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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight) Empty Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

Post by Fizz Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:12 am

Fizz stepped out into the open clearing. "These forests are a lot like the ones back home," he thought to himself, his head tilted upward as he examined the foliage. A gust of wind caused a few weakly attached leaves to fly off, where they danced in the air before falling to the ground. Fizz looked around once more; there was something different about the Land of Fire, and it took a moment before the answer came to him. He could see the sky. In the Waterfall Village, the training grounds were underneath the leaves of the Hero's Tree... But here, the wild blue yonder stretched before him.

Fizz leaned against one of the many trees, his hands forming a cushion for his head against the bark. He brought one hand down, however, to reach into his jacket pocket for a letter. The carrier hawk from the Leaf Village had brought it a few days earlier; Fizz was to have a special training session in Konohagakure. The letter was officially signed, so Fizz didn't believe it to be malicious. However, that didn't stop him from being curious about who or what he was to go up against. He sighed as he put the letter back in his pocket, resigning himself to the thought that his opponent would be arriving soon, hopefully any minute.

"And now..." Fizz shuffled a little. "Now there's nothing left to do but wait."


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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight) Empty Re: Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:21 am

Sendo stood atop a tree above Fizz. He was concealed by the leaves and the bark, and he was using a bit of chakra to camo his appearance with a basic academy jutsu. "So easily fooled," he whisspered. He was here to represent the leaf village in combat against a ninja from the waterfall village. This should prove interesting. Sendo had taken previous precaution though, and arrived a few hours early, and then waited for the current situation. All of his calculations thus far had been correct. The opponet stood in apporximately the right spot and was doing precisely what Sendo had expected of another genin, he was being underestimated. Though this was more of a reflection on the opposition, as the Genin probably hadn't thought of this possibility. Sendo stripped a piece of bark from the tree and performed a few handsigns, "Free Will Explosion Jutsu." Now all he had to do was perform a single hand seal and it would explode instantly. He dropped it down to the ground, it fell soundlessly. When it was about even with the ninja's back, he performed the needed sign. Instantly the bark exploded due to the jutsu's effects, Sendo smiled, it was possible that it was over already.


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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight) Empty Re: Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

Post by Fizz Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:54 am

"GAH!" Fizz flew forward a foot or so, splinters piercing through the back of his jacket. A few had made their way into his back, which were giving him noticeable pain. He stood up, wincing, and activated a jutsu. "Water Veil...!" Fizz improvised his shield of water chakra to pull the pieces of wood out from his back, where they landed on the ground behind him. "Damn... So much for a fair fight. Then again, all's fair in love and war..."

"I thought you were never gonna show up!" Fizz looked up above where he had been standing moments ago, finally seeing his enemy in the treetop. "As long as he has higher ground, he can continue to keep me trapped like a mouse..." Fizz focused chakra into his feet and lower legs, adding enough of an extra boost to allow him to jump above the trees. He came down onto a strong branch and assumed a fighting stance. After a few handsigns, six swords of water formed around him. Fizz grabbed one out of the air, leaving the others to continue circling him like guards.

"I'm armed... Time to begin the fight!" Two of the five swords that encircled him shot at high-speed toward Sendo, while another two flew to Fizz's sides, ready to home in on the foe wherever he might move. The last remained in front of Fizz as a shield.


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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight) Empty Re: Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:22 am

OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post. There have been, eh, complications lately. However, here we go now.

IC: Sendo smiled. He loved the fact that almost everyone seemed to like using water jutsu on him. It was this type of jutsu that he was masterful at destroying. There was water coming to him and around the opponet. The opponet was also holding some water in his hands. In his mind he did not think of them as swords of water, no, just water. Swords were a bit harder to destory, but water he could handle. By thinking of them as just water, he could easily defeat this manuever. Hell, he had a chance to end the battle yet again.. He made his handsigns quickly, deploying the correct ones needed for his up and coming jutsu. He whispered the name, "False Darkness," so the opponet would have no way of knowing what he had said. His lips could not be read due to the angle of the swords flying towards him. He opened his mouth and a single bolt of lightning erupted from within. It split into six smaller, yet just as effective bolts almost instantly, one for each sword. There was no need to attack the opponet directly. When the lighning hit the swords it would release the water jutsu sending water splashing in random directions. When it hit the sword in the opponets hand, it would travel through the sword and into his hand, paralyziing at least that limb for about 10 minutes, restricting the use of jutsu. He smiled. It was clear who this battle belonged to.


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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight) Empty Re: Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:54 am



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Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight) Empty Re: Waterfall Vs. Leaf: Duel Against the Rokubi! [Fizz, Taku] (ooc fight)

Post by Tarak Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:14 pm

(((OOC: ugh, sorry bout Fizz, he hasn't been going to any rp sites since before your more recent post, I'm gonna try an' drag 'im back here though. Hopefully soon <.< (yes, I realize its been a week and a half since you bumped it but w/e) )))


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