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Rain. Empty Rain.

Post by Rain Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:22 pm

Name: Nokiri, Rainolious or Rain



Village: Suna
Alignment:Good, but sorta evil. Really Nutral

Appearance:Rain. Anime_girl

Personality:Rain is just a plain bitch. She is rarely nice, but when she is, she is. She loves to see PEOPLE in pain, she would never harm an animal, it enrages her. She is a suck-up when she wants something, and she gets what she wants. Some people may think she is Insane, its probaly true. Around people she actaully likes she is nice, for once in her life. Very sarcastic.

History: Rain's parents abonded her and left her up for adoption in Kirigakure. A couple had adopted her in Suna, and had took her there of course. Her parents were semi-rich, so she was spoiled when she was a baby. Her new parents only got to see her crawl for the first time. Later the day she started to crawl the house caught fire, and her parents died. Luckly, they had stopped the fire before she could have been harmed.

The Kazekage's assitant had adopted her after the fire. They were together for a while. They had some pretty fun times together, they looked like they were together since Rain was born. Koko (her adopted mom) gave her the nickname Rain, and Rain gave her the name Cocoa, since her name sounded like cocoa, and she loved it too. It was her fifth birthday, when she got something she had always wanted, a desert rose. Koko had given her a bag of seeds for it, she though Rain was old enoguh to take care of a garden. Rain wanted to be just like Koko, loving, carefree, and just plain nice.

Koko was sent on a mission to gather some information on night. It was about the Sound village, they were planing something, thats all Rain was allowed to know. Rain hated the fact that Koko had to go on dangerous missions. She was left with her Uncle who hated her each time. This time was different, he got sexauly abusive. Koko had taught her many ways of defending herself, and told her where he gun was. The gun was specail, it was passed down generation after generation. Rain ran and got the gun, her uncle tried to convince her to put it away, but it was to late, she had put the bullet right through his forehead.

Koko had came back to see Rain sleeping in a corner naked, and her brother naked on the ground with blood around his head. She then saw the gun in Rain's hand, she rushed over to Rain and held her in her arms. Rain awoke and asked whats wrong, noticing the tears running down her face. Koko asked what happened last night, and rain then explained. When Koko had the body removed she had noticed the very good aim of Rain, right in the middle of the forehead.

Koko started to train Rain, in the art of long range weaponry. She was really good except the fact she allways aimed for the forehead, and never the middle of the target, unless it wasn't shaped like a person. Koko kept teaching her how to use far ranged weapons or mid ranged, she usually used her gun, Koko eventaully gave it to her. It was her sixth birthday when Suna was raided by the Sound village like they planned. There was only five genin's, and they didn't look loike much of threat, but they were. One was really fast but didn't have much physical strength, and the other was slow, fat, and strong, the other three were triples who all used different elemental jutsus together. THe triplets were the first gone, then the slow on. The fast one tried to kill Koko but Rain got in the way. She quickly pulled out her gun, and shot 5 feet to the side of him, so he ran directly into the bullet.

Nothing interesting happened when she was seven, except trainning. When she was eight her mom got her a specail tutor. This tutor specailized in all areas of jutsu. He said he would teach her two things for 50 dollars a week. She decided to pick Genjutsu and Long/mid ranged weaponry. After a while, she had gotten pretty good and didn't need the tutoring anymore at nine. Koko had enrolled rain a year eraly in the acedemy, she was ready. Beign the youngest she was picked on, btu being the one of the strongest shinobi she ruled, every once in a while she sent a kunai in peoples arms, legs, and feet.

She passed the acedmy with good grades, better then most. She had gained two friends, one was on her team, and the other wasn't, she didn't pass and stayed for an extra year. Her friends year older then the peopel in the academy, Rain had graduated a year early ten everyone else, at ten, if she would have gone at a normal age she would have been 11. She was put on a team, with two others. She held her team back a year, since her sensei (A very, very mean one) Didn't understand why she was but foreward and not held back, so she had some pretty intense training.

It was Chuunin exam time she was 12. Her team was kind of mean to her since she kept tem back two years, but her friend didn't care. In the chuunin exams, the written test, she had passed. She was tought a mild mind reading techinque, she used it on the smartest person, she knew. The last question was a trick question, "You have a choice to leave or stay, if you leave you can try again next year, if you stay and get it wrong, you can NEVER come back", so the peopel who stayed got to go through.

The second part of the exams "Forest of Death". This part was actaully easy for Rian and her team, they went through it like monsters. They finshed in three hours. The ffirst team they encountered had the same scrool so they just passed each other. The second team had the Eartth scrol lthe onhe they wanted. Rain had received abor and arrow, so she could easily do damage. She sent the arrows through to peoples heads from behind, and the third was literaly crushed bty a slab of rock by a team mate, and the Earth scroll went flying into Rains hands.

The third and last part. Not many people survived this challenge, so they didn't have an extra part. Rain was faced up against her team mate, who used earth like her. She used kunai for this battle, and shuriken. She pulled them out and wraped him around with them while a clone distracted him from the front. the only thing Rain said was "Sorry" then pulled the strings and ripped him apart. Her sensei was proud, but her friend wasn't.

We are now at now!

Speciality:Genjutsu, Long/mid range Weaponry
Learned jutsus:Cancel, and all the basic ninja jutsu taught in the Academy.
Elements:Earth, Lightning
Goals: Just to live life. And have HER happy ending

Theme Song:

Last edited by Rain on Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:24 pm

*Pst* we have someone here already named Rain O:
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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:38 pm

Two people can be named the same thing.


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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:46 pm

Orly? Wouldnt that get confuzzling?
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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Guest Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:56 pm

THere are two kids in my class named dylan. I am one of them. There is also a kid named Zach dillion who some call by his last name and we manage.


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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Rain Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:51 am

Finshed. I know i ahve alot of videos, I try.

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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:01 am



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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Aki Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:30 pm

Uh wait... I'd just like to point out something: Guns... I don't remember the manga/anime having guns... and I know there's not a specific rule about guns, but I thought were keeping it to manga, so wouldn't that mean no guns?

(btw nice history it was interesting Rain)

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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Rain Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:57 pm

Thank you, and in naruto they have very futuristic stuff, for the time we thoguht they were in. They have head phones, and all that stuff. ANd in an upcoming moving they apperently have jetpacks, so you would think that but one character will probaly have one eventaully, which would probaly difficult, and have some stragne twist/drawback, like they aren't real bullets =O Imagine the possibilties lol

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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:18 pm

Guns can be allowed but with discretion because of Asura Realm...He had everygun there is...

If people dodge your gun shots Rain, thats fair lol


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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:03 pm

Anyone else......


Come on, somebody say something....


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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

Post by Rain Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:46 pm

Delete this also please.

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Rain. Empty Re: Rain.

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