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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated] Empty Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

Post by Aki Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:38 pm

Name: Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo

Age: 17, he will physically stop aging after he turns 18 though

Bloodline: Kiyoraka (not really a bloodline, explained in history)

Rank: Chunin


Village: Kumogakure

Alignment: Good


Despite his looks, Ankyo is a very easy person to get along with. He may look desolate and unfriendly, but he’s actually a really friendly person to be around with, getting along with almost everyone, provided they approach him. He is easy going and does things at his own pace, usually getting things done before everyone else, even if he starts late.

He is also a natural born leader, having little difficulty in getting people to listen to him. Ankyo is an actor of a sort... After being ignored by almost everyone in his village, he’s developed amazing acting skills. And as such, he is also a bit playful and enjoys pulling pranks every once in awhile.

And yeah... he does enjoy smoking, even if he is underage. Blame it on the Raikage for spoiling him in a sense. Though he doesn’t smoke all the time, just ever once in awhile, usually when he’s in a bad mood or stuck on something.

Life or Death
It is unknown who his parents are or if he has any family for that matter. Ankyo was born on a cold, windy, winter day. He was found amongst a pile of dead bodies, all of who’s bodies had been brutally ripped and slashed apart, making them unrecognizable. The small fishing village he had been found at had been attacked and was burning to the ground.

Kumogakure ninjas that had been sent to the village too late had only found Ankyo. He was the sole survivor of the little fishing village. Oddly enough Ankyo wasn’t crying. He was laughing and smiling. For the time being, the Kumogakure ninjas called him Shukufuku, or Shu, meaning God’s favor for his good luck in surviving.

They tried to find out who his parents were, and if possible, if he had any other family. Sadly, they could not find anything. As all the Kumogakure ninjas there were male, and none of them having any experience at raising a child, they debated what would be best for the boy. It would take them awhile to get back to Kumogakure. They were all sure they couldn’t keep him alive that long.

Meanwhile, most of the party went off to find the shinobi that had attacked the fishing village. The shinobi they were after were high leveled missing nin. Somehow these ninjas had crossed the border and had been causing havoc in the Land of Lightning. They had never spared a life before... So it was a shock to them all as to why Ankyo had survived.

In the end, they agreed on one thing: they had to keep him alive. The Kumogakure ninja rushed back towards Kumogakure. They managed to cut the time it took to get back by half. He arrived there a little sickly, but alright. He was brought before the Raikage to determine his fate.

Everyone well remember Kabuto Yakushi, an orphan who had been brought in from a battle field when he was naught but a child. And then the boy had only turned out to be a spy all along and betrayed Konohagakure. No one in Kumogakure wanted this to happen to them. What if this boy was indeed a part of some kind of plan? The Raikage had a hard decision to make.

In the end, the Raikage allowed him to live. He declared that the boy would be raised by an adoptive family and a close eye would be kept on him. Seeing as how Shu was found in a fishing village that had never produced anyone with chakra, he was given to one of the citizens of Kumogakure.

Most were assured that Shu wouldn’t be a threat. After all, how could he be? He was newly born and couldn’t have any special abilities, coming from a fishing village. Still, a close eye was kept on Ankyo. The people of Kumogakure didn’t want to assume, they wanted to know.

He was known thought the village as Shukufuku, the favor of God. Before long, he had turned five. And once he turned five something strange happened... He physically changed. Before he had had pure white hair and golden eyes. His face was always in a smile. Now he had light purple hair and faint blue colored eyes, he seemed to have a constant glare on, and never looked happy. The villagers got worried and asked the Raikage to reconsider.

Shu was drugged and brought to the village’s medics. They took blood samples and tested Shu while he was out cold. To their surprise, he was a ninja... and held some kind of kekkei genkai. In fear, they checked Shu’s mind. In horror, they found that he held memories that he shouldn’t be... He had memories of before he was born.

They saw a village being attacked. Men, women, and children getting slaughtered apart as if they were mere animals. The screams of women and the cries of young children... And then fire. Fire was everywhere, burning down the whole village. Most of the homes that caught on fire still had live people in them. They watched as people ran out of them homes on fire, screaming in pain. And then there was a bright white light...

