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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:04 pm

The man smirked as he felt the pressure of a archaic force much like that of his old boss. The mans smile grew his teeth now showing as he dissapeared from his rooftop stand point. He appeared in the sand some of the grains scattering to create a cloud of dust that blocked his figure from being seen. The mans smile grew even more as his hand gripped his hilt. He walked forward through the cloud.

"You muthafuckers how dare you come to this village to cause havoc. THATS MY MUTHAFUCKING JOB! I work my ass off to cause problems in this village you you muthafucking hoes think you can muscle in on my turf? Really? REALLY PUNKS!?" The man released a very deafeaning laugh that would chill even the most cold of souls even more.

The mans silver hair was spiked down. He wore a purple suit with a black trench coat and baggy black jeans for his pants. He continued to walk closer to the three. He stopped at about 4 meters and his blade slid out of its sheath. "As the former jack of bloody hearts. I'll kill you to protect my honor as the muthafucking best terrorist out there".

The man pointed his blade at the one that seemed average in his head he thought this one would be one of the stronger ones. Kaji then charged the man at blinding speeds his blade tucked down but as he got into stirking he smirked as he said "Shoot to Death!!!" Instantly from the blade a blast of chakra shot off towards the one that looked average as kaji plowed towards the man with intense speed.

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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:06 pm

The "average" appearing man, whose name shall be called Masoku, looks at the man who seemed to have an issue with the moment he appeared on sandy ground. He notice that there was another battle over by the large adminstration building. He sighes as he knew that this was going to be a very long day, a long day indeed which where he would have to battle. The type of mentality now with Masoku at the moment was chilled, relax, almost to the point of sleepiness and drowsiness. Masoku was never the excitiable type or even remotely stun by anything, he just went with the flow and to be honest he was actually quite bored with attacks. He was emotionless due to his condition as a child where he was hit in the head with extreme force in the frontal lobe of his brain. Because of that part of the brain controls most of the emotions, it seemed as though he had none but he only lacked a few emotions and not all.

He stares at man, who seems very upset and highly irritated by the fact that he was attacking the village. Did he just say that we step on his turf? Masoku asked himself as Kaji was talking. He was somewhat ignoring him as he yawned as though he was bored out of his mind with him talking. Masoku raises his eyebrow shortly and shrugged at the comments but what brought his attention to light was Kaji's laughter. It curdled his blood, deafening his ears and his eyes became more sluggish. His emotions were just as weird as any other crazy person and he appears to be an average appearing person. He wore baggy shorts and a cut off t-shirt which was the complete opposite of his brothers and the leaderss robe garment. He did not believe in unity whatsoever and he only came here to support his master and god, Father. But he was told not to tell them about The Order and there teachings, not yet at this.

Masoku was about to speak before he opened his left eye and see's Kaji charging him with intense speed. Masoku heard much about the speed of a shinobi and thats what made them very powerful was there quick wit and speed. Kaji's speed was amazing but whats more was that the man pulled out a blade and said a command which instantly released the blade. Masoku facial appearance did not change as the blade was about thrusting itself forward at blinding speeds and was about to pierce through Masoku's body. Masoku sighed as the blade was about to reach at him and Kaji, he whispered to himself "Too....slow" and instantly a mirage of himself was created, the chakra went right through him and makes impact with the people that were still inside of a building. The blood pierces out of one man who was shot backwards and was crush into a wall.

Masoku was in mid-air, his hand in his pocket and his appearance was still the same....bored as hell. As he lands on his feet, squatting down so his legs can take the impact of his fall, he rises up and turns back to Kaji. He snaps his fingers to get Kaji's attention "I hope you dont mind me dodging that, I think you were trying to make a statement with that attack....*sigh no worries" He reaches behind his back and pulls out a large halbard. It was quite long in appearance, close to six feet in length and two feet by width. It looked heavy, almost unbearable and impossible to hold for such a lean looking man. His appearance was truly decieving at first. He looked as though he was the weakest of the group, he was lean looking, not the most muscluar but indeed not skinny at all. He was just a lean type of build who carried a heavy sword which looked awkward on him. Not only was he fast enough to dodge both Kaji's blinding speed and the swords speed, he was able to do that while carrying the large halberd on his back and land ever so gracefully. He looks at Kaji

"Well, we might as well get to introducing ourselves, the name is Masoku, Masoku the Flight. I was wondering if you had a name but you just came up and attack me without me getting settled, I thought you shinobi were all about honor and code and what not." he shrugs "Well at least some shinobi, you looked like a crazy and hystarical man and you fit the bill perfectly. I wish not to engage in battle but I suppose thats impossible for me to do so at this moment. I wish not to take the life a kid but you came upon with intent to kill and I cannot accept that" He swings the halberd around with two fingers creating a small vortex around him "I'll make this quick shinobi, you seemed to be more of quick fighter if any"

