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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:00 pm

Name: Hatake Obito aka Sharnigan Hatake

Age: 17 (immortal appearance) 18

Bloodline: Satoshigan

Rank: Anbu
Village: Konohagakure no Sato
Alignment: Good


Quiet, cold, lazy, uncaring person. Would rather be alone than be around a group of people. Feels guilty for the deaths of his teammates and sensei. Hates Konoha for not being able to save his sensei. Would like to see Konoha destroyed. Would also like to see Sunagakure's demise, but doesn't care as much. Feels that Kirigakure is filled with dishonest people and dislikes anyone from Kirigakure. Dark aura surrounds and him discourages people from approaching him.sbn
-Nature in general, dogs especially.
-Cloud gazing.

-People in general.
-Music most of the time.
-Bright lights.
-Loud noises.
-Himself for letting his teammates die.
-Hurting or killing people when he becomes a vampire.

~Moral Values:
Protect your teammates at all costs. Know many, trust few.

Name: Shitake Shikama

Age: 17 (immortal appearance) 18

Bloodline: ???

Rank: S-rank/Iwagakure Advisor
Village: Iwagakure
Alignment: Good


Friendly nature, gets along with most anyone. Cares about Iwagakure deeply. Dislikes people from Kirigakure, has some kind of unknown "hatred" for Konoha and Sunaga ninjas.
-Nature in general, dogs especially.
-Cloud gazing.

-People who care only about themselves.
-People who like to show off.
-People who are arrogant.
-The fact that he can not remember anything that happens at night or extremely dark days.

~Moral Values:
Protect your teammates at all costs. Never give up or lose hope.

Speciality: Ninjutsu and Doujutsu
Learned jutsus:
Elements: Raiton (Dominant); Doton (Semi-Dominant); Fuuton (Recessive); Suiton (Learning)
Weapons/items: Hatake Family Tanto disguised as a katana, worn like Ichigo wears his. (Sorry too lazy to describe.)
Goals: To protect the inhabitants of Iwagakure with his life and to find out about his past as he seems to have no memories of his past life asides from being saved and then used by the Mizukage, Jinkai.

Obito's goal is to destroy Konoha and Suna as revenge for the deaths of his teammates. He would also like to get revenge on Jinkai for using him, but as Jinkai can not be found, that goal remains out of his reach.

Last edited by Aki on Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:59 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Age)

Posts : 302
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Join date : 2008-12-13
Age : 31
Location : I don't know anymore....

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:02 pm

It was now midnight and everyone was asleep… well most people were. It was a quiet, peaceful, calm night like any other with the occasional screams or barks here and there. All of sudden there was a loud wailing, it was the cry of a newborn, loud and shrill. The once quiet, peaceful, and calm night gone, replaced by havoc. Neighbors woke up groaning and complaining about the noise as the wail had caused a couple of dogs on the lower floor to start barking, which had turn woken up their owners who yelling. And those who were awake… well they just ignored it for the time being. The sole person who was not awake was Hatake Kakashi, and strangely enough, the source of the wailing had come from his apartment.

There was a knock on the door, followed by someone pounding on it, and then the door was kicked open. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” yelled out Mitarashii Anko, it was clear that she was extremely tired and irritated. Kakashi ignored her, feigning sleep. Anko was not fooled though, she rudely pulled the covers off of Kakashi. “Get your lazy ass out of there and see what the hell is causing all this noise! It is coming from your apartment!” she yelled at him, arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently.

Kakashi sat up, sleepy eyed and a mask covering his face, and waved at Anko and the others (Maito Gai, Yuuhi Kurenai, Sarutobi Asuma, and Uzuki Yuugao). “Hello everyone, what brings you all here?” asked Kakashi very cheerfully.

Anko just about jumped onto Kakashi to rip out his throat, but then she saw Asuma. “Hey… wait a minute, why are you here? I thought you lived all the way on the other side of the village…” Asuma glanced at Kurenai and then looked away, Kurenai stared at the floor, fascinated by it. Anko grinned as she realized Asuma was half dressed, and Kurenai looked like she’d just thrown something on.

The wail filled the air again. “Kakashi!” warned Anko, getting irritated again.

With a heavy sigh Kakashi got up and looked around for the source of the wail. In a few minutes he found it… or him. A newborn child, a boy, was wide awake in a basket on the other side of his bed. Kakashi slowly pulled off the blanket covering the child, as he did so the others gasped in surprise.

“Kakashi… when did you…” started Kurenai, but she trailed off, staring at the infant. The infant had silvery white hair and light brown eyes. You could see a strong resemblance of Kakashi in the infant. It was very clear who’s child that was. Asuma stared in shock himself, never believing Kakashi was the parenting type. And there was Gai…

“No! How can it be?! My greatest enemy has even beat me in that of becoming a father and ha--” he was crudely cut off by Kurenai.

“Watch it! That’s a baby!”

“… But Anko…” mumbled Asuma, he quickly clamped his mouth shut as Kurenai half glared back at him.

Kakashi did not answer, ignoring them all, and instead picked up a piece of paper that had fallen out of the basket.
Someone wrote:Dear Kakashi,

I know not whether you remember, but this is your… our… biological son. Please take care of him as I shall be unable to care for him. I have not named him, nor will I. I leave that up to you. Take care of him Kakashi, or you will have me to answer to, got it?

Love With love I lo Goodbye.

Kakashi picked up the now crying infant and awkwardly cradled him. He was trying to think of a name, and his gaze settled on a picture of his teammates. Obito…

“Well?” asked everyone impatiently.

“… He’s my son,” replied Kakashi, still staring at the infant, er his son.

“We know that idiot, just tell us what his f-- uh… name is,” said Anko irritably, it was clear that she was cranky when she did not get enough sleep…

“… Hatake…”


“… Obito…” said Kakashi quietly.

The room became silent. There was a sort of respectful and mourning air to the room. The silence broken by a small plaintive cry from the infant, er Obito. Kakashi had no idea how to raise kids, sure he had done a good job with Sakura… but they were ninja. He treated them like ninja, not kids. He looked at Kurenai for help.

Kurenai let out a sigh. “Fine. I’ll take care of him, just for today though. Then you’re getting a rundown on being a parent!” Nevertheless, she went to Obito and quickly held him in her arms. “He’s so cute! He’s going to be just like you Kakashi.”

“Kakashi… who is his mother?” asked Yuugao quietly. The room became quiet once more. A dark and heavy atmosphere. The clock slowly going “tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock” over and over. After ten minutes had passed like this Kakashi let out a long sigh. “Who is she?”

“… She’s dead. That’s all that matters,” replied Kakashi briefly, bluntly.

“… But who is she?” they persisted.

Kakashi shook his head and took Obito from Kurenai. “I am going to see Tsunade-sama. Tell no one.” It was not a plea, it was an order. They all slowly nodded. Within seconds Kakashi had vanished from sight. Everyone else stood quietly in the room unsure of what to do. Then they all slowly dispersed, mumbling a few things to themselves.