The testers were dead... stone dead. Hours later, they were found. Shu was still unconscious. The Kumogakure ninjas examined the dead examiners and were shocked to find that they bore no signs of death... asides form their dead body of course. Not a single scratch. Nothing. They had even examined their minds but found nothing. It was as if they had just dropped dead... Shocked and confused they wondered if Shu had anything to do with it.

Then the villagers began to fear for their lives. Shu was a spy. What were they going to do? They would all die, they’d be killed or made slaves! The Raikage had to do something... Against many wishes, the Raikage announced that he himself would examine Shu. They feared for their Raikage’s life, but they had no choice in the matter. They watched hopeless as the Raikage entered the room alone...

The Raikage searched Shu’s mind. He was shocked at first. He didn’t delve deeper into Shu’s mind, as he suspected this was why the examiners had died... Instead, he took a look at the data the examiners had gotten on Shu before their death. After several minutes of reading, the Raikage smiled. This was unbelievable... Shu truly was God’s favor...

He delved back into Shu’s mind, knowing that Shu would not awaken, even if the drug wore off. “Tell me, who are you?” he asked, already having an idea of who Shu would be. Still, he had to make sure. Even if all the data pointed to it... he had to make sure. He waited patiently for the answer.

“... Who... am I?” asked Shu from within, sounding much older for someone who was supposed to be five. “I... I am... Ankyo. It is my name. Who I am,” answered Ankyo. A bright light seemed to come out of Ankyo’s mind and enter the Raikage’s. “Who are you?”

The Raikage smiled. So, it was as he thought. “I am the Raikage of Kumogakure. And if I am correct... you are a Kiyoraka, a holy being, are you not?” he asked, already knowing the answer. The bright light did not affect the Raikage. And as he said the word kiyoraka, the bright light disappeared.

“Yes... How do you know?” asked Ankyo surprised. Very few knew of the Kiyoraka. The Raikage only smiled more. “It is a legend... It has been passed down from Raikage to Raikage. It is a very well kept secret. I... We will not harm you. You are welcome to stay here for however long it pleases you,” answered the Raikage, starting to withdraw from Ankyo’s mind.

The Raikage left Ankyo’s mind safely and to the shock of everyone, he had returned to them alive. He didn’t explain everything. He only told them that Shukufuku was indeed God’s favor and that he was to be called Ankyo from here on out. The people were astonished, shinobi and citizen alike. The Raikage smiled and explained more. He told them that Ankyo would not harm the village, rather he would protect it and help the village prosper even more.

The next day Ankyo awakened. He had no recollection of what had happened. He only shook his head, having a slight headache. The dead bodies had been removed and he had been placed back inside his home. He came downstairs and was slightly confused to find the Raikage sitting there. He was a little surprised that everyone was calling him Ankyo now. But something deep inside of him told him that this was meant to be...

Last edited by Aki on Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated] Empty Re: Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

Post by Aki Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:39 pm

The Raikage had told Ankyo that he was a ninja. Somehow this didn’t come as a shock to Ankyo either. The Raikage asked Ankyo to hold onto a slip of paper. Ankyo gingerly touched it. The paper became electrified. He was a Raiton user... And then the paper split in half. Fuuton?

The Raikage quickly had Ankyo entered into the Academy. He was taught the basic Academy jutsus. And though he was by far the best out of his class, he couldn’t make any friends. His appearance scared away most of the other kids and Ankyo often ended up by himself, playing by himself. Despite what the Raikage had said, Ankyo’s looks were making everyone fear him.

Ankyo didn’t seem to mind though. He made do with what he didn’t have and instead spent his time training. So two years later, when the time came for them to be tested, he easily passed. He was assigned to a Jonin master, along with a boy named Osamaru and a girl named Shizuka.

Team Anshio
Though their Jonin sensei was a good one, he lost his mind after most of his family had been killed off and was unable to train Ankyo and team as he should have, shortly after becoming their sensei. Ankyo took up the title of sensei for his team. At first he and his teammates did not get along, but after awhile, and a couple of missions, they managed to get along and form a pretty good team. Though their team hadn’t advanced much in any other field. They still obtained the jutsus they had learned at the Academy.

Ankyo’s first “mission” was to help his teammates perfect their skills in the areas they were bad at. After that, the three didn’t have much to do. They were only Genin and couldn’t train themselves. The village was also a little short on ninja at the time and couldn’t find a suitable Jonin to replace the current one...

