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Taa's arrival

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Taa's arrival Empty Taa's arrival

Post by resonaceaddict Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:22 pm

Konoha missing nin, and akatsuki searcher, Taakuin Hanya and Ie Hanya, his other personality, crested over a hill, looking down upon the great Village. He surveyed it, wondering what adventures it would hold, and wondering if the Akatsuki had any plans for this place. Silently in the back of the mind, Ie desperately hoped that they could find a lead on the Akatsuki, needing the protection of the organization. Things were getting too dangerous with Taa at the helm of the body due to his leap in head first way of thinking in nearly every situation. He spoke up to Taa and said, "You think that they are here?" Taa looked around. He honestly didn't care, he had heard of the Kazekage before, and wanted to meet him. He jumped down the hill, landing knee deep in sand, and groaned. He had to remember that about this place, too much sand. He looked around for something to give him leverage, and couldn't find anything. He sighed and quickly activated his Mandarin Jutsu, protecting his legs with chakra, and blasting a large quantity of fire chakra down, blowing him out of the hole. He shot into the air, and hovered for a second, landing softly on the sand again. He walked to the walls of the village, seeing a path way into the village. There were no guards around, so he just walked in. He looked around at the Lax security and whispered to himself, "No wonder why Deiadra was able to get in, it is so unprotected." He liked the feel of Suna though. It was Hot, which was something he liked very much. He entered the valley like structure of Suna, which protected it from the wind, and looked around. He was on a fairly large street, but surprisingly, there wasn't very many people around. He shrugged and kept walking, just looking around.


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