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4 Tailed Bijuu, Sanshou

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4 Tailed Bijuu, Sanshou Empty 4 Tailed Bijuu, Sanshou

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:08 pm

Character Name: Sepakku Sutaru
Village: Iwagakure no Sato
Rank: Genin
Number of Tails: 4 Tailed Yonbi
Description of Tailed Beast:

4 Tailed Bijuu, Sanshou 161as5d

Sanshou (Salamander), is the Yonbi, or 4 Tailed Beast, a Bijuu. Sanshou takes on the form of a magmatic salamander, with magma making up his innards, and a cracked, rocky exoskeleton covering it all up to contain the deadly and explosive power. The properties and powers of the Yonbi thereby give Sepakku the ability to use Youton, or the Element of Magma. The hot blood of Sanshou also allows for extreme strength, and also allows for large chakra reservoirs, even if not in the Bijuu transformations, the user is still gifted with exceptionally strong chakra. In addition, the beast itself is believed to be to hot to touch, and anything that dares to do is believed to be burned to oblivion by the intense heat. However, Sanshou is also known as one of the kinder and calmer Bijuu, having been around for some time, and seeing the state and behavior of humans, is a kind, and caring creature, with something of a “watching over uncle” personality. Like his vessel, however, he does have some degree of social disability.

List the Tailed Stages:

NOTE: The Yonbi's Chakra is always a red tinted brown chakra.

0 Tailed Mode: When Yonbi's chakra emerges from Seppaku, it grants Seppaku a good boost of chakra, strength, and greater usage of Youton, but only if the user is Chuunin. In addition, the chakra is actually hot to the touch, and prolonged contact with the chakra on the foe's end will usually result in mild burns, but most of the heat is directed to the outside of the chakra fields, and spares Sepakku from as much of the pain as possible.

1 Tailed Mode: This is when Yonbi's chakra further seeps out, and forms the first Chakra Tail, and allows for a further and much greater increase in strength, chakra, and better Youton usage. In this form, the user can use Youton regardless of rank. In this form, Youton Jutsu only take 60% of the chakra they would normally use up. In addition, the chakra begins to take form around Seppaku, and forms a field, which is hot to the touch, and can ignite flammable materials on contact. Not only does the chakra make a tail, but chakra limbs are also created, and are much longer than Sepakku's normal limbs, and allows for a speedy, four handed gallop, but at the cost of the usage of jutsu until you get up.

2 Tailed Mode: This is when the Yonbi's influence over Sepakku only grows in power, and then begins to take harmful transformations. Chakra begins to overshadow Sepakku, leaving only slight shadows of Sepakku's body, with magma forming over Sepakku's body, and beginning to form something of a skeleton of magma over Sepakku, and along his back, there forms a body across mohawk of magma. In this form, the strength of Sepakku is increased by nearly fifteen times, and the chakra amounts also pour into Sepakku, and become exceptionally high, and difficult to control. In this form, also, the Bijuu has began to gain control of Sepakku's actions, and often, Sanshou himself is in rage, which still makes him dangerous to others around him. In addition, Youton based Jutsus become much stronger, and only take 45% of the chakra they once did. Also, the blood is poisonous.

3 Tailed Mode: In this form of influence, Sepakku has lost control over himself, and the Bijuu has gained complete control. Along with chakra completely overshadowing his body, Magma has taken a much more drastic affect, taking on all of Sepakku's body, and turning him into a flaming salamander. In addition, similar to how Magma acted in the 2 Tailed Mode, Rock forms all over Sepakku's face, and takes on the shape of a Salamander's head. In this form, the strength is nearly unsotppable, and the chakra has also reached a high. In addition, it no longer requires handsigns to use Youton Jutsu, and now, Youton based Jutsu only require the usage of 15% of your chakra. Also, in this form, flammable materials that touch this form are instantly set ablaze widly, including human beings. Anything that can be consumed by fire will be ignited. Plastic and thin metal will melt quickly, as well as other, non-flammable substances excluding metals and similar elements.As before, the blood is poisonous, and in this form, the user gains the ability to spew out and control volcanic smoke and ash. In this form, damage to the body, as long as it is not a piercing attack (example chidori). The lava acts as a shock absorber, and nulls attack, provided they are not piercing ones, who could bypass the layer.

4 Tailed Mode: In this form, Sepakku no longer exists, as his entire body has been overpowered and is now being used as the puppet for the 4 tailed mode. In this form, magma from deep below the earth is forced to come up, and takes on the form of Sanshou, while rock compresses extremely tightly, and forms the “exoskeleton”. In this form, lava and magma from the earth is able to be freely controlled, and new lava can be created by melting rocks with existing lava, and control that as well. In this form, metal will melt in it's presence, and anything that even comes close to it will go up in flames. Yonbi has all the capabilities of before, and in this form, Youton as it it' complete control, and it's exhaled breath contains poisonous smoke and ashes. It can melt earth, and turn it into usable Lava, and add it to it's being, and is generally regarded as near unstoppable, until the rampage reaches it's end, or Yonbi itself has ran out of chakra. Similar to the last form, unless the deep insides are penetrated, which is extremely unlikely, damage can be repaired, but it depends on what type of damage it was.


No Tailed Mode: Fatigue usually ensues after this mode is called out. In addition, the user can also get sick, and is usually coughing afterwards, but nothing permanent could be obtained through this mode, or the next two.

1 Tailed Mode: In this form, similar to the above, Fatigue also ensues after this form is used, and coughing, as if they are choking, follows afterwards. However, due to the nature of the chakra, the jinchuuriki is left with light burns.

2 Tailed Mode: In this form, In common with the previous forms, fatigue follows, along with coughing, but at a higher intensity then above, and the burns are slightly more painful. In addition, after this form is over, the jinchuuriki has partial numbness, mostly along the arms and back. They can barely move, and usually need assistance to get anywhere.

3 Tailed Mode: Straight up unconsciousness occurs after this stage is used. In addition, the lungs are usually exposed to certain chemicals, which can damage the lungs, ever so slightly, but using this Bijuu form so much can seriously endanger the demon vessel.

4 Tailed Mode: Unconsciousness, life threatening burns are received, skin is mostly burned away, and blood is reduced. In addition, the lungs are severely affected by this transformation, and if this mode is used for more than two times, then the lungs would be damaged beyond repair.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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4 Tailed Bijuu, Sanshou Empty Re: 4 Tailed Bijuu, Sanshou

Post by Mirage Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:35 am


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