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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Mirage Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:41 pm

This fight is between Taku and Yoshimaru. The winner gets to have the 6-Tailed bijuu. Remember to have fun!!! ^_^

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:44 pm

will this be Charater vs Character?
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:58 pm

Its the two character you want the bijuu to be sealed in. No subsitution ooc fight and this will be modded by me.

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:24 am

Ikazuchi stood in the battle arena, knowing he had to go against someone whom was a genin or so. He gripped the handles of his Raiga swords, slowly pulling them out, as he then put them down to his sides. He was a specialty in Lightning Jutsu, also as an ANBU ops of a High ranked Jounin. He sighed and took a deep breath of the air, from the scarf he wore around his neck. He didnt know what the skill of this boy he had to fight with, but he was surely up for a battle.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:35 am

O final rule this is over rp skills not on who wins so if you win you still might not get the bijuu.

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:04 pm

OOC: Good idea Mirage seeing as Sendo is as weak as he will ever be on this site. He hasn't even found out about his bloodline yet. Very big differnce in rank. This is not at all a fair fight. However, I am giving it my all, the six tails is mine.

IC: Sendo walked into the arena. This battle, he felt, was very important. He was of course, fighting an ANBU ninja, jounin level. It was just his luck. He couldn't place why he was fighting this man, but he knew that he would probably lose. He had a low chakra level, thus far poor training, and his jutsu selection was limited. However, Sendo was extremely smart. His mental capcity far exceeded that of most Chunin. He had a deep understanding of how things worked. He would use his brian to do his best in this battle. He understood he could not afford to take chances. He looked his opponet right in the eye, and bowed, showing respect for his supperior. For the entire bow he kept his eyes locked with Ikazuchi. He was prepeared for the battle. He came out of the bow and stood up straight. He walked up to the jounin and extended his hand indicating that Ikazuchi should shake it. "I hope I shall give you a good fight"


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:12 pm

Ikazuchi watched as Sendo walked up to him and held out his hand, "I hope you are as powerful as you look."He said with a chuckle and shook the boys hand with respect, as he then took back his hand and smirked. He crouched down, then sprung backwards, landing on his hand, foot, and crouched knee. He began to charge up lightning chakra into his fingertips, as he watched Sendo with his head down, but eyes up at him. He was going to do a move that hopefully Sendo wasnt prepard for, but what was about to come, was big.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:18 pm

Sendo watched Ikazuchi crouch down and imediately begin to set up for an attack. How absurd, he is going to come at me straight forward like that. It was all to obvious that his enemy was trying to end things quickly. It did not matter the power difference. Sendo could not be beaten by such an upfront ploy to defeat him. Of couse Sendo also considered the fact that this was just a distraction to prevent him realizing the true attack. Sendo simply stood there, waiting for Ikazuchi to make his move, keeping his senses open to the slightest changes.


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:34 pm

Ikazuchi kept charging the lightning chakra into his hand, as a clone studdenly popped out from above him; it was a lightninf clone. The clone crouched on Ikazuchi's back, as the clone pulled out Ika's first Raiga sword, and held it infront of him. Ikazuchi then took out some wire, still one hand on the floor charging electricity. "Lets see if you get a shock out of this.."He said with a laugh, as he threw a long string of wire at Sendo, then slipping his hand off the ground, and grabbing it with the electrical hand. "Lightning circuit!"He shouted as the lightning chakra ran through the wire, making it like a circuit with lightning sparking out of it and in it.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:51 pm

Sendo saw right through Ikazuchi. What kind of Jounin is he. The ploy was obvious. The wire would be all to easy to avoid and when it was avoided, in would come the clone with the sword. At least, that's what Sendo presumed the plan to be. "Electromagnetic Murder," a layer of blue electricity encircled his wrists. He leapt backwards as his opponet whipped the wire at him. It was simple, and way to easy. Ikazuchi had given Sendo way to much time to get ready. He had also tried to do to many things at one time. Sendo saw his greates flaw instatnly, he was sloppy, even if he was powerful. Sendo smiled. He actulay stood somewhat of a chance. "Water Whip," he pulled water moisture from the atmosphere to create a four foot long whip. The electricty, whose source was his wrsits, coursed through the whip. "Come on," he said.


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:45 pm

Ikazuchi laughed alittle and pulled back his whip once it was hit, as he then let go of the wire, letting it go back to normal. His clone jumped off his back, standing next to Ika. Ikazuchi knew there was something special with this kid, and he knew it was going to be a challange, just from the way he looked. Ika then put his hand out as if he was holding a sword, focusing lightning chakra to his hand. The lightning then shot out, in a long sword form, coming at a high speed to Sendo, aiming for his stomach. The tip of the sword was sharper than a knife, as the lightning didnt stop until it would strike something solid, able to rip through stone and steel.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:17 am

Sendo reacted instantly. If it wasn't for his calm demeanor, the fight would have ended right there. He flicked his wrist and his water whip, filled with electricity, wrapped around the beam of lightning as it shot out at Sendo. Had it not been for Sendo using electromagnetic murder in conjunction with the water whip, it would not have been a possible option for him to take. However, his own lightning stopped Ikazuchi's from coursing through the water whip and shocking him. Sendo smiled as he pulled on it in just the right way. The sword was moved to the side and now Sendo could use his other hand. He pulled a few kunai from his leg pack and threw all three of them in Ikazuchi's direction.


