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Exchange Point

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Exchange Point Empty Exchange Point

Post by Kenshi Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:27 pm

After a good while of traveling, Yoshimo and Jouten-san had made it up to the gates of Konoha. The village was beautiful, but the dirt that was mending it together, was full of lies and deceit that had passed through the years. Ever since the foundation of the village there have been untold secrets at the price of human lives. Yoshimo despised the sight of these very gates. This is where his grandfather escaped to Iwagakure, forced to live another life because of one's clan own interest. Yoshimo was not here for revenge though, but simply to test the will power of the Hokage.

The guards at the gate instantly attended to Yoshimo and Zen, trying to help in anway they could, but little did they know...what was soon to happen.


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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:35 pm

Walking with much attention in his walk was Jouten, with his hands in his pocket and his now present cocky attitude, he was sure to be the rowdy partner of Yoshimo Izoto until they meet Hokage, there he will change his personality back to his orginal. Jouten widely opens his mouth and begins to laugh extremely hard. The sound shock the people around them, seeing the crazed man of both horror and vile disinterest would laugh in the strongest village to be created. Jouten looks at one of the person who was looking at Jouten with disgust. The man was pudgy, very round in the fast. He had a wide stomach and he had beady eyes. He stares at Jouten as though he was the most vile thing on the plant. Jouten smiles evily and spits at his feet. He wipes his lips off slowly and takes off his glasses. He looks at the man straight in the eye

"Who is you looking at, fat man...?? Nobody was lookin at you. You think im the most hideous thing alive well look in the mirror"

Jouten turns back his attention forward and towards the adminstartion office, residing the present Hokage. He smiles out of interest and hopes that the plans Yoshimo came up with will be come to terms.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:01 am

A flicker of light appeared behind Yoshimo and Jouten. A person appeared and sighed. "I would like to ask why you are." He stopped and knew what they had done. "you killed my shinboi." He paused and looked down onto the ground. He pulled out a kunai and looked at his. "I won't let you get away with this." He flipped up his kunai and looked at Yosh. "I know it was you who cause their deaths. This one did nothing." He pointed to Jouten. He did not act right there, but waited for Yoshimo to move. "I just want to know, why?" He then appeared infront of the two, and he looked very serious, but also disappointed in not only himself, but his shinobi, he thought them to be stronger.


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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:02 am

From just behind the gates of Kahoha was Taku, his breathing shallow as possible. This was all in all what he had been waiting for. Sanam had asked for his helpalmost imediately after that incident. The kazekage new full and well what was needed of him. He was concealed by the wall of the gate, but he could tell teh position of every being on the otherside because his jagan eye was open and focused on those on the other side. He licked his lips. Akatskuki was the reason he had lost his family adn at one point everything he had cared for. Granted, he had no regrets in life and very much enjoyed the tasks of Kazekage, but he couldn't help but wonder what life may have been like had the akatasuki just left him and his family alone. He waited patiently, he was not to make a move unless what was thought to happen happened. He was calm, and ready to make his move should the need arise.


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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Kenshi Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:50 pm

Yoshimo slowed his pace down to a stop. Zen was getting very heavy on his shoulders and this break was needed. He knew the shinobi was right behind him, but he kept face-forward anyways, listening to what he had to say. Yoshimo sighed, and hung his lead low, letting a long, draught breath out. He was tired, and after having killed four people he needed to rest. Yoshimo turned around and looked him in the eye.

"You may say what you want, but I had to do what I had to do. They all jumped me!! Like, four people at one time. This one on my shoulder cut my Akatsuki uniform, and almost killed me. The other three were just plain annoying. They dodged, every single attack that I threw at them. I had to defend my honor for Akatsuki, and as an Izoto clan-member. You say you won't let me get away with this, but I know I will."

Yoshimo re-adjusted Zen on his shoulder and continued on to talk.

"I never wanted this one to die. I did however, want to kill the other three shinobi. This one was just collateral damage. He was just in the way. His death was never planned. So instead of leaving him to die, I decided I could somewhat try to trade with you. As you know, I'm a medical ninja, and us medical ninja need bodies to test things on and what not. I am fresh out of bodies and I need some new ones. Here is what I want, I wouldn't be so mean as to say it out loud while all of these civilian are watching."

Yoshimo threw a kunai with a written note attached to it at the shinobi's feet.

Body List
  • Two three year old children

  • Two seven year old children

  • Four fourteen year old children

  • Eight twenty year old males

Yoshimo waited for him to read it and make a decision.

"So do we have a deal? You're low on shinobi as it is, and you do need someone like Zen to keep the village safe. The lives of 16 people, or the security of the village?? Oh, and I'm not going to wait all day...Make a decision, or this one dies..."


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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:29 pm

Jouten had a cunning and quick smirk on his face when the Hokage and the Kazekage appeared to "act upon" the current position that they were in. Jouten placed back on his glasses over his eyes and lowers his hand down to his arm. It was easy for them to say "you wont get away with this" but the likely fact that they would get away with this is most likely the case. He goes into his pocket and in his right hand was a hand-rolled cigarette. He placed it in his mouth, holding it with his teeth as his hands try to find a lighter for himself.

