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Taekwondo (Sannam)

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Taekwondo (Sannam) Empty Taekwondo (Sannam)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:23 pm

Name of jutsu:Taekwondo
Rank E-S: C
Range: As far as feet can reach
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: (Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Suiton and Doton)

Description:Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as karate or southern styles of kung fu. The rationale is that the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has, and kicks thus have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes without successful retaliation.

Taekwondo as a martial art is popular with people of both genders and of many ages. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of boards, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and the concentration to focus one's strength.


Name: Stances

Rank: D-C

Type: Taijutsu


Description: Attention Stance
Charyot Sogi is the neutral, non combat stance used in class at all times when not training, during address, discussion etc. Feet are pointed outwards at slightly under a 45 degree angle with the heels close together. When bowing you should incline your head 15 degrees forward, remembering to always keep your eyes fixed on your opponent.

Closed Stance
Moa Sogi means the feet are parallel and close together. It can be side facing or front facing to your is used to simulate the practitioner being moa sogi A where the arms are in front of the practitioners face with one fist covered by the opposite hand.the opening movements of won hyo tul are a prime example of this where the practitioner starts off in moa sogi a and then bursts out of their attackers grasp with a twin knifehand block

Walking Stance
Gunnun Sogi is used to approach or retreat in combat and poomsae. Feet should be maintained shoulder width apart except when stepping, where the leading foot moves outwards marginally. To maintain a solid base, each step should put about a shoulder width between feet. When stopping in the middle of a step, the back foot should be inclined outwards slightly to aid balance.

Niunja Sogi (Back Stance: Ap Sogi) is a standard fighting stance used in Taekwondo to prepare for kicking. The body is turned to present only the side to the opponent and the legs are split one and a half shoulder widths apart. The front foot points directly forwards while the back leg is turned out just under 90 degrees. The feet are lined up along the heels. To make sure you have the L-stance properly aligned, stand with your feet together, turn out the toes and step the back foot directly backwards into the stance. 70% of the weight should be on the back leg which means the front leg can be engaged in quick kicking and it will not unbalance the practitioner if swept.

Parallel Stance
Naranhi Sogi is a neutral stance from where a variety of Taekwondo kicks and punches may be thrown. The feet are both pointed forward and placed shoulder width apart. Arms are lightly bent with the clenched fist just under the navel and the muscles of the body should be lightly relaxed, ready to spring into action at any moment.

Rear Foot Stance
Dwit Bal Sogi is sometimes known as Cat Stance or Tiger Stance in Taekwondo. It is like the L-Stance but much tighter, and the feet are slightly over head width apart. Again most of the weight is placed on the back foot(60/40), leaving the front leg ready to kick.

Sitting Stance
Annun Sogi is a low stance used in Taekwondo and several other martial arts as a neutral position, which also enables an individual to practice punching. In Chinese martial arts, it is known as the 'horse-stance'.

Feet are placed wide, around two shoulder widths apart and the knees are deeply bent until the hamstrings lie parallel with the floor. The back is kept straight. Arms are bent with closed, upturned fists held at the hips. As each punch is directed forward, the fist swivels 180 degrees down to a natural position before impact, turning back up again as it is retracted to the sides.

This is a very arduous position for the legs and lower back. While punches are being trained, other parts of the body are receiving an workout. As a student progresses, his hips will begin to open up and he will be able to achieve an even lower stance. Tests of martial endurance are often based around maintaining this position for protracted periods, holding other objects on outstretched arms or even balancing them on the head.

Fighting Stance
This refers to the non-traditional stance sued in sparring and competition. The body is turned sideways to the opponent to present a smaller target with feet around shoulder width apart. The feet may be frequently switched to confuse and worry the opponent as to which is the leading leg. Hands are held up in a high guard to protect the head and the weight is kept light to enable quick movements. As in many other side facing stances, it is common to keep the majority of the weight on the back leg to avoid being swept and enable the front to deliver fast front kicks.

Clan: N/A

Name: Hand Attacks

Rank: E-C

Type: Taijutsu

Element: (Lightning, Wind, Earth, Water, Fire)

Description: Forefist - A closed fist may be jabbed out directly to strike with the forefist knuckles. This is a suitable position for general punches to soft areas of the body. Without protection, it is inadvisable to strike the bony face as fingers are likely to get broken on the hard temple and jaw bones.

Hammer fist - A closed fist may be brought down in a hammering motion to strike with the underneath. Such a strike can obliterate an opponent's nose, making it near impossible for him to retaliate.

