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Jin's Jutsus

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Jin's Jutsus Empty Jin's Jutsus

Post by Jin Chisoku Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:18 am

Name of Jutsu: Control Art Restrictions
Range: Effects only the user
Type of Jutsu: Inner Locks (custom type)

Description: The user first must aquire permisson from someone he/she gives permission to. Once that is aquired, the user can select from levels 1 through 4, unlocking a certain amount of talents with each level. The first lock lies within level 4. Once unlocked, level 4 allows the user to access all chakra within their body, and allows them to use any level of jutsu. Level 3 allows for the user to access every physical trait they have. Level 2 unlocks all doujutsu abilites, if any, that the user has. Level 1 has yet to be unlocked, but it opens the user's essence. Level 0 forces Jin to revert back to his very being.

Assessment of situations:

Situation A: A hostile encounter with a large opposing military force.
Situation B: A hostile encounter with a small opposing military force.
Situation C: Small reconnaissance missions.

Weakness(es): At one period of time, the user has to allow someone eles to control his/her restrictions. All levels must be unlocked verbally.

Name of Jutsu: Mugen Saisei Justsu
Range: Effects only the user
Type of Jutsu:(Medical)Regeneration

Description: The user can only activate this once the fourth level is unlocked. Once activated, 25% of the user's chakra is instantly gone, but chakra isn't continually drained, meaning it only has to be activated once and it is continually active. At this point no wound except for direct tissue damage to the heart is lethal. Once any part of the user's body is removed or damaged a small amount of blood comes from the damaged area and regenerates the lost tissue.

Weakness(es) A 1/4th of the user's chakra is instantly gone.

Name of Jutsu: Tenshi Uyoku no Jutsu
Range: Effects only the user
Type of Jutsu: Seal/Body Manipulation

Description: The user activates two seals on his/her back with a small amount of chakra. The seal works in three stages: (first stage) penetration of the user's skin, (second stage) gathering of tissue/feathers, (third stage) extension. Once that is complete, the user has a set of two "angel" wings, measuring about 4 meters long a peice. The wings can grow to be a full length of 12 meters long, and range from anywhere to 50lbs to 80lbs in weight, depending on size of course.

Name of Jutsu: Raikou Tansen
Range: 5m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): Chisoku
Elemental Affinity: Lightning

Description: The user prefroms 6 handseals, two of them custom to the user's body, and activates elemental lightining in the form of a 2.5m blade. It's held in the hand just a regular sword is, and it requires a good amount of chakra focus/control to use.

Name of Jutsu: Hari-Jikoku ("Eyes of the Glass of Time")
Range: 15m
Type of Jutsu: Doujutsu
Clan(optional): Chisoku

Description: This doujutsu has three different stages:
The first stage: The user's eyes don't change in apperence, but the user's perception becomes greatly hightened, to a sharigan-like status.
The second stage:
Jin's Jutsus VSS-ANGELICR-140x140
The user can now slow down small objects by manipulating small ripples of time. If used correctly it only takes small amounts of chakra to do. There rippples are surges of time being stopped or slowed down.
The third stage:
Jin's Jutsus Dracul
The user can now create a small sphere (measuring 15m from the user) around him/herself and can have complete control over time. The window of this technique being at full strength is very limited. Within the first two minutes the user has complete control, after that the strength of this jutsu fades, much like that of any shadow manipulation jutsu.

Name of Jutsu:Kage Bunshin Tai no Bakuhatsu
Rank: A
Range: 50m
Type of Jutsu:Ninjutsu

Description: The user forms a clone from any range to attack the opponent, some may contain explosives or shrapnel. The clone is very weak though, it only contains .5% of the user's chakra and can be dispatched with a single attack.