"Kaze Mactous Vortexum". He swings his blade, his blade glowing a color of green and yellow and it released to what seemed to be a large vortex that was ready to surround Kaji and consume him, cutting him up to pieces and hopefully crippling him. This attack was very large, large enough that the buildings that were caught up in the blast were instantly shredded to pieices.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:47 pm

Kaji laughed at the mans move he could read it all so simply. Even without his eye being open the sharingans powers leaked to his other senses allowing him even more power. His hand still held his blade his face looking forward he looked as if he was concentrating but as soon as the man began to talk a noise was heard.

It didn't come from his mouth or anywhere near the top of his body. It wasnt that loud but it wasnt so inaudible you couldnt hear it from his distance. It would puzzle there mind as they wondered what it would be Then it would hit him. This muthafuckah just passed gas in the middle of his speach.

Kaji waited till the man was done then he spoke "Oh your done? Good. LETS GET STARTED THEN!" Kaji had accidently dropped a kunai as the man launched his attack. Kaji jumped into the air and aimed his blade downward. "Shoot to kill" Instantly the blade shot off a chakra again and he flew up above the man. Kaji smirked as this was plain physics.

What goes up must inevitably come down. This was true in most cases but in this case it wasn't well not by context atleast.. Kaji started to fall but as he fell he began to spin. This was his play time. As he arrived at 5 meters from the ground kaji stopped spinning almost intstantly and from then what seemed to be a shower of kunai fell that seemed to have covered almost every inch of the sky. Little did this magician know if even one of these kunai overshot him he would be covered in something that would end this fight. However if the magician calculate projectory correctly he could dodge this attack.

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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:15 pm

Maoku was not impressed at his first intent, he would've thought that the vortex would hit him but because it was not high enough when it came to it length wise it was not surprising whatsoever. Indeed I'll have to do another attack, this is getting boring, I might as well kill this guy without any hassle for he is boring me immensely, I'll make this quick..... But that was not the case when he saw Kaji jump into the air and use the blade that was going to attack him as a sort of leverage in order to get high into the air. Is this man a fool? Masoku thought He'll only make himself open for me to attack in the air, would it make more sense if he were to use the ground rather than the air. What Masoku predicted might happen was inevitable to happen as he was going to place a type of wind magic in order to shred him into pieces but no, he must watch before anything. Kaji was coming downward with extreme speeds and as he was reaching towards the ground he begins to spin and coming out of the tornado made Kaji was kunai coming out from every direction and every corner which seemed inevitable to dodge at first but Masoku was no fool, he was not going to simple just block it, no that was not the case

Masoku raises one eyebrow as he slams his halberd into the ground, he places one hand on it and the says "Domuis Diamonius Dexlactum". Immediately, the halberd began to spread its whole entire being into one large black dome. The dome then protected Masoku so he would be unharmed from the barrage of kunai coming at him. As he heard the kunai make contact with his halberd dome defense, he still had one hand place on the dome. His bored face then transformed into a small smile, which was rare in his case. He places two fingers up towards his lips and says "My halberd....."

Outside of the dome, only a few moments later, the kunai barrage that was planning on hitting Masoku had ended. The dome then transformed back into a halberd but it was missing the opponent inside. Had he disappeared and use that as a distraction so he could attack another opponent. That was the case for the blade was still attach into the ground, unharmful to Kaji and to anyone else around it. Not only was Masoku a wind type, he was also a earth type magican as well. Appearing on one of the buildings was 'Masoku'. He had his hands on his head and a bored look on his face. He stretches an arm out at Kaji and points at him, he jumps down and rushes towards Kaji. He pulls out out four knives and throws them at Kaji while charging at him. But while running he places his hands together and says "Go forth and mutiple, Multius Serene Dollschum". Immediately, the knives immediately multiply into hundreds of knives. They were all coming from every direction as the knives not only mutiplied in the front but also in the back as well, this attack was meant to kill and pierce every part of Kaji's body, but there was also another intent into this attack. 'Masoku' had one knife in his hand and was getting closer to striking Kaji.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:41 pm

Kaji laughed his chilling laugh as he landed on the ground his foot hitting a cold and metal object pushing it into the ground. He whipped his hands on his cloaks no longer holding the blade. If the man looked up he would see something very odd. He would see the blade he held earlier just seemingly floating in mid air. Then it would hit them something was off.

