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Self-Summoning Chakra Orbs

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Self-Summoning Chakra Orbs Empty Self-Summoning Chakra Orbs

Post by Mirage Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:18 am

Name of Weapon or Item: Chakra Orbs

Description: These crystal orbs allow a person to summon themselves to someone else that has one if chakra is admintted by the person who they are going to.

Example: Ani is in trouble. Ani unlocks chakra that she has been storing in the orb and can either use all of this chakra, or use some of it to try and summon someone else(Dandi) who also has one of these orbs. The person who has the other orb(Dandi) will feel the orb admitting a small amount of chakra. Dandi will then unlock the chakra that is in his orb, and use some of it. The small amount of Ani's chakra, and the small amount of Dandi's chakra, mix together and allows Dandi to be summoned by Ani.

History: Mirage created 9 of these crystal chakra orbs out of her special crystal and one to each of her team-mates, so that they could help eachother when in need.

Appearance: Nine clear crystal orbs that can store chakra within them to be used for self-summoning.

Posts : 543
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Join date : 2008-11-21

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Self-Summoning Chakra Orbs Empty Re: Self-Summoning Chakra Orbs

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:35 am



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