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Kyoshiro's Jutsus

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Kyoshiro's Jutsus Empty Kyoshiro's Jutsus

Post by Okami Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:47 am

Name of jutsu:Okamigan
Rank E-S:C-A
Type of jutsu:Doujutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:The first jutsu that the Okami clan developed. It is similar to the sharingan it can see the most detail in attacks, use genjutsus, look into someone's mind, and at a high level, stop and warp time, foresee the future, and even defy gravity. There are five levels of the okamigan and they get morfe and more powerful every level. Thid doujutsu cant copy jutsus but is sharper than sharingan.

Weakness:Uses a lot of chakra and cant copy jutsus

Name of jutsu:Mud Regeneration
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:Using mud the user takes the matter out of mud and heals there wounds. Going slower or faster depends on your level.

Weakness:Takes time

Name of jutsu:Earth Barrier
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:The user creates a dome like barrier surrounding him/herself in earth. It is powerful and there isnt any cracks.

Name of jutsu:Earth Drill
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:The user absorbs the earth and forms drills made of rock. This can be used for offense drilling right through a body or smashing rocks. This jutsu can also be used to drill away from his/her opponent.

Weakness:No opposable thumbs

Name of jutsu:Mud Wall
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:The user creates a wall made of mud.

Name of jutsu:Clay Wall
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:A more powerful version of mud wall. This is made out of clay.

Weakness:Takes more chakra to change mud into clay.

Name of jutsu:poison vine
Rank E-S:C
Range:Mid Range or Far
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:With this jutsu the user can summon poison barbed vines that can move fast on there own. To make them move faster you control them with there mind and for even faster movement the user can use there hands.

Weakness:The vines can burn easily and when using hands if the user cant move his/her arms the user cant make it faster.

Name of jutsu:Leaf Edge Tornado
Rank E-S:B
Range:Mid Range, or Far
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton/Fuuton

Description:Leaf Edge Tornado are leaves that has been sharpened with chakra. The leaves are sharp enough to cut through kunais and even the strongest of steel. Usually the leaves move in a tornado like formation. They are very unpredictable but the user can as well take control of the leaves making them move faster, go slow, stop, stop them in mid air, or have them attack all at the same time. The user has complete control.

Weakness:Can burn easily and once you find the pattern you can stop it.

Name of jutsu:Fire Absorption
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Katon

Description:The user absorbs fire in there weak hand and reales the fire with more power in the more dominent hand.

Weakness:Slight burn on the hands.

Name of jutsu:Wolf Summoning
Rank E-S:B
Range:Mid Range
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:You can summon wolves. Any kind, and you can summon a pack.

Weakness:Uses a lot of chakra

Name of jutsu:Acid Slime Bullet
Rank E-S:A
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:

Description:The wolf that has been summoned uses this jutsu. The wolf shoots a ball of acid saliva that melts nearly anything.

Weakness:The wolf has to have a lot of chakra.

Name of jutsu:Acid Slime:Spread
Rank E-S:A
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:You must summon a wolf for this. The wolf spins while using acid slime bullet making the slime go everywhere. It is extremely hard to dodge and the clan along with the wolf are uneffected with this attack.

Weakness:Uses a lot more chakra than acid slime bullet.

Name of jutsu:Animal Style
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Taijutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:This is a group of attacks not a specific move. When the user uses this jutsu they copy the style of an animal and multiply it by 100. Ex:cheetah, the speed is a lot faster.

Name of jutsu:Wolf Fang Slash
Rank E-S:B
Range:Mid Range or Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:This attack is extremely powerful and one of Kyo's favorites. First the user puts his/her fingers at the swords base then move it up forward to the tip. The sword starts to glow then swing an a huge razor blasst heads at the opponent.

Weakness:It uses time to make the sword glow and it can be dodged easier the farther away your are.

Name of jutsu:Wolf Barrage
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Taijutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:The user does a series of attacks sending the opponent in the air. Then slamming them towards the ground and finishing with disappearing and jabbing them in the back.

Name of jutsu:Wolf Fang Fist
Rank E-S: D
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:A series of attacks that are fast and hard to dodge. While hes attacking chakra is being cut out of the opponent. This is always ending with a blast of chakra.

Name of jutsu:Wolf Fang Blast
Rank E-S:A
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:The user does the hand signs stores a bunch of chankra and shoots the hands forward firing a giant wolf of chakra. The wolf is a homeseeking device and wont stop until the user releases the wolf. Once the wolf hits it steals nearly all the opponents chakra and certainly will kill his/her opponent. If it is a tailed beast the jutsu will seal the demon for 30 mins nothing can stop it once it hits.

Weakness:Obviously using an intense amount of chakra. It is also hard to hold the jutsu.

Name of jutsu:Dancing Wolves Under Moon
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:Just like Hyuuga rotation except stronger, longer, and faster rotation.

Weakness:Vulnerable when he slows down

Name of jutsu:Mud Clone
Rank E-S: D
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:Creates a clone made out of hardened mud.

Name of jutsu:Wolverine Spiral
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:This is just like fang over fang except Stronger, Quicker, a lot faster of rotation, and is nearly invincable. Because of such a fast rotation it can block all sorts of attacks.

Weakness:Easy to dodge. Has to hold the jutsu., Dizziness.

Name of jutsu:Wolf Transform
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:This transforms a wolf into a copy of a user

Name of jutsu:Werewolf Transformation
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:The user transforms into a werewolf

Weakness:Has to hold the jutsu, has to have a wolf to transform.

Name of jutsu:Chadora
Rank E-S:A
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A

Description:One of the most powerful jutsus od the Okami clan. This attack is like chidori but its green and brown flames instead of lightning. It is more powerful than rasengan and it is very quick. It strikes in the blink of an eye, and because of all the power and speed a trail of flames is left behind.

Weakness:Uses an extreme amount of chakra, takes time to use, and needs to hold the jutsu and release it perfectly


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Join date : 2008-11-25
Age : 29
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Kyoshiro's Jutsus Empty Re: Kyoshiro's Jutsus

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:01 am

Okamigan not approved, please post in Bloodline creation.
Earth Barrier not approved, needs a weakness
Earth Drill not approved, no opposable thumbs?? what is that all about?
Mud Wall not approved, needs a weakness
Fire Absorbtion not approved, just no unless you can give much greater detail
post summon wolves in summoning creation
acid slime pending approval for when you create the wolves in summoning creation
acid slime spread pending approval for same reason
animal style not approved just no
wolf fang fist not approved needs a weakness
mud clone not approved needs a weakness
wolf transform not approved no weakness and needs approval of wolf summoning first

others are approved


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