"Here" a familar voice said to him. Kyouken was standing beside him. In that instant, Kyouken standing in a all black attire, looks at Taku and Sannam. A cool and calm look came over Kyouken as he sighed out of disbelief that he was in Konoha once more. In his hand he was holding a silver lighter hands, he flings it open and flicks it to create a spark and a flame came out. Jouten leans his cigarette into the flame and he began to inhale the cigarette. He breathes out into the air then takes the cigarette out of his mouth. Kyouken looks at Sannam

"I have to say, this was an eventful day for me. I was relaxing, contemplating on whether I should enjoy this day or not and yet I could not even fulfill that wish cause shinobi from Konoha came and attack. Its truly a remarkable thing"

Kyouken puts the silver lighter back into his pocket then takes it out his hand.

"Listen, its not hard for you guys to give us those bodies. I mean, were actually being civilized and polite today and thats rare for us"

"Really rare for us" Jouten interuptted "I mean come on, I aint even in the mood to kill none of ya'll mutha fucka's. No I dont mean mutha fucka's in a bad way more so like a general term of ya'll people"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:17 pm

OOC: OK Gn, you had know way of knowing I was there, I was hidden, and if you used some kind of art, you never specified it, you made it sound like I was out in the open and this was not the case.

IC: This had gone on long enough. It was Zen's life our 20 villagers, some of which could very well become teh ninja that Zen was and more. Yes, was, Taku had made the decision, and whether Sanam went with it or not did not matter. He was sacrificing Zen's life for the sake of the villagers. After all, was that not Zen's duty. What good would Zen be if the people he was supposed to protect were sacrificed to save himself. That made no sense. Taku sighed and then body flickered from where he was standing to a point 10 meters in front of Izoto. "You are not getting those villagers Izoto. If it means the life of Zen has to be sacrificed to ensure they're safety, then so be it, that is his duty as a shinobi of the leaf village. As one of their warriors, it is his duty to protect them, not theirs to protect him." He said this with such a matter of fact tone that it was impossible to ignore. His will would not be denied, not even by the Hokage. He looked upon them all with disdain. What had the world come to that this had to be the way things had to be dealt with?


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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Kenshi Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:16 pm

Yoshimo sighed. This was not the used that he wanted. He wanted to get the bodies because he desperately needed them. His work would have to wait, but in exchange for his bodies this ninja would have to die. Yoshimo really didn't care what the decision was, he just would have to deal with it. The Kages had made the right choice in all reality, they had done the right thing. Yoshimo expected them to do this.

"This is so troublesome, it's been a bother, but it's a good thing I get to take this body off of me."

Yoshimo dropped Zen on the ground, and the sounds of him choking to death grew louder and louder untill he took his final breath and slowly died. His throat had tightened up, and the mucus membrane that lubricated it dried up and stuck together.

Yoshimo took his last kunai and coated it in chakra. Yoshimo began to slowy refine the chakra on the kunai, making it deadly and sharp. Since he was a medical nin, he knew how to greatly refine his chakra to cut through thick body parts.

Yoshimo took the kunai and with one smooth slash, cut right through Zen's neck, sending blood everywhere. Zen's head rolled away from it's body like a ball. Yoshimo deactivated the chakra and picked up Zen's head by the ears. He used his free hand to grab the jaw and began to make speaking motions with the head. Yoshimo spoke out the corner of his mouth.

"Well it looks like I fucked it up big time, too bad I won't get to stay around and protect Konoha.",Yoshimo said in a falsetto voice.

Yoshimo laughed and let the head drop from his hands, letting it hit the ground. He kicked the head, letting it roll right to the Hokage's feet.

"Well I will be seeing you guys later, I got some wounds to tend to."

Yoshimo put his hand in the rat handsign and several shadow tenrils began to rise up and attach to him. The shadow tendrils began to cover his arms and legs, and began to slowly pull him down into his shadow. The shadow tendrils had completely absorbed Yoshimo, and he was nothing but a shadow on the ground. The shadow began to writhe and wriggle about, and raced straight into the forest under the dense and thick shadows that he could blend with, making it impossible to know where he was and where he was going.


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Exchange Point Empty Re: Exchange Point

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:58 pm

Kyouken did not have any comments to say at the moment for there was no need for it. The descions of the kages were very typical, very honorable at what some people said. If one shinobi were to die by the akatsuki, then no body would panic. But if one innocent villager, or a small child were to get by the akatsuki, then everyone would begin to panic and would try to attack the akatsuki. It was the way chaos ran things. Jouten smiled knowing Kyouken was thinking of something that had to deal with his current opposition that was opposing to Kyouken's mind. Jouten inhales the last of his cigarette and drops the butt on the ground. He uses his toe to smother the cigarette. Jouten then exhales the smoke out, surrounding both Kyouken and Jouten. The taunted exhailerating laughter was heard from Jouten while Kyouken remain silent at the moment

"You are truly the kages of the past and present. I hope the next hokage is as smart as you. Bye bye for now village pricks, i'll be here to destroy every last one of you mutha fuckas if its the last thing I do"

When the smoke faded away, both Kyouken and Jouten had disappeared as though both of them had never existed. A faint voice echoed to both the kages

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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