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A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha)

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A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha) Empty A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:15 am

The messenger hawk gave its call as it flew towards the Hokage's office. On its leg, it bore a letter from the Raikage of Kumogakure, questioning the apparent alliance between all the major Villages against Kumo, and its recent attack that had left many dead. The hawk landed in the section of the building where letters where received, and the letter made its way up to the Hokage. Upon this letter in a neat script was written:

Hokage of Konohagakure,
Greetings from Kumogakure. I am writing to you in reference to a recent attack on my Village. Two ninja, claiming to be sent from an alliance of your Village and several other major Villages, attacked Kumo but a few days ago. Before any resistance could be made, these two so-called ninja infiltrated the Village and killed over a hundred of my people. Not ninja, but innocent villagers, going about their own daily businesses. This attack, and the claims the attackers have made, understandably has my ninja infuriated and seeking justice for the slain.

However, I am not one for rushed actions that could lead to the destruction of peace and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, ninja and civilians alike. So I have sent you and the Kages of all the Villages the ninjas claimed to work for a copy of this query.

Is their claim true?

I hope that it is not, and that the peace we have enjoyed can remain intact, even after this most heinous crime. Please send your reply back by your fastest messenger, so this issue can be resolved and the ghosts of my people but to rest.

Yours Sincerely,

Henshin Resibei, Raikage of Kumogakure.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha) Empty Re: A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:32 pm

Sannam took the letter from the messenger hawk and began to read the letter. He was not in a good mood that day, and this made it even worse. How could one even think of the Hokage doing such a thing? What good would come of this. Nothing, that's what. He took out a piece of paper and a pen and began to wirte back.

Dear Henshin Resibei, Raikage of Kumogakure
Hello, the attack, was not given out by myself. I do not know what those ninja's where thinking, nor do I even know who they are. They are classified as missing nin, because if they were part of my village, they no longer are. I suggest you send me a file on them, so I can match them and take them out of my village. It is wrong for ninja's to harm innocent villagers. I suggest jailing them.

Now, why would you even think, I Sannam, The Hokage of the Leaf village, think of sending out ninja to do such acts. What good would come of it? I ask you, would anyone in their right mind, send their own ninja, to attack villagers, of an allied village? No, they would not. The Claim is fasle.

Sumiyaka Sannam, Hokage of Konohagakure

Sannam folded the paper up tied it to the Messenger Hawk, sending it back to Kumo.


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A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha) Empty Re: A Point Of Inquiry... (Konoha)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:04 am

A letter returned to Kumogakure, and a reply was given, sent back to Konoha by the fastest messenger hawk available to the Raikage.

I apologise if my letter has caused you any offence. However, you must agree that such a claim, not matter how bizarre, needs to be investigated. Such is the duty of a Kage, as you are well aware. An orginazation called 'Akatsuki' seems to have arisen, and I have reason to believe that they were the ones responsible for the attack. If you have heard anything about this group, then any information you have on them will be greatly appreciated.

Tighten your defences and keep your sentry's eyes sharp. These people attack from nowhere and have no qualms in killing bystanders. Please take all the possible precausions so that the tragedy that has occured here in Kumo is not reapeated again.

Hold close all your bonds of friendship, for this new foe will do whatever it can to corrupt what has held together this peace for so long.

Henshin Resibei, Raikage of Kumogakure.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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