Kakashi entered the Hokage’s Office quietly. Tsunade was half asleep at her chair. Kakashi knew that in a matter of seconds Shizune would come in and wake up Tsunade, so he waited patiently. Sure enough, about fifteen seconds later Shizune came running up the stairs and slammed the door open. It would cause Obito to start crying again, and Tsunade to wake up.

“Tsunade-sa… Kakshi? What are you doing here?” asked Shizune in mid sentence. And then she spied Obito. “Kakashi… is that… is that your son?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

“Eh? Huh? What?” asked Tsunade sleepily. Obito’s cries got louder and Tsunade fully came to. “Shiz… Kakashi!”

Kakashi sighed. Was everyone going to react this way? “Yes,” he said simply, awkwardly patting Obito on the head as if it would soothe him. Of course it did not…

Shizune sighed and took Obito from Kakashi and calmed him down; meanwhile, Kakashi was conversing with Tsunade quietly.

“Kakashi… what do you plan on doing?” asked Tsunade, locking her hands together in front of her face. Her golden eyes boring into Kakashi’s one dark eye. “Well?”

“… To be honest… I do not know,” answered Kakashi, a hand scratching his head.

“Well… It’s obvious you can not take care of him… So--”

“I will be teaching him Hokage-sama,” said Kurenai, leaning on the doorway, Asuma behind her.

Tsunade raised an eye at their appearance, already knowing about their little “story”. “Very well then,” sighed Tsunade, reaching for a hidden compartment that held a bottle of sake. “Take care Kakashi,” said Tsunade, waving them all off. “Shizune, go ah… get the papers from downstairs.”

Shizune raised an eye at Tsunade. “You’re going to work?” she asked in disbelief. “Well okay…” And she ran off down stairs for the paperwork.

As soon as she had left Tsunade had whipped out the bottle of sake and began drinking it. “Well, what are you waiting for? Dismissed.”

In the coming months, Kakashi would find that raising a child by yourself was very hard. Though he did try, he was a complete failure. Kurenai helping raise Obito more than she had promised Kakashi. Kakashi basically did anything Kurenai asked, which was:
  • Make sure there is always milk.
  • Take out the trash everyday.
  • Do not put anything sharp around Obito.
  • Do not leave any Ichi Ichi Paradise books out at all.
And the list went on and on and on. Kakashi’s next two years of life was filled with nothing but Obito and training. Kurenai making more and more rules everyday. Kakashi never said a word though, trusting Kurenai. Though he did begin to teach Obito how to form chakra as soon as was a year and a half, along with the fact that he began to teach Obito how throw shuriken and kunai as soon as he could walk. Of course, once Kurenai found out she forbade Kakashi from teaching Obito anything ninja related until he was four, or three at the earliest. And since Obito was already attached to shuriken and kunai, Kurenai replaced them with harmless plastic toy like shuriken.

Then Naruto returned and everything changed. Kakashi could not help at all, and whenever he came back from missions he was always sent to the hospital. Kurenai tried to help as much as she could, but even that was not enough. So Yuugao, seeing as she was ANBU, was assigned a special mission to watch over Obito when Kakashi or Kurenai could not.

Yuugao would raise Obito as her own, thinking of him as the son she would never have with Gekkou Hayate. She even taught him a few simple jutsus. Of course young as he was, he really did not get the hang of them, but the point was that he was learning; therefore, he had a head start on everyone else who would be entering the Academy when he did.

On occasions when Kakashi returned, Obito was allowed to visit his father in the dead of night, as Kakashi still requested that Obito be kept a secret from as many people as possible. And that was well understood. Who would not want to use Obito as a bait to get to Kakashi? So the only ones who knew were Gai, Kurenai, Asuma, Anko, Yuugao, Tsunade, and Shizune.

Obito did not understand why his father was gone so much, nor why his mothers changed a lot either. From the red eyed one, to the purple haired one, then the black haired lady, and the blonde woman. Still, he did not complain. Kakashi and Obito would never grow close, but Obito still cared for his father somewhat. Kakashi was just unsure of how to express his love for Obito.

When Asuma died, Kurenai stopped visiting Obito as often, and he was left with Yuugao more and more. Yuugao’s closeness with Obito often made those who knew of Obito suspect that Yuugao was Obito’s mother.

During the next couple of years, Konoha was in disarray, trying to rebuild what had been destroyed and mourning for the dead, Kakashi having died sometime ago in a mission. Obito did not quite understand everything, but he did know that something bad had happened and stayed out of everyone’s way, doing whatever he was told to do.

Debate over who would be Obito’s guardian rose. Tsunade, Gai, Yuugao, or Kurenai? Gai eagerly volunteered, but Yuugao was chosen instead. Sakura and Naruto were also filled in, but asides from that no one else knew of Obito’s existence. He still stayed inside, only going out at night or in non populated areas.

Last edited by Aki on Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:03 pm

Obito would then enter the Academy at four under the name of Kamikaze Minamoto He quickly passed at six, having already learned many of the basic jutsus. He would placed on a team with Inuzuka Kagemusha and Hyuuga Yukio. Now the strange thing about all of this was that Kagemusha was terribly afraid of dogs, and Yukio was as blind as he looked. Kagemusha was eight and Yukio nine. Their sensei, eight year old Kireme Kokoro. Though Kokoro was just a few years older than them, she was a battle hardened shinobi, having had her family killed by lesser members of the Akatsuki and being turned into a shinobi by force. She was tough and cruel on all of them.

“Alright, introduce yourselves, and hurry it up,” said Kokoro, leaning against a tree.

Kagemusha attempted a grin and failed. “… Inuzuka Kagemusha… And I am um… terribly afraid of… of dogs,” mumbled Kagemusha. Best get it over with now than later.

Yukio sneered. “Wow. Some Inuzuka you are.”

Kokoro glared at Yukio. “Shut your mouth Hyuuga. You’re blind remember?”

This caused Yukio to turn red and he did shut his mouth, crossing his arms irritably. “Just wait til I tell my dad…” he mumbled quietly.

Obito sighed. “You know, just cause you’re a Hyuuga does not mean you can do whatever you want,” he said, tapping Yukio lightly on the shoulder. “Anyways, I am Kamikaze Minamoto. Nice to meet you Kokoro-sensei, Kagemusha, … Yukio.”

“Alright, now we’ll start with your test. You have to retrieve,” Kokoro quickly bit her thumb, drew blood, and summoned a small firey red fox, “Kitsune by sundown or you fail and get sent back to the Academy,” finished Kokoro as Kitsune dashed away towards the village market place.

The three Genin stared Kokoro confused. “What?”

“Get the fox or you never become a Genin.”

“But… But…”


The three Genin then ran off into the village searching for Kitsune. Each of them ran across Kitsune many times, but she would always escape at the last minute. Finally at sundown, Obito returned with Kitsune in his arms. Obito and his teammates were all bruised and scratched up, but for the most part, they were all right.

