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Sendo Ketsueki (the one left behind)

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Sendo Ketsueki (the one left behind) Empty Sendo Ketsueki (the one left behind)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:41 am

Name: Sendo Ketsueki

Age: 14

Rank: Genin

Village: Leaf

Appearance: Sendo Ketsueki (the one left behind) Blood31

Personality:He is a calm and quite kid, choosing not to say much and normally distancing himself from others. He cares for other though he has difficulty showing or admitting it, even to himself. In contrast he is also very vindictive.

History: Sendo was abandoned in the city streets of Kanoha. No one knew where he came from or who is parents could have been. He was taken in by a few of the city elders and raised and tailored to be fit to become a shinobi. At the age of 10 he was enrolled into the academy. It was something that he resented very greatly. He had no wish to fight, he wished only to seek out his family and to find why he had been abandoned like he had. He could have easily graduated with in the first year if he had wanted to, but instead, for spite, he purposefully failed the graduation exam three times in a row.

Recently, his mentality began to change. Instead of feeling sad over how he had been left behind, he began to have feelings of hate and anger towards his family. He also began to resent the elders for forcing him into becoming a shinobi. Secretly vowing to seek vengeance on the elders and his family, whoever they were, he made an effort and successfully graduated from the academy. His training has intensified and now he is working toward his goals of vengeance.

Learned jutsus: Free will Explosion, Whip of Water, Electromagnetic Murder, False Darkness, Sword of draining.

Weapons/items: Kunai and explosive tags.

Goals: Find out where he came from.


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Sendo Ketsueki (the one left behind) Empty Re: Sendo Ketsueki (the one left behind)

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:38 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Join date : 2008-11-21
Location : Floridian

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