Kaji just stood there his hands behind his back now as multiple knives appeared behind him. As soon as the happened something even odder happened each blade was matched with one made of pure what seemed to be white chakra. There was a inadubile cling of blades as they each met nothing. Even the magician was met with what seemed to be 20. The blades seemed to have surronded him.

Kaji then laughed yet again as his hands held a blade he lifted his foot and placed the blade into the ground pushing the kunai that was right under his foot into the ground. He then stepped on the blade and pushed it down into the ground yet again. "This is the end. ive brought this techngiue into something that will obliterate you." Kaji's voice went serious and soon he opened his left eye to reveal a chilling blue eye.

"SHOOT TO KILL" Instantly all the blades flipped to point at the magician and then it was a flash of white as chakra flew at him. The one blade in the ground shot down into the ground pushing the kunai and then something in the sky happened.

It was a cling a loud cling and once they looked up it would show what seemed to be a few hundred kunai up there. Instantly as the cling had stopped a explosion occured and the kunai seemed to fall in what seemed to be a pattern in a few hundred meter area. This was the end. As each kunai had held over 200 chakra strings on it. There was almost no way to dodge this attack it was something kaji counted as his death circle. He fell to his knee panting with his right eye still closed he was drained of chakra not even knowing if the circle did its job.

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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:08 pm

Indeed there was no way possible for him for 'Masoku' to dodge this attack, after all he was going a full out attack onto Kaji with the blades of hundreds of knives ready to strike at Kaji and indeed as the blade of Kaji's Shinso and the kunai struck 'Masoku' body, the blood of probably a hundred men spilled out of him, it shredded him apart like he was a piece of meat, piercing through his body. But on the face of Masoku was a small and inevitable smile on his face. Indeed the "Masoku's job was complete as the body flings onto the ground. The blood began to spill out of the body, as 'Masoku's body faded away, a small hint of laughter came from nowhere, where did this laugh come from? Was it Masoku? How was it possible for someone that was just attacked brutally and live to tell the tale? Indeed this was the most confusing battles to see, but it was all too simple for Masoku.

The Halberd, the laughter came from the halberd

Coming out of the black halberd was a gloved hand, the hand then grabs onto the handle. It looked as though he was being pulled out of the halberd itself. As a body then pulls itself out of the halberd, it was the only man that seemed to be weak and futilely weaker than a shinobi, but indeed he was quite cunning and strong. But how as this possible? Did the man make a clone and use that? Magicans had somewhat the same abilities as shinobi do but the only thing that differed between shinobi and magicians is that there clones were so life like that it was a scary thing to think that he made a clone. Masoku comes out of the halberd, standing there with a wound on his face. It was not caused by Kaji, no, he caused it himself. Masoku stares at Kaji "Indeed you are one powerful shinobi, If was that clone over there I would probably be dead, but today was not your day my shinobi must be wondering how the hell did I do that? Well it was simple, actually so simple, its almost childs play, you see during my time underneath the dome..."

**underneath the dome (explanation)**

Masoku had his hand on the halberd and a small smile creeps onto him "My Halberd" he said. He pulls out a knife and uses it to cut parts of the skin off of his face. He did not cringe in pain nor did he could he cringe in pain as the skin and blood drips off his body and onto the ground. As the skin lands on the ground, it began to form into the exact likeness of Masoku. Masoku looks upon it and says "And it was good" quoting something out of text through a biblical quote. He looks upon it and whispers in its ears something. The doppleganger nods and begins to fuse into the ground where he was intitally going to attack kaji. The true Masoku on the other hand was going to fuse with his blade, since he was an earth magican as well and use its carbon-like blade for protection while the clone attacked. Masoku watched from his blade as Kaji perform such techniques that would make other shinobi and magicians fearful if they were to attack this man, indeed this man was fearful and he see's why the shinobi and magican had a close eye on him but Masoku knew that this would not be the end of him, not yet that is......

**End of sequence**

Masoku pulls the blade out of the ground and places it on his back "You see, I use 45% of my current spiritual energy into that clone so that the clones techniques would seem flawless, to a point where even you, shinobi, would not be able to see if it was a clone or not. I wanted this technique to be flawless and perfected which is why I am grateful not to have such emotions like insanity, a point to where my thoughts are clouded. Thats what makes our clone techinques and your clone techniques different" He looks at him, seeing him defeated and almost out of chakra. Unlike other magicans who would finish off his opponent, he simply wanted him to live but with a price of attacking him, he says "Vortexum Mortis Shallum" wind began to form in his hands and Masoku released the energy vortex straight at Kaji. The impact made the ground shake and the dust from the ground arised. Masoku jumps on top of a building and stares at the ground in which Kaji would lie, or not even exist "Farewell, shinobi, maybe I'll see you again....." He begins to jump away towards the other buildings and onto his next target.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:42 pm

Kaji smirked as the vortex came at him "YOU SON OF A BIT" it was cut off as if he had die and soon the crater appeared. He soon appeared before the bitch. His arm was bloodied and his leg was missing a chunk. The bone was showing in his leg.