"Sensei, I brought back Kitsune!" chirped Obito. As they neared Kokoro, Kitsune leaped out of Obito's arms and landed in Kokoro's outstretched ones. "I pass right?"

Kokoro sighed and looked up. "No. You all fail."


"... The object of the mission was to work together to bring back Kitsune. You all failed, replied Kokoro coolly.

The Genin sighed in defeat and started to make their way towards the Academy when Kokoro stopped them with a snap from her fingers. "I’m not done yet."

"But you said we failed..."

"True, but why would I send you back for that?" grinned Kokoro.

"Um... cause you said so?" said Kagemusha, scratching his head, confused.

"You've got to see through the deception of a ninja's words," said Kokoro, looking towards Obito. "Right?"

"Uh... right?"

"Right," said Kokoro, smiling. "And you all clearly have the potential of being good ninja, but you just haven’t been taught the right way. That's what I am here for, am I not?"

"... Is this a trick question?" asked Kagemusha.

Yukio's brow furrowed in irritation. "What the heck does that mean?!"

Obito nodded. "So we failed the mission... But we do not fail as Genin."

"Correct! And for that, you get a free meal Minamoto," grinned Kokoro.

"No fair!" responded Kagemusha and Yukio.

Kokoro shrugged. "I did not say you two would not get one. What are you two complaining about? At least I am not making you pay for it. So, you guys hungry or what?" she asked, walking off towards the market.

"... Sensei is weird..." mumbled Kagemusha.

Yukio nodded. For once he agreed with the Inuzuka. "Yeah, maybe that's why she's a Jonin. She weirded everyone out."

Kagemusha and Obito laughed. "Yeah. Weird kid weirds out everyone and becomes Jonin," said Kagemusha, holding out his hands like a camera towards Kokoro.

Obito nodded slightly. "Well... she might be weird, but she's gotta be strong if she is a Jonin."

"You three idiots coming or what? Yukio, you're paying for that!" yelled out Kokoro.

"What? She heard me?!" said Yukio in disbelief.

"Yeah, I did. Kagemusha, you're cleaning the Inuzuka kennels today too! Better hurry it up Yukio or you'll have a lot to pay for!"

"Wait... what? What does she mean by that?" asked Yukio confused.

Obito sighed. "It means you're paying for the meals Hyuuga."

Yukio stared at Obito. "What?!" yelled out Yukio

Obito and his teammates would go on to form a very close bond. Kokoro taught them many things and worked with each of them, improving their strengths and weaknesses. Before long, Team 7 was a well known team in Konoha. Everyone was impatient for the day they would be entered into the Chunin Exams. Two years later, Team 7 would finally be entered into the Chunin Exams, held in Kirigakure.

Obito and team made it through the Chunin Exams easily enough. Obito already knew most of the answers, Yukio being able to tell what taps of the pencil made what words, and Kagemusha purely by luck. They would go on to the next round. The Labyrinth of Death. The Chunin Exams were to be held deep underground the village, in the Nasaki Clan’s underground home.

The place was extremely dark and damp, only lit by torches every hundred feet or so, and sometimes those torches went out as well. There were pitfalls, traps, poisonous gases, and more. The place was filled with creatures of the night as well, creatures the people above had never seen or heard of. To make things harder, the Hyuuga Clan’s Byakugan did not work well. The Bayakugan could not see through the walls as the walls were specially mixed with chakra to prevent similar doujutsus from letting anyone find their way through the maze. Coupled with the fact that the maze was constantly changing every few hours, which would cause some teams to have to go back or bring some teams closer to the entrance. (The maze also happened to be Kirigakure’s defense system in times of war and citizens would be underground for safety, thus the special walls. Good thing no ones knows huh? Considering they have not been to war for awhile...)

They had three days and two nights to obtain both a Heaven Scroll and an Earth Scroll and get out of the maze. Even if you had both scrolls you had to get out before you were considered to have passed. And if you did find the exit, you had to have both scrolls. But as they were underground, time did not exist, only the darkness existed. Not to mention the maze was endless in a sense. There was the chance you would never find your way out and stay in there forever. And if the Nasakis got hungry... well some of the Genin would be missing forever then. Of course, no need to fear. If you failed, the Nasaki Clan would come looking for you, you just had to hope that they had not activated their kekkei genkai yet or you could be gone forever. (The waver warns of this, but does not directly state it.)

Team 7 had the Heaven Scroll. They were making their way through the maze slowly. Yukio leading the way as he had the best hearing and the darkness would not affect him at all. Obito behind him ready to attack if needed, and to support Kagemusha if they were ambushed from behind. Kagemusha taking the rear as he had the best sense of smell and could detect an ambush.

They had just met their first opponent when the maze suddenly began to move and Obito was cut off from his team. Alone, Obito faced the opposing team. He managed to defeat the Genin holding onto the scroll and ran off with it before they caught him by luck alone. Alone in the dark Obito made do with what he could and pried away a torch from one of walls. The walls changed again and Obito arrived at the exit. He leaned down against the damp and cool wall. Okay... All I have to do is wait for Kagemusha and Yukio. thought Obito. He then pulled out the scroll he had taken earlier. It was an Earth Scroll. Yes! At least the separation was not for nothing.

Then Obito began to wonder how much time had been left. For all he knew the Exams could be over by now. The darkness made all your senses foggy, and being so far underground, it even messed up your compass and watch. How the hell anyone could find their way around here was a mystery to Obito. Obito let out a sigh. I better find a place to hide and wait for Kagemusha and Yukio. Hopefully they are all right. I hope nothing bad happens to them. And nothing bad better happen to me either... If I run across another team I do not think I can handle them alone.

It seemed like years before he heard the familiar footsteps of Yukio and Kagemusha. But as Obito concentrated, he found that something was wrong. Yukio was there, along with someone else... But that someone else only had one leg? Not even sure if it really was his teammates, Obito raised the guttering torch. “Yukio?” he asked quietly, already in a fighting stance in case it was not Yukio.

To Obito’s relief it was Yukio’s voice. “Obito?” His voice sounded broken, as if he had lost all hope. “Obito?” he asked again.

Obito had forgotten about Yukio being blind. “Yeah, it’s me,” said Obito, walking forward slowly. “Where’s Kagemusha?”

“Here...” croaked Kagemusha.

As Obito got closer to them he realized that Yukio was supporting Kagemusha. Kagemusha’s right leg bloody and bandaged poorly. “What the hell happened while I was gone?!” He looked at them again. Yukio was covered in blood, his white robes stained. Kagemusha looked all but dead.

“We got attacked... a lot...” answered Yukio, sinking down against the wall along with Kagemusha.

“Did you... Did you lose the scroll?” asked Obito.

Kagemusha shook his head. “We made them believe we were pitiful Genin who had already lost and were just trying to get the hell out of here, it was not that hard...”

“Great, cause I got the other one. Here, give me the Heaven Scroll in case something happens.”

