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Rain and Izanami's Jutsu

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Rain and Izanami's Jutsu Empty Rain and Izanami's Jutsu

Post by Mirage Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:05 pm

Rain’s Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: "Silver Tears"
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: Metal
Note(s): Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Description: Rain’s blood had been replaced with this liquid metal substance that is harder than graphene and carbon nanotubes in both its liquid and hardened state. This liquid metal is a metalic blue color and can be extracted from her body at will. Rain can create more by extracting the many elements from the earths core to create more if needed. This liquid can be molded into any shape or form and then hardened. It cannot be broken, cut or damaged. Rain can use it to absorb chakra into it and then into herself. Noone but Rain can control this special liquid metal. It is none conductive which means that it is non magnetic, has no melting point and does not conduct heat or electricity.... however, Rain can heat it up enough to where it will burn through almost anything... including diamonds and steel. Also, she can turn any metal object into this material.
Weakness(es): Because Rain blood has been replaced by this liquid, vast amounts of water are her weakness. Rain cannot swim with the liquid within her.

Name of Jutsu: "Soul Possesion Jutsu"
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Note(s): This ability is a combined ability of the 2-tails and Rain.
Description: Rain can control any dead bodies as if they were her own. They are linked through thoughts and sight and has all of their knowledge and memories. Rain does this by using a portion of the 2-tails’s chakra. Rain is able to use the abilities and jutsu of any of the bodies that she possessesbut can only have a total of 9 bodies including her own.

Name of Jutsu: "Soul Replacement Jutsu"
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Note(s): None
Description: Rain can use a replacement jutsu and replace herself with any of the bodies that she possesses.
Weakness(es): The other body suffers the attack instead of Rain

Name of Jutsu: "Body Retrieval Jutsu"
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Description: Rain may summon the body or bodies of which she has control. Rain can also rapair the body, no matter how damaged it is.
Weakness(es): In order to heal the body, Rain must first summon the body back to her. Depending on the damage to the bodies will also determine how much chakra she will need to use. The larger the damage, the more chakra she must use. After healing a body, the body must also be givin time to heal. Meaning that Rain cannot move the body for some time after healing it.

Name of Jutsu: "Merging Hands Jutsu"
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Description: Rain merges the bodies that she has possessed with her own. This gives her all of the abilities that each body posses. She can undo this at any time aswell.
Weakness(es): The bodies can be damaged if Rain is hurt.

Name of Jutsu: "Demon Transfer"
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Description: Rain is able to remove any bijuu or demon out of a beaten opponent and seal it within one of the bodies that she controls.

Name of Jutsu: "Lightning Rain"
Range: Far
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Note(s): Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Description: If a lightning attack is shot our at Rain, she can use her liquide metal and trap the lightning within it. Rain then compresses the liquid metal into a small sphere on larger that the end of a pencil eraser. The liquid then hardens and is then shot at Rain’s enemies. Because of the massive amount of pressure on the lightning with the metal, when it hits an object, it explodes and creates a lightning blast about 24 feet wide.
Weakness(es): The more lightning that she puts into a ball, the more chakra is needed to compress it.

Name of Jutsu: "Auto Release"
Rank: C
Range: None
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Description: Rain is unaffected by any Genjutsu.
Weakness(es): Uses chakra when activated.

Chakra Jutsu

Name of jutsu: Chakra no Sukin - (Chakra Skin)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Creates a shield of pure chakra
Weakness: Pure Chakra absorbing jutsu

Name of jutsu: Hisou Kyuuin - (Touching Absorption)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Absorbs chakra from any object by having contact with it.
Weakness: Has to get in close.

Name of jutsu: Fuujutsu Ayatsuri - (Manipulation Technique )
Rank E-S: S
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ability (does not need Handsigns)
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Can manipulate pure chakra in any way. One way is to make a shield, or another is to make swords out of pure chakra or even wings. Things like that.
Weakness: Pure Chakra Absorbing Jutsu

Izanami's Jutsu

Name of jutsu: (Revival)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can switch positions with an dead person or body. EX: There is a dead body near her and she is about to be attacked. Her own skin will start to turn to ash and fall apart, within her skin, it will reveal the body of the person who was dead. The body that was lying on the ground starts to move and stand up. His skin turns to ash and falls away to reveal Izanami.

Name of jutsu: (Whispering Dead)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can see all of the memories of any dead person by looking into their eyes. She does this by living their entire life within a second.
Weakness: Frozen for a second.

Name of jutsu: Banshi no Fingaringu - (Certain Death Fingering)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ability (does not need Handsigns)
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami’s fingers grow in length because of her sharpened fingers, it can be deadly. An example of this is “Lust” in Full Metal Alchemist/
Weakness: Just about anything realy. I mean how hard is it to break someone’s finger?

Name of jutsu: Kuroji no Jutsu - (Black Ground)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami Spreads her Disintegration field outwards, all around her. Everything within the field becomes disintegrated. The ground turns black as a result.
Weakness: The field can be seen as teh ground turns black.

