortment of, remians. Skulls, femurs, ribcages, digits, spines, all sprawled about carelessly. With a wave of his hand , each piece of remains flew at Shinjin, and then, with many snapping, cracking, and popping, each one fit itself over his naked flesh, covering his loins first, then his torso, followed by the upper thighs, and then his fore-arms. Each one snapping, and molding itself to the contours of his skin...this continued on, until a total of five whole skeletons worth of bone had been infused over his flesh

Finally, Shinjin sat up, and in doing so, his spine gave several cracks of its own. Yes... Shinjin thought to himself. This is the old crypt of my ancestors, hidden in the plains of the tall grass, between the 2 great villages... Shinjin arose and stood on his feet This was the hard part. Making the muscles work the way they were supposed to. The first steps were a little wobbly..but eventually, after a few minutes, it was just like remembering how to ride a bike. After a few strides, Shinjin looks down at his undead bone armor...Smiling now, he gently strokes his left fore-arm with a single finger playfully, then straightens his left arm out in front of him, now grinning wider and wider. In an instant, a sharpened bone-blade emerges fluidly from the bone arm-bad with several loud snappings and crackles....And yet, before Shinjin can enjoy himself too much, his faces falls into a scowl.

Turning around at break-neck speed, Shinjin spots a figure standing serenely behind him. By instinct, with severl pops and cracks, a full skeleton, up to the torso, emerges from the armor and silently screams at the stranger...Shinjin cocks and eyebrow, "And you would be?"

From what I am reading, there is quality and quantity.

This is of Jounin level.

This might seem rather odd to you, and what i am about to say is a complete rarity, but his writing excites me. The adrenaline rush and excitement i used to get from RPing has not appeared within me for over 2 years, and this... makes me want to write. As crazy as it seems... I am not lying. He's good. better than i had at first expected him to be, and i believe that there is yet more to come.

This goes without saying, Shinjin, I wish to RP with you myself, Using my Kage levelled Character, Jinkai, in a Taijutsu battle with weaponry and no Jutsu included. Will you guys accept this?

Of course I will allow Kaji and Shinjin to continue, but i want to RP with him. Will you guys allow me to do so? Do you guys approve of that?

Does any of you agree with me when I say he should be Jounin? I know this may be stupid, but he had the decency to apologise for what he did wrong, however I don't think anyone had the right to say that he wasn't Jounin level without seeing his full potential first. If each post is like this, I'm going to be, rather happy.

Consider joining Mist Shinjin... I would love to have a Jounin within my village that RP's as you do, besides the fact that we are low on a few good RPers that are of higher rank. Please consider! No pressure intended.


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Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read* Empty Re: Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read*

Post by Zen Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:02 am

Can't jugde a book by its cover Jinkai Razz and we still have our fight to do you know. But anyhow I agree with ya on that,I just don't get his bloodline and how its written out...wait nvrm hes changed it so it makes sense now lol.
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Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read* Empty Re: Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read*

Post by Shini Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:56 pm

This is very impressive to be honest.

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Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read* Empty Re: Shinjin's RP Sample. *please read*

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:21 pm

I agree. It is very impressive.


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