They handed the scroll to Obito and Obito applied some medical treatment to Kagemusha, glad that he had taken the time to learn a few minor healing jutsus from Sakura a few years back. “Hope you feel better,” said Obito, going over to Yukio to see to his small cuts.

Yukio waved Obito aside. “Eh, save your energy Minamoto. I heard from one of my cousins that sometimes there are preliminaries in case there are too many Genin who passed. If any of us are supposed to make it to the final round, it’s got to be you. It’s not that bad. I can handle it.”

Obito stared at Yukio in shock. It was the first time he had heard Yukio say anything... kind. He was usually snobby and despised those who were poor... The maze must have changed him. “Uh... thanks. Um... come on, let’s go. The sooner we get out of here the sooner you two can rest in peace. I think I’d like to see some light now.”

Yukio laughed bitterly. “Light huh? What does that matter? Obito, that maze changed me. There were creatures in there I did not believe existed at all. And do not ask me what they were, I never want to see them again.” Yukio shivered. “The dark ain’t that bad. At least in the dark no one makes fun of me being blind. You know hard it is being a Hyuuga and blind? I’ve worked hard my whole life to prove to people that just cause I am blind does not mean I am weak. And look where that’s gotten me? Nowhere.”

Obito was at a lost for words. “... Yukio... You’re not useless. If it had not been for you we would have never--”

“That’s just it! I am only useful in the dark! Out there,” Yukio made a gesture towards the exit “I am nothing! Even with the damn Byakugan I can not do anything! I can not see chakra points! I just see! I am the weakest Hyuuga in history! Even Hinata-sama is stronger than I am!”

Obito did not know what to say, but Kagemusha did. “Ha. You think that’s hard? Try being an Inuzuka who’s terrified of dogs! I get made fun of everywhere! My dad does not even talk to me cause I hate dogs! Is it my fault I was born allergic to dogs and some stupid dog attacked me when I was three? It’d be surprising if I did not hate dogs! I’d rather be blind any day. So shut the hell up Hyuuga. You got it better than me.”

Yukio for once had nothing to say back to Kagemusha. He and Kagemusha had always been fighting and calling each other names. “... You do not know anything Inuzuka. You do not know about the Hyuuga Clan’s inner workings. So watch what you say...” said Yukio quietly after what had seemed like hours.

Obito sighed. “Guys... drop it. Come on, let’s get out of here now before the other teams get here. I am sure they heard you two yelling.” Obito helped Kagemusha up and then they all climbed up the small rise of damp earth and exited the maze. Kagemusha and Obito were blinded by the light of the moon. They had made it. It was only the second night, they still had half a day to recover before moving onto the next round.

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:03 pm

Luckily just the right amount of Genin had made it through and the preliminaries did not need to be held. Kagemusha and Yukio got to rest and get healed immediately.

In the month they had to train, Obito learned he was a Raiton and Doton user. He trained with Yuugao, learning a few ANBU moves and some ninjutsu. He would also train with Kokoro a little to learn about Kuchiyose no Jutsus, or summoning jutsus in English, in specific Fox Summoning. Obito would also undergo his own training, reading through some of the scrolls his father had left behind for him that Yuugao had brought with her.

Shortly before the final exam was to take place, Obito was attacked by an opposing team and obtained a broken arm. At last the final part of the Chunin Exams took place. Kagemusha and Yukio were first up. Yukio automatically went on to the next round though, Kagemusha was in the hospital under intensive care, it turned out he had been attacked by some kind of creature that had injected an extremely harmful poison into his blood system. Kagemusha had a twenty percent chance of survival. Obito was in the third match ups.

The time came for Obito’s match. Obito fell into the arena, ready for his match against someone named Shiroikage Shiro. The boy proved easy to beat as Shiro only knew ninjutsu and was a suiton user. Obito easily beat him with a low level Raiton jutsu.

After the fourth fight, it was Yukio’s turn again. Yukio fought long and hard, but he lost. His opponent was simply too fast and too quiet for him to keep up with. It was now Obito’s turn. His opponent was someone named Nasaki Aki. The prompter began to give out the instructions. “And now, Nasaki Aki, Kami--”

“It’s Hatake. Hatake Obito,” said Obito quietly. The Hokage had spoken to him shortly before the round had started, telling him to reveal himself. This caused a ripple of surprise and excitement in the crowd, for Aki was from the Nasaki Clan, a legendary and powerful clan in Kirigakure, even if no one really knew what was so special about the clan.

The prompter stared and then a few seconds corrected himself. “Nasaki Aki, and Hatake Obito, you may start--”

But as the prompter said Obito’s name, Obito had looked in the crowd for Yukio. Yukio was not there. Nor was Kokoro. “I forfeit!” called out Obito, already running off the battlefield. Kagemusha... Even though Kagemusha was terrified of dogs and Obito loved them, he and Kagemusha were good friends, best friends really. And the only reason Yukio and Kokoro would be gone would be that Kagemusha was dying...

“Er... Nasaki Aki passes?” said the prompter. The crowd was completely quiet (for once).

Obito ran inside the hospital and up flights of stairs to get to Kagemusha’s room. He finally got to room 24 and opened the door. “Kagemusah, is he...” Obito trailed off as he saw Yukio rubbing a hand across his face. “No...” breathed Obito. He looked around for Kokoro and found her. A simple look in her eyes told him everything. Kagemusha was dead.

Yukio looked up at Obito with his lavender eyes. “Obito... he... he said... said he...” Fresh hot tears came pouring out of Yukio’s eyes.

“It... It’s alright Yukio. You can tell me later,” said Obito quietly. It’s my fault he died... If I had not let myself get taken away from them I could have helped them. They would not have been injured. Kagemusha... Kagemusha would not have died. At this tears came dripping down from Obito as well. Obito was confused when his mask became soaking wet, he had not realized he was crying too.

Yukio was asleep in a chair, completely wiped out. Kokoro gently took Obito’s hand. “Obito... come on. He’s dead. There’s nothing more you can do for him. The least you can do is congratulate those who passed. You guys were the only ones who made it for Konoha,” she said softly, gently. “Let Yukio stay. He deserves a break.”

Obito nodded absently and allowed Kokoro to lead him back to the stadium. The deafening screams and cheer fell onto deaf ears. He just stood there, his mind blank as they announced those that had become Chunin. Then someone prodded him in his back. He was about to take out a kunai and stab them with it when he realized it was Kokoro.

“Go. You’re a Chunin now,” mouthed Kokoro. Obito just stared at her confused. Then the deafening noises came rushing back to him, and staggered back a few steps. Kokoro pushed him forward a little and Obito fell over the railing, catching himself in time to land.

I am... a Chunin? How? I only fought one match. thought Obito, walking towards the other group of Genin or Chunin now. Obito just stared up at the gray, cloudy sky. Whatever the Mizukage was saying did not enter Obito’s mind at all. Heck, Obito didn’t even care anymore. Kagemusha had just died and here was everyone else: happy as can be. Did they not understand that the Chunin Exams could kill? Did they not realize that once someone died they were gone forever? That kids were dying? Kagemusha was only ten! Ten!