Name of Jutsu: Touken no Kami - (Cold Steel Hair)
Range: All
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: Izanami Shoot her hair at her enemies. They are as strong as carbon nanotubes and as sharp as a sword, but still sway like ninja wires. She can also attack them to other things and use them as puppets. One example would be shooting strands of hair from her fingers and attaching it to a dead body which she then can control. The strands can be made so thin, that they are no longer visible, like the webs of that spider guy lol. She can also use this on her hair that is still attached to herself. She can move it and use her chakra to make her hair form into things such as a fist. That would be used as an extra hand that is attched to her head and made out of her hair.
Weakness(es): Can stop her from controlling things by destroying the hairs.

Name of Jutsu: "Tempist Wind"
Range: Far
Type of Jutsu: Ability
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: Wind & Fire
Note(s): Rain is the only one who is and ever will be able to do this.
Description: Rain creates tornados of ash that she can control from miles away. She can see out of these tornados and can ingnite them at any time, creating a tornado of fire, or just making them explode.
Weakness(es): The more tornados she makes, the more chakra is needed.

Name of Jutsu: Bunshi no Soujuu - (Molecule Manipulation)
Rank: S
Range: Touch
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: Whatever Izanami touches, disintegrates. Izanami can create a field around her that causes anything that touches her to die. Things will turn to ash and dicintegrate when it comes near her if she wishes. Look in character creation fro more info.
Weakness(es): Cannot use weapons or touch an ally to help them whien in use.

Name of Jutsu: Naiteki no Gensui - (Mental Decay)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: Disintegrates someones mind if goes into her own mind in any way. This does not mean physicaly disintegrate, but rather, mentaly disinegrate. Effects from this would be that their body would become a shell of no mind. They would have lost their mind. this includes genjutsu or telepathy abilities.
Weakness(es): Strains the Mind.

Name of Jutsu: Jutsu no Hitei - (Jutsu Negation)
Rank: S
Range: Depends on amount of chakar used.
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: A field is created that moves with Izanami. Everyone else’s genjutsu and ninjutsu is negated. It cannot be used, activated and any that is still in effect, is negated and stopped.
Weakness(es): Constant chakra is used.

Name of Jutsu: Jikou no Kakusan - (Matter Diffusion)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: The ability to break matter down into its basic components. For instance, if a person was to use matter defusion on water, the original product would be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. Note that there is a distinct difference between matter defusion and alchemy. Whereas alchemy can change one substance into another, matter defusion disassembles a substance down to its elemental components and cannot undo such a change. This is seen as a clear gas that she edmits from herself. It is not a gas but looks like one. Almost like what natural gas looks like; It is clear.. yet you han still see it.
Weakness(es): Is viewable if you concentrate very hard. And there is a 5 second period inbetween usage, just like Pain's ability.

Name of Jutsu: Jisatsu no Feromon - (Suicide Pheromone)
Rank: S
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: She can edmit an oderless and invisable pheromone (it is undetectable) that when breathed in, causes people to kill themselves.
Weakness(es): Will effect allies if used to close. There is no cure or way to reverse it, but can be blown away by wind jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Jisatsu no Neko - (Sleeping Suicide)
Rank: S
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: She can edmit an oderless and invisable pheromone (it is undetectable) that when breathed in, causes people to fall asleep. The persons body also falls aleep, including bodily function that act on their own, such as breathing. Izanami will mainly use this at close range to make sure that it does not effect anyone not intended.
Weakness(es): Will effect allies if used to close. There is no cure or way to reverse it, but can be blown away by wind jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Hoijini no Feromon - (Dying of Love Pharamon)
Rank: S
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: She can edmit an oderless and invisable pheromone (it is undetectable) that when breathed in, causes people to fall in love with her. While in love, she can make them do or say anything that she wants. She can use this to gain information.
Weakness(es): Does not effect Females. There is no cure or way to reverse it, but can be blown away by wind jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Zansatsu no Feromon - (Massacre Pheromone)
Rank: S
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: She can edmit an oderless and invisable pheromones (it is undetectable) that when breathed in, causes people to kill eachother.
Weakness(es): Will effect allies if used to close. There is no cure or way to reverse it, but can be blown away by wind jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Kariirebito no Seppun - (Kissing Reapers)
Rank: A
: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: Izanami blows a kiss(s) towards someone. She is actualy edmitting a deadly odorless and invisable pheromone. If the pheromones reache them, it will sink into their pores and cause them to slowly die within 5 minutes. If it is breathed in..... the person will start coughing and cough up blood and then die. There is no cure or way to reverse it.
Weakness(es): Will effect allies if used to close. Goes in straight line, but can be blown away by wind jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Kemikaru no Seisaku - (Chemical Production)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ability (Does not need handsigns)
Clan(optional): None
Elemental Affinity: None
Note(s): Only Izanami can use this.
Description: Seeps out a a goldish-black liquid that if touches anything... it will die and or disintegrate. It has the same effect as when she touches someone or something. She is the only one who can control this liquid. Not even masters at liquid manipulation can take it over.
Weakness(es): Jutsu that cannot be destroyed such as wind.

