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Kiyoshi's RP Sample

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Kiyoshi's RP Sample Empty Kiyoshi's RP Sample

Post by Guest Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:47 pm

Kiyoshi sat on top a tree branch, just outside the perimeter of the village of mist. What a low ranked shinobi like him was doing outside his village? Well, nothing had been happening inside mist village lately. He hadn't gone out on any missions as well. The only active thing he was doing now lately, was pulling Night, his blood brother out of fights. Yes, after all this years, Night still got in fights. You'd think he'd stop by now, but he hadn't. He ruffled his dark blue hair, which was draped over his forehead, blurring out his village head band. He yawned lightly, out of boredom. He now stood up on the tree branch, tucking his hands into his pockets. He then leaped from the tree branch he was standing on, and onto a closer one, trying to think up a more fun activity.

Just then, he heard ruffling beneath him. He frowned, turning around to check out where he heard the ruffling sound from, which was beneath him of course. There, a shinobi stood. An outlaw. He had a grin on his face, and a Kunai pulled out. He chuckled, bounding from the ground, and onto a tree branch, now standing opposite from where Kiyoshi stood. Kiyoshi just peered at the shinobi, not bothered one bit by his presence. Kiyoshi yawned lightly, taking his hands out of his pockets. " I'm gonna go ahead and assume you are here to kill me, correct? " The shinobi grinned wildly, amused by Kiyoshi's calm, care free attitude. Kiyoshi shrugged, placing his palms together in front of his chest, he began performing hand seals. Without hesitation, the shinobi leaped from his tree branch, launching at Kiyoshi, his arm up above his head, as if he was about to hurl the Kunai down at Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi simply bounded backwards from the tree branch he was on, and down to the ground. Just then, a Shuriken came whipping past him. Sliding backwards, he glanced backwards, just to notice there was another shinobi in the area. Now there were two guys trying to kill him? This didn't mean anything to Kiyoshi. And judging by the way they only used weapons, he assumed they were Genins, just as himself. He would come to a stop, leaping up into the air, mere seconds before the other shinobi Kiyoshi had saw whipped his Kunai down at Kiyoshi's spot. Kiyoshi had now released the seal. The two shinobi's, which were now on the ground, ready to launch at Kiyoshi again found themselves overwhelmed with clones of Kiyoshi. 20 to be precise. They weren't shocked, or anything. Kiyoshi, who was now standing on a tree branch noticed they didn't have any facial expression what-so-ever. They weren't shocked or anything, so he knew the shinobi's must've known he was just a mere Genin. Explaining their reactions when they saw the clones.

Whoever sent this men to assassinate Kiyoshi must have known him quite well ... but who would? Kiyoshi's thoughts were interrupted by one of the Shinobi's who had called out to him, " Hey! You got any better techniques than this?! You're starting to bore us, " Kiyoshi groaned, slightly annoyed. He performed a different set of hand seals. Two of the clones would then launch at the Shinobi's. The Shinobi's didn't even move an Inch. The clones would then slash at the Shinobi's, only for the clones to phase through them, bursting into Ink. The two Shinobi's chucked out loudly. Two more clones would then rush at the Shinobi's again, slashing at them in the same pattern the last two did. This time, the two Shinobi's felt the pain of a real Kunai. They were stunned. Time seemed to have frozen for a second, and then, continued. Both Shinobi's held their chest, thinking they would feel a wound around there, but they didn't. They didn't have any evidence on them that proofed that they were slashed, except the pain which surged through their chest of course. This was one of Kiyoshi's best Genjutsu. He wasn't the best at Genjutsus, but it still helped him here.

Kiyoshi, without hesitation, would descend towards the ground, landing on both feet. He reached into his weapon pouch, extracting two Kunais. He would bound up, now soaring above his clones, and the two Shinobi's who were clutching to their chest. He swung his right arm downward, opening up his palm, the two Kunai's he extracted out of his pouch spiralled towards both Shinobi's. They had the whipping sound heading towards them. But before they could react, the Kunais pierced into their left arm. Now, unlike the previous attack Kiyoshi had made with his clones, this one was real. Not an Illusion. Blood gushed down their left arm, the pain which they once felt in their chest suddenly 'vanished', due to the attack Kiyoshi made now. But how? Well, pain was one way of releasing a Genjutsu, excluding the pain the Genjutsu inflicts itself of course. And since the pain they now felt wasn't from the Genjutusu, but from the real world, it thus broke the Genjutsu.

They both cluthed their left arms, leaping backwards. The clones had also vanished as well. Kiyoshi stood, replacing his clones. The Shinobi's new they were no match for Kiyoshi, and so fled, using a Jutsu, Kiyoshi knew nothing off. Well, they'd gone. He had a little fun, but he knew they were going to come back. Yawning lightly, he tucked his hands back into his pockets, and headed towards the gates of mist village. It was stupid staying out here.


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