Three years have gone by now. Obito has gotten over Kagemusha’s death, but still blames himself. Obito is now a Jonin. He and Yukio have grown closer as well. Yukio has managed to become a Chunin and ANBU. He is perfect for the ANBU as he does not need to be trained in stealth, he’s already a stealth master.

Obito has learned many jutsus from the scrolls his father left behind and is learning Doton jutsus now. He and Kokoro work closely to one another as well. Obito is now eleven and Kokoro thirteen. Kokoro has already begun to blossom, catching the eyes of many boys in the village every day. Yukio even jokes about Kokoro and Obito going out as they hang out together so much.

Obito always laughs it off though. He knows that he and Kokoro could never be anything more than sensei and student. Still... he finds that he is starting to view life slightly different and is interested in the Ichi Ichi Paradise books his father left for him as well. Of course, no one knows of this. Lately, he has started to notice how beautiful Kokoro really is and why every boy in the village likes her so much.

The one advantage Obito has over the other village boys being that he sees Kokoro often. He enjoys training sessions even more so now. As he and Kokoro are on an equal footing now, their training sessions are much more extensive and tiring. Obito often ends up fighting shirtless and Kokoro fighting in nothing but a loose (and thin) tank top and shorts.

Obito lay awake in his bed, thinking about Kokoro. Do I really like her? asked Obito quietly. He always thought of Kokoro as his sensei... but now he was beginning to wonder. I’ll talk to Yuugao about it tomorrow morning. Maybe she can help...

The next day Obito woke up bright and early to talk to Yuugao. Unfortunately, Yuugao was not there. Only a note was there.
Yuugao wrote:Gone on mission. Back two weeks from now.

Take care of yourself,
Obito shrugged. He was used to getting notes like this in the morning now. He downed a cup of herbal tea and left the place. On the way to his usual work out place, a small secluded clearing in the forests surrounding Konoha, Obito met up with Sakura. “Ohayou, Sakura-san.”

Sakura waved at Obito and came towards him. “Ohayou, Obito-kun. Where are you off to?” she asked, smiling.

“Just training,” replied Obito, managing a smile.

“Mind if I tag along?”


So Sakura came along with Obito and ended up teaching him a few more medical jutsus. “Those should help you out a lot, especially if you practice.”

Obito nodded, too exhausted to speak. After a few minutes he let out a long sigh. He couldn’t ask Yuugao, but maybe he could ask Sakura. “Thank you Sakura-san... but I have a question.”

“About what?”

“Um... well it doesn’t have to do with medical jutsus or anything really... But um...” Obito scratched his head awkwardly.

Sakura smiled. “It’s alright Obito-kun, you can tell me.”

Obito took in a deep breath. “I... Well...” Obito sighed. “It’s... it’s about Kokoro-sensei.”

“What about her?”

“... I... well... I... she... we...”

“You two did something together?” asked Sakura, raising an eye.

“NO!” said Obito quickly shaking his head. “Nothing... Nothing at all!”

Sakura grinned. “Oh I get it. You like her!”

Obito cringed at the word “like”. “N-Not really,” he stuttered and then groaned. “Yes! I like her, a lot! But I don’t know if she likes me! And I know she’ll always think of me as her student and nothing more!”

Sakura smiled. “That’s how love is...” she said quietly. “It’s tough love kid. Don’t worry. You’re going through difficult changes now. It’s understandable.” And then Sakura went on for the next couple of hours about a lot of stuff Obito didn’t want to know... Now he regretted ever asking Sakura help.

Later that day Obito met up with Naruto. Since Naruto was a guy, he figured he might as well ask him, guy to guy. How wrong was he. Naruto defiled Obito’s virgin eyes. Obito had returned home with many, many, many images in his head, along with many, many, many words and phrases. Why o why had he ever asked Sakura and Naruto? He should have known better!

Two years later and Obito would join the ANBU. A master of Raiton jutsus and well versed on Doton jutsus, Obito was now working on learning some Fuuton jutsus. He had a good defense and offense with Raiton jutsus; really good defenses with Doton jutsus; and now he wanted some good offensive jutsus. After a lot of training he had managed to draw out a little bit of his Fuuton chakra.

He and Yukio would become even closer, often being sent out on missions together as they worked well together, Obito attacking and Yukio supporting. Before long they were known as the White Lightning Team, with both Obito and Yukio being Raiton users (Yukio having found out he was a Raiton user just a few years ago).

Obito was now thirteen and well aware of his feelings for his sensei. Kokoro was fifteen and stunningly beautiful. He finally had the nerve to tell Kokoro one day, asking her to met him at Team 7’s old training ground. Obito was late in getting there as something unexpected had come up within the ANBU the other day and he had had to help sort it out and hadn’t gotten home until a few hours ago.

“Kokoro!” yelled out Obito, seeing her about to leave.

Kokoro paused and turned around. “Obito, you’re late. It’s not like you to be late,” she said, giving him a warm smile. Her warm light brown eyes looking into Obito’s. Her long red hair flowing out in the faint breeze. “So what did you want to talk about?”

Obito couldn’t help but stare a little. He quickly looked away. “Ah... nothing really. Just wanted to chat. We haven’t exactly talked to each other in awhile, you know.”

Kokoro laughed lightly. “I suppose so. This place has a lot of memories you know. It’s where my team and I trained at too.”

“Really? I never knew that...” It became quiet and peaceful. Both of them leaning against a tree looking about the place, remembering. The sun was slowly setting. Obito finally made himself speak. “Kokoro...”

“Yes?” she asked, tearing her gaze away from a tree with a shuriken like carving on one of it’s branches, something a teammate of hers had done a long time ago, to look at Obito.

Obito forced himself to look Kokoro in the eyes. “I wanted to tell you that... I love you.”

It became quiet. Both of them looking at each other, neither one wanting to break the gaze first. At last Obito looked away. His eyes stung from staying open so long and from the rejection he knew was coming.

“Obito...” said Kokoro slowly.

Great... Here it comes.

“Can we.... forget that this ever happened? I don’t want to...” she paused as if looking for the right word to say. “Obito... I don’t want to do something I’ll regret later.”

“I understand...” said Obito quietly. “I really hoped that we could... well that we could do something. But we can still be--”

“Obito... Remember the lessons?” asked Kokoro.

“What?” asked Obito, confused. What’s she talking about? Obito began to think back and then he finally understood. He grinned victoriously. “Yeah. I remember now. But a simple and straight forward answer would have sufficed,” said Obito grabbing her around the waist gently and pulling her in for a kiss...

From there on Obito and Kokoro spent whatever time they could together, be it day or night...

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:03 pm

A year later and Obito and Kokoro are still going on strong. The village boys have accepted it, having always thought Obito and Kokoro would have gotten together eventually anyway. Yukio’s teasing only coming on harder for Obito as Obito occasionally let slip what he and Kokoro did together.