Last edited by Mirage on Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:52 am; edited 8 times in total

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Rain and Izanami's Jutsu Empty Re: Rain and Izanami's Jutsu

Post by Mirage Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:06 pm

Izanami's Carbon Jutsu

Tanton - (Carbon Jutsu)

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Ka-Basukin no Jutsu (Carbon Skin)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami’s skin turns black and as hard as carbon nanotubes. This is done by increasing the amount of carbon in her body all at once.
Weakness: Continuous chakra usage.

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Nisankatanso no Jutsu - (Carbon Dioxide)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. Izanami can manipulate the dry ice and creat balls of it, walls of it and so on. The possibilities are endless. This can also include carbon dioxide armor.
Weakness: Uses alot of chakra.

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Ka-Bonfaiba no Jutsu - (Carbon Fiber)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create and control small crabon fibers. They are as strong as steel, and can be used to capture someone or tie them up.
Weakness: Continuous chakra usage.

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Ka-Bongurafaito no Jutsu - (Carbon Graphite)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami creates carbon graphite polls that will attrached all lightning chakra and jutsu at it'self.
Weakness: Foe can destroy the polls.

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Nameraka Tanso no Jutsu - (Glassy Carbon)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create and manipulate glassy carbon and creat balls of it, walls of it and so on. The possibilities are endless. This can also include glassy carbon armor. This could be used to reflect light attacks or doujutsu towards somone else. They are also highly resistant to attack by acids.
Weakness: Alot of chakra usage.

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Ka-Bonsuihou no Jutsu - (Carbon Nanofoam)
Rank E-S: B
Range: ANy
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create and manipulate carbon nanofoam and creat balls of it, walls of it and so on. This could be used to fill up a room of people within it, and then harden. It is a foam that hardens into the strength of steel. Or the foam can be used to stop an incoming object within itself. It can used for thermal insulation (i.e. heatshields when hardened and fireextinguisher when foam)
Weakness: Uses more chakra to harden.

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Ka-Bonshi no Jutsu - (Carbon Paper)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create and manipulate carbon paper. She can use it to fold into origami creatures, weapons or even just use them to cut someone.
Weakness: Water

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Issankatanso no Jutsu - (Carbon Monoxide)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create carbon monoxide. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless yet highly toxic gas that is also flamable. She can make it all explode just by snapping her fingers.
Weakness: Wind

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Tansan no Jutsu - (Carbolic Acid)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create Phenol, also known as carbolic acid, which is a toxic, colourless crystalline-solid(Liquid) with a sweet tarry odor. It was used in WW2 for exucusions. The Phenol can melt through most onjects and can be injected to kill.
Weakness: Water

Name of jutsu: Tanton, Kurokongouseki no Jutsu - (Carbonado)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can create and manipulate Carbonado, commonly known as the 'Black Diamond,' is a natural polycrystalline diamond found in alluvial deposits in the Central African Republic and Brazil. Its natural colour is black or dark grey. She can create balls of it, walls of it and so on. The possibilities are endless. This can also include diamond armor. This type of diamond if a type of diamond that only Izanami can control. Other diamond manipulators cannot control or manipulate these diamonds. After Izanami uses this jutsu, she can then manipulate and create the black diamonds without the use of handseals. Meaning that she can now just lift her hand up, and it will create a pillar of black diamond if she wishes. The following jutsu does require handsigns though.
Weakness: Explosion

Name of jutsu: Kurokongouseki , Kurokumo no Jutsu - (Black Clouds)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami creates tiny fragments of black diamonds that are floating high in the air. This can act as a airial shield, or cut enemies if they run through them. There are so many pieces, that it look slike a giant storm cloud, blocking out the sun. The size of the cloud can be increased with more chakra.
Weakness: Stay in place.

Name of jutsu: Kurokongouseki , Kurorein no Jutsu - (Black Rain)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: The tiny fragments of black diamonds that are floating high in the air, fall to the ground as fast as bullets, slicing the enemy.
Weakness: Attack can be predicted.

Name of jutsu: Kurokongouseki , Kurosuna no Jutsu - (Black Sand)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami can now control the tiny sharps of diamond like grains of sand. She can move them together to make then stronger, just like sand.
Weakness: Attack can be predicted.

Name of jutsu: Kurokongouseki , Kurosunaarashi no Jutsu - (Black Sandstorm)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Izanami uses the black diamond sand and wrils it all over. It now becomes a giant black sandstorm that tears everything to shreds. The size of this sandstorm can be increased with more chakra.
Weakness: Attack can be predicted.

Name of jutsu: Kurokongouseki , Kuromori no Jutsu - (Black Forest)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Only Izanami can use this.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Black diamond pillars grow out of the ground just like Kimimaru's Bone Marrow Forest. The area in whihc this happenes can be increased with more chakra.
Weakness: Explosion

Last edited by Mirage on Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:48 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Rain and Izanami's Jutsu Empty Re: Rain and Izanami's Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:07 pm

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