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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds Empty Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

Post by Dean Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:18 pm

*Tenchi walks through the Leaf training grounds bored hoping that someone could come and cure him of his boredom*Tenchi looking up at the sky seeing that it was a perfect day to walk outside and play around*There were little to no clouds in the sky as Tenchi looked up*Tenchi sighs*"I wish I could finally be on a team, but i guess I'm doomed to wait longer in this misery. I want a mission or something to distract me till this happens"*I continue to walk though the training grounds listening to the trees swaying in the wind and watching his shadow on the ground*

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Join date : 2008-11-23

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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds Empty Re: Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:23 pm

Sendo noticed another genin walking through the training grounds. Sendo smiled, he was passing time till he had to meet up with Ippin and the rest of his team. A fight would be a great pass time. Sendo body flickered behind the Tenchi, he had seen him before, and poked him on the shoulder. "Hey, you look bored, what say you to livening up this place?"


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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds Empty Re: Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

Post by Dean Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:31 pm

*Tenchi looks a little bewildered then he smiles*"Well yes i would enjoy a fight. I have been very bored lately and now i finally have a chance to fight someone"*Tenchi jumps back into a tree and then Tenchi watches as he sees Sendo getting ready and Tenchi gets ready himself*"So are you ready to fight or are you going to get ready all day? You can go first if you wish, but i hope that you don't underestimate me. I don't underestimate any opponent I see, but I hope that you will give me the same courtesy"*I then watch Sendo closely seeing if his movements can show him any weakness's*

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Join date : 2008-11-23

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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds Empty Re: Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:36 pm

Sendo watched as his opponet went through the traditional methods taught by the academy to observe the opponet for their actions and to better defeat them. Sendo had a different and more unorthodox method. He sat down on the spot, crosslegged, and began to regulate his breahting, 8 counts in through the nose, 8 counts out from the mouth. He could wait here all day, He was very patient. "You might as well come out in the open and fight face to face Tenchi, I guarantee I will out last you in a waiting game."


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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds Empty Re: Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

Post by Dean Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:51 pm

*Tenchi stood there looking alittle confused and then decided that he wasn't going to wait forever so he jumped down from the tree while doing some hand signs*Tenchi then runs forward warry of any tricks that Sendo may pull while pulling out Kaze and Kami*"Your tricks shall not work on me!"*still staring at Sendo for any motion that might tell him have his next move is and when Tenchi gets close enough Tenchi swings Kaze at Sendos arm and if hit Sendo will get a nice sized cut and start to bleed very badly*

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Join date : 2008-11-23

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Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds Empty Re: Tenchi's Walk Through the Training Grounds

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:08 pm

Sendo watched as the oppponet gave up trying to observe, for it obviously wasn't getting him any where. Sendo smirked, he had one that very short contest. The contest of patience. It was one that Sendo was very good at. The opponet drew his swords and attempted to cut Sendo on his arm. His smirk grew, metal objects were a sin when used against him. He made a few handsigns followed by the drawing of a single kunai which he arced upwards to meet the sword of his opponet. The sound of metal agianst metal rung throughout the forest. Then Sendo deployed his jutsu. "Electromanetic Murder," a ring of blue electricity wraped around his wrist and traveled up his hand, through the kuani and the sword. If anything, the attack would at least make Tenchis hands go numb for a couple of minutes, barring him from using jutsu.


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