Obito, Kokoro, and Yukio were then sent on a mission to escort the Kaze no Kuni’s (Land of Wind’s) daimyo, Niwa Daisuke, family, and assorted guards to the Hi no Kuni (Land of Fire) after the Sunagakure no Sato ninjas escorted them to the border. It was a fairly simple enough mission for the three experienced shinobi. Or it would have been...

Yukio had been able to sleep one night, feeling as if something was wrong. And seeing as he had to go to the bathroom anyway, he got up (and ignored the noises from Obito and Kokoro’s tent) out to the woods. He stopped when he heard voices though. His finely tuned ears picked up the voice of daimyo, Daisuke, and one of his personal bodyguards. Yukio’s eyes bulged as he overheard their conversation. They were planning on an assault on Konoha! Yukio quickly did some calculations and found that the “daimyo” could very well wipe out Konoha if the ninja with him were all Chunin and Jonin (as they had hinted at). Yukio quickly made his way back to Obito and Kokoro.

Obito had his arms wrapped in Kokoro when Yukio came in and threw open the tent flap. "Get up now!" hissed Yukio quietly. His Byakugan deactivated just in case they were doing anything.

Obito groaned and woke up, he nudged Kokoro gently. "Hey Kokoro, Yukio needs us for something," he said, pulling up the covers over Kokoro. "It's safe to look," said Obito.

Yukio nodded and activated his Byakugan so that he could see. "The daimyo is more than he appears to be. We have to get out of here and warn the village."

Kokoro yawned. "What are you talking about?"

Yukio shook his head, trying to figure out how to explain it. "Look... the daimyo is really an enemy shinobi and so is everyone else here... We have to get out of here."

Kokoro and Obito became serious at once. "What?" they asked in hushed whispers. Yukio quickly explained everything he had overheard.

Kokoro closed her eyes. "Yukio... send a message to the village and to Suna. I don't think they would have betrayed us like this. They couldn't have known either. Hurry." Yukio nodded and quickly left. Kokoro opened her eyes to look at Obito. "Obito..." she whispered.

Obito nodded. "I know... I love you too," he said quietly, wrapping an arm around her comfortingly. "But it's not going to end here. Not now. We'll make it through."

Kokoro shook her head. "Obito... we have to stop them now. If we go on acting like we don't know anything, we'll be leading them right to the village. The only way to stall time is to confront them here and now. We have the element of surprise anyway..."

"But... it's just us three. Kokoro, we... we don't stand a chance," protested Obito.

"Obito, in all the time you've known me, what have I lived by?"

Obito closed his eyes and let out a long breath. "I know what it is, but Kokoro, will drying help the village? If we brought them to the village and then attacked--"

"They are obviously on a high level, how else do you think they fooled the Sunagakure nins? They'd hurt the civilians or kill us before we even got out a kunai."

"Sunagakure may have betrayed us."

"You know they would never do that. Not so long as Narut-sama and Gaara-sama live."

Obito had nothing to counter her. "Alright... Fine. But at the first sign of trouble, we leave."

Kokoro nodded. "I'm not that stupid Obito."

Obito gave her a half hearted grin. "I know..." he said softly, pulling her in closer to him. In the pale light, he could just make out her face. It was wet, she had been crying. Obito raised a hand and gently wiped the tears away. "Kokoro... Nothing will happen. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Obito," said Kokoro quietly, leaning in closer to him. She leaned up a little to meet his lips. "I'll always love you Obito," she said softly, lovingly, before kissing him.

Obito kissed her back, his own tears falling. For a few more seconds they remained kissing, eager and hungrily, but softly. At last they broke away. "We... We should probably get dressed huh?" said Obito lamely, wiping away a few stray tears.

In the fight to come, Yukio, Obito, and Kokoro would be separated. After killing half of the enemy shinobi, they were caught and attacked. Kokoro taking on two or three Jonin and a Chunin. Obito and Yukio each had four or five Chunin and a Jonin.

Metal clanged upon metal. Blood was spilled. People cried out in pain. There were explosive notes set off everywhere. Everything in the camp was in chaos. Obito and Yukio fought their way to the middle of the camp, meeting up with Kokoro. Each of them glancing into one another's eyes. Each glimpse told them the same thing: Help me. I can't last much longer.

At last Obito was nearing the end of his strength. No... this can't be it... Kokoro... Obito's vision blurred and he closed his eyes, staggering back a little. Did someone get me? When he opened his eyes, he felt stronger. The enemies' movements were slower, and he could see some of the individual hand signs being made. This is weird... Maybe I am dying? Or am I already dead? Unknown to Obito, he had activated his kekkei genkai, the Satoshigan.

Obito shrugged the feeling off and continued fighting. When the sun was rising, Obito had killed off most of the remaining Chunin, but there was still a good number of Jonin left. Obito glanced back behind him for Yukio and Kokoro. He saw Yukio struggling against a Jonin, but he was doing fine. He hurriedly scanned the battlefield for Kokoro and found her in battle with three Jonin. They're still alive. Maybe we can do this.

Then Yukio gave out a strangled cry. A Jonin had appeared behind him and stabbed him through with a katana. "Yukio!" yelled out Obito, starting to fight his way over to his friend.

"No! Stay! ... I... can handle this!" But even as he said it, he was falling onto one knee. He was covered in blood and breathing hard. His left arm cradled against his chest, broken. He gave out another cry as one of the Jonin stabbed his foot. There was a loud "crack" and Yukio was screaming in pain.

Obito wanted to desperately obey Yukio's words, but he couldn't. How could he let another teammate die? He had already let Kagemusha die, he couldn't let Yukio die too. And then Kokoro cried out in pain. Obito's head whirled around so fast that his vision swam for a few moments. No... Not you too... he begged quietly.

Kokoro was leaning against a tree, breathing hard. Blood speared all over her upper body and trailing down her arms. A large gash across her lower left leg. "Obito..." mouthed Kokoro.

Obito was filled with a sense of hopelessness. It was as if a great fire was consuming him from the inside out. He just couldn't lose Kokoro too! Obito's fists clenched together. Time seemed to have stopped for him. He could see the enemy ninja surrounding him, and moving towards him, but it was as if they were in slow motion. He looked back at Yukio. He was crying out in pain on the ground. He was only twelve... Still too young to die. He then looked at Kokoro, his one true love. Sixteen and extraordinary beautiful, but in pain and dyeing. And yet she too was too young to die. He could only save one of them, and they knew it too. But who should he save?

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:04 pm

Yukio saw Obito and knew that Obito was making a choice. "Go... Go Obito... Do it!" he yelled, ignoring the pain in his arms and legs. "Don't worry about me!"

Obito snapped out of his thinking. He nodded once and then darted forward for Kokoro. He quickly picked her up. "Obito..." she mumbled weakly, clearly spent, her eyes already closing, a soft trail of tears falling from her face.

Obito looked back at Yukio. "Yukio..." he mouthed, hesitating.

