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Kazuki's Jutsus

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:55 pm


Name: Mid-Jutsu Flicker
Rank: B
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Note(s): Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: When the user is about to execute a ninjutsu or taijutsu or is in mid execution of the technique, the user uses body flicker to change location for a better attack.
Weakness: User can flicker into a trap. Overuse causes soreness and fatigue.

Name: All-Around Flicker Attack
Rank: A
Range: 0-5 m, short
Type: Offensive
Note(s): 1st gate must be open. Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: The user body flickers to attack an enemy multiple times from multiple angles in quick succession.
Weakness: User suffers fatigue and soreness after overuse of this technique.

Name: Multi-Flicker Attack
Rank: A
Range: 0-5 m, short
Type: Offensive
Note(s): 1st gate must be open. Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: The user flickers into many copies of himself that radiate from the same fist or foot so that a single punch or kick is several times as intense as a normal punch or kick because the user shifts into different positions to punch which has the user repeat the punch or kick over and over again.
Weakness: User suffers fatigue and soreness from overuse of this technique.

Name: Flicker Clone
Rank: S
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Note(s): 5th gate must be open. Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: The user creates clones of himself by switching into multiple positions in short amounts of time to make it appear as though there are clones. The effect of one punch being several times intense than normal is included because the user shifts into the punching position over and over again to repeat the punch.
Weakness: If the user is hit without blocking during use of this technique, then the technique is canceled. When the user uses ninjutsu, the technique is canceled (For example, Fire Release - Great Fireball requires that the user spit fire so the user can't change position in the middle of that technique). The user suffers exhaustion and soreness from the technique because of the 5th gate.

Name: The Eight Gates
Rank: S
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's chakra circulatory system. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own bodies.

1. Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon) located in the brain. Releases the instinct restraints on the bodies muscle.
2. Gate of Rest (休門, Kyūmon) located in the brain, raises the user's stamina.
3. Gate of Life (生門, Seimon) located on the spinal cord. Releases the limit on the nervous system allowing information to travel at a much faster rate. A side effect is the users skin would turn red.
4. Gate of Pain (傷門, Shōmon), located on the spinal cord. Increases the user's speed and power. Will cause muscles tissue to tear on use.
5. Gate of Limit (杜門, Tomon), per above.
6. Gate of View (景門, Keimon), per above.
7. Gate of Wonder (驚門, Kyōmon), per above.
8. Gate of Death (死門, Shimon) opens the final gate located at the heart and uses up all of the body's energy. It makes the heart pump at maximum power and exceeds the power of every other gate. All the energy in every individual cell is used up, giving the user power well above that of any Kage. This "big bang" effect is only temporary, and destroys every muscle in the user's body, including the heart. Death is assured when opening this gate.
Weakness: User's body is damaged when each gate is used. Opening of the first few gates cause exhaustion, the next few cause muscle and bone damage, and the 8th kills the user.


Name: Chakra Strings
Rank: D
Range: Long, 0-15 m
Type: Supplementary
Note(s): This technique can be executed without hand seals.
Description: Chakra strings can be attached to objects, weapons, and other people. They can be used to guide a weapon or tie someone up. Hoshimaru can use chakra strings to tie people up and to guide projectiles (including ninjutsu such as Thunderball).
Weakness(es): Can be cut or broken by either brute strength or a stronger chakra source.

Name: Chakra Remnants
Rank: D
Range: Short, 0-5 m
Type: Supplementary
Note(s): This technique can be executed without hand seals.
Description: The user deposits tiny amounts of chakra wherever he goes. This is often used over a large area. The user can then use a little pulse of elemental chakra towards the area to set off a chain reaction that changes the chakra remnants into an explosive force of elemental chakra.
Weakness(es): The user must get out of the area before sending a pulse of chakra or the user will be affected by his own attack.

Name: Shadow Clone
Rank: B
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: Creates one or many duplicates of the user. Chakra is dispersed evenly among the bodies. Clones are released when stricken by a fatal blow or a strong one at least.
Weakness: Takes a fair amount of chakra to create the clone and user is left with less chakra since chakra has to be divided evenly among clones.

Name: Chakra Radar
Rank: C
Range: Far, 0-50 m radius
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user sends out a wave of chakra everywhere within up to a 50 meter radius of their location once every 30 seconds. If the chakra wave is disrupted by a human amount of chakra or greater than that, the user will be able to sense where it was when that wave was sent out.
Weakness: The user can only determine one's position every 30 seconds, therefore it is possible for a target to escape from the area being searched or completely change location every 30 seconds to confuse the user.

