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Kaji Kanto

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Kaji Kanto Empty Kaji Kanto

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:00 am

Name: Kaji Kanto

Age: 19

Rank: A rank missing ninja (Akatsuki apprentice)

Village: Akatsuki

Appearance: Kaji Kanto Akatsuki_REBORN_by_osy057

Personality: Sadistic
You bet Kaji loves pain more than he loves people and himself combined. This gives him some weird qualities while your fighting him as he will take the pain and love it. He will often just let himself get hit just to feel a bliss he gets from pain. This can be a strange sight as he will sometimes moan after taking in a wound. He will never scream once.

Kaji has a unquenchable bloodlust. However he is able to control this and release it when he wants to bring on somewhat of a adrenaline rush. This can somehow shock people as when he's not in a battle he shows no signs of this whatsoever.

Kind hearted
For a strange reason he is. He will always try and help someone if they seem like they need it. He will take in injured animals and nurse them back to health. He prefers not to see someone suffer so if there is no other way he will end someone's life to put them out of there misery. However if there is a way to save a person he will do it if he is able to. If he cant and the person dies he blames himself.

If you asked him if he was outgoing you would probably never get a answer. He is shy to the point of almost never talking. This is not always however. He will talk to people if the mood strikes him. The bad thing about this with the lack of talking he does not know when to shut up. He will go on and on about meaningless things for hours or until you just yell at him to "shut the hell up." He does talk to people who are his friends.

Kaji no matter how shy, He is somewhat very fun to be with. He does humorous things a lot of the times because of his nature. He will just randomly do things out of the blue. These traits are in and out of battles. No matter what type of battle you can never peg kaji for one thing or another.

Kaji is very well carless if you will he will be hodling somthing of value and just lose intreast and drop it. If you give him something from your heart and it dosent peak his intrests he will just not care and it will probably end up somewhere in possesions of a hobo.

over excessive
Kaji when it comes down to it is very excessive over things. He becomes somewhat of a perfectonist. He will always stride for the very best not taking no for a answer. He will train for hours just to master even one of the simples technigues. He will always stride for the best materials he can get when he makes a new weapon.

Kaji is self confident to a way that he is over confident. This causes him to lose battles that he underestimates his opponent. He is somewhat headstrong taking on any challenger also. Even if his opponent is alot stronger then him he will not back down he will fight with the intent to win even though he is doomed to lose.

History: Kaji was born in a small village with his family of 8. He had 4 brothers and 2 sisters and his mom and dad. They were a big and loving family there were the occasional squabbles among sibblings but they didnt mean anything. This family was a family of ninja's that usally specialized in mercanary based buisness. Kaji was trained since he could walk in abilitys of all types. He learned of chakra and how to perform basic ninjutsu such as acadamy ranked technigues at the age of 6.

He was trained in the ways of the sword and how to use them at the age of 6 by his father who was classified as a master of the sword arts called Kenjutsu. His mother taught Kaji the element of Raiton. Kaji was a good student except for his personality often getting in the way. He had a strange way of being clumsy often making him sometimes randomly hurt himself. He learned to love pain as this happened more and more often and he became somewhat sadistic.

After Kaji trained for 4 years in his arts he felt he was ready for the next level of his training. He was pit againts his brothers and sisters and he beat them with ease. His parents where impressed at how good Kaji had become in 4 years. They agreed with him that he was ready for the next level of his training.

His mother began teaching him the ways of Suuiton based attacks and his father gave him the next level of his swordsman based technigues. Kaji learned for a while and then after 2 years he was sent out on his first mission. Kaji packed up his supplys and weapons and then began his mission.

Kaji walked into a town it was a foresty place trees everywhere this was where his target was last seen. Kaji stayed in the shadows perfectly. He was using the shadows and a black cloak to blend in. He looked for a match of his target. After about 2 hours Kaji had found a perfect match sitting in a resturant looking as if he was waiting for somthing.

Kaji smirked and he entered the resturant placing himself only a table behind his target. He ordered some water incase somthing was about to happen. His target stood up and entered the bathroom of the place. Kaji followed the man knowing this was the chance to strike. Kaji entered the bathroom and went to the sink. He turned on the water in the sink. His target was in the stall tending to his buisness.

Kaji took that as his first chance to strike he made the water in the toilet that his target was in to shoot up trying to slam his target into the ceiling. His opponet had been anticipating Kaji's movements as a blade was placed at the back of kaji's neck.

Kaji smirked as his body fell to water as a water substitution jutsu was placed in effect. Kaji faced the man his blade drawn. The man turned around his blade slashing along with him. Kaji barely keeping up with the man speed clashed his blade with the mans. The man reversed his blades path to go up and then down slashing down at Kaji's right shoulder.

Kaji took the pain but the the man shot a wave of flame at kaji and sent kaji flying back. Kaji then went slamming through the wall and hit the ground about 30 feet away. Kaji still remained concious however. He could not move but he remained concious.

The man came walkng over noticed he remained uncounscious scribbled a note for kaji and placed it on his chest then walked away as kaji slipped into uncounciousness. When kaji awoke he remeber the fight and got up making sure his body still wokred. He came across the note and told him he had potential and to get rid of all obligations and meet him in the same place in two days.

Kaji was shocked at the mans power he knew he could not match that power in his life if he was held back by his parents like he was. He returned home and entered his room he was planning he had two days. He spent the first day gathering supplys slowly and secretly.The second day He took a walk with his brother and only Kaji came back a new patch of blood on his cloak. He then entered his familys tresury where his father and mother was. He asked for the scroll that his family held that was to be his last part of training. They refused and this made Kaji angry he withdrew his blade and with a single motion sliced his parents head off as they fell to the ground in a bloody heep. He took the scroll and his fathers blade. His brothers and sisters had gathered outside of the room trying to listen to what was going on. Kaji did not exit the room however.

Kaji used his fathers blade and the one he carried and shoved the blades through the walls themselves stabbing into two of his siblings. He then ripped the walls apart with the blades He charged at his awe struke bretheren and sliced them to bits with a slight chuckle from himself. Kaji left the house drenched in the stench of blood. He walked back to the spot where he was to meet the man again. The man stood there waiting with a slight devilish smile. Kaji walked off with the man and asked the mans name and the man replied.


Learned jutsus:

Weapons/items: Blades

Goals: To become a member of the akatsuki.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 716
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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Kaji Kanto Empty Re: Kaji Kanto

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:08 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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