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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:24 pm

Ooc: We gotta have our fight man ive been itching for it. Ill use kaji and only blades. You can use whatever you want. You may choose between munashii or the raikage. It dosent matter to me whoever you feel most comfortable with. P.S. Kaji is S rank. (even though his profile says genin)

A man in white robes walked each step light and very delicate. Only once was a sound heard and this was the snapping of a twig when the man stopped. His robes moved delicatly with the light wind. The sun shined above the man his white hair shining from the light.

The man's face held a smile so sadistic that the devil himself would guiver in fear. The man's eye were closed and seemed only 2 slits in the mans face. The mans arms moved to his sides parting his robes to reveal 2 sheiths. He pulled both blades out of the sheiths and held them at his sides.

He felt the prescense of another and he awaited the move to be made.

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:54 am

OOC: I think I'll use Henshin, since he's closer to that power level. This should prove to be fun!

Henshin saw the man in white robes, although he could not see him. Since he was transparent and had reduced his chakra emmissions to the level of a squirrel, there was no way for the man to sense or see him. He watched his foe as he walked, and Henshin drew a kunai out of it's holster. The very brief and quiet noise caused his prey to stop. Well well, White-Robe's senses must be almost as sharp as his own. Let's see how he handles those blades, Henshin though, drawing out ten kunai, looping them around his fingers and thumbs.

With a deft flick of his wrists, he sent five of the kunai straight at him. The other five he put a curl on, sending them around and aiming for his left flank. Henshin repositioned himself so that he was out of the line of fire when a counter-attack was made. If he was lucky the man might think there were two enemies, and Henshin would take advantage of that.

The way he blocked or evaded these attacks would make it a lot easier for Henshin to read his moves in the future. He watched as the kunai sped towards his target...
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:14 pm

Kaji smirked as he heard the searing of the air patterns change first from his right then from his left. He felt the kunai's paths and how it curves around he then knew where the enemy was. He had two choices block them and divulge his style or let them hit him and take damage. Kaji being who he is just stood there.

His smirk grew bigger as the pain was rendered through his body as each seperate kunai hit the side of his stomach. He loved it the first strik had been made and now it was time for his counter attack. Kaji moved his right arm outwards aiming towards the general area of the opponent. The blade was small and it looked like it wouldnt do anything.

However that all changed when kaji spoke a simple sentence. "Shoot to kill" Instantly the blade shot out a white chakra that stabbed through numerous tree's. The blade was to low to cause the man any damage but however it did not dissapate and kaji moved his arm back and forth from left to right cutting down tree's wich started to fall every wich way clearing the area hoping to cause the opponent to come into the open.

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:18 pm

Henshin was nowhere near the trees that White-Robe destroyed, which was for the best. He watched as the trees were annailated, glad that at least that kind of jutsu would quickly drain chakra.

Thinking fast, Henshin created an earth clone, made him invisible and sent him in to attack the enemy. He wanted to see how this guy moved, and that did not include taking the blows without a flinch. Kunai attaks were out of the question, since they apparently did very little damage, if any at all, but the clone threw a few shuriken at the target before invisibly closing and silently begining the attack.

Meanwhile, Henshin stayed back and watched, wondering how the man would react to an invisible opponent, and how he would defend himself. The clone had virtually all the same quailties as Henshin himself, sword skill, speed, the Keiji. It would be like fighting the Raikage himself, with a few minor differences. It would be an interesting match.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:09 pm

'Kaji' smirked as the shuriken flew at him he felt the airways change as the zoomed towards him. He jumped up his hand throwing the sword it carried up in the air and then coming down to grab the shuriken and flip forward to send the shuriken shoot towards the clone that was coming for him. He then put his hand in the air grasping the blades handle as it point down from coming down. He then awaited his opponents next move as the kunai that were ledged in him fell out and hit the ground. His smirk grew even more devilish.

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:27 pm

'Henshin' used his sword to deflect the incoming shuriken back towards their intended target with a couple of swift wrist flicks, without even blinking. He carried on going towards White-Robe, his sword at the ready. The clone landed pretty much in his opponent's face, bringing his sword down upon his foe with all his strength and the force of his momentum.

Meanwhile, the real Henshin, still invisible, noiselessly shifted his position, getting closer and further around his opponents back. Slamming his sword into the ground, a dome shot up around his clone and White-Robe. Incased in this dome, his target could not flee, and his clone could attack without fear of outside interference. There was very little that could break through this dome, and even those destructive beams he emited would need a some time before they could break through. And with his clone inside with him, it would take some time before he could get around to that. And if his clone was defeated, the real Henshin would learn a few more useful things about his target.

Inside the dome the clone would attack White-Robe in the Swift Strikes stance, utilised to wear an opponent down. How long he would last, only time could tell.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:51 pm

'Kaji' smirked as he poofed away leaving the clone alone in the dome.

The true Kaji stood againts the wall looking at the real henshin through closed eyes. He had made noise and now he was screwed. Kaji mouthed his phrase and the white blast of chakra shot from the blade heading towards Henshin's back at outstanding speeds. Kaji had sent a kunai in the blast that if the kunai came close this would be over as the chakra thread would jump onto the man and attach to his inner organs and this would be over.

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:57 pm

The instant Henshin saw White-Robe poof away, he knew that he'd been had. An attack would be made now. Move, move, MOVE!

He had just gotten out of the way when another white beam blasted through the trees, cutting through them like butter. Now that he knew Henshin had seen the attack, he would doubtless try something different with the attack. Holding his sword close to him defensively, waiting for the hidden attack. With his keen eyesight, he saw something move inside the beam. Drawing out a shuriken, he threw it to intercept and kept moving backwards, away from the attack.

Waving his sword infront of him, several blasts of flame flew towards the origins of the white chakra. Still invisible, Henshin followed the blasts quickly and silently, with nothing giving away his position. Drawing out a scroll, he summoned a murder of crows, bursting through the trees and questing for the enemy. Upon finding him, they would attack as one, relentlessly pounding him with their iron-clad beaks and claws, tear at his fleash. Meanwhile, the clone 'Henshin' would use the Doton Ken to open a hole beneath White-Robe. At the same time, while he was thrown off-balance by the sudden lack of ground, the see-through and silent Henshin would use Suro-katon, the flamethrower jutsu, to burn his opponent while he was scrambling for purchase on the ground.

Finding his opponent, he put the plan into action. While the crows attacked, 'Henshin' slammed his blade into the ground, opening up a hole beneath White-Robe. At the same time, the real Henshin activated the Suro-katon and sent a cone of super-hot fire at his foe.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:06 pm

Kaji's stood as the man dodged he twitched his finger and instantly the kunai flew out of the beam hitting the shuriken making it bounce away the kunai hitting the ground as the string detacched from the kunai and was silently and almost unseeably flying towards the raikage. It slithered across the ground quickly like a snake.

Kaji still stood againts the rock as the crows came. His smirk was still there as his blade was missing from his hand. he then muttered as a phrase was stated "Release 1 million blades of light, Shinso"

Instantly from above 368 pure white blades fell from the air that wou impale the birds. The blades dug into the ground that wasnt near the holee and stacked in a way that created a sheild around kaji that the fire impacted on and just dispersed. Kaji standing on the blades almost like glue.

His hands reached into his pocket and had began to pull out set of ear buds that were connected not to far down a black string that dissapeared into his robe pocket. He placed the earbuds into each one of his ears and was ready for his next act.

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Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death) Empty Re: Munashii vs Kaji (ooc fight to the death)

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