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Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death)

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Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death) Empty Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death)

Post by Jin Chisoku Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:38 pm

Well, with the issue of death continuing to arise, I'm finally going to establish some rules about it, because frankly they are needed.

First, with the issue of Resurrections, there are two forms of a res (the short term for it): 1) Impure Res, the same concept of Orochimaru's jutsu, it requires a human shell i.e a human body, and it must have the ability to preform the same justsu as the user would if they were in the shell, meaning the blood line jutsu can not be preformed unless the body has been prepaired to do so, implying that more than one body may be needed. This res will only last for a small amount of time, 3 days at the most. This form of resurrection reqiures a lot of time and prep, and it must be seen to preform. Meaning, if an admin didn't see you prepare a body for this jutsu or action, it ain't happening. 2) A normal res, this requires someone that is spiritualy atuned, the only ones we know of now are Jin Chisoku, Kyouken Uchiha. The list will be updated as I am informed on all of the spiritualy atuned users. These users are connected to the other realm of the afterlife, and have some power in that realm, enough to help transfer the other person's spirit back into another shell, or the former shell, and keep it there. They may require certain things done, but it varies from user to user.

Ok, now we are going to speak about placement after death, meaning when you die, where you go. Limbo or Purgatory, the only place in which someone is retrieve their spirit with out losing all memory and starting with another human body, will only be for those who ask, and prove a case as to why they should be allowed to. If they do not do so, they will not be allowed to be placed in Limbo.

If someone goes to Heaven, or Hell, they will not be allowed to be res'd in the same shell, and with the same knowledge they did prior to passing away.

Spirits, well, this is simple, depending apon what you are, human, or "higher", you are allowed certain things, such as: being placed in Heaven, Hell, Limbo (which is in Hell), or Purgatory. Anything else, such as animals, are not allowed such placements. So, for all you pet lovers, know, when they die, they're dead.

The list of users with spiritual atunement, will be posted later when all of the user's are confirmed.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death) Empty Re: Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death)

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:42 pm

We need to establish what realms there are beyond death. I've come to the conclusion that we can accept three as the "offical" forms of the Afterlife: 1.Judeo-Christian *Heaven, 'Purgatory', Hell, 2.Greek/Roman afterworld *Large realm, collection fo spirits sectioned off in three seprate cat. Good/Normal/Punished*, 3. Stage of Enlightenment *Loose interpetation of Buddhism*

1. Heaven, a collection of Angels and three beings collectivly known as the Trinity*The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit*. With them are the good beings, people who followed truth to the very end. **'Purgatory', a place between Heaven and Hell, were people who simply fell short of the glory of what could have been*. Hell, the place were all those who have fallen, this is place where demons reside as well thier leader, lucifer.

2. A world that is seperated into three massive sections: Warriors/Good-people who fought for good reasons, and people of good traits, Normal-people that simply lived, and Punished-those that commited works of evil and are forced to complete impossible tasks for enternity.

3. Stage of Enlightenment, you join a collective spirit, and have the ability to come back, if willed by the guardians of this plane of exsistance.

** I have let this become a broad category, so a selected few can fall under this title.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death) Empty Re: Resurrections and Spirits (Anything Concerning Death)

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:58 pm

Stuff like that shouldn't be added into the religion of things...You can have him as a side study. These are RL things being put into the Naruto/Ninja Nation Universe we have here.

And you being able to Resurrect things should be approved by Jin and GN.


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