Name: Thunderbolt Seal
Rank: B-A
Range: Point Blank
Type: Cursed Seal
Notes: More information about the seal by clicking on the name. If a character wants this, PM me.
Description: The seal donor gathers a vast amount of chakra into one hand in the form of a bright white and yellow orb and thrusts it at the receiver's stomach; the body's center of chakra. Markings appear on the receiver's upper body.
Weakness: Because it consumes so much of the user's chakra, this technique is limited to once-a-day use.

Raiton Jutsu - Lightning Techniques

Name: Lighting Element - Twin Thunderbolts
Rank: C
Range: Short, 0-5 m
Type: Offensive
Note(s): Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: Lightning chakra is gathered to both hands and then each load of chakra is turned into a staff that can be used for close combat. It gives a minor stun when hit but it can be blocked with another weapon. The shape can be manipulated to form a spear.
Weakness: This technique uses a lot of chakra to activate. Maintaining the technique doesn't take as much chakra, but as the user gets tired, the shape might be lost and the technique weakens.

Name: Lightning Element - Thunderball
Rank: B
Range: Mid, 0-10 m
Type: Offensive
Note(s): Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: The user's chakra is channeled into his hand and into a spherical shape. The user can then throw the ball of lightning chakra.
Weakness: Using this technique more than once in quick succession takes up a lot of chakra and can tire the user out.

Name: Lightning Element - Great Thunderball
Rank: A
Range: Mid, 0-10 m
Type: Offensive
Note(s): Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: Almost the exact same as "Thunderball" but larger and more powerful.
Weakness: Using the Great Thunderball takes even more chakra than Thunderball since the ball is roughly the size of the user's body.

Name: Lightning Element - Discharge
Rank: B
Range: Short, 0-5 m
Type: Offensive
Note(s): Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: Kazuki lets out a burst of lightning chakra in the form of a static discharge. Anything within an approximately 2 meter radius is affected, and some objects can conduct the charge. The user can channel the shock into a chakra conducting material.
Weakness: Takes a while to charge up and fatigues the user.

Name: Electrostatic Body
Rank: C
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user coats himself with Lightning chakra that can be used as armor or a tool for the enhancement of physical abilities.
Weakness: Takes a fair amount of chakra to maintain. Can be weakened and pierced by elements that lightning is weak against.

Name: Lightning Clone
Rank: A
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: Similar to a shadow clone, but takes up more chakra. The lightning chakra in the clone can be discharged so the clone can explode to damage the enemy.
Weakness: Takes a fair amount of chakra to create the clone, even more if it is an exploding clone.

Name: Lightning Strike
Rank: A
Range: 0-15 m, Long
Type: Offensive
Note(s): Kazuki uses "Chakra Remnants" in order to increase the area affected by the attack.
Description: The user draws energy from within himself and any electromagnetic power in the surroundings. After charging up, a blast of pure lightning chakra can be fired using the power the user has gathered.
Weakness: Area of impact is limited. Takes a lot of chakra and a long time to charge up.

Füton Jutsu - Wind Techniques

Name: Air Bullets
Rank: B
Range: 0-15 m, long
Type: Offensive
Description: The user gathers air and compresses it into a air-bubble that can be fired at an enemy at high speeds for a powerful and explosive impact.
Weakness: Air in the bullets dissipate after a short time. Air conditions are key for this technique to work. If it is too humid, the air is too heavy and the technique fails. If there is any precipitation, the technique can't be used. If it is too windy out, the air can't be gathered for the technique as easily and the bullets become unstable.

Name: Gust
Rank: C
Range: 0-15 m, long
Type: Offensive
Description: The user can take control of some air for a short time and cause a minor gust to hit the enemy.
Weakness: Air conditions are key for this technique to work. If it is too humid, the air is too heavy and the technique fails. If there is any precipitation, the technique can't be used.

Name: Air Burst
Rank: C
Range: 0-5 m, Short
Type: Offensive
Description: The user pushes all the air around them outward in all directions to knock his opponents back. Good for deflecting projectiles.
Weakness: Air conditions are key for this technique to work. If it is too humid, the air is too heavy and the technique fails. If there is any precipitation, the technique can't be used.

Name: Sky Dance
Rank: B
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Element: Wind
Note(s): Permission needed if you wish to use this.
Description: The controls the air around him to fly for a limited amount of time (3 posts max).
Weakness: Air conditions are key for this technique to work. If it is too humid, the air is too heavy and the technique fails. If there is any precipitation, the technique can't be used.

Toton Jutsu - Light Techniques

Name: Flash Pulse
Rank: D
Range: Long, 0-15 m
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user lets out a pulse of Light chakra which illuminates the area. Overpowers and cancels out weaker shadow or darkness techniques.
Weakness(es): Can be overpowered by more powerful shadow or darkness techniques.