"GO! I'LL BE FINE! GO! JUST GO OBITO!" yelled Yukio, knowing Obito was hesitating. "NOW!"

Obito stumbled once, twice, and then ran off as if the devil was after him, not caring about the Jonin chasing after him. Yukio... I'm sorry. Hot, fresh, salty tears running down his cheek. He ran for what seemed like days until he saw the gates of Konoha. "Kokoro... hold on just a little longer. Please..." he whispered. He ran on, feeling weaker and weaker with each step.

There was a rustle of movement, and ANBU appeared, stopping Obito. "What's--"

"Save her..." mumbled Obito, dropping onto one knee with Kokoro still in his arms. "Please... Just save her..." he begged, feeling his strength fade away dramatically.

Obito would later wake up in the hospital. Where am I? thought Obito. Small pieces of the previous night, or nights in this case, came flashing back to him. Yukio dying. Kokoro dying in his arms. Masked ANBU. Being carried to the hospital. Yuugao coming in once. The Hokage coming in another time. Doctors. Blood.

Kokoro... thought Obito hurriedly. Then he quickly sat up in bed. KOKORO! Ignoring the pain, he got up and looked around the room. Maybe she's in here... He quickly found her in the bed next to his. "Kokoro..." he whispered. He slowly went over to her, dreading what might be there. Please tell me she's not dead... Please. I'd give anything to have her alive.

Kokoro looked peaceful enough, as if she were sleeping, but the faint and irregular beeps coming from the machine next to her proved otherwise. Obito raised a shaking hand to touch her cheek. He nearly drew back his hand. Her skin was so cold! He swallowed and reached for her again, stroking her gently. "Kokoro..."

Kokoro's eyes fluttered and she gave a soft, weak groan. "O... Obito?" she asked quietly, her voice faint and weak. She attempted a faint smile, but blood came dripping out of her mouth.

Obito quickly wiped away the blood, tears springing. Why didn't I argue with her more? I could have saved both of them! thought Obito. "Kokoro..." was he could manage to say.

"Obito... I missed you. I keep dreaming about you..."

"Don't talk..." choked out Obito.

It became quiet and they looked at one another silently. Neither knew what to say, but both knew what would inevitably happen. At last Kokoro broke the silence. "Obito... I'm sorry... But..." she paused, blood filling her mouth.

Obito immediately went over to her, picked her up, and wrapped his arms around her fragile form. "Kokoro... I love you," he said softly, letting the tears come out.

Kokoro swallowed back the bitter blood, licking her teeth weakly. "I know. I love you too, Obito, " she said gently.

Obito looked down into her half dead eyes. "Kokoro..." he breathed. He could see so much pain and sadness in them. She's still holding on because of me... I'm making her suffer more. I can't do that... I have to let go of her. thought Obito sadly. He leaned down and kissed her softly, holding onto her tightly, both wanting to let her go and wanting her to stay.

After what seemed like a long time, they broke away. "Goodbye Obito..." said Kokoro softly, her eyes closing, a soft trail of tears dripping down her face. In a few more minutes, the beeping from the machine stopped. Kokoro was dead.

Obito would then roam the village for the next few days not knowing what to do. He didn't even know why he was alive. Why the world still went on. How could people still be laughing? And then all those Genin boasting of how strong they were and how people who died were just weaklings who meant to die anyway. They only made his blood boil. But what was worse of all was all the couples he saw.

They were so happy. So carefree. As if nothing in the world existed save for them. Had he and Kokoro been like that too? Maybe. The thought of Kokoro would only send him off into the darkness again. It was all his fault. He should have argued with her more. He should have told her it was absurd to even try fighting the ninja alone. He should have gagged her and dragged her back to the village. But why didn't he?

Had he been too in love with her to listen to reason? Was it only now that she was gone that he could listen to reason again? And then there had been Yukio too. He was so young, so talented. It wasn't fair. How could he have survived? He didn't deserve to live. Not after he had let Kagemusha die like that! He had let his teammates die. He had let his sensei... his lover die.

So why was he alive? Why was he alive when he was dead on the inside? Why did his heart still beat? Why did he still breathe? Why could he still think and talk? Why? He didn't want to live anymore. If he was so dead on the inside. His mind was filled with nothing but the deaths of his teammates. Of the countless lives he had taken. They were people too. They had families. They had friends, lovers, people that they cared about, and he had ended their lives too. Why did ninja kill?! It only brought around more pain and suffering! Why did ninja even exist?!

Sure they were gifted with chakra. The ability to mold it. To be able to use it to kill. To defend others. And to... heal... It wasn't just his fault! The ninja of Konoha was at fault too! Were they not skilled in healing? Ever since the legendary Tsunade had returned, they had been taught how to heal others more effectively. So why hadn't they saved Kagemusha?! Why hadn't they saved Kokoro?! Why hadn't they tried to rescue Yukio?! Why?! Yukio still had a chance! He had had only broken bones and a loss of blood! It was Konoha's fault too! And Suna... Suna had escorted the fake daimyo to the border! They must have known that Daisuke was a fake! They must have! Suna was to blame for too! They were working with Daisuke!

Obito gritted his teeth together, his hands clenched in tight fists. He stopped where he was. It was Konoha's fault. It was Suna's fault. It was his fault. They were all to blame, but he had tried. He had tried, they hadn't. They were at blame more than he was. They deserved to die. They deserved to know the pain he had endured. The pain he suffered. None of them clearly understood this pain. None of them... They needed to understand. Especially the healers.

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:07 pm

Obito snuck back into the hospital. First the healers. Then the Genin. The Genin just didn't understand at all. The healers were idiots. They didn't deserve to be called healers if they couldn't save people. Unfortunately, he was under watch of many ANBU. He was stopped before he could even get out a kunai. Obito was dragged away from the hospital by a score of ANBU.

"YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE!" yelled out Obito, struggling to get out of their grip. "THOSE WHO CAN'T HEAL OTHERS DON'T EVEN NEED BE CALLED MEDICS! YOU'D--" Obito was cut off as an ANBU injected him with something.

Obito woke up in a dark room, tied up by chakra strings. His anger flying off the charts. "LET ME OUT OF HERE! IT'S NOT MY FAULT NONE OF YOU TRIED TO SAVE YUKIO OR KOKORO!"

ANBU appeared, many still had their masks on, but one didn't: Yuugao. "Obito... Please stop it. You're a great ninja Obito. Don't ruin your life. Please... Obito..." she begged. She had come to love Obito as her son, and even thought of him as such.

"... I'm sorry Yuugao... Kokoro's death must have affected me more than I thought. I'm sorry. Please. Let me make amends. Free me," said Obito quietly. But in his mind, he was already planning his escape.

Yuugao moved towards Obito, but she was stopped by the other ANBU. "Don't. He might be lying."

"How can he by lying? He's not insane! His--"

"Yuugao!" said an ANBU on her right sharply. "You know the rules."

Obito looked up at them. "Please..." he begged one last time.

