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Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires)

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Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires) Empty Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires)

Post by Aki Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:21 pm

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki [Disembodied Souls of Vampires]

Type of Kekkei Genkai: ???

Rank: ???

Originally, the Nasaki Clan were just vampires, but over time, humans evolved and became stronger, and they had discovered fire. So, in order to survive, the Nasakis began to breed with humans. At first it seemed all right. Children were born and lived, but upon reaching their 16th birthday, their vampire side would take over. Unfortunately, the effects on their human body was too great and they would usually die. The Nasakis would then realize that in order to survive they must seal their vampire side within themselves instead of letting it take over them.

The needed preparations were taken and then selected members of the clan were chosen to have their vampire sides sealed. At first, nothing seemed to have happened and the Nasakis cursed themselves for locking away such a talent. Those who true vampires who had managed to stay alive hide themselves, giving up on the dream of being able to co-exist with humans.

The clan members that were chosen to have their vampire sides sealed within them did notice some changes in themselves though. Their eyes were a little sensitive to light and they saw a little better at night than most humans. They also became “awake” in the presence of blood, but as they were not told of the dark secrets within themselves, they did not understand these changes. As time went on, they noticed that their children inherited these strange skills, along with their children being stronger and faster than their neighbors and comrades.

As it was still early on in the year, and ninja had yet to be invented, the ordinary people were afraid of the Nasakis, at least those who were different. This would cause the Nasaki Clan to branch off into another clan: the Kurosaki Clan, descendents of the original Nasakis who had not had their vampire sides sealed away. The remainder, those who had had their vampire side sealed away, ran off to present day Kirigakure.

Of the Kurosaki Clan, they simply died out, the majority of its clan members dying soon after they reached the age of 16. Only those who had been lucky enough to not have vampire DNA in their blood survived. But as the Kurosakis generally died after 16, few people wanted their children to intermarry with the Kurosakis, and thus the clan died out.

The Nasaki Clan chose Kirigakure simply because of the geography. It was a secluded place, surrounded by the ocean and smaller islands. There were no traces of humans here, and thus it suited their needs of getting away from society. And, the island was usually covered by fog and mist, it was damp and generally dark most of the time, perfect for the Nasakis, as their eyes had become increasingly sensitive to light and they craved to be in the dark ever more.

Years passed like this, and then certain members of the clan began changing. The time and age varied. The vampire DNA having separated from the human DNA, thus they were able to shift back and forth between their vampire and human body without dying. The original vampires had soon found the Nasakis and were astounded by the change in their descendents. Their descendents looked human enough, with a few signs of being vampire: dark circles under their eyes, pale skin, and slightly pointy teeth, due to the fact that vampire blood had been mixed in with human blood. The originals, or Genshiryou, decided to join the clan once more and taught the Nasakis of their true identity, explaining why some members changed.

The Nasakis would join in the Shinobi Wars and be the founder of present day Kirigakure. They live in an underground home, a mass labyrinth filled with pitfalls, traps, poisonous gases and fumes, toxic waste, random patches of water that can extend for miles, and dark creatures that those of the daylight have never seen. The walls are also damp and moldy, coated with some kind of ancient liquid that prevents one from walking on the walls or seeing through the walls. Humans will often slip and slide their way around. There are many entrances to the maze, but all are hidden. In the years to come, the labyrinth would become a defense hold for the civilians in times of war, though not all the citizens survived...

The Genshiryou live very deep within the labyrinth and hardly ever seen. There are only ten Genshiryou, and they do not plan on having any more members. Certain Nasaki Clan members bring blood to them every two weeks. Asides from that, not much is known about them. The Genshiryou could care less for the human lives living above them, but if the village is severely threatened, they will come out and protect it as they were the founders of the Kirigakure and have yet to die.

It is said Jashinists derive from the Nasaki Clan. Their love of blood and inability to die despite numerous wounds, often deathblows, is what first intrigued some humans and they strived to become like the Nasakis, gaining immortality and to be able to withstand any blow. The Nasakis have done nothing about the Jashinists as it is a good cover for them, saying that they are derived from the Jashinists whenever anyone questions them about their love of blood.

