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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:10 pm

Niru sat down in his seat and waited for the papers to be past out. He listened carefully to the rules as they explained. Niru looked down at his paper and viewed the following.

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

Niru marveled at some of the answers. Some were very high level thinking. He took a amoment and leaned back in his chair. He then realized that they were wanting the students to cheat, but not get caught. hopefully his other team-mates understood this. Niru looked around for his team to see how they were doing.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Aki Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:30 pm

Aki was dressed as she normally was, only she had on a pair of dark glasses that blocked out most of the light. Why does our clan have to be so sensitive to light? She thought irritably. She quickly made her way to her spot, ignoring some of the stares she got. As the papers were passed out she gave them a quick glimpse.

This is pretty easy... I thought it'd be harder. Some of them do seem a little complex though.

Aki looked around the room. She spied Niru in his seat. He was looking around the room, for them most likely. She couldn't find Ookami though. She shrugged. What did she care? She was only here because her clan had "advised" her to do so.

A small and rare smile crossed her face. Too bad they don't know much about the Nasaki Clan...

Ready to be a "genius" little one?

Yes... and please don't call me that.
answered Aki, slightly annoyed at being called "little one".

Fine. When you get stuck, just call on me. said a very bored Akihime. I really don't get what's up with you humans and these things called "Chunin Exams". I've witnessed countless of them and it still seems rather pointless.

And with that, Aki's pencil began moving along at a rather fast rate as she began answering the questions. She was vaguely aware of some of the other Genin nearby watching in shock as she answered the first couple of questions. Akihime was content with resting inside of Aki for the next part of the exams, knowing she would get some action.

[OOC: Won't be back til Friday or Saturday. If you need to, you can skip Aki for a few turns.]

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:05 pm

Ookami looked at his paper on his desk and realized that these questions were very complex, way to complex for him to answer. He looked at his options, they weren't many but still there were options. He decided the best way to do this was use his water eye jutsu, after all the room was warm. He looked around he saw some of the students were sweating. Bingo he thought to himself. He performed the handseals under the desk and lent forward and rested his head in his hand so when the jutsu started working it would look like he was thinking.

He knew his eyes would remain open so it wouldn't look suspicious. Now to pick the right guy to copy from. He looked around slyly so as not to arouse suspition. "There".
A ninja across the room from him looked a little to confident for his own good. Now the jutsu started working, in his mind he traveled to the sweat on the shinobi's head. Even if the shinobi Ookami had picked wiped his forhead the sweat would be smeared across his skin still useable. "Ahh, so there's the answers", Ookami thought to himself

Sevral minutes later he released the jutsu. And returned to his body. He smiled to himself "got all of them" he thought to himself. "Now to make it look like I had the answers" to start with and began writing.

Answer 1:

The five basic elements:

Water - Mizu
Wind - Kaze
Fire - Hi
Lightning - Kaminari
Earth - Tsuchi

The weakness/ strengths are:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than the other.

Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water

Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning

Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind

Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire

Explanation of above:

This means when for example. The water element is put against the fire element. The water will prevail due to the fact that water is weak against fire. The only time this rule does not apply is when the fire element is a higher level than the water element.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water or fire element into a shape. Shown in the rasengan how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for anything.

Answer 2:

In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of ninja tool such as kunai knives, to add to the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limiters to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra.

Answer 3:

The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used to put the opponent in a hypnosis like state or, even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on end never getting anywhere.

To fight a sharigan user I believe a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosive notes down in an area with a single one in the centre then make them doge attack while you remain hidden and cause them to tire themselves out while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while in the trap.

The easiest way for a sharigan user to cast a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technique of

Utakata – Ephemeral-
Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes; a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

Answer 4.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are three of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame, Momochi Zabuza and Kurosuki Raiga. Zabuza was defeated and killed by a Hidden leaf ninja, the jounin Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai also a jounin of the Hidden leaf village

Answer 5.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, and the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the descendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

Answer 6.

The second to oldest village in the ninja world would be Sunagakure. Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Sasori and made into one of his puppets.

Answer 7.

I would change the mission plan to utilize my skills and retrieve the information. I would hide my partner in the safest place available at the time, and remove any evidence he came from my village, and then complete the mission and return to him on the way back, find him and return to the village.
The reason for this is that the mission comes first but my teammates life is equally important. Also the information could be vital for the survival to the village.