Their Jonin sensei was finally killed and they were brought to the attention of the Raikage. He helped train them for a time due to the shortage of Jonin leveled ninja. Team Anshio were able to learn more basic Genin skills, along with some more advanced ones. Soon, they were among some of the elite Genin, and another Jonin master had been assigned to watch over them.

The need for the Jonin master seemed to be pointless though... Team Anshio had formed a very close bond and were not used to being told what to do. Their Jonin sensei found that it was easier to just teach Ankyo and then have him teach Osamaru and Shizuka. Before long, they were entered into the Chunin Exams, with great confidence from their Jonin sensei, and with many expectations from the village when Ankyo was ten, Osamaru and Shizuka being 13.

Chunin Exams: The Written Exam
Team Anshio did quite well in the written exam. Osamaru used a small Genjutsu to collect the answers from other unsuspecting Genin nearby, of which one was a hidden prompter. This information was easily accessed by Shizuka. She had always been a sickly child, suffering from random heart attacks, which were normally kept in check with a seal.

Shizuka pretended to be having a heart attack and Osamaru quickly came over to help her, pretending to be frightened out of his mind and having a crush on her. While doing all this, he quickly slipped the answers inside of Shizuka’s mouth. The prompters ordered him back to his seat, saying they’d take care of it. They took Shizuka outside of the room and had medics check in on her. It wasn’t at all odd that she recovered so quickly, her heart attacks were random and often short.

Ankyo got his answers by himself, knowing most of them already. He had little trouble with the written exam. Being the first to get done, and sleeping through the remainder of the time. Most had thought that he had simply gave up. They were shocked when they received his paper. At the time he had finished the hidden prompters had only been halfway through the test.

Chunin Exams: The Forest of Death
Team Anshio had received the Heaven Scroll. Shortly after entering the forest, they were met by a team from Konohagkure. The Konoha Genin were experienced and strong. They defeated Team Anshio in half an hour. Team Anshio rested for most of that day, saving their energy.

Near midnight on the first day, they came across another Kumogakure team. It turned out that this team had lost their scroll as well. For the time being, they teamed up. They were met by a team of Kirigakure Genin soon after. The battled lasted for most of the night. Near three am on the second day, the Kirigakure team was defeated..

They were lucky, the Kirigakure team had two Heaven Scrolls. Team Anshio parted ways with their fellow team and went deeper into the forest. Near noon, they took a break by a river. Things got hectic that day. Shizuka’s seal failed to keep her heart attack in check and she had an attack, letting out a loud scream of pain, that sent nearby Genin running towards them.

Osamaru and Ankyo had a hard time defending both Shizuka and the Heaven Scroll. The fought for most of the day, on the dawn of the third day they managed to defeat most of the Genin that had attacked them. They had two Heaven Scrolls and two Earth Scrolls now. They hurriedly made their way to the Central Tower. They barely made it in time. Arriving just seconds before the time was up.

Chunin Exams: Preliminaries
To the surprise of the prompters, many of the Genin teams had passed. The majority came from Konoha, with a few from Suna and Kiri. Only two Kumo teams had passed, Team Anshio included. Along with a small handful of Taki, Ame, and Oto teams.

Shizuka lost by default due to her heart attack, causing her to be unable to fight properly. Halfway through the Preliminaries, it was Osamaru’s turn. The fight was the longest by far. After almost two and half hours, Osamaru was defeated, and quickly carried off to make shift medic camp, seeing as he was dying.

At the very end came Ankyo. His fight was one of the faster ones. Ankyo had not attacked. He had only dodged his opponent’s moves. His speed was far superior to his opponent, but his strength was not. Soon his enemy was too tired to be able to unleash his powerful blows and jutsus. Ankyo took the chance and attacked. He only attacked with Taijutsu though, not wanting the other Genin to know his full potential.

To his surprise, his enemy wasn’t completely spent yet. Due to this, Ankyo broke his right arm. Ankyo had not cried out in pain, he had only grimaced in pain and continued with the fight. He used his speed in combination with his Taijutsu skills and dispatched his opponent. Making his way to the finals.

