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Pakse's RP Sample

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Pakse's RP Sample Empty Pakse's RP Sample

Post by Paksennarion Sun May 31, 2009 1:39 am

OOC - Blatantly ripped off from another RP sample I wrote and also blatantly ended rather abruptly. XP

Paks skimmed the mission file, committing to memory the mission parameters. Her eyes flickered to the side, spotting her assigned teammate. Tetsu was lounging bonelessly against the nearest wall, his own eyes lazily scanning the room. There wasn’t any particular reason to be on guard, the room was inhabited by the Kusakage, a collection of the Village Elders and a handful of civilian clients. The fact that Tetsu was on guard anyway was one of the reasons Paks found his presence tolerable.

She finished digesting the information on the scroll, rolling it up with a flick of the wrist. Setting it on the low table in front of the Kusakage Paks inclined her head ever so slightly, all the signal the Kage needed. She turned and walked over to Tetsu, moving past him without a word knowing that he would take her lead and leave the room.

They walked quietly, in tandem, for several minutes. Passing through the guards at the Village border without issue. Paks held herself vigilantly, her eyes constantly roving as she stretched her senses as far as they would go. Tetsu beside her did the same. They worked well together, a well oiled machine. He had been on her ANBU team for part of her duration there.

They had specific coordinates to find this gang of shinobi, but Paks hated to rely on something that was so easily changed. If these shinobi were anything other than idiots they would no more likely stay in one spot then they would attack Tsuru head on. It would be better to use a grid pattern of surveillance and cover the general area near the given coordinates.

They continued on their way, leaping through the heavily wooded area they were now in. Every Tsuru-nin was at home in the trees, it came from living in the midst of a jungle. You either learned forestry quickly, or you died from the many surprises the jungle held. Pushing off a rather large tree branch, Paks leapt through the air. Her thighs burnt in a comfortable manner as the physical action warmed her up.

Landing quietly Paks paused, her body crouched on a leafy tree limb. Tetsu landed in a tree next to her, his eyes trained on the same thing she was staring at. A wooden structure was hidden in the canopy ahead of them. In spite of herself Paks felt rather awed at the skill that went into hiding the place. She could feel the chakra signatures of five shinobi inside the building. This was it.

Her right hand slid through the air, fingers curling as she signaled to Tetsu. At the same time they both moved, their bodies flickering out of sight. Paks scaled the tree she had been in, easily jumping from the highest branch to the roof of the small structure. It was simple enough to spread her weight out and land silently, tucking her body into a roll so as to lessen the impact.

Slipping down one of the walls, Paks kicked her feet into the one window. As she had assumed, the window was the main lookout for the shinobi inside, her feet connected with the current guards face, bowling him over as she slid into the room. Quickly darting away from the one downed man, Paks looked around. The four other shinobi had all turned at the commotion and were now edging towards her.

Paks resisted the urge to smile as they tried to box her in. There was a reason this was a B rank. Tetsu’s form soon appeared behind her as he easily moved to cover her back. Both knew how the other would act, easily covering each other’s weak points. Paks felt a rush of adrenaline as she stared down the enemy shinobi. Five against two were pretty good odds, and she trusted in her’s and Tetsu’s ability. This would be easy, if not somewhat monotonous. She brushed some hair back behind an ear, the action disguising the senbon that dropped into her hand, released from their positions amongst her hair.

Paks drew a kunai, drawing back as if startled by the number of opponents. The one she had knocked down earlier was getting to his feet, and she threw her kunai at him. Her other hand moved slightly, the barest of movements as she sent four senbon flying towards the other four enemies. They were her special senbon, thinner and made of a special metal so as to not reflect light. In the dim lighting of the hideout they were nearly undetectable.

Without waiting to see if her projectiles had scored a hit, Paks moved to slide forward, attempting to throw a heavy handed punch at the nearest shinobi. Before her attack could land however, a cold burning sensation suddenly spread from her right side. Paks’ eyes flew downward, spotting the crimson blood which was quickly spreading from the gash that now bloomed against her hip. Whirling, Paks jumped back just barely dodging the sword jab that was intended to impale her.

Tetsu stood their brazenly, a bloody katana held aloft in one hand. He grinned, “Ah. It appears I moved too slowly Paks-senpai. That first blow was supposed to cut you in half.” His grin grew wider, and Paks entertained the notion that he was under some sort of Genjutsu. But the look in his eyes would have shot that thought down if she hadn’t know the truth herself. “Mhm… That’s a pity,” he drawled before lunging at her again.

Six against one was worse odds. Paks danced back, managing to keep away from Tetsu’s blade. Still, he harried her enough that it was a near thing, the tip of his katana nicking her flesh in several places. The minor sting was nothing compared to the emotions that flooded Paks’ mind. She was an idiot. Falling for something like this. When she got the change to look around, Paks saw that her senbon had indeed found their marks. The downside to that being that the shinobi they hit ended up being Kage Bunshin, the smoke lingering after their dispersal as if to mock Paks.

The shinobi she had knocked over earlier had dodged the kunai from before, and was now forming a long string of seals. Derision narrowed Paks’ vision as she glared hotly at Tetsu. He scored another hit, the katana slashing a shallow cut along her upper arm. Well damn. This situation wasn’t exactly the best. She could no longer sense the aura’s of the missing four shinobi, meaning they were out there somewhere setting up a trap most likely. If she was to kill these two and leave there was a strong likelihood that she would be ambushed.

Tetsu scored another hit, his blade scoring a slash along her chest. As the blood beaded Paks snarled. She swiped a hand along the gash in her side, coating it in blood. Flicking her hand out, the blood flew through the air to land on Tetsu. She missed his face. Too bad. Almost immediately the blood began to sizzle and hiss as it began to eat through his skin. Tetsu screamed, and his flow of attacks paused.

Paks took the chance and darted out the same window she had come from. The mission orders had been to kill the five shinobi, however with the current turn of events that would be impossible. According to protocol she should return back to Tsuru and report the betrayal of Tetsu. Perhaps if she was lucky she would be included in the group sent to kill him.

Swallowing her anger and thrusting it back, deep, deep down where all of Paks’ other irritants fostered, she raced away from the scene, one hand pressed against the wound on her side to stem the blood flow.

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