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Kenshin Hito (finished for now)

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Kenshin Hito (finished for now) Empty Kenshin Hito (finished for now)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:13 pm

Name: Kenshin Hito

Age: 24

Rank: Jounin

Village: Suna(but can be anywhere really)

Appearance: Kenshin Hito (finished for now) Ninarchives_kenshin
Kenshin Hito (finished for now) Kenshin-019

Personality: Kenshin desires to protect every individual from danger without harming others. Formerly known as "the strongest hitokiri," Kenshin is the main target of many old enemies and people who want to gain his title, thus he avoids letting others get too close to him personally for their own protection. However, he eventually begins relying on his friends, allowing them to fight alongside him. If he is not able to protect his loved ones, once he begins to shift into his "Hitokiri Battōsai" personality, and takes extreme measures in order save others, caring little for the well-being of his opponents.However, Kenshin avoids changing his personality, swearing that he will never kill, and will try to avoid the deaths of as many people as possible

History: Kenshin was born a childe os the sound. He was born with a ability that was named the Battousai Eye. THis ability was very very rare and earned him a audience with the current Otokage when he was older. His parents did not have this ability so they were shocked when it was shown in there son. He was trained alot harder than most kids and was meant to one day be a great warrior.

When Kenshin achieved Genin after 2 years of the acadamy he left with a sword strapped to his back and a single goal in mind to become stronger. He walked for a year and a half with nothing truely going on. He then however found a small village caught in turmoil and a single man stood out of it. Kenshin walked over to the man and wondered what was going on. The man told them of the rebellion and of who did what.

Kenshin thanked the man and dissapeared into the fray of the battle using scrolls he had to learn and use a forbidden sword style of Hiten Mistruugi ryu style. He used this style to join the rebbelion and begin to take down the existing goverment. He used his eye powers to take down a entire army of men in a single slash using the style as a weapon of unimaginable power.

Famous scene and show of power
Kenshin stood before a lake and was surronded by 500 men he stood with a blade in his hand and utalizing his eyes he charged and sent sound waves flying out at the opponents and they dropped like flys. In a matter of 2 minutes Kenshin stood with every man behind him dead and bleeding from cuts that were inflicted from high powered sound waves.

Kenshin had basicly ended the rebllion by himself and he took over a name by his opponents of Hitokiri Battousai. He used the name as a way of reputation to allow himself to get stronger by copying technigues from opponents. Kenshin had become a powerful man but there was no room left for him in the village and he left and returned to Oto where he met with the Otokage.

However before that he had been working on seals and curse marks of sorts and he had developed one he would use. He spent time and about 2 years to devolop this seal and finnally implanted it on himself. The seal didnt hold correctly and mutated upon its original design.

Kesnhin bowed before the kage and then stood up and saied "My name is Kenshin Hito. I Am also known as the hitokiri Battousai. I was once a member of this village and i would like to return. He said with a smile on his face.

The kage frowned at the end and then stood and said "I dont want a traitor amoungst my midst. You will be killed here and now." The kage snapped his fingers and 4 anbu members attacked him.

Each held a sword and attacked Kenshn but Kenshin just ducked and clicked his sword open and sent out a wave of sound and the anbu members fell to the ground dead. Kenshin then ran out of the building looking back and saw a kid's body dead. Kenshin tripped and then caught himself and continued to run. There were tears dripping from his eyes as he saw exited Otogakure. In his entire life he had never killed a child. Never they were just life just starting out and didnt deserve to be killed.

Kenshin was now in the deserts of suna he held his blade up to his throat and was ready to kill himself. He however held his conciousness to a point and decided he would repent for every death he had caused. He continued walking through the desert and came across the Sunagakure village.

He entered the village and talked to the Kage Taku he asked for mercy of the man and said he would be one of the best jounin the village had if he was allowed to stay. The merciful god that taku was he allowed Kenshin to stay under a rule to always be loyal to suna.

After letting Kenshin stay in Suna he layed down his true sword and made a blade that was backwards that was unable to kill anyone. This way he would only be able to fight normally and not ever worry about killing someone as the blade made it impossible. So he thought.
Learned jutsus:
Battousai eye
Hiten Mistruugi Ryu Style

Weapons/items: Reverse blade sword,

Goals: To save as many people he can and kill the people who do not deserve life.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Age : 32

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Kenshin Hito (finished for now) Empty Re: Kenshin Hito (finished for now)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:06 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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