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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:41 pm

The clone stood before a man the denkou tou activated and it sizzinling with chakra. The clone smirked and said "So who are you?

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:48 pm

Sanosuke looked at the clone and smirked"well well,jugde by what all you are doing here i'd say that you're not friendly but if you really wanna know my name its Sanosuke Sagara"Sanosuke said. He looked at the blade he held"hmm...nice sword by the way you to chicken to fight hand to hand?"Sanosuke asked smirking slightly as he brought up his fists and prepared to fight. "This guy seems real different but I suppose I could get a good fight from him"Sanosuke thought as he waited for Kaji's first move.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:59 pm

The clone smirked at the man and made his sword return to nothing putting it back into its sheith. If you want a hand to hand fight we will have one. The clone smirked as it spaced his fingers out and a slight static shock went through him. He then entered the gentle fist style without byakugan throwing the hat off his head and revealing bandages over his left side of his face. He motioned for sano to come and make the first move.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:05 pm

Saosuke smirked as the clone got rid of the sword and got into a rather odd stance but of course he knew not to underestimate him. He saw the signal and stayed perfectly still"if I know this right it won't be easy to get through his defense......but that don't mean I can't try"Sanosuke thought before running towards Kaji. He ran towards him skidding to a stop aiming a fist towards his face.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:13 pm

Kaji smirked as the man charged him he waited till the last second then ducked and sent his fist open palmed at Sano. His palm was lined with lightning chakra that would shock Sano on contact. This was Kaji's style of gentle fist. He also moved himself 38 degrees to the left so that if sano brought a punch to him he could jump in matters of miliseconds out of the way.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:22 pm

Sanosuke looked as he ducked and then quickly jumped back just narrowly avoiding the lighting fist moving back a few steps as he looked at Kaji and smirked. "Well...this should be an interesting fight..."Sanosuke thought as he then waited for his next move.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:27 pm

Kaji didnt attack sano again he jumped back and moved into a defensive stance and walked to the sides back and forth motioning for him to strike. "come on attack me, WIMP!"

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:22 am

Sanosuke watched him move and then growled clutching his fists before running towards him,although his speed had changed abit. As he got closer he raised his fist ready to strike at him agian,but instead when he was near him he spun on his foot rather quickly going behind him bringing his fist back and then aiming to hit his back"Futae no Kiwami!".
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:13 pm

Kaji smirked as he was in a defensive position and he had planned on everything. When he felt the wind pressure change he fell to the ground instantly catching himself a inch from the ground and then brought his left leg at Sano's leg in aims to trip him.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:45 pm

Sanosuke brought back his fist as Kaji hit the ground and quickly shifted his body back grabbing his leg holding onto it tightly. He then spun Kaji's foot and used it to rotate his entire body bringing his foot aiming to Kaji's throat.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:42 pm

The clone smirked as it was kicked and it's neck deatached and sent electricity throughouts sano. The clones body rolled to the side and then its head reattached. It stood up and looked at sano "Now you know i am a clone of the true fighter.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:03 pm

Sanosuke grunted abit as he was hit with the electric shock but he just smirked at the clone"well thanks for telling me,but its gonna take alot more then electric shocks to take me down"Sanosuke said. He then looked down infront of him and punched the ground hard"Futae no Kiwami!"!,there was a shockwave sent straight at Kaji,the ground getting completly destroyed making a crator.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:21 pm

The clone smirked as it performed handsigns in a matter of 2 seconds then dissapeared and then reappeared behind sano a palm lurching forward to hit him in a blind spot in the back. He had used his spark feet jutsu to get behind the man.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:54 pm

Sanosuke blinked as Kaji just disappeared,he quickly looking behind him and brought up his arms but still getting hit somewhat as he was tossed back a few feet landing on the ground. He quickly got back to his feet though" am I suppose to get through to him..."Sanosuke thought as he tried to think of something to use agianst the clone.

Last edited by Zen on Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:03 am

The clone just jumped back performing handsigns and waiting for Sano to attack. He had been preparing he still kept his spark feet jutsu up for guick reactions and had a jutsu ready as he finished handsigns. He hen spoke "This fight really isnt worth my time if this dosent get any interesting i may just make myself disperse."

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:13 am

Sanosuke clutched his fists"oh ya? will see about that!"Sanosuke shouted as he then ran forward,although as he was running he seemed to disappear only to reappear right infront of him sending what felt like 100 rapid punchs at a blinding speed at the clone. As he kept it up and neared the end the last fist Sanosuke combined it with Futae no Kiwami making the punch slightly faster then the others as it aimed for his head.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:37 pm

The clone smirked as Sano charged at him and then whispere ~Water Sphere ~ A sphere of water appeared around Kaji and blocked the attack mostly. The clone was begining to frown this fight was talking a little to long and he was using a little to much chakra to truely continue for much longer at this rate of usage. It just jumped as back as the bubble dispersed performing handsigns.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:08 pm

Sanosuke growled and just bursted through the water glaring at the clone litterally flying like a bullet at the clone"Im not done with you!"Sanosuke shouted as he brought back his fist as he flew straight towards Kaji quickly aiming his fist at him as it made a sonic boom almost.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:40 pm

The clone finished the handsigns and smirked as sano came closer he was working right into his plan. He smirked as Sano was covered in water after running through the bubble so he held the tiger seal and shot out a gigantic shot of electrcity out at Sano and it was almost unable to dodge since sano was rushing with great speed at the clone and it would hit him anyway from the blast's other spears of it. The clone shouted one thing as it dispersed while shooting the lighting off. TAKE THIS!!!!! ~Volt 2 Shot ~

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:50 pm

Sanosuke watched as Kaji disappeared and then yelled out as he suddenly hit the ground groaning as spazzing as the electricly shocked him. When it was over his vision was abit blurry and he couldn't move,he coughed abit and shook his head as she slowly got up,burn marks on him abit now"what? that all you have?!"Sanosuke asked as he looked around for the clone panting somewhat trying to find him.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:52 pm

The area was empty as the clone dispersed returning only 5% of the chakra it had left to the true kaji the rest just dispersed into the air and nothing was left.

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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

Post by Zen Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:54 pm

Sanosuke spat out some blood and wipped his face off,shaking his head abit"well...guess hes gone,too bad had him right where I wanted him..."Sanosuke thought smirking as he growled abit before walking back,soon arriving back at the gates.
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Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85% Empty Re: Searching for blood [subtopic] Sano vs Kaji Clone 85%

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