Backfist - A Son Dung clenched hand is swung backwards into the face of an opponent. The back of the hand makes contact and the momentum garnered in the swing makes this a powerful strike. Spinning backfists are a knockout punch and banned in most Taekwondo competitions.

Knife Hand - Sonkal' is the Taekwondo name for a 'Karate Chop', i.e. where an open hand is hammered down to make impact with the underside. A Ridge Hand is the opposite, where the top of the open hand strikes. These are commonly made to the side of the neck.

Fingertips - Joomuk can be used to strike vulnerable areas of the body such as pressure points. Used in self-defence and not competition sparring, one and two finger strikes are made to the eyeballs. Four finger strikes engaging the tips of the outstretched hand (known as Spear hand) can be made to vital points in the neck.

Thumb - Umji is a fist with the thumb protruding over the top. This is a formidable weapon in pressure point striking. Vulnerable areas can be targeted all over the body such as the sternum, the spaces in between the ribs and other nerve clusters.

Palm Heel - Is a classic self-defence strike where the hand is pulled back to engage the base of the palm in an upwards thrusting strike. This is particularly dangerous if applied to the base of the nose or chin and can result in death. Obviously banned in competition Taekwondo.

Four Knuckle strike - This is a fist shape particular to the Asian martial arts. Instead of closing the fist completely, the fingers are held out and only the knuckles are bent thereby presenting the upper set of knuckles as the striking surface. This fist is used for breaking boards as the smaller surface area concentrates the punches power. In self-defence, it may be used to purposefully break an attackers jaw.


Name: Kicks

Rank: D-C

Type: Taijutsu


Front Kick (앞 차기 ap chagi): This is a very linear kick. The practitioner raises the knee to the waist, pulls the toes back and quickly extends the foot at the target. It is also known as the snap kick. The front kick is one of the first kicks learned in TKD; if mastered it can become one of the most powerful. This technique is more meant to be used to push the attacker away, but can injure.
Side Kick (옆 차기 yeop chagi): A very powerful kick, first the practitioner simultaneously raises the knee and rotates the body 90 degrees, and then quickly extends the leg, striking with the heel or the side of the foot.

Roundhouse Kick Turning Kick or Round Kick (돌려 차기 dollyeo chagi): The practitioner raises the knee, turns the hips, pivots on the non-kicking foot, and snaps the kick horizontally into the target at a 80 to 90-degree angle, either with the instep or with the ball of the foot (in the latter case, with the toes pulled back out of the way as in a front kick). The latter technique requires a great deal of flexiability in the heel.
Reverse Turning Kick (뒤 차기 bandea dollyeo chagi): Here the practitioner turns the body away from the target and pushes the back leg straight toward the target, hitting it with the heel while watching over the shoulder. The turning motion helps to give this kick a lot of power. Without proper care, you can "spin out" and lose your balance from using this attack.

Reverse Side Kick (반대 옆 차기 bandae yeop chagi): Similar to the back kick, here the body turns further, allowing the heel to hit the target with the foot pointing to the side as in a regular side kick, instead of more downward as in a true back kick.

Hook Kick (후려 차기 huryeo chagi): A less popular kick traditionally, it has found increasing favor in modern competitions. The practitioner raises the knee in a fashion similar to the roundhouse kick, then extends the foot outward then snaps it around in a dorsal arc, with the heel as the intended striking weapon.
Axe Kick (내려 차기 naeryeo chagi): Another kick that has increased in popularity due to sparring competitions. The leg is raised in front of the body. The leg remains straight or close to straight as it rises, then the leg is pulled down with the heel pointed downward. It is typically targeted toward the head or shoulders and requires significant flexibility to employ effectively. This kick is best used against the coller bone, which can readily break from this attack.

Crescent Kick (반달 차기 bandal chagi): There are two variations of this kick: the outer crescent and the inner crescent. In the outer, the practitioner raises the extended leg as high as possible, and slightly up across the body, (a bit across the centerline of the body), then sweeping outward to the side, in a circular movement. In the inner, the motions are the same but the direction of the kick changes, this time originating from the outside of the body, heading towards the inside, or centerline of the body. These kicks are also called "Inside Kick" and "Outside Kick" at some taekwondo schools, and "Inside-Outside" and "Outside-Inside" at others.

Spin Kicks (반대 돌려 차기 bandae dollyeo chagi): There are several spinning kicks that involve the rotation of the entire body and head before the kick is released. Spinning kicks include the back pivot kick (dweel chagi), spinning hook kick (dweel huryeo chagi), spinning axe kick, butterfly kick, returning kick, 360 turning kick, and a number of other kicks of varying popularity.

