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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:15 pm

Niru had been watching the fights commence when he heard screaming and a large blast. he turned around to see a large water monter several stories high, causing destruction and chaos.

Niru jumped down from the trees and started to move. As he ran, he bit his right thumb and made symbols on his left palm wioth the blood. He then jumped into the air and flipped, landing on the left hand.

"Summoning Jutsu!!!"

He then sprang off of his hand and landed back onto his feet. he continued to run as a large tiger like man appeared next to him.

"What is it Niru?" The tiger had a fierce voice and as soon as he saw the monter, he knew. "What have you gotten us into this time?"

Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi 12-5-200810650AM

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:10 pm

The creature shifts its movements towards Niru and his summoning. The creature begins to spew water out of its mouth

Hitoshi looks on another building and looks at the creature spewing water. His eyes begin to gleam controlling the monster from afar.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:30 pm

Amaterasu leaped up high into the air far above the buildings as the water came rushing down towards both him and Niru. He reached for his sword and brought it down as he reached the head of the beast.


Niru managed to dodge the attack just as it beckoned past him. He jumped ont the side of a building and ran up it's vertical walls. He then tried to reach his mind out to the beast but could not. This was one of the abilities of his long forgotten clan. When he reached out to the beasts mind, he found that it could no thinnk, meaning that is was being controlled. He would have to find it's master while Amaterasu dealt with it.

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:37 pm

The creature was slashed by the tiger's sword, but it begins to reform and reshape its head. He opens his mouth and consumes the tiger. The tiger would be swimming inside of the beast. It begins to move towards Niru trying to consume him as well

Hitoshi realized that someone tried to get inside of the beast mind. Could it be that this person, whomever he or she might be, is able to perform Seishin ninjutsu like himself or was he a genjutsu type person? It was a difficult to say. Hitoshi begins to perform the telepathy move by creating a clone conscious, a identical part of him. It exits out of his body and towards the water beast
Kyouken Uchiha
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:02 pm

Amaterasu was consumed by the water beast but this proved usefull. Amaterasu had complete Ice manipulation. From deep within it's body, Amaterasu made a chain of handsigns. The water around him began to freeze and the freezing process continued to grow.


Niru continued to climb the walls of the building untill he reached the top. He looked around untill he could just barely see someone else among the tops of the buildings. He stretched out his mind to teh mysterious man that lurked in the shadows. He would attack his mind and end his control over the beast. As he reached the outerwalls of the man's mind, he could now tell that he was not controlling the beast. he had a slight mental barrier surrounding his mind that made Niru ajitated. He had never met someone else who had a mental barrier within their mind. As far as he knew, Niru was the only one who could do this.

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:09 pm

When the clone conscious went inside the creatures mind, it began to vibrate itself. The molecules began to heat up rapidly causing a boiling process

When Hitoshi realized that he was trying to get invaded by someone. He retalitated by opening up the "thing" inside of his head.....his own ego. Niru then began to realize that he was surrounded in complete and absolute darkness. Then a eerie voice, someone of great evil appeared in front of Niru. He didnt have a face but more of a cloak around his body

"My oh my, what do we have here? A young shinobi trying to invade the mind of another. Well first off, im surprised you gotten this far inside of my mind, my body, my mind is not human whatsoever so its surprising me at this point"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:27 pm

Amaterasu was freezing the water, while the creature was boiling it'self. Like a thick smoke, steam was rising up and out of the beast. Eventualy this would shrink him down, but the heat was rising and Amaterasu could not keep up. He then used the ice that he still had, and pushed off of it with great force. And blasted out of the beast, suffering from a small burn. He landed on the ground on all fours and shook his fur dry. This was going to be a bit more difficult that he had originaly thought. With the beast now as hot as he was, the original plan to freeze him, was destroyed. he now had to think of a new way to defeat him.


His mind was strang and foreign as if an alien from another planet. The darkness was so forlorn, that it threatened the very air that he breathed. He was now physicaly close enough to see the bright red clouds decorating a sea of black material. He was in the mind of the Akatsuki. His own mind was fully protected, and there would be no way for him to know that he was a jinchuuriki. he was protecting his own mind with such strength, just incase. The darkness was seemed as if it would fully enclose him and drain him from any life. His ligth chakra would prevent this, and just to make sure that the shadows did not get to close, Niru focused some of his chakra into his own mind, creating a soft white glow about him. This would protect him while within the mans mind.... but because he seemed to also have Psycokinetic ablilities, and he was in territory that the man controlled, he would not be able to go much further into his mind and stop him.

"The Akatsuki.... why are you even here?"

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:39 pm

THe creature began to recreate itself, although it was taking up as much oxygen in the air to recreate itself the amount of hydrogen was limited. The creature goes upwards, like a tidal wave and then begins to sweep down towards the beast

The evil man looks at him, you could barely see the intoxicating look on his face. It was chilling. Each breath the man took, cold air was released making the area surrounded him and Niru extremely cold. He notice that the boy was doing his hardest not to let him inside of his mind. It made him laugh a bit, more cold air was release into the air. He began to reach out toward Niru. He knows that the boy had experience in Seishin techniques almost to a complete mastery but the man was beyond his skill level. His hand was glowing slaughterous red, the color of a cold-killing murder. He touches Niru with one finger and begins to enter slowly into his mind. He pulls back then he realizes who he was. He was somewhat like him. He did not want to make a scene. He clears his throat and answer his question

"The akatsuki is not hear to destroy anything, just to obtain something that is needed for our quest to help this world"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:16 pm

Amaterasu was extreemly old and powerful. However, he kne wthat he could not defeat this beast without destroying much of the village aswell. This was due to the creatures size. He no longer knew where Niru was, this troubled him. he knew that he needed to stop the monster, but could not. he would need help from Niru. Just like before, Amaterasu lumped high up into the air, dodging the tidal wave that crashed down onto the ground. he landed on a building and looked over at the monster and then all around. He needed to find Niru.