Yuugao couldn't stand to see Obito like this. She turned to face the ANBU. "Just give me five minutes. I can reason with him. Please. You can't kill him. He can still be saved!"

The ANBU glanced at one another and then slowly nodded, disappearing. "Three minutes, no more, no less."

Yuugao turned to Obito. "Obito... Promise me you'll do what you said?"

Obito nodded. "I promise."

Yuugao then went up to Obito and freed him. "Obito, I'm so glad that--" Her words harshly cut off as Obito punched her hard in the stomach.

"You wouldn't understand," said Obito quietly. He quickly made his way out of the room. He knew all the jutsu the ANBU used. He wouldn't be detected. Making his way to his room, Obito took everything that belonged to him. He then disappeared into the dark, moonless night.

Obito was a good distance away from Konoha now. He glanced back at it. "Konoha will fall. Enjoy your peace while you can," he said into the wind. Then he took off into the forests, going wherever he felt.

For the next two years Obito would roam the land and sea, seeking death, and steadily growing stronger as he felled all of his opponents. Obito would then be washed ashore the Mizu no Kuni, the Land of Water.

He woke up a few days later and went about on the islands, fighting anyone who dared to fight him. If anyone from Konoha had faced him, they would not have even known it was him. His hair was long, ragged, and ill kept. He was covered in dirt and dried up blood. He looked like a monster. When he was somewhere near Kirigakure, he collapsed near death. He had not had much to eat in a long time, nor anything to drink.

He lay there in a swampy, marsh like area, almost dead. His thoughts strayed and he thought of Kokoro. Of his teammates. Of all the people he cared about. So I'm finally dying... Flashbacks of Kokoro came back to him. A small grin came onto his face, not that anyone could see it with his mask on. "Kokoro..." he mumbled. In his mind, he saw Kokoro standing there, arms outstretched.

Obito... It's been so long. I haven't seen you for so long. I miss you.

"I'll be there soon Kokoro... Just wait for me... Wait for me Kokoro..." he rasped out, his throat dry.

The Mizukage, Jinkai, was taking a stroll around the village, making sure everything was still in order when he chanced upon Obito. He took Obito to be dead, but curiosity got the better of him and he made his way over to Obito. He was shocked to find that Obito was still alive, but just barely. Poor kid... Wonder what happened to him.

The Mizukage took pity on him. Perhaps I can try to save him... The Mizukage bent down and looked at Obito closer. He's already dying... It wouldn't matter if I did or didn't... Slowly the Mizukage's mouth went over to the left side of Obito's neck. Fangs appeared and he bit into Obito's neck as gently as he could. The Mizukage didn't like to drink blood... but it was a necessity. He was a vampire after all. Obito did not notice the pain in his neck. He was already too exhausted to care or notice.

Obito would later wake up inside a white walled room. Where am I? thought Obito. In fact, Obito couldn't even remember his name. All he could remember was pain... The pain of losing people precious to him, but just who exactly they were, he didn't know. There was a small creak as the old wooden door was open. Jinkai was there.

"Do you know who you are?" asked Jinkai.

Obito stared at the man before him. What?

His blank face told the Mizukage everything he needed to know. The Mizukage went over to Obito and tried to think of a name for him. "... For now, you are Shitake Shikama."

Obito slowly nodded. "And you are?"

"... Usarachi Jinkai."

"Are you my father?" The word father had just appeared in Obito's mind. He didn't know what exactly the word meant either. It was as if there was a giant hole in his head.

The Mizukage was quiet for awhile and then he nodded. "Yes..."

Obito smiled. "I'm Shitake Shikama, and you're Usarachi Jinkai, my dad."

The Mizukage nodded, wondering if this was how he had been. He then began to tell Obito everything he could about the ninja world, knowing Obito's memories would be gone. After about three months of this Obito was up to date on everything but his own past life. All he knew of his past was that he was from Konoha, and after the Mizukage had cleaned up Obito a bit, he recognized him as a Hatake.

So he's Hatake Obito, the boy who escaped from Konoha... Perhaps it is a good thing that I erased his memory. At least now he will not feel the pain he's suffered. thought the Mizukage. Still, he felt bad for erasing the boy's memory, so he slowly began to remove the barrier blocking Obito's memories.

It turned out Obito had regained his memories just a few days after being transformed, but had chosen to ignore it, not wanting to believe it. Though he did use one of the jutsus he had been working on to change what he looked like. He didn't want anyone recognizing him and returning him to Konoha.

Shortly after Shikama had regained his "memories" from the Mizukage, he was introduced to the village as the Mizukage's adoptive son. The village readily accepted him. Shikama would become a role model to many of Kirigakure. The Mizukage would then leave Shikama shortly afterwards, after removing a part of the veil over Shikama's memories, knowing that in time, Shikama's memories would come back to him.

About half a year later Shikama would learn that Jinkai had never intended on coming back and had decided to abandon the village. Outraged, Shikama left Kirigakure. He traveled for a long time and ended up in Iwagakure where he now currently resides as one of the Tsuchikage's advisers.

Last edited by Aki on Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:11 pm

Yeah, yeah, that was long, but I had planned on making Obito here anyway, but then Jinkai offered me the post at RPGakure and I accepted, and then the site is "dying" and I didn't want this to go to waste, so I brought him over. I've gotten approval from Kaji for being an adviser, and approval from Yoshi to be S-rank.

And yes I know that Kakashi died... but since I had already made Obito's history to fit in with RPGakure's time frame, and this time frame is different, I got lazy and just put that Kakashi survived somehow only to die later on. So it's all good. Kakashi is still dead.

Now just wait til I get jutsus up... Lots of fun for you Mods/Admins. And yes, I know the pic for Shikama is Rukia... DEAL WITH IT. And no, he does not turn into a girl. HE IS NOT A GIRL. HE IS STILL A GUY.

I'll post up everything else for Obito's Kekkei Genkai, Jutsus, Summonings, etc. Later after he is approved.

So... the final verdict?

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Guest Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:49 pm

APPEOVED. Glad I was the one to read it and say so. Nicely done.


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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Aki Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:03 pm

Time Skip Update:

After a year and half, Obito's thirst for blood has continued to grow even more with no one around to teach him to control his vampire side. Shikama continues to be friendly as ever, but he is concerned about his random tendencies to forget things that occur at night or dark days. He has often found himself waking up in places he's never been to, or hasn't been to all day, and often with blood on his lips. More Iwagakure citizens and ninjas are disappearing every night now... The village is crazed and paranoid at the moment, but the Tsuchikage has promised that it will be solved soon. For now, the village believes the source to be a pack of wild animals, wolves maybe, as the bodies are never found again... only bloody puddles where the bodies should have been. And none have lived to see this creature or caught sight of it.

Okay, longer than Ankyo's but I actually had something to work with... And no, no new jutsus. Will go back an edit their ages later...

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

Post by Zen Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:51 pm

Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)] Empty Re: Hatake Obito aka Shitake Shikama [DONE... LONG HISTORY, (like novel long)]

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