If my teammate went crazy I would be forced to restrain him by tying him up and gagging him and hiding him into the forest and pick him up on my way out. Or I would use restraints of some sort or a drug to knock him out for the time needed.

Answer 8.

If I was on an A ranked mission to assassinate someone and I was confronted by a missing nin I'd try my hardest to lose him so I could take care of that matter later on. After my mission was complete I'd return to the area and deal with him, after dealing with him I'd return to the village with a completed mission and a missing nin to boot. The reason I'd avoid him at first would be to make sure the mission was done quickly and efficiently as planned. The reason I'd go back for him later is for the safety of information, it was, after all, an assassination mission, and him seeing me isn't good, so I'd finish the mission quickly and return to silence him.

Answer 9.

If my Kage was to personally assign me an important S-rank mission to assassinate the leader of a small country, but my partner wanted to disregard the direct orders of the Kage, I'd first try to reason with him, explaining the need for stealth and why his plan would bring danger to the village, If I couldn't reason with him I'd tell him if he goes through with his own plan we’d all die as a consequence , I’d also reminding him it was he kage who gave us the order and disobeying that order would have dire consequence’s for the team not just himself. If he still insists I would let him try, but making him aware that if he succeeded he won't be welcome in the village, and will be treated as an enemy. If he still goes through with it could give me the cover I need to finish the job, and on top of that, telling him he will be treated as a enemy I cover my village's liability for his actions if he is captured or killed. But I could not kill a teammate, though I wouldn’t allow myself to be put on the same team with such an irresponsible person as that.

"All done" he thought as he looked around the room there were still people writing "I wonder if my teammates are doing as well as I did?" He asked himself. He looked around the room, it was still warm and he was now sweating. He could see Aki, and just see Niru. "Good luck to you both" he thought. Then he sat back in his seat and awaited the end of the test

Ookami Tenma

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:52 pm

Niru found both his partners. Ookami was sitting directly infront of him and Aki was several desks behind him. This was perfect. Niru knew that Ookami would have the answers in no-time. Niru waited untill half of the time was up, then he decided that it was time. Making sure that noone would see, Niru made a few handsigns under his desk. He then whispered under his breath.


A small portion of Ookami's back suddenly turned invisible. Niru could now see right through him and read his answers. He then copied them down. As he did this, he noticed that the ninja next to him had noticed this and was also taking this chance to copy down the answers, but Niru did not care. Showing a little compassion, Niru waited till the other ninja was done before he ended the jutsu. He then looked around to double check that noone had seen him. As he suspected, his jutsu went unnoticed.

Niru turned his sheet upside down as a sign hat he was done.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Aki Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:53 pm

    1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs. Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

Answer: The five elements are as follows, Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton (or if you like English: Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Wind). In terms of strengths and weaknesses, Suiton is strong against Katon but weak against Doton, Katon is strong against Fuuton but weak against Suiton, Fuuton is strong against Raiton but weak against Katon, Doton is strong against Suiton but weak against Raiton, Raiton is strong against Daiton but weak against Fuuton. Though this plays a role in strengths and weakness, the strength of a jutsu is also important. For example, if a low leveled Suiton jutsu were to come against a high level Katon jutsu, it would lose. However, if the Suiton jutsu and the Katon jutus are both on relatively the same level, they would cancel one another out.

I use Suiton best, and if I had to defeat someone with an element that is not weak against mine, like Doton, I would have to use Suiton jutus that overpower that of their Doton jutsus.

Shape Manipulation if the manipulation of raw chakra. The best example being that of the Rasengan. Other such examples are the Chidori/Raikiri which is also composed of raw chakra, only it is of raw lighting chakra.

    2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplified with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

Answer: Taijutsu is the art of hand to hand combat, causing physical damage to the opponent. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of ninja tools, such as the kunai to aid in damaging the opponent further and easier, as weapons tend to be sharp and can easily penetrate the human skin. The eight gates are a part of the chakra circulatory system, composed of eight valves responsible for regulating the flow of chakra. These valves are often located near a vital organ such as the heart, brain, and spine. Under a forbidden jutsu, it is possible to open these gates. The opening of the gates allows the ninja to release ten times their normal amount of power, at the cost of causing their body bodily harm and coming closer to death with each gate that is opened. If all eight gates are successfully opened the ninja will become as strong as a Kage at the cost of their own life. Other drawbacks include being severely weakened from opening lesser gates, thus the need for one to finish their opponent as quickly as possible. It is still unclear as to if the ninja must open all the gates in order, if they may open a later gate and bypass the previous gate(s). Though the eight gates do indeed use chakra, it is not considered a Ninjutsu, as it enhances a ninja’s physical aspects.