Asides from the Nasaki Clan’s small inheritance from vampires, their senses slightly stronger and their speed and strength slightly stronger than the average human, once the bloodline is activated, they are able to fully utilize their vampire body. One’s five senses are increased, being able to see through the darkest of nights, hear sounds miles away, smell scents that have been around for weeks, the slightest touch can tell them almost everything, and tasting the air can easily tell them about their surroundings.

Their strength is increased tenfold, lifting a boulder being a mere amusement. Their speed increases dramatically as well, one could easily go to Kumogakure and Sunagakure in a day. A vampire’s movement tends to be soundless as well. Vampires can hold their breaths for longer amounts of times than humans can (around ten minutes to an hour), adding to their ability as masters of stealth.

Once they are in vampire bodies, a Nasaki can not perform any Genjutsu, but they are not affected by any Genjutsu either. Their Taijutsu is extremely deadly as each attack could easily break a bone for a ninja, and simply kill the average human. Their Ninjutsu abilities are still there, but in their vampire body, Ninjutsu techniques are generally weaker than they normally are and less effective.

Other gifted and lucky members may gain flight from a pair of soft, black, feathery wings. There is a legend among the Nasakis that a single feather may save any life, no matter how severed the damage is, but the legend has yet to be tested as feathers are extremely hard to lose and never grow back. Flight only lasts for a few minutes at a time (five to ten minutes or a post to three posts).

In addition to all of this, while in their vampire form they are able to sense the emotions of all life forms. As they are able to sense the emotions of any living form, they are hardly ever taken by surprise. Clones would be rather useless against a Nasaki while in their vampire body as clones generally don’t have emotions and are simply made out of chakra, even Kage Bunshins. The vampire is able to tell the difference in emotions, as each person has a unique "mind" and though their emotions are generally the same, there is something different about each and every single one of them.

Those who have gained access to their vampire bodies have also increased their lifespan for a century (this applies to their human body). Though they are still subject to disease and injury in their human body.

While in vampire form, one is vulnerable against Katon (fire). Fire for some unknown reason weakens a vampire body more so than it does for an average human. Lightning may cause some harm on the vampire body, but generally lightning does little damage unless it has been concentrated to the point that it burns. Paralysis only lasts for a few seconds or minutes at most for the vampire body as well.

Vampires are also weak against wood. From a toothpick or even a wooden sword. But as vampires generally heal quickly against other forms of attack, including metal, humans have long discarded wood as a weakness of vampires, so few actually use wood against the Nasakis. Then of course, the threat of Mokuton users; Mokuton users are few as the Genshiryou focused on wiping out as many Mokuton users as possible. Should a vampire be injured by a piece of wood, they will heal slowly. The healing process is slower than normal, but still faster than a normal human’s recovery rate.

Vampire bodies are not weak against sunlight, but their powers are usually cut by a fraction. As a vampire’s eyes are more sensitive to light, being out in the sunlight or day will cause them to misjudge some matters, thus making them appear weaker. Extremely bright light will simply blind a vampire and it will take them several minutes to recover. Vampires are strongest at night where their true abilities as masters of the dark can be used to it’s full potential.

While in their vampire form, they are able to sense the emotions of all life forms, but with that advantage comes a disadvantage: any pain inflicted on a life form will come back to them, as pain is an emotion. With every attack they land on a life form, they will feel that life form’s pain. Each death they perform feels as if they are dying themselves. This even applies when they are the ones who have not caused the pain. Should a ninja just clumsily cut themselves, they will feel the pain that comes with it. Thus vampires have learned to end lives quickly and as painless as possible. Other emotions such as love, sadness, hatred, anger, etc. do not affect the vampire body as much and rarely does so.

And of course, blood. When in the presence of blood, a Nasaki Clan member will notice a sudden craving for blood. Should a member have not fed for a long period of time (generally a month) their vampire body will take over and take in the blood. Also, when in vampire form, at the sight or smell of blood, the vampire body will become ravenous and the thirst for blood is too great that they become oblivious to anything else but the blood. If one has fed recently, then the thirst can be controlled, but if they haven’t...

Blood is needed to sustain the vampire body when not in use. It also acts as an oxygen source for the vampire body when not in use. The blood also heals the wounds of a vampire, fighting diseases and increasing their lifespan, thus giving them the appearance of being immortal and incapable of being injured or killed.