Jump Kicks (뛰어 차기 ttwieo chagi): There are also many kicks that involve jumping before their execution. These include jumping front kick (ee dan ap chagi), jumping side kick (이단 옆 차기 idan yeop chagi), flying side kick, jumping axe kick, jumping roundhouse (ee dan dollyeo chagi), jumping spinning hook kick, jumping spinning roundhouse kick, butterfly kick or "shuffle jump kick," jumping (or counter) back kick, and jump spinning side kick. Normally, jumping kicks involve pulling up the back leg to help gain height during the jump and then performing the kick itself with the front leg.

Advanced Kicks : There are a variety of kicks that can be used in combination or stem out from a simple kick to create more difficult ones. Some of these include 540 Kick (One spins 1 1/2 times in mid-air and does a kick, usually a back spinning hook kick) and Triple Aero Kicks (One does round house kick, back spinning hook kick, and another round house kick in mid-air).

Fast Kicks: Also, many kicks can be employed using a fast kick style. The practitioner shuffles the back leg forward to the front leg, and the front leg comes up and kicks closer to the enemy than the practitioner had been before execution. This can be used with side kick, roundhouse kick, front kick, hook kick, and axe kick. They are called Fast "insert kick name".


Name: Blocks

Rank: E-C

Type: Taijutsu


Description: Single Forearm Block - Wae Sun Palmok is used to deflect an attack (usually a kick) made at the torso. Starting up near the opposite shoulder, the leading hand is projected down and across the body to deflect the kick with the forearm.

Low Block - Najundi Makgi is used to defend against low attacks to the torso or legs. This is one of the most basic Taekwondo blocks and one of the first things a beginner will learn. The lead forearm is bent and raised to shoulder height, snapping the arm down straight with the palm facing the ground, which blocks any incoming low kicks.

High Block - Nopunde Makgi is another basic Taekwondo block, used to defend against overhead attacks to the head and shoulders. The arm is bent and raised above the head, and the underside of the forearm absorbs the impact of the blow, which may be painful but is better than it connecting with your head or delicate clavicle. This block is used to defend against Hammerfists, Axe Kicks and overhead strikes with blunt instruments.

Palm Block - Sonbadak Naeryo Makgi is a standard block used to deflect incoming kicks and punches. The open hand is raised up to shoulder height and thrust directly down to meet the attackers limb. The heel of the hand makes contact with the attacker’s forearm in case of a punch, or shin in case of a kick. Although simple, it requires a lot of partner training to get the timing of this Taekwondo block correct.

Knife Hand Block - The hand is kept in a knife hand position to block attacks to the torso. As the front arms sweeps down in an arc from the inside to the outside of the body, the back hand is simultaneously pulled back to the back hip and ready for a counter punch.

Double Forearm Block - This is a more advanced Taekwondo block, designed to be used against a strong attack to the centre of the body. Standing sideways, the lead forearm blocks the attack with the fist closed. The second arm provides further support, linking into the crook of the arm so both forearms are at a 90 degree angle to the body.

Double Knife Hand Block - With the hands held open in the knife hand position, a powerful kick aimed at the solar plexus can be successfully blocked. Both hands come across the body, intersecting at the forearms and providing a firm defence.


Posts : 585
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Join date : 2008-11-22

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Taekwondo (Sannam) Empty Re: Taekwondo (Sannam)

Post by Kenshi Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:40 pm



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Taekwondo (Sannam) Empty Re: Taekwondo (Sannam)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:54 pm

Name of jutsu: Time Warp
Rank E-S: A
Range: far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Sannam's
Element Affinity:

Description: This jutsu allows a user to open a portal, to a selected area, the user can allow people to pass through, and move huge groups to a different place within in seconds. The user can send attacks back at an enemy, if they so wish. The Jutsu is used by the user placing atoms in their hands and slashing the air.This can be use almost instanly.

Weakness: Uses a fair amount of charka.

Name of jutsu: Flight
Rank E-S: C
Range: Self
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Sannam's
Element Affinity:

Description: This jutsu allows a user to virbate their atoms, so that they can glide in the air, for a selected amount of time. They can use this whenever they like.

Weakness: Is not an attack


Posts : 585
Points : 231
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-22

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Taekwondo (Sannam) Empty Re: Taekwondo (Sannam)

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:57 pm



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Join date : 2008-11-19
Age : 33
Location : Apopka, Florida

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