Gate 1: Kaimon—Opening Gate
Releases the brain’s restraint, allowing the muscles to go to their full potential. Must be opened to prepare the body for Omote Renge. Located in head.

Gate 2: Kyuumon—Rest Gate
Raises a ninja’s stamina and recovery rate after being weakened. Located in head.

Gate 3: Seimon—Life Gate
Body enters “Ura Renge”, turning their body a shade of red. Located along spine.

Gate 4: Shoumon—Wound Gate
Further increases speed and power, usage of this gate will tear up the body’s muscles. Located along spine.

Gate 5: Tomon—Limit Gate
Further increases speed and power. Located along spine.

Gate 6: Keimon—View Gate
Futher increases speed and power. Body is now able to use “Asakujaku”. Located along spine.

Gate 7: Kyoumon—Wonder Gate
Further increases speed and power. Located along spine.

Gate 8: Shimon—Death Gate
Further increases speed and power. Body gains Kage-leveled power at the cost of their life. Located at heart.

    3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fighting that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

Answer: Genjutsu are the illusion techniques of a ninja, it is the use of hypnotism to cause hallucinations. These hallucinations tend to be very realistic and painful to the target, and may be able to cause death or make the target go mentally unstable if they are unable to escape the jutsu. Genjutsu is created when a ninja extends their chakra flow through the cerebral nervous system of their opponent to control their mind’s chakra, affecting the five senses of taste, touch, sound, sight, and smell.

Among the masters of Genjutsu are the Uchiha Clan. With the aid of the Sharnigan they are able to easily cast a genjutsu on an opponent, even more so with the Mangekyo Sharnigan. The best way to combat this is to simply not look in their eyes. Trained ninja such as Maito Gai can easily combat a Sharnigan user by looking at their feet and predicting their movements. Another method is used by Momochi Zabuza . Though it is not necessary to blind your opponent with mist, you may adapt the later method of closing your eyes to reduce any chance of falling prey to the Sharnigan, and then attacking your enemy through the sole use of smell and sound. The easiest way for an Uchiha to cast Genjutsu without the aid of the Sharnigan or moving is through the use of Utakata—Ephemeral, which by using only one finger on his right hand, he can cast the target into a Genjutsu. His target does not have to look into his eyes, a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

    4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

Answer: It is unclear as to what year the Mist Village was formed, but is assumed that the village was formed shortly after the Senju and Uchiha formed a pact and became one of the first “villages”, approximately 90 years ago (if we’re doing this based on manga, it would be 65 years ago). Very little is known about the Mist, and most of the information about Mist is confidential for an unknown reason; therefore, the Kages of Mist still remain a mystery to many. Previously, it was rumored that Uchiha Madra was the Mizukage of Kirigakure, but that remains to be known.

Others of note that are from Kirigakure are primarily the Mist Seven Swordsmen. The only members that are known at the moment are Momochi Zabuza, Kurosuki Raiga, and Hoshigaki Kisame, of which all have become missing-nin. Another person of note is Hoozuki Suigetsu, currently a member of Team Hawk. Zabuza was killed by the wounds he received from Hatake Kakashi of Konohagkure, located in the Fire Country. Kurosuki Raiga was ultimately killed by Naruto, along with the help from Neji, Tenten, Lee, and Ranmaru, of Konohagkure, located in the Fire Country. Hoshigaki Kisame is still supposedly alive. Hoozuki Suigetsu is also supposedly still alive.

    5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

Answer: The oldest ninja village would be Konohagakure. The two clans that helped in the uprising of this village would be the Senju (of the Forest) and the Uchiha Clan. Of the Senju, Hashirama and Tobirama are the most renown, along with the granddaughter of Hashirama, Tsunade. Of the Uchiha, the most renown being Madra, along with Itachi and Sasuke.