Niru could feel some of his memories being passed trhough to the Akatsuki member. Had he been able to master the abilities of his clan, he could have easily stopped his prying. he was now focusing all of his might on the information on the bijuu that lerked within him. Should he find out that he was a jinchuuriki,the man would easily kill him there on the spot.

"Help the world!?! You mean by taking the power of the bijuu and taking control of the world?"

Niru was also looking for the other Jinchuuriki. There goals were amore alike than the Akatsuki knew.

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:25 pm

The beast had spread itself across most of the village. It was a beast that fed off the water from the pipes from the the village. It was growing and growing not stopping. The beast created tentacles that were about 30 feet long. Three of them were going towards the tiger


The man turns away, putting his hands in his pocket of the cloak. He could've went further into his mind but he didnt, refused to do it. He respected someone who was able to perform Seishin. The man looks back at him and puts a hand on his chin

"Our goal is to help the villages out, stabilize the economic trade, help villages stop wars with each other. End the suffering of human beings. You should understand that all of us at the akatsuki dont want to kill but to help this world out"

The man places a hand on his shoulder "Wouldnt you want that, a world of absolute peace and order? Where everything works as one? No conflict, no disagreements, everyone has a different view of things but they do it for a common goal to make a place anew. I would think so. Your human, all humans want a utopia"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:41 pm

Amaterasu sent several balls of ice chakra at the beasts tenticals whenever they got to close. Because they were not as large of a body of mass of liquid, they froze quickly and shattered before reaching him. It is liek taking a bucket of hot water, and a small dixie cup of hot water. if you add the same amount of ice to both, the smaller one will become cold faster. He continued to dodge and block the attacks untill he could finaly see Niru. But he was not alone.....


Niru shivered as the man left his mind. What he said was true. He then looked down at his hands.

"Yes... I do want a better world.... aplace of peace.... without war and without mosters that destroy everything that gets close to them...."

He looked back up at the man. This man was much stronger than him and did seem to want the same things.... but in a different way.

"I am not strong enough to see my vision come true.... please.... take me with you..."

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:50 pm

The tentacles stop going toward the tiger and retreats back to its self and began to go throughout the village


Hitoshi had a hand on Niru's shoulder. He smiled. Hitoshi eyes stared into Niru. He puts down his hand away from his shoulder and puts it in his pocket "If you want I will teach more on your powers" his hand began to give off a powerful aura "You and me are alike. Simular in power known as Seishin or psionic. Your powers will become ten fold training under me my boy" Hitoshi then shows him a image of his true self in his mind. Hitoshi then begins to walk towards the Hyuuga complex "I'll show you an example on what you are missing out, my child"
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:05 am

Niru sent his mind towards Amaterasu, who was closing in fast to strike the cloaked man.

"No Amaterasu.... I am going with him. You may now leave...."

Amaterasu stopped in wonder. "What madness has stricken you to go with thos ethat hunt you!?!"

"He does not know.... and i need him in order to achieve my goal..."

Amaterasu cursed within his mind and then vanished.

Niru followed close behind Hitoshi.

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:23 am

Hitoshi begins to walk towards the hyuuga clan area. He knew that there should be one hyuuga member. Hitoshi looks at Niru "You already know the technique of how to sense someone's brainwaves, if not, let me demonstrate" He closes his eyes and begins to release a signal, simular to a radar signal and lets it bounce across the area. When a brainwave signal travelled back to him and it was a hyuuga he begins to walk towards the area where he was at. It was a jounin. He looks back at Hitoshi and gets in a stance

"I will not allow you to do such horrid things to the village. I will defeat you and kill you if I must akatsuki."

Hitoshi raises a finger up at him. His voice became memorizing, extremely erotic and almost in a seducing matter. By manipulate the speech part in the mind of his body, he can make his voice extremely hypnotic. He walks close to him. The jounin was reluctant, almost hesistant to even try and attack Hitoshi. He tried to take away one of the chakra points but Hitoshi puts a hand on his arm and begins to whisper something in his ear. The jounin jumps back

"No, I wont...."

The jounin was trying to resist but because he was exponentially weaker then Hitoshi, he was in his trance. Hitoshi begins to speak to him

"Go to sleep...." the voice became almost too hypnotic "Go to want to go to sleep. You've had a long day.....I see that you've been training with your gentle fist" He walks over to the man and begins to look at him. He picks up his arm which was somewhat limp because the jounin was in such a trance that he could barely move his body "Your muscles are so weak and limp. How long have you been training?"

"About.....about....5....hours" he said in a trance/sleeplike state "im Neji-sensei"

Hitoshi was now in complete control over that sense of his. The jounin's eyes became extremely heavy and then fell to the ground sleeping. Hitoshi then uses his shadow ability to cover the jounin with shadow, letting him disappear in the shadow realm. Hitoshi turns towards Niru "Thats one of the abilities seishin allows us to do, and I know you can do it too"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyo Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:53 am

Niru watched as he did this. He had never thought of hypnotising someone with his abilities. He would have to try this one day when he had more time. he would continue to learn under Hitoshi for as long as he needed. His own search for the Jinchuuriki would soon commense and he needed all the training he could get.

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Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi Empty Re: Searching For Blood [SUB TOPIC] Niru Versus Hitoshi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:01 am

Hitoshi begins to walk leading to another part of the village. He looks back at Niru. He saw the extreme potential in the boy. Not just being a jinchurriki but also a extremely powerful shinobi. When Hitoshi would be done with Niru, Niru will become a shinobi that all will fear. Hitoshi continues to walk
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