Name of Jutsu:Heru Ryouken Genkaku
Rank: B-S
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu/Ninjutsu

Description: The user's body appears to turn into a blame flame, leaving only his face visable. From the flame a single dog is formed in the first stage. The dog appears to be very large and almost impossible to stop. The illusion deals real damage though. The opponent believes the illusion to be so real that the damage is inflicted by the opponent themselves. The second stage can only be accquired if the opponent hasn't broken the seal of the genjutsu (Well, duh!). In the second stage another dog appears. Both dog's have a large amount of eyes that begin to open, allow for the user to see in many different directions. During the third stage the user summons yet another dog, but the user himself becomes part of the illusion. He can appear from any of the summoned dogs, like having his hand come from one of their mouths, etc. It can be easy broken during the first stage.

Name of Justu:Kuro Doragon Honoo
Type of Jutsu:Ninjutsu

Description: Much like the Katon attacks of the Uchiha, this forms a massive ball of black flame, using the same matter that comprises the Uchiha's legendary amertarasu.

Name of the Jutsu: Escape Act no. 23
Rank: S
Range: Effects only the user
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: The user can pass through solid objects such as walls and trees. The user doesn't use much chakra, but he/she must know who wide the object is, or he/she might end up inside of the object he/she is passing through. The user can also escape to any shadow and take part of it, and others surrounding it. It's limited to a 100m radius, and the user expells little amounts of chakra.

Name of Jutsu: Pentagram Switch
Range: 0-15m
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu/Ninjutsu

Description: This ability has been handed down, as a way to counter any genjutsu user. It copies the opponents genjutsu, and the then switches them with the user at the last moment. The only issue is the user uses as much chakra as the opponent does.

Name of Jutsu: The Dance of the Ripples or "Dansu so Sazanami"
Rank: B-S
Range: 0-5 m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Desciption: This ability allows the user to run on any surface. With each step the user emits an extremely small amount of chakra, causing any surface area to be solid, and have good traction. This can also be used on metal, wooden, liquid surfaces. Even in some cases, if the user emits enough chakra, he or she can run on fire, for a brief period of time.

Name of Jutsu: The Third Eye or "Sa-do Manako"
Rank: A
Range: As long as the user's visablity
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Doujutsu
Clan: Chisoku (only)

Description: The user opens a third eye on his/her forehead. The eye cannot be affected by genjutsu, or any type of illusionary technique due to the fact the user can only see chakra/heat from this eye. A large tattoo appears and then the skin splits open, for anyone wondering what the action is.
Jin's Jutsus Ra

Name of Jutsu: Second Fist or "Shunkan Genkotsu"
Rank: A
Range: 5m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: The user focuses a small amount of chakra to come from their fist or strike which then transfers to the opponent. The chakra "burst" stop the opponent's chakra flow or scrambles it for a breif period of time, 5 to 10 seconds per strike. The the chakra appears as a small wind, and it can peirce any type of armor or tissue that allows chakra to flow out of it.

Name of Jutsu: Suiton Baku Suishouha
Rank: A
Range: 100m+
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description:After forming the needed handseals, Jin will expel water from his hands. This will then expand into a large volume of water. Being from the Waterfall Village, Jin is at home with this type of jutsu. He can control the water by riding on top of the waves.

Name of Jutsu: Dai Endan
Rank: A
Range: 10m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: Jin will first gather the fire into his mouth and then spew a giant breath of fire constantly at his opponent. The fire is hot enough to burn through most known armor, and meld rock. This technique was first discovered by the Uchiha clan, and was handed down to the ANBU Black Ops, where Jin first discovered it.

Name of Jutsu: Kumori-Genkansaki or "Shadow Entrance"
Rank: B-A
Range: 5~30m
Type of Justsu: Ninjutsu

Description: One of Jin's custom jutsu during his years as an ANBU, it's a collection of material manipulation, and chakra manipulation. A small cloud of gas begins to form, normally black, and much like a shadow, it slowly creeps through out the area, and forms a large cloud. Within the cloud there appears to multiple figures. Once struck, the figured turn out to be either clones, battle dummies, or some sort of replacement. Maintaining this jutsu takes a moderate amount of chakra depending on what the gas is.