Name: Piercing Flash Pulse
Rank: B
Range: Long, 0-15 m
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user lets out a pulse of Light chakra which illuminates the area. Overpowers and cancels out weaker shadow or darkness techniques.
Weakness(es): Takes up more chakra. Can be overpowered by A or S-rank shadow or darkness techniques.

Name: Optic Bending
Rank: C
Range: Mid, 0-10 m
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user uses chakra to control light in order to alter the visibility of the surroundings. For example, the user can make himself, others, or any object invisible, blurry, or larger or smaller to the eyes. This is different than a genjutsu in that the user is not controlling the enemy's sense of sight, but is altering the behavior of light. Also because the technique is not a genjutsu, an opponent could not dispel it.
Weakness(es): Takes a reasonable amount of chakra to maintain control of light as well as change manipulation based on the amount of light and shadows in the area. The technique only affects sight; the enemy's other senses are not targeted so it is very possible for an enemy to overcome the sight alteration using other senses.

Name: Lightforce Sword
Rank: A
Range: 0-5 m, short
Type: Offensive
Description: The user concentrates light chakra into his hands and forms it into a sword. The sword can cut through non-chakra infused weapons but can be matched by a chakra infused weapon.
Weakness: Can be blocked by an equally powerful chakra. Technique can be ended by certain types of Water and Earth techniques. Fatigues the user.

Name: Blinding Solar Flare
Rank: C
Range: 0-5 m, short
Type: Offensive
Description: Lets out a flash of light that temporarily blinds the enemy.
Weakness: User has to open his eyes to use this technique, so the user's vision is impaired as well, but to a lesser extent.

Name: Night Vision
Rank: D
Range: 0-15 m, long
Type: Supplementary
Description: Allows the user to be able to see in the dark by producing a mix of IR and UV light from their chakra. Their eyes then interpret the non-visible light as visible light, allowing them to see.
Weakness: Takes some chakra to activate, but not as much to maintain.

Name: Light Element - Furious Dragon
Rank: S
Range: 0-15 m, long
Type: Offensive
Description: The user generates a great amount of Light Chakra and forms it into a dragon that attacks the enemy.
Weakness: Because it consumes so much of the user's chakra, this technique is limited to once-a-day use for the safety of the user.

Last edited by Darkjagwar on Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:33 am; edited 15 times in total

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:57 pm


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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Lee Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:42 pm

im really sorry I copied your eight gates.
I couldn't find them myself, so I hope you don't mind.


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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:52 pm


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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Zen Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:13 am

You gotta learn raikiri from someone who knows it.
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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:01 pm

mmkay. edited.

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:58 pm


Endless Kaminari added

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:06 pm


• Fash Pulse
• Piercing Flash Pulse

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Kyo Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:36 pm

I think the flicker technique is not allowed on here.

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:40 pm

In that case I think I should briefly explain the basis of the flicker Kazuki uses. First of all, they are not escape techniques, and then each has it's own way of working:

• Mid-Jutsu Flicker: Closes distance between the user and the foe.
• All-Around Flicker: Kind of a variation on the Hidden Lotus Lee uses against Gaara. He attacks from multiple angles in quick succession.
• Multi-Flicker: The user essentially does one punch, kick, etc., but while throwing the punch. kick, etc. shifts into several different positions to do the same punch, kick, etc. so it looks like it is one punch, kick, whatever, but it is actually several done in a short time because the user switches positions and part of switching positions includes throwing the punch or kick again.
• Flicker Clone: The user uses great speed in order to be in two places at the same time by switching positions very quickly.

I think I tried to be as clear as possible in the description and in these descriptions, but if someone has a better way to explain I would appreciate a post that does a better job of explaining.

But I repeat: THESE ARE NOT USED FOR ESCAPE OR DODGING! In fact, the way these are set up makes it more difficult to dodge because the user locks himself in a cycle of switching positions that takes time to get out of.

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Mon May 11, 2009 3:57 pm

added: Night vision, optic bending

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Wed May 27, 2009 11:46 am

added: Chakra Radar

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed May 27, 2009 12:48 pm

Approved, please post the jutsu, on the nest post. Do not edit, until later.


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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Wed May 27, 2009 3:29 pm


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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:44 pm

Name: Demonic Will Suppression
Rank: B
Range: Point Blank
Type: Fuuinjustu/Sealing Technique
Description: The user forces his palm against the target's chest or head. Then the user lets loose a burst of chakra that enters the target's brain, heart, and chakra supply. The chakra does not hurt the target, but instead suppresses the unnaturally evil thoughts or tendencies of a person. A seal appears on the target's temples (side of the head) which resemble four arrows pointing to a center point.
Weakness: The target is able to fight the seal if they choose to and regain their unnaturally darker tendencies.

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Kazuki's Jutsus Empty Re: Kazuki's Jutsus

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:34 pm

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