    6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

Answer: Approximately 60 years ago, the Village Hidden in the Sand (Sunagakure) was formed. The Sandaime Kazekage (Third Wind Shadow) was said to be the most gifted of all the Kages in Suna history with his unique ability to manipulate Iron Sand. Unfortunately, right before war broke out the Sandaime disappeared. It would later be revealed that Sasori, a puppet master, had murdered the Kazekage and turned into one of his most prized puppets because of the Kazekage’s unique ability with Iron Sand.

    7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

Answer: Should my partner be unable to maintain stealth I would help them hide themselves, if they are unable to move. I would then re-assess the situation, determining whether or not I can complete the rest of the mission. If unable to, I will return with my partner to the village rather than waste both my life and potentially their’s. If I can complete is successfully, I will alter the plan so as to utilize my skills and abilities. Should my partner still be able to move, but unable to maintain stealth, I would demand that they return to the village, or rest and catch up later when they are able to maintain stealth once more. It would be safer for them to return if they are in a critical state of being, but are still able to walk. Just to ensure their own safety, I may send out a clone with them, determining on the severity of the situation.

    8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

Answer: First off, I would try to identify the missing nin. If the missing nin is not a threat, I would disregard them and continue on the mission, making note of where they may be later so that I may deal with them upon return of the mission. If the missing nin is a threat, and I know that I will able to handle both him and the mission, I may try to take him out then and there rather than continue on with the mission with the possibility of having to fight two opponents at one time, or being ambushed from behind. Should the missing nin prove to be too dangerous, I would immediately try to get away as quickly as possible, even if it means it will take me longer to complete the mission. Most likely I would try to send word of it to my village, warning them of the general area the missing nin is in, rather than dying and giving the missing nin an opportunity to pose a surprise attack on the village. I would then continue on my mission from a different direction than planned.

    9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

Answer: I would first listen to him and try to reason with him that doing so would only increase our chances of failing, or getting severely injured. If however, he should come up with a plan that is more effective, I may try to incorporate his idea into our current plan instead of splitting up the team. But if his plans prove to be too faulty, and he still insists on doing it his way, going so far as to leave the team, I would go after them rather then complete the mission as the Kage had ordered. If I am able to catch him in time, I would try to reason with him once more, but if he still insists on doing it his way, I would be forced to try to tie him up or knock him out rather than let him go on by himself and most likely severely injure or kill himself. I would then re-assess the situation, determining whether or not I and my remaining teammate can complete the mission myself, if I can, I will try. If not, I will simply return with my teammates and report the mission as a failure due to a teammate disobeying orders. Ultimately, the lives of our comrades are more important than the mission itself.

Aki let her pencil fall, her hand starting to hurt. I suppose I am done. Thank you for your help Akihime.

Akihime shrugged. It doesn’t matter to me. I just can’t wait til the next round. I finally get some action! Akihime let out a some what cheerful cheer. Anyway, after I’ve been around here since before the time of the ninja villages, I’m pretty sure I’d know most of that stuff anyway, it’d be saddening if I didn’t.

The written exams had proved to be rather easy for the duo. And undoubtedly unless someone knew of her being a Nasaki, or even about the Nasaki Clan's kekkai genkai, they would not be able to say that Aki cheated in any way. And fortunately enough, the Nasaki Clan was very private about their kekkai genkai, along with the added bonus that only a handful of them ever managed to activate their kekkai genkai. Aki simply stared out from behind her glasses, waiting for the exam to end.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Ookami Tenma Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:48 pm

Ookami realized he was holding the team up. He knew that Niru was sat directly behind him so when his stomach when see through he asummed Niru had somthing to do with it. He then rembered that to show that you've finshed you must turn your paper over.
Damn it we lost a lot of time there. He said to himself as he flipped his paper over. He looked around anther team had gone his team would be next. A chill ran up his spine as he thought of the terrible things that could be behind that door. Ookami shook the thought out his head surely the Raikage would kill them would he?

Ookami Tenma

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:05 pm

Yoshimo walked in the door checking on the genin that were taking the exams. It seemed as if though three of them were already done. The looks on their faces, and their papers turned over, and roaming eyes. They weren't trying to cheat, they were just done. He looked at them, they were all from Konohagakure. Konohagakure must have had some great cheaters or smart individuals. He looked over at them, and smiled.