Name of Jutsu: "Mitsukai" Form
Range:User's Range
Type of Jutsu: Senjutsu *Custom*

Description: This is one of Jin's custom jutsu, because he is the only known assassin to have the Cromewell restraint system. Once all the binders or locks of the Cromewell system are unlocked, Jin can now use all of his speed, and chakra as he sees fit with out approval of the Council*. His body changes radically into his more perfected form, and his wing seals are activated at 100% of their capibilities. Jin now has conscious use over all his power. Other than the physical transformation, Jin has blue tattoos or marking appear on his cheeks, and his over all aura can be felt even stronger than before. Rather than the air simply growing denser, or the feeling of your body growing denser his attacks are much stronger, and it becomes a lot harder to function while remaining close to Jin. Jin's aura can also be seen, his chakra emits from his body naturally as does his natural spiritual energy. The combination of the two appears as a gold hue, which comes from Jin's eyes, and all uncovered areas of the body. In this sense, Jin has become his being while remaining rational.

Weaknesses: This form only lasts for about ::1 hr and 10 minutes::, and when done Jin is drained to .5% of his total chakra, enough to keep him alive until help arrives, if it does. * The Council: A group of three spiritual beings assigned to the containment of Jin's overall power and rational. They manage his chakra, and spiritual energy.

Name of Jutsu: Ice Clones
Rank: A
Range: 5m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: The same concept of the basic shadow clone, but it's made entirely of ice, meaning, when struck it won't simply disappear, rather turn into a massive chunk of ice. These can also be used with the Kage Bunshin Tai no Bakuhatsu technique, but the amount of chakra increases to a full 1% of Jin's over all chakra.

Name of Jutsu: Kanashibari no Jutsu
Rank: A
Range: 50m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: Causes an opponent to loose their sense of movement. Stops the opponent, leaving an opening for more powerful jutsu to be performed. It is assumed most ANBU know this technique.

Name of Jutsu: Katon Karyuu Endan
Rank: A
Range: 40m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, in the shape of a large dragon, from the users mouth. The fire is said to be hot enough to turn water into steam by simply passing it, and to melt tempered steel by coming within inches of it.

Name of Jutsu: Kawarimi no Jutsu (no.22)
Rank: B
Range: 5m
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description: Much like the commonly used jutsu to quickly replace a body with a close by object, Jin's variation is much more complex. Rather than using a simple object within the area Jin replaces himself with a specialty clone. It can resist moderate strikes, but when struck 'hard' , C-rank or above, it explodes. It sends a massive amount of needles in a 360 degree area. Of course these clones are limited, and are pre-made before a battle ensues.

Name of Jutsu: Kirigakure no Jutsu
Rank: B
Range: 400m +
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Description:A highly effective cover technique. Blankets an area in a thick fog, confusing the senses of the enemy. The fog's density can vary in places, and it conforms to any battle field.

Name of Jutsu: Kokuangyo no Jutsu
Rank: A
Range: 400m +
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Description: Creates an illusion of complete darkness over the battlefield, effecting mostly everyone, unless one takes the time to counter the jutsu, by breaking the seal.

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:50 am; edited 4 times in total
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Jutsus Empty Re: Jin's Jutsus

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:36 pm

Jin dear, you forgot to add weaknesses to all but the first two. ^_^ Thought i'd let you know.

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Jin's Jutsus Empty Re: Jin's Jutsus

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:07 am

They're all assumed weaknesses, as in chakra loss according to their rank...And as for some there are weaknesses, you simply have to read them. ^^
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Jutsus Empty Re: Jin's Jutsus

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:13 am

Yeah they do have weaknesses, he just didnt put


They're approved. And my dick is VIP, and your shit needs I.D.

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I don't really know why, but it's true dammit.)
Kyouken Uchiha
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