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Rains Arrival.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Rains Arrival.

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:14 am

OOC: I alredy rp-ed this out to somewhere where I got ooc rejected so Im just gonig to forward it here.

Rain had traveled all the way here, from Sunagakure. She had finally found this place, which took a while. She knocked on the door to the Kage's office. She opened the door and walked in. "Hi, im Rain, Iwas wondering if I could join your village" She laughed "Don't ask it's a long story" She looked at the Kage with her smile, which made her look innocent, adorable, and of course hard to say no to. She was reading his mind, all she got out of it was paper work, before he replied.

OOC: Sorry its short.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:55 am

"That seems like a rather hazy way of getting oneself accepted to a village, my young friend." A stern voice commented at the Kunoichi's introduction. A tall man stood inside the Raikage's office, gazing out a large window that overlooked the village, the desk of their leader just feet from his standpoint. Red armor gleamed in the sunlight that flowed into the room through the glass, his Cloud headband baring the same bright shimmer. He rotated his body slightly to the side to look towards the stranger, the wooden sandal underneath his foot scraping calmly across the floor. His arms locked behind his back, he noticed a Sand insignia on this newcomer as he looked her way. ".. The Village Hidden in the Sand. I assume you decided to defect from the Wind Country then, is that right?" Asked the advisor, curious as to what problems this individual may have brought, not only to the Raikage, but to the entire village, by coming here, asking what she had.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:34 am

"Haha, well I wasn't planning this but.." SHe said scratching her head "WEll I just wasn't liked there" She said trying to move one with the subject. "So would that be a yes..." SHe said hopefully " Or no" she murmered. Rain was bholding her usaull gun, but not in a threatening way. SH e started to stare into space, looking out of the windows, all the mountains. The mountains were better than all the sand she had to live with for so long.

She could tell by the toughts in the room they were suspicious of her, and that they wondered what she had brung to Kumo. "I promise I have not brought any kind of danger to Kumo... I know what your thinking, I kinda read minds". She said hoping that after she told them part of her bloodline, she they would let her into the village, mind reading was a VERY usefull skill, and only one or two villages probaly have someone woh would be able to that. She looked at the man weith the same smile as before.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Mirage Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:35 am

OOC: First of all, Koga what are doing in the Raikage's office? I am sure that Yoshimo does not have his office open for just anyone to walk into. Just so you know Rain, Koga is not the Raikage. Only Yoshimo can say if you can join or not.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:33 am

The Advisor watched warily as the Sand ninja held a gun in her hand. Technology such as that was dangerous, deadly, something that could take life away instantaneously. Though he knew the threat of such a weapon, it seemed too farfetched that an assailant would simply walk straight into the lion's den in such a manner. However, it seemed no less strange that someone looking for alliance would harbor such a tool as they did so. Koga kept his hands behind his back, and his eyes locked on the kunoichi, preparing to speak once more. "You say you bring no trouble, yet at the same time you tell us your old village holds harsh favor towards you. How exactly did you become the holder of such disdain?" Asked the shinobi, curious to find out why this ninja had come to the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Such a far journey from the Wind Country must have had some motivation behind it. This stramger was either chasing something, or running from something else. Koga would not allow such details to be overlooked, his zeal taking an aggressive tone, as it normally would tend to. Protecting his village was the most important thing to him, and this defect of the Sand would not endanger it. In any form. Not so long as he still drew breath.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:56 pm

"Um... well, people didn't like me, lets just keep it at that, I'm trying to start a new life, and telling you aobut my past isn't going to help" She said, still reading his thoughts. "I promise I have not brought any danger to this Village, no one is going to come after me, like I said, they don't want me there" She tried to exlain knowing its wasn't going anywhere, she put the gun away, and sat down in a nearby chair. It was going to take a while. She was expecting something like an attack, but he didn't want to draw attention, so she was safe for now. All Rain wanted was somewhere she could be safe from crazy villagers who don't like assasins.

"Well, they started to not want me there after they figured out most of the murders where linked to me, and my job, but it paid alot" Talking about made her nervous, like someone was about to gang beat her. "Well you see, my mom Koko, she's not really my mom she adopted me" SHe was going of topic "Well, she was always gone, so I had to make money, and the ninja thing wasn't really working out, and Im to young to be hired for any other jobs, so I became an Assasin, so I could by food, and pay rent and all that good stuff, You see we had a pretty large house, so we neded money" She explained very nervously.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:28 pm

OOC: He is a Kumo advisor


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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Mirage Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:53 pm

OOC: Yeah we already disscussed that. I justdid not see him in the village roster so I did not know.

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:24 pm

".. An assassin?" The Advisor was surprised to hear a bit more of her story, taking a pause after his rhetorical statement. Someone as young as this, a killer. And apparently an exceptional one at that. Though Koga had a hard time believing such a claim, this stranger seemed to be acceptant of the questioning. A senseless murderer wouldnt put up with being forced to answer inquiries that they had stated were unnecessary. His sharp eyes noted her slipping her gun away as she took a seat in the office. Despite his protectiveness of the village, and how the knowledge of this young Kunoichi's bloody past made him feel uneasy about her being allowed entrance to the Village Hidden in the Clouds, he could tell this person meant no harm. His bold voice came to the surface once more. "Fine. So long as Lord Raikage approves of you being in his village, then so do I."

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Rains Arrival. Empty Re: Rains Arrival.

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:03 pm

"Thank you, I won't bring any trouble" She tried not to laugh, she was reading his thoughts about her. She then stood up and walked out the door, "Once again, thank you". Once she left the door she was herself again, but she noticed she was starting to change, she was becoming.... nicer..... All this acting amde her think she is nice. She knew she wasn't the nicest person there was, but she really didn't being nice, it just wasn't her. She left the building, and decided to learn her way around the village. She took some mental notes when she first left the building, Mountains and more mountains, its almost like Suna, not much colourful beauty.

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