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:38 pm

Ikazuchi opened his hand, cancelling the long lightning spear. Ikazuchi's clone jumped infront of Ika and swung his sword with a flick of his wrist, knocking the Kunai down. Ikazuchi sighed as he used up alot of chakra, as he now decided to do alittle hand on hand, or so. Ika stood up correctly, as he cracked his neck. His clone handed him his raiga sword, as Ika took out his other sword. Ikazuchi then began to run at Sendo, making a criss cross pattern with his clone, as they both tried to confuse Sendo, atleast. Ika's clone began to charge lightning chakra within the hands, as Ikazuchi charged up his swords with lightning chakra as well. Ika leaped at Sendo, putting up his sword, as it came slashing down at him.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:35 am

The jounin was still attacking outright and straightforward. Attacking in such a way was easy, even for a Genin like Sendo to avoid. Sendo was close to Chunin level, if not chunin level already. He flicked his wrist and the middle of the whip lashed around the sword. He pulled on the whip in such a way that made two things happen. It forced the Ikazuchi holding the sword into the dirt, and it also forced the tip of the whip towards the back of the others neck. If contact was made, temporary paralyisis would ensue, that was for certain. Sendo had to be careful here. Fighting in close was not his style.


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:49 pm

Ikazuchi then twisted his body in a certain way, making him land on his feet; like a cat would twist its head to the right, causing the cat to land on the feet. Ikazuchi's clone jumped infront of Ika, causing the tip of the whip to wrap around its neck, poofing away into lightning. The lightning that the clone poofed into, ran up the whip of water. Ikazuchi slowly began to recover chakra, as he lifted his arms up, holding the Raiga swords pointing to the sky. Electricity began to fill the raiga swords, as a lightning ball forming between the tips. Ikazuchi lowered the swords, and launched the lightning ball at Sendo, as it came at him like a bullet.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:59 pm

OOC: Well we discussed this on the chat box, Bao, but i will refresh your memory. Your lightning cannot go up my whip because it is alrady filled with the lightning from my electromgnetic murder jutsu. Lets just ignore that part of the post shall we, no need to change it since we came to an understanding in the CB.

IC: .Sendo was amazed, what the Jounin lacked in smarts, he made up for in skill. Sendo had been over confident to the point of cockiness untill now. He understood there was absoloutely no way that he would win. Damn it, though, he was going to give it all he had. Perhaps after this, he would seek training from him, for he was adept in the lightning jutsu methods, and Sendo was interested in that lightning clone. Now Sendo was faced with a lightning bullet. This was bad, for it was powerful and fast. There was only one thing left to do. Sendo whipped the whip in front of him, creating a web of it in front of him, and he released it, creating a wall of water and electricity which engullfed the bullet and then dissapeared. Sendo let his breath go that he had been holding in, a second of misjudgement one way or the other and it would have been over. Electromagnetic murder still crackled around his wrists. He got into a right cat stance and waited for his opponets move. He had to stay on the deffensive. If Sendo at any point went on the offense, he was sure the Jounin would be able to destroy him in an instant


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:47 pm

Ikazuchi had enough chakra to make two clones now, as he watched Sendo stand in a defencive stance. He decided to do alittle tactical taijutsu now, knowing Taijutsu wasnt his best techique, but he has been working on it for a while now with his partners. Ikazuchi then ran at Sendo straight forward, starting to zig zag his path. His clone began to zig zag the opposite way with the real Ika, creating something like confusion for Sendo. The third clone secretly began to run behind the two, hoping not to be seen. The third clone then leaped forward, just above the two that were running at Sendo. The clone then stuck out his hand, as a giant Lightning wolf flashed out and began to leap towards Sendo with amazing speed, leaving a trail of electricity behind it as it was soaring in mid air, heading towards Sendo.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:12 pm

Sendo smirked. The attack was clever, and all in all should have been effective. However, Ika had failed in closing Sendo's exits completely off. He was being attacked from the top and diagonaly from the front on both his left and right sides. Sendo had plenty of room to move backwards. So far, Sendo had stayed stationary for the most part. It was time to move. He ran straight back, usign chakra to quicken his motions, all the while using handseals. When he finsihed his handsigns, he used his jutsu, "False Darkness Jutsu." He opened his mouth wide and let loose a single large bolt of lightning and ceased his flight away from Ikazuchi. As the bolt sped towards the group of Ika and his subordinates, the bolt split into four, one aimed for each clone and the wolf. The bolts aimed for Ika and his clones would hopefully stop them in their tracks, destroying the clones and temporarily paralyzing the real one. The one headed for the wolf would only weaken it and slow it down, but it would slow it down enough for Sendo do react after he saw the effects of his counter to Ikazuchi's onslaught.


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:26 pm


I want to have this decided by tommorrow and i will announce the winner of the bijuu tommorrow.

Now i leave you with these words. GOODJOB *disapears*

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:46 pm

Ikazuchi watched as Sendo ran backwards, cursing himself for not closing him from each direction. Ika and his clone leaped the opposite ways, avoiding the lightning bolt that instantly hit the ground from the force of gravity. Ika's third clone poofed away once it was hit, but the Lightning wolf continued to soar, but curved its body, as the one lightning bolt heading towards him just missed it. The lightning wolf hit the ground, bursting into electricity that spread throughout the ground and headed towards Sendo, like a current in wires.

The real Ika and his partner clone landed, as Ika landed on Sendo's right side, and the clone landed on the left side. Ikazuchi and his clone began to focus lightning into their right hand, "Thousand Bird Sharp spear!"they both said in a unison, as a long spear of lightning shot out of their right hand, heading towards Sendo, from right to left. Ika finally had him atleast trapped.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:47 pm

umm ika the fight is over did you not see kaji's post???


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:48 pm

I just friggin posted a 7 liner! I didnt get my chance to post...
Shin Uchiha
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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:57 pm

umm you posted first so why do you need another chance to post???


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:02 pm

Because I didnt see Kaji's post, when I pressed "Send"
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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:03 pm

so you should have no problem removing your post or giving me a chance to reply then would you???


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Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu Empty Re: Battle for the 6-Tailed Bijuu

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