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Tetsuhada's Arrival, Ready For Battle

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Tetsuhada's Arrival, Ready For Battle Empty Tetsuhada's Arrival, Ready For Battle

Post by Tetsuhada Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:36 pm

*Sand storms rage around the village. A dark shadow ruffles through the sand, slowly sinking* God damnit! I hate this place... Why are we going here? *My cells in my leg slowly begin to thin out, becoming more liquidy. I talk to myself slightly* Oh yah i want a fight... *My legs turn flimsy and i rise up, growing taller as my skin stretches like rubber making me taller. I look around for a grip to grab and notice a rock* This will be a hard journey i see... *I hold out my arm and move chakra into it* Nanbuenwan! *My body lunges foward, my black cloak covering my body spreads open, my stomach stretching as i move like a snake across the air to the rock, my body reaches its limit to stretching. I slam my arm foward and my shoulder softens, tissue and muscle turning to rubber. My arm flies foward grasping a rock*

*My grip on the rock tightens, i begin to pull my body up. As my legs rip out of the sand they shoot toward my body, gaining normal size, my arm turns normal and i spin my wrist, spinning and leaping back onto the top of the rock* Man this will be fun *I say to myself, moving my right hand over my eyes and looking across the land* Ah yes i see the village! *I crouch and form seals, chakra gaining in my feet* Heh time for some real fun! *I use the chakra, propeling myself into the ar and forming seals* Doton: Ganchūsō- Earth Release: Rock Pillars Rising.... *sand explodes up, i hear a rumbling sound and as i come near the ground a brown square comes up, i angle and land on it, the pillar rising. All over the land pillars start to rise, i leap off of the first and come landing on another, continuing this pattern as i trave across the land*

*I come to the last pillar, landing as some smoke spins from my feet* I'm close now... I know it... *I close my eyes and grin* I smell fear... I think... Haha i don't really know! *I Smile as i talk to myself* Wow what a full i am... *I open one eye and my pupils turn red* Its time to kill! *My voice growls this, i leap up and land on a large collection of rocks, rushing down them. My cloak slides back waving behind me, revealing my pale body and half cut shirt with red straps. My shaggy black hair waves behind me, i am wearing blood red gloves. As i come to the end of the stones i leap up, soaring over the range. My body steadily moves down, i push my arms put and my rubber shoulder blades stick out, forming a parachute like formation. Slowly i glide down and land on a large building, my shoulders return to bone, the skin turning normal again* I'm here!

*I move my hand to the collar of my black cloak, undoing the button and allowing it to slide off. My hand returns to my side and i close my eyes, a deep purple surrounds my eyes like a black eye. My skin slowly turns a slight grey and i whisper* Seishunwan Tetsuhada: Goyoroi- Full Body Iron Skin: Spiked Armor *You hear tearig sounds, a spike rips from my back and i lean back laughing, Another spike rips through both my shoulders, my shirt ripping apart* Haha! *My skin turns a deep greyish black, spikes and scales tearing through my clothes and coverng my body* I hope you all are ready for Tetsuhada!! *I lean foward with my eyes wide open, cracks in them. My ears begin to swallow into my skin and my hair turns a white color* Kuku.

Posts : 14
Points : 13
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Join date : 2009-06-22
Age : 32
Location : The Hot Spring Village

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