Chunin Exams: Finals
After a month of preparation, Ankyo was stronger. He had worked on his Taijutsu skills more and had learned some Genjutsu from Osamaru. Shizuka’s heart attack had proved to be fatal though. She was in the hospital recovering. This caused Ankyo’s training to be halted somewhat. He often visited Shizuka in the hospital at least once a day with Osamaru.

The days were finally drawing to close... Unfortunately, an enemy team had attacked Ankyo before the tournament and his healed right arm was broken again. He didn’t complain, instead he just went on with his broken arm. Many of the Kumo ninjas and citizens who had come to watch the two Kumogakure ninjas that had made it complained about it, but were stopped by the Raikage.

Ankyo was third on the match ups. He watched each fight carefully, knowing that if he made it, he’d have to fight them... and even if he didn’t, there was a good chance he’d run across them again on future missions. Soon, it was Ankyo’s match. He jumped down from the balcony with ease and met his opponent, Maboroshi.

Maboroshi was from a unique clan with a kekkei genkai. He could phase through almost anything. At first Ankyo had trouble with Maboroshi, as he phased through all of his attacks. Ankyo got irritated and accidentally performed on of the Genjutsus Osamaru had taught him.

Maboroshi, expecting a Taijutsu attack, had been caught off guard and got caught in the Genjutsu. Ankyo used the Genjutsu to his advantage, making Maboroshi think he was phasing when he really wasn’t. This allowed Ankyo to use his true abilities as a Ninjutsuist and he defeated Maboroshi.

He proceeded onto the second round against a girl named Masayume. She too was from a unique clan with a special kekkei genkai. She tended to have visions of the future and was able to predict Ankyo’s every move. Ankyo personally thought that this was the hardest fight he had ever had.

After some testing, he figured out how to defeat her. He had been thinking about what to do, thus she was able to predict what he was doing. So long as he didn’t think about what he was going to do, he could attack her. It worked and he soon defeated her, as Masayume relied on her kekkei genkai and had a poor defense.

He made it to the third round, but lost. Ankyo would have won, but Shizuka’s death had caused him to be distracted. How did he know that she had died? Osamaru had disappeared. He would have only left the arena if something had happened to Shizuka. Once Ankyo noticed that Osamaru wasn’t there, he quickly forfeited. The crowd was shocked and displeased, they had expected Ankyo to advance... Ankyo simply ignored them and ran out from the arena, towards the hospital.

He and Osamaru stayed with Shizuka for her final moments in life, where it was revealed that Osamaru really did have a crush on her. Shizuka passed away, wishing them the best in life and telling Osamaru that she too loved him and regretted not telling him sooner. She had asked Ankyo for one thing though. She asked him to bury her in his special place when they returned to Kumo. Ankyo nodded and promised her.

Ankyo and Osamaru returned to the arena to watch the rest of the fights, as there was still one Kumo Genin left. They returned somber. Many of the Kumo ninjas and citizens that were there noticed this and asked them of it. Soon word got around that the young Kumo prodigy, Ankyo, had forfeited to be with a friend during their final moments in life.

Kumogakure’s last Genin made it to the final round, but lost against an Amegakure Genin. After several minutes of discussion, the newly made Chunin were announced. Kumogakure’s two Genin had passed, along with the Ame Genin and a Taki Genin. The Taki Genin being passed for her superior intellect. The other Kumo Genin being passed for his skills in judgment and excellent chakra control.

Ankyo was passed for putting friends before promotion, or as the kages had put it: Though completing a mission is important, it is worthless if the lives of your comrades, your friends, are lost in the process. Asides from that, Ankyo had also showed potential in being a leader and a tactical fighter. And, he had been fighting with a broken arm and the weight of a friend on the verge of death.

Once they made it back to Kumogakure, Ankyo kept his promise to Shizuka and buried her in his special place: a small clearing with a group of rocks and river. It was a place that he had never showed to anyone, not even Osamaru and Shizuka, his closet and best friends. It was a place that he had spent of his Academy life at when he wasn’t at school. He also called it home, as he had made the rocks turn into a sort of cave and furnished it. He buried her off to the side of the cave, with a bleached white rock bearing her name. He had also allowed Osamaru to come.