"If you are done follow me into the next room. Give me your test, and if you make a word was you walk by to anyone else, I'll kill you myself. Keep your eyes on me."

Yoshimo waited for them to get up. He knew that most of them would be done early, and he didn't want to make them wait for the others. Also, by getting rid people that were done, they could cut down on the cheaters, and make it harder on everyone.


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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:12 pm

Finally.... could this take any longer?

Niru stood up from his seat like a sloth. He moved across the room at his own pace. Walking over to Yoshimo, he handed him his paper and leaned against the wall waiting for his team mates.

What a chump... I could take this guy by myself. He seems lazy and weak... I should attack him after all these exams are over, just to prove that this village is filled with weak shinobi. Why would the Raikage even allow a ninja like this to live in his village... Man, this village...

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Aki Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:42 pm

Aki mentally sighed before getting up and turning in her test. She turned it in without much of a glance at Yoshimo. That is until Akihime reminded her that this was the new Raikage. At that Aki glanced at Yoshimo again, making sure to remember his face and to treat him as Raikage later.

So that's the Raikage huh? He doesn't look too strong though...

Don't underestimate him.

I know... it's just that most Kages look menacing... or at least have an air of power around them.

Aki and Akihime stood off to the side of Niru, waiting for Ookami. The two "talking" of what the next question could be. Akihime having had plenty of experience.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:21 am

Ookami got up and walked out the room. His thoughts were of what the tenth question might be. He saw his teammates go through the doorway
well now we find out if we've got what it takes to be real shinobi he thought to himself.
He handed his paper over to the Raikage and walked through the door. Then he walked into the next room ad waited with his teammates.
He crouched on the floor. He looked at his to teammates and instantly knew that they done the exact same thing he'd done. Well if were all on the same level with what they were doing with this exam, he thought there was now more of a chance of them passing

Ookami Tenma

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:45 pm

He was tired after all, and that toally explained why Yoshimo was scratching his bellly in the midst of people. As a Kage it was rude, and it showed no respect for himself but he didn't care at all. He'd been using several Kage Bunshin to keep up with everyone taking the test, and he'd needed to sleep soon. Going all night wasn't his thing, even though he had the stamina to do it. He just wanted to get back to the office, and get back to Nami...

Yoshimo made sure that his laziness didn't hinder his intelligence. He checked every single test, and just like the others, they'd passed. This was a weird bunch of ninja, but none the less if they'd answered the correct amount of questions then they'd pass. And they did. It was fine and dandy.


Stamping each one of thier tests with the marker, Yoshimo turned around and took out his new habit. A box of cigarettes and a lighter. He tapped the box of cigarettes on the base of his palm untill one slid out. He picked the cigarette out and placed it in the corner of his mouth. Taking the lighter from his back pocket, he put it close to his mouth, tapping the igniter and making a few sparks untill a constant flame lit up. He returned the igniter to his pocket, and let the smoke rise from his mouth.

He looked over at them.

"What are you all waiting on?"


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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:05 pm

Niru leaned up from the wall and snatched is paper from Yosimo. This guys laziness realyticked him off. He woul deffinately want to fight this guy some time while in Kumo. He then left the room that they were standing in and went down the hall to room 222. He then waited outside ofthe room nd leaned up against the wall again, next to the door. He began to tap his fingers against his arm has he crossed them, waiting for his team.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:20 pm

Ookami took his paper from Yoshimo and nodded his head in a sign of respect. He then follwed Niru down the hall to room 222 and rested his back against the wall. He knew this was going to be difficult but both of his teammates seem to be extremly confident in there abilities. And he knew that his own jutsu had been practiced and practiced untill he had made them the best he humanly could. But there was only one thing going through his head, his sword would he finaly need to use it? He rested his hand on the grip it and pulled it slightly out of the scabbard so he could see a small protion of the blade. It had been cleaned time and time again but never used in actual combat.