Should a member stay in their vampire body for long periods of times (like days) then there is a strong chance that returning to their human body will be forever out of your reach. The same applies if you have not changed into your vampire body for a long period of time (in this case months). Should it happen and changing bodies is forever out of your reach, you will feel as if a part of you is missing and tend to go insane. Your vampire and human body are a part of you and if gone, it is as if you only have half of your soul left. There is no chance of ever changing bodies again once this has happened and your lifespan decreases drastically and the member will die earlier.

If you are killed while in your vampire body, you will return to your human body, but your vampire body is gone forever. The same applies if your human body is killed. Should you be forced to stay in your human body for the rest of your life, the above will happen. Should you be forced to stay in your vampire body for the rest of your life, you will become one of the lesser Genshiryou, as you are now able to feel all emotions constantly, you will tend to go insane, unable to tell which emotions are yours and which aren’t. The thirst for blood is even stronger and you are even more sensitive to light.

The reason as to why only certain members are able to access their vampire body is due to the fact that the vampire chooses them. A vampire is born from the blood of the Nasakis, thus they are able to freely travel from clan member to clan member at any given moment, so long as the clan member has not achieved a vampire body. Currently, there are a couple hundred or so vampires “inside” of the Nasaki Clan, it is unknown what requirements must be met for a vampire to be born, but it is known that a new vampire is “born” every couple of centuries.

A clan member is usually chosen by their natural abilities, so it is not odd for a prodigy of the Nasaki Clan to be gifted with a vampire body, while lesser, weaker members do not obtain a vampire body, and probably never will. Upon “bonding” with their human counterpart, they are unable to freely move around in the Nasaki’s bodies and further communication and interaction with the vampires within the Nasakis are cut off. The human counterpart stops aging physically around the age of 18 to 20 years.

When a vampire has chosen their human counterpart, the half-human and half-vampire must make an agreement. Without the agreement, one is unable to switch back and forth between human and vampire body. Originally, the agreement was meant to be a way for the two to form a bond of trust and friendship, but as time went on, it changed. The meaning of the agreement completely changed, instead of being “good” it became “bad”. These agreements became more of a bargain, a bargain that favored the vampire. Vampires had become increasingly restless as few got to experience the human world and they hated and refused to let their human counterpart change back to their human body. So, the bargain was a way for the vampire to take over the human body and memories, as a vampire and human can not go back on their words when talking with one another. Each word or thought they project is bound by the blood that ties them together, in other words the vampire and human counterpart are unable to lie to one another. Occasionally, some of the vampires could care less about the bargain and actually form a bond with their human counterpart. Others find that they have begun to form a bond with their human counterpart and the bargain begins to become meaningless to them. Most of the time, if a human is unlucky enough to gain one of these vampires, they end up losing.

While in their vampire form, they generate a dark aura around themselves, discouraging others from approaching them. The human counterpart will also notice a change in themselves, as vampires have no need for sleep, they find it hard to sleep. And still being human, many of the Nasakis who have unlocked their kekkei genkai find themselves suffering from insomnia. One will also tend to eat less, if ever. When one does eat, they tend to prefer bloody pieces of meat. At first this is appalling to many, but over time they get used to it.

Last edited by Aki on Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:33 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires) Empty Re: Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:32 am

from what i have seen you will be able to handle it, so approved


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Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires) Empty Re: Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires)

Post by Aki Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:32 pm

Updated it... Added more information. Only real big change was in weakness and adding of the "Genshiryou" along with some more history. O wait... Post too big. Here's the rest of it.

10 Unknown Members
3 "Fallen" (Known Nasakis who died in their human body)

They have the same abilities as their descendants but on a higher level, but the main thing that sets them apart is that they are not vulnerable to fire and turn humans into vampires with a bite. Should they turn humans into a vampire with a bite, the humans gain the traditional vampire like abilities: increased speed and strength, occasional flight, uncontrollable thirst for blood, and immortality, but they can not turn other humans into vampires. Only Genshiryou are able to do that, Fallen can not do it either, only the true Genshiryou.

Like their descendants, the Genshiryou are only weak against wood, but unlike their descendants, they can not heal quickly with wood wounds. It takes several days or even weeks to recover from a small wood injury. Genshiryou are also extremely sensitive to light, but are not actually weakened by it. Their vision is only limited.

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Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires) Empty Re: Nasaki Clan: Vampire: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki (Disebodied Soul of Vampires)

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:29 pm



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