The place would hold a special place in their hearts in the years to come. Osamaru and Ankyo would often visit the spot in their free time and trained there every day. Soon enough, if you couldn’t find them in the village, you could be sure that they were here. The only problem was that no one else could find it... and the people who tried to follow them there ended up disappearing...

Last edited by Aki on Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated] Empty Re: Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

Post by Aki Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:40 pm

Three years later, Osamaru had become a Chunin as well. He and Ankyo still had a close bond with each other, despite Shizuka’s death. They worked on a lot of missions together, usually always completing them successfully. Ankyo was now thirteen, and Osamaru sixteen. They both thought about becoming Jonin, but decided against it. Osamaru had never gotten over Shizuka’s death and was still single. Ankyo had little problems with getting a girl... he just chose not to become involved with any.

One day, while in the clearing, which they had now named Yumeji, meaning dreaming, Ankyo and Osamaru were training. Unlike their usual days, Ankyo soon got tired and had to take an early break. Shortly afterwards, he became hyper in a sense and seemed to have an endless amount of energy.

He and Osamaru ended up training again, only this time, Ankyo was using a completely different type of fighting style... Sure it was still Ninjutsu, but... nothing that Osamaru had ever seen or heard of, and he had seen all of Ankyo’s moves. Strangely enough, Ankyo didn’t seem to notice this new style. In fact, he felt more... comfortable in this style, as if this was made for him...

Osamaru got tired quickly and had to rest. He commented on Ankyo’s new fighting style, telling him that it suited him. He wanted to know when Ankyo had developed the style, but Ankyo didn’t know. He just said that it just... came to him. Osamaru only sighed. “Ankyo... sometimes I begin to wonder if you’re human.”

Ankyo looked at Osamaru confused. “What do you mean Osamaru? Of course I’m human.” Ankyo wondered what could ever make Osamaru think that he wasn’t human... But as Ankyo thought it all over, he began to wonder too. He had survived a lot of near death experiences somehow. Not to mention his good luck with almost everything. He had an easy life...

“It’s just that... well Raikage-sama always has an eye on you... I know its mainly because of the fact that you could be some kind of spy, but sometimes he eyes you like you’re a prize... or a... a god or something.” Osamaru locked his fingers together and stared out at the river. “And then there’s you... a lot of weird things happened to you. And Ankyo... have you ever noticed that you never gotten a single cut? Not once... Bruises and broken bones yeah, but never a cut. Don’t you find that odd? Especially since you’re a ninja and all...”

Ankyo had to think for awhile. Osamaru was right... The Raikage did look at him like he was a prize or a god now and then... And he had never gotten a single cut before, not even a paper cut... Why? He was a ninja, wasn’t he? So shouldn’t he have gotten cut once? “I... I don’t know... I honestly don’t know... Maybe I am Osamaru... Maybe I am...” he said quietly. Was he human?

Osamaru sighed. “Never mind... I’m probably just thinking too much. You’re just a good ninja. Good ninja don’t get injured. It’s just that after Shizuka’s death, I haven’t really had much to do... Just forget everything I said. I mean what else could you be asides from human?”

Ankyo nodded, but he couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t human... Something inside of him knew it too. Ankyo shook it off though. Osamaru was right. What else could he be? He was just a human... And a good ninja. Good ninja didn’t get injured... But the Raikage was a good ninja and he got injured... So why did he, a lowly Chunin, never got injured?

“Hey Ankyo... if I ever die... Can you... bury me here beside Shizuka?” asked Osamaru after a long time. Ankyo hadn’t noticed the time slipping away. It was getting dark already. Had the time really went by that fast?

Ankyo shook his head. He was just over thinking all of this. “Yeah. I will,” he answered. And then he and Osamaru got up to leave. But for some reason, despite himself, Ankyo kept on thinking about Osamaru’s words... Was he human? And that new fighting style of his... what was that? Ankyo shook his head irritated. No... I’m not human at all. I’m something else, but what?

A year went by and Ankyo had changed just a little bit. He had gotten taller, and looked even meaner. But he was still his cheerful, happy self. Unfortunately, Osamaru had passed away not too long ago. He and Osamaru had been on a B-rank mission. They were escorting one of the Daimyo’s daughters to the Land of Water aboard one of the finest ships in all of the Land of Lightning.