Oh well if i do have to use it i'll make sure it's used well then pushed the sword back into its scabbard and smiled to himself
I might just enjoy this. Then he looked down the hall and waited for Aki.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Aki Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:02 pm

Aki took her paper and made her way down the hall to join Ookami and Niru, not really caring about the Exams. The hall was dimly lit so she slipped off her glasses as she neared Room 222. Aki leaned up against the wall opposite of her teammates, arms crossed, waiting for the Raikage. She and Akihime still conversing on possible scenarios.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:22 pm

Yoshimo entered a separate room that led to 222. These ninja seemed a bit smarter than the rest, so their 10th question should be a bit more harder than the rest. The room itself 222, was nothing but empty moving space. What was being moved though was the dangerous part. Some of the shinobi's picked up their tools here. There were boxes full of poison bombs, explosive notes, and smoke bombs. There was enough power to level the whole entire building.

Walking over to the light, Yoshimo's glowing cigarette seemed to float in the air as he walked over to the light, clicking it on and brightening the room up with a dull yellow light. He pushed open the door, and found a folding chair as he sat in it. Boxes would greet them as they walked into the room.

"Alright. I want each of you to grab a box. Don't ask questions, just do what I say."

He grabbed the cigarette from his mouth, breathing out a stream ok smoke into the air while eyeing the end of it. He put his right foot on his left knee while returning the cigarette to his mouth and eyeing the shinobi.


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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:38 pm

Niru entred the room and selected a medium sized box. He quickly lifted it and gave out a dissrespectful sigh. "So what...? Aregonna lift boxes al day?" While picking up the box, he noticed some spare weapons laying o the ground, and a box acoss the room filled with neatly sacked paper bombs. He then thought that his box could be filled with bombs to, and it could bepart of the test. But even if it was, there would be missions where they would have to carry things that could kill them, or even things that were supposed to remain a secret. A lent against the wall as he held the box, waiting to see what was the next step.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:53 pm

Ookami casuly walked in the room and looked around the room he had just entered was obviously some kind of storage space. he walked over to the nearest box and picked it up gentlly. From the amount of paper bombs lying around it was painful obvious he could have just made the biggest mistake of his life.

"wow way to get our attention give us a box full of explosives" he said sarcasticly. He'd already decided years ago he was gonna go out with a bang and judging from the size of the box this sure would be a big bang.

"So whats the tenth question honorable Raikage" he made it sound serious but deep inside he wanted to get rid of the box in his hands he alredy knew what his next move would be.

Last edited by Ookami Tenma on Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Aki Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:08 pm

Aki entered the room last, enjoying the semi darkness. Her vision increasing, she could make out almost every detail in the room and noticed Yoshimo sitting on a chair with the cigarette in his mouth. So... he can light all these bombs at once huh? We'll have be careful about that...

Aki took a small and somewhat light box. It was light enough to throw away if needed, but not so small that it couldn't be used as some sort of shield. Aki stood in a loose fighting stance, ready to fight at a moment's notice. She noticed that Niru didn't seem to know that Yoshimo was the Raikage, at least Ookami did...

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kenshi Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:22 pm

Yoshimo looked over to Ookamai as he asked his question. He puffed on his cigarette, letting smoke cover his face as he answered it.

"The 10th question is up to you all. Niru's box is empty, your box is full of poisons, and Aki's is full of explosive tags. I'm going to give Aki an ultimatum." Yoshimo stood up, balancing the cigarette in the corner of his lip. He walked over to her.

Yoshimo withdrew a black explosive note from his pocked, and stuck it on her face. As weird as it was he did it. The explosive note was trimmed red and black, and if detonated, her remains would be impossible to find. The notes would kill them all, and level the whole building along with it. Yoshimo smiled and breathed smoke into her face playing around. If the lit end of the cigarette came just a bit too close, it'd mean death.

"You can either kill Niru, or kill us all"


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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:27 pm

Niru smiled as he heard what Toshimo had said. This guy was obviously trying to mess with their heads. he was basicaly telling her to make the decition of one man, to many. Would she honor one person more than the rest? Would she sacrifice a whole village for the love of her life, or a fimily member in need? Niru leaned up from the wall and waited fro Aki to answer him. If she did not act, he would.

If a rouge ninja had captures soemone that he cared about, and then told them that it was either the village or that person, he would not choose. Destroy the village, and the victim is safe; let the victim die, the village is safe... but kill the man who has the victim, and the problem goes away. Niru was getting ansy, and the chance to take out this lazy ninja was laying before him.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Aki Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:55 pm

"... Aki's is full of explosive tags. I'm going to give Aki an ultimatum." Yoshimo stood up, balancing the cigarette in the corner of his lip. He walked over to her.