Kaji then got angry his eyes opened and it revealed his weapon. The second strongest eye of this world. The Sharingan. "YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!" Kaji smirked as he snapped his fingers as he flipped open his shirt to reveal something odd. a single kunai was strapped to his chest. It was in his skin beating. "Muthafuckah do you remeber when the blades clashed? That was your death AHAHAHA My blade to begin with had a chakra string to it. And when it split so did the chakra string. And when all the blades clashed it happened. Ahaha. But sadly. I've killed myself right now. With the opening of the sharingan my chakra system has exploded. Since you dont have one you will live. Your muthafucking ass will live." Kaji was very sad as he spoke the last part. His first loss of a battle.

Kaji fell back and instantly he fell into the sand of suna he laughed. Who knew this was going to be his resting place. He laughed though with his final thought he did something. A telekentic message was sent to a man who was colder than him. 'Master hitoshi.. You should know who this is... Im sorry to say but the order has attacked suna and i i have.. fallen tell... tell kyouk...' Kaji's eyes closed and his breathing stopped before he could finished. It was his last bit of chakra he only hopped hitoshi cared enough to help him out.

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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:14 am

Masoku looks back to see a screaming Kaji yell at him from below. He turns away and has a emotioneless face. It somewhat sadden him to see someone like him lose like such in way but was this the death of a warrior or a shinobi, indeed Masoku questioned upon it for he did not know the answer at that time, he had to focus on destroying the village and other shinobi as well. He grabs onto is blade and closed his eyes and he travels further and further into the village

"Indeed, we shall meet again......the jack of bloody hearts"


The everlasting darkness that consumes Hitoshi was something that can actually favored. In the realm of the shadows, most powerful shadows spirits were not usually fearful of the darkness and most powerful shadow spirits have the power to actually make the spirits of darkness fear them for there powers over darkness was much greater. Hitoshi was sitting down in a mediative stance, his eyes closed, his hands opened palm and his body giving off an bloody crimson aura. Being apart of the shadow world once more made Hitoshi much more powerful, more powerful than any previous shadow spirit because of it but it was not the reason why Hitoshi was mediating. Hitoshi was focusing more and more on his seishen so he could be the strongest seishen user in the world and he has achieved such goal but as a shadow spirit, he continously hungers for power....power in which he has to seek in the shadow realms.

Hitoshi was telepathically channeling his spirit through all realms of live, the human, spirit, supernatural and other unexplained realms. As the telepathy was searching through the human world he sense something that was also of seishin and it was fading away. He could feel the live of one human, one human who was close to Hitoshi. Hitoshi opened his eyes slowly as though he was sadden by the fact that his partner, a person that he could call friend was dying. Hitoshi reaches over to that person and he hears the words 'Master hitoshi.. You should know who this is... Im sorry to say but the order has attacked suna and i i have.. fallen tell... tell kyouk...' and it faded away. Hitoshi softly said


He disappears in the realm of the shadows and appears in the human realm. As he comes up from the ground out of the shadow his eyes widen. He see's a fallen brethen on the ground, waiting to be consumed by death's grasp, well it almost seemed like it was at the moment. Hitoshi kneels down to Kaji's level and shakes his head "Dammit Kaji, always getting into deeper shit everytime im not looking out for you" He reaches underneath Kaji and picks him up "Dont worry, I got your back....this time.....Im sure Kyouken will do something about this....." Hitoshi began to be consumed by the darkness, it was like tentacles wrapping around him. He looks at Kaji "Have sweet dreams, I promise this will all be over soon"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Kaji kanto vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:24 am

A cough was heard from the body that soon grew into what it was supposed to be it became a laugh.It was weak and feeble and soon it spoke "Hitoshi........ put....... put...... put.... me.... down..... please..." A smile creeped onto his face as his left eye opened. It was a dark blue. Kaji was touched hitoshi came for him it made him happy. He still had a freind.

"It will take more than a punk from the order to kill me." Instantly kaji began to cough and blood spurted from his mouth. Little did he know is that he was going to die unless he got help soon.

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