Unfortunately, shinobi pirates had attacked... It would have been an easy enough mission for the two, but there was one problem: the Daimyo’s daughter looked a lot like Shizuka. This tended to cloud their minds somewhat as Shizuka had been a very capable kunochi and they tended to forget that the Daimyo’s daughter was defenseless.

This is what ultimately caused Osamaru’s death... He couldn’t bear to see Shizuka die again and ended sacrificing his own life to save the Daimyo’s daughter. Osamaru’s death brought Ankyo back to reality and he quickly finished off the shinobi pirates and delivered the Daimyo’s daughter safely to the Land of Water.

He returned to Kumogakure alone with Osamaru’s body. He first buried Osamaru beside Shizuka as promised and then went to the Raikage’s office. The Raikage took this chance to tell Ankyo what he really was. At first Ankyo didn’t believe the Raikage... not wanting to believe it.

“Ankyo, listen to me, you are a Kiyoraka. A holy being. You didn’t that all your good luck was for nothing did you? Long ago there was an ancient race that lived in the Land of Lightning. They were known as the Kiyoraka. They were holy... pure. Their comes from the word kiyoi meaning clear or pure. They were gifted with incredible power and all of them were extremely lucky.

“Humans adored them! They were like gods... but over time the Kiyorakas fell due to an illness. And very few were alive. In the end, those few that were alive left and went back to their world, wherever that is. You must understand... somehow... somehow you are one of them. You are a blessing to all of us.”

Ankyo stood there frozen. “... Every thing that is pure and holy always has a dark side... I can not be a blessing even if I am... a... a Kiyoraka. I’m sorry Raikage-sama, but I can not be a Kiyoraka... You said it yourself, it is a legend.”

The Raikage shook his head. “It is not a legend... It was handed down from Raikage to Raikage. If the world knew about this... Do you know what would happen? There would be wars! Wars to control those who were Kiyorakas! It was kept a secret. The Raikages who founded this village knew of the Kiyoraka’s existence because the 1st Raikage was a Kiyoraka... How else do you think he was able to bring about the people so easily? So quickly?”

No matter how much Ankyo wanted to deny it, he couldn’t. He had always known that deep down he didn’t belong in this world. He never had and he never would. “... Can’t you tell me more about... about these things you call Kiyorakas?”

The Raikage shook his head. “Unfortunately, the Kiyoraka kept to themselves mostly... They are very careful about what information about them gets out. Most of it has been lost over time. All I can tell you is this though... You hold a gift. A gift that can be used for good or for evil. To others, this gift will be viewed as a kekkei genkai, but it is not a kekkei genkai. You alone in this whole world has this gift. And there is something or someone within in you who knows the answers you seek.”

Ankyo only nodded and left. He returned to Yumeji and sat between his friends’ graves. “So I’m not human, am I?” he said softly. He gazed up at the night sky. The full moon was so beautiful. And the stars... they were so bright. The whole place was so peaceful and beautiful. He vaguely wondered if this place had been something to the Kiyorakas... It probably was, considering no one could ever find this place save for him. Even Osamaru had had trouble and always had to be lead here by him.

Ankyo closed his eyes. Raikage-sama said there was something inside of me that knew everything... If you really do exist, can you show yourself to me? Ankyo waited patiently. Something told him that if he did, the answers would come. He stayed like so for many days. He never felt hungry or thirsty, or even tired.

Finally, after many days had gone by, he got an answer. Yes... But I can not tell you everything. You will learn when the time is right. And you need not know everything.. The voice spoke in a strange language, yet Ankyo could understand it. It sounded old and wise...

When Ankyo opened his eyes, he found that he was leaning against the rocks. He stiffly got up and stretched his sore muscles. And then he sat back down beside the graves. He let out a small grin. “Alright, so what if I’m not human? I don’t care. I’ll just live life the way I have been. Let everyone think what they will.”

And so it was. Ankyo lived life his way. Sure he always looked cold and mean and emitted a dark aura, but on the inside he was happy. He wasn’t alone... Shizuka and Osamaru were always with him. And if someone would take the time to get to know him, they’d find that he wasn’t so cold and mean after all.

Three years have passed since Ankyo found out he was a Kiyoraka and not human. He was getting close to that of Jonin level, but he didn’t want to be a Jonin quite yet. He was content with his life. He had an easy life. If he wanted something, he had to all but try. You’d think he’d go insane with the knowledge that he wasn’t human, or that he’d brag about not being human and being incredibly powerful, but he didn’t.

