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Sora(Finished!) Empty Sora(Finished!)

Post by Zen Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:01 pm





Village:Leaf(hes gonna die anyway so figured don't matter)

Apperence:Sora(Finished!) Fae8b35b-2

Personality: Is sometimes agressive and stubborn aswell as impatient on doing things.

History: Sora was born in a small village that really was unoticed in which he attented school and learned but his passion was to leave his home and pratice swordsmanship. When he was only 8 though he did pratice with a wooden sword out in the back of his home,later on though at age 13 he got a real sword a katana in which he has always kept with him. At age 15 he left his small home and traveled all over going through village to village,though one night he got into alittle trouble with a small gang,he was beaten up pretty bad and when he awoke he noticed he was in a hospital. He had some wounds on his body and when he looked over he saw a konoha ninja beside him,though he raised an eyebrowl confused at his apparence. Before he could say anything though Zen spoke first saying he brought him here finding him after coming back to konoha,he then knew what the question was before Sora asked it so he explained his whole clan and such.

Zen and Sora then both noticed eachothers swords and before Zen had a chance to speak Sora blurted out asking if he could train him in kenjutsu,Zen pondered on this for a momment before coming to a descison. He said yes which made Sora extremly happy that he was now gonna get training in kenjutsu from an expert,after awhile he was released from the hospital and baggered Zen on about when the training was going to start. After a long while and also baggering Zen constantly through the streets,Zen finally agreed to start the training,Sora then dragged Zen all the way to the training grounds and drew his sword as he ran towards the wolf ninja. Of course Sora's lack of ability made it easy for Zen to dogde,he then stopped Sora and explained that training will take time and effort,of course Sora was abit of a hot head as he couldn't wait forever to learn how to weild a sword.

Although rather annoyed that his training was going at a slow pace he did use what he learned he did favor Form IV in which he had learned during his training. Although he was trained in the other forms Zen knew he faavored and praticed Form IV more often then the rest of them. After awhile of training Zen thought it would be best for Sora to take the chuunin exams,though reluctent at first Sora accepted and took the exams knowing well that his training would now be put to the test. The first part of the test Sora passed as he was very smart when it came to written exams,though when the second part of the test came it was difficult since he only had kenjutsu while everyone else had ninjutsu and genjutsu. But with his training he completed the task set before him and finished the second part,though having to have some wounds tended after being hit with so many ninjutsu attacks.

When the semi finals came around it was rather easy since it was a closed off area and the only ones left were taijutsu users and some ninjutsu users. After completing the semi-finals he went onto the finals,though when the first match started he had won but he had killed his opponent,which stirred something in him he shook it off though and watched the other fights. He had last his second fight and was pretty mad about it,but seeing the skill he had he was promoted to Chuunin anyway,after that he was so happy till he had a ran in with Zen who seemed very unhappy. Zen wasn't happy that he had killed his opponent,he knew the rules that you can kill your opponent but he just didn't think it was right to do so and he had also noticed something chance in Sora.

But eventually after awhile it passed and Zen forgave Sora of the incident and he continued to train in kenjutsu,of course Sora then drifted back to when he felt that surge of energy go through him when he killed his opponent,he felt the power and he wanted more of it. Of course he knew it would be wrong,to go around and kill without a purpose but he wanted power and he had to wonder if he would get it from Zen or the leaf village. Sora then silently made an agreement with himself when he is done with his training he would leave the village in search of power and then come back and see how proud everyone would be and know that he would defend his new home for a long time.

Zen noticed though that in his training Sora became more agressive with his attacks unlike when he started,and thought that the chuunin exams had changed him into something he knew he was gonna regret. Of course Zen didn't want that to happen to his student,but of course he didn't know how to protect him from gaining power,the wrong type of power in which is evil. Sora however didn't know which from which he just wanted it,and thought maybe he could learn outside of the village and not just from Zen himself.

A few weeks turned into some of the most hardest training Sora could do,though he did not complain he needed to become stronger though when it was done he hadn't felt like he was any stronger then when he started his training. He began to doubt Zen and his teachings but then he relized that it would all pay off one day so he kept working at it,though after awhile he got tired and bored and when he had some time off he looked around for anyone else to see if he could learn things Zen wouldn't teach him.

Speciality: Kenjutsu

Learned jutsu(forms of kenjutsu): Form IV,Gatotsu Ishiki

Elements: None

Weapons: Katana

Goals: To become powerful and defend his new home in konoha.

Last edited by Zen on Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Zen Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:38 pm

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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:40 pm



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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Zen Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:05 pm

Sec...I gotta do an RP sample right? or is that only for the higher characters?
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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:34 pm

Higher up characters
Kyouken Uchiha
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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Zen Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:35 pm

Ah alright then.
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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Zen Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:40 pm

After the year and a half Sora changed somewhat he had learned more Kenjutsu techqinues and continued to learn the Form IV stance to master it completly so no one will beable to beat him when he used it. He had continued to train day in and day out only stopping for sleep and food before going right back into training,he wanted power and he was going to get it anyway that he could. After training all this time for about a week,he then left the village for abit going around to the other villages and seeing what he could pick up from them when he ran across enemy ninja he used this oppurtunity to test out his new kenjutsu and they worked perfectly.

Sora seemed to have turned different,abit more darker and isolated and some ninja from konoha could see that even his mentor. But he himself didn't seem to notice as he was just focused on one thing,power and he didn't care on how he gets it but for now he would train as hard as he could till the time came for him to get what he desired the most. That chance was soon upon him as one day in the village he was met with Kaji,he knew of him from what he had heard and he fought him though not easily defeated Sora guessed it would take all of his skill.

Though even with all of Sora's new skills and techqinues he was beaten,he cursed himself as he was laying on the ground infront of Kaji he looked at him and clutched his sword as he slowly got up ready to attack again,though he was stopped by Kaji and was given a choice. Either die by Kaji or join him and gain the power he wanted but it would mean turning everyone that he knew against him. Sora thought this over and than nodded as he stared at Kaji,his fate now forever sealed in pitch darkness,Kaji stared at his new apprentice and told him that every single ninja in Konoha is now your enemy including his old mentor Zen. With this news found Sora went into a rage,shealthing his sword and going back into Konoha with one thing in mind,to kill his old master.
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Sora(Finished!) Empty Re: Sora(Finished!)

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:17 pm



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