What?! I can't believe... argh...

Yoshimo withdrew a black explosive note from his pocked, and stuck it on her face. As weird as it was he did it. The explosive note was trimmed red and black, and if detonated, her remains would be impossible to find. The notes would kill them all, and level the whole building along with it. Yoshimo smiled and breathed smoke into her face playing around. If the lit end of the cigarette came just a bit too close, it'd mean death.

Aki eyed the explosive note with disgust. The only reason why she didn't immediately strike out at him was because he was the Raikage.

"You can either kill Niru, or kill us all"

Why weren't you paying attention?!

I'm holding a time bomb, you honestly think I'd pay attention to him walking to me? He could've blown the place up by just flicking that cigarette at us... So... what do you suggest we do now? I know that if we switch we can easily get away, but there's probably something in this room that will stop us or set it off anyway.

True... I've never had this happen before. You'll have to solve it on your own. But um... maybe choose to kill that Niru kid or whatever. We don't even know him...

Aki closed her eyes. You can either kill Niru, or kill us all. She wasn't fazed by the fact that she might die at all, she was just disappointed that if she did die now, she'd never get to see Akira again. She opened her eyes to see them all waiting for her to answer. "The Raikage dies today," said Aki briefly, flicking the box of explosives towards Yoshimo and then crossing her arms.

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kenshi Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:57 pm

Wow. Something different.

No other team had done something like this. They'd literally returned the threat. Yoshimo watched as the explosives were launched at him. The awkward silence seemed to last forever as the notes completed their arch into the air. All eyes were on the box in the air. The box full of explosive notes.

The box that could kill them all.

Yoshimo's image was steady. He held his cigarette in the corner of his lips, and his hands in his pocket. Some demeanor for a Raikage. But he wasn't as lazy as he seemed. His image, if any of them were good enough to catch, suddenly appeared 5 feet in front of his previous image. As if he'd grew in size.

It was sheer speed. It would cost him some energy to move that fast, but he was nothing more than a bunshin.

Yoshimo watched the boxes land in the palm of his hand. He smiled as they reacted to his movements.

"Don't ever fu-k with me like that. If I wanted to I could kill you all..."

He reached in the box quickly, ripping out a pack of red-tagged explosive notes. He must have gone crazy, or been serious. Vigorously tearing through the box of notes in a rage, he took his cigarette and placed it on the note, watching it sizzle. A few more seconds left for all of them.

Boy was Yoshimo a good actor...

"Meet the rest of them at Unraikyo, you all passed"

The bunshin dispersed into a cloud of smoke, leaving the burning cigarette and note falling to the floor, igniting the rest of the notes littered about. The sparks of the explosive notes spread around among the rest of them, lighting the floor up infront of them. The notes sizzled, leaving the oncoming "bang" up to the next second.

Yoshimo knew they'd probably thought they'd die, but the smoke from the dud notes clouded the room, leaving them alive, but soaking wet under the alarm system in the room.


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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:19 pm

Niru was dumb struck. "That guy..... that guy was the Raikage?!?! BULL SHIT!!!" Now sitting in the room soaking wet, Niru was furious. "How the hell does a village like this have a kage lke that and still be standing? This village realy pisses me off!!" Slammed the door open almost ripping the door off; atleast that is what he thought. "Now I realy want a piece of that guy..."

Niru walked down the hall, no even waiting for the rest of his teammates. And to think.... this used to be your home.... wasn't it Hachibi?


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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Ookami Tenma Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:01 pm

Ookami follwed Niru out the room. But unlike him he saw the funny side of being soaked. He was used to it somtimes he would get a backwash off his jutsu, or one of his water clones would randomly pop. So he didn't mind being wet, but one thing did bother him. The way things had happened in that room, it all happened so fast Aki moved quicker than he ever could or probalbly could ever hope to at his current level of expertise.
I do wonder what the next test will be like he wondered to himself.

"Hey niru wait up we gotta have a chat about the next test all three of us" he shouted as he ran up the hall after his angered teammate

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Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki) Empty Re: Team Kiri (Niru Sakuyo, Ookami Tenma, Aki Nasaki)

Post by Kyo Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:07 pm

Hey, we are starting the next section of the chunnin exams in Unraikyo.

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