He just wanted people to know that he was Ankyo and nothing more. He was human as far as he was concerned, no matter what the Raikage said. Maybe someday he’d try to learn more about himself, but for now, life was fine. He’d seen all the hardships people had had to go through and how that had affected them. He wouldn’t let this little fact cause him to view life negatively or become evil.

Ankyo still operates under the title of “Team Anshio” in remembrance of his teammates, despite it being a one man team(their 2nd Jonin sensei just released them after Ankyo passed the Chunin Exams, knowing that he had never formed a bond with them). Ankyo grinned as he walked about the streets of Kumogakure. Life is fine just the way it is... He thought to himself...

Speciality: Ninjutsu

Learned jutsus:
nkyo has learned many jutsus thought his time as a ninja. He specializes in Ninjutsu, but he has been taught a few Genjutsu and knows a good amount of Taijutsu. He is skilled with weapons as well, but doesn’t like to use them as much, despite his good accuracy. Ankyo is natural Raiton user and knows some Fuuton jutsus. He has a collection of E to B rank jutsus. Most of his jutsus (mainly the ones containing “heaven” in it) can only be performed by only Ankyo. Ankyo’s Jutsus

Elements: Raiton(Main) Fuuton(Secondary)

Ankyo carries the usual ninja gear, only most of his equipment has been specially made so that they absorb whatever chakra type Ankyo decides to use. Occasionally he uses both chakra types, but it is rare that he does so. Only doing it in emergency situations or at most twice in any fight. Most of the time he uses his Wind Chakra, using his Lightning chakra for jutsus more.

He also carries a bag that seemingly contains marbles. These purple-blue marbles aren’t your everyday marbles. They each contain three clones. Over the years, Ankyo has experimented and managed to store clones inside of these little marbles. This often saves him chakra and is a perfect distraction and can often turn the tide in most battles. He carries about 100 of these marbles with him, in total 300 battle ready clones. He must be careful in using these though, as it takes about three months to just make 5 marbles. He has about 3 extra bags at Yumeji, and each bag contains 100 marbles.

Ankyo usually replenishes his supplies at the end of every month, and making more marbles as needed. He usually only makes more marbles when he’s used about half of the ones he has in stock (so when he only has around 200 left, he’ll make more). I’ll try not to overuse the marbles, maybe only three to five at most during any one fight. And I’ll try to keep track of how many he has left too.

Asides from the normal goals of wanting to protect the village and it’s inhabitants, Ankyo would also like to prove to the world that just because you were born special or have incredible power doesn’t mean you can’t have a normal life, even thought most people don’t know that he is Kiyoraka.

Ankyo is also determined in finding out the truth about himself, but just not now. He’d much rather learn it later when he’s older and more able to handle the truth because he knows that if he learns the truth now, it could cause him to lose his mind or turn on the village. He would also like to keep his true nature a secret, but knows that sooner or later, everyone will know about him being a Kiyoraka.

He would also like to revive Team Anshio in a sense. No, he doesn’t want to bring Shizuka and Osamaru back to life. He isn’t looking for someone to replace them either... He just wants some friends. He just wants to find two other people that could be his friends, just like Shizuka and Osamaru had been.

Last edited by Aki on Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated] Empty Re: Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

Post by Kenshi Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:10 pm

I like it, I like the whole story line and everything. It was really good. I like Shizuka and Osamaru....I like the baskstory about him being a Kiyoraka.....It's awesome.

Approved....jutsu and everything.


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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated] Empty Re: Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

Post by Aki Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:00 pm

Time Skip Update:

After a year and a half has gone by, Ankyo hasn't changed much. But, he has started to show interest in who he is and is currently trying to find just what exactly he is.

Gomen... It's really short. I know you probably expected more, but well... I never really got to RP with him so yeah... Nothing much to do, and I don't want him learning more jutsus or anything either because personally, I think he already has enough. And yes, that means I will finally get to work on Ankyo learning those last two jutsus of his...

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Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated] Empty Re: Shukufuku or Shu a.k.a. Ankyo [LONG HISTORY+Updated]

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:10 pm



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