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Keen vs Masoku of Flight

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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:56 am

Keen kicked his legs as he watched from the top of a building. His legs dangled back and forth as Kaji's fight ended. Once he was done here, he would go down and take Kaji's body and add it to his collection. The red clouds on his Akatsuki cloak shined brightly as the empty sleeves flicked in the wind. He had not able to play with anyone for a while and now was the perfect chance. Rising to his feet, Keen continued to sway as if drunk. The sun shined brightly onto the hot sand that he had spent the last few weeks playing in. As a gust of wind blew a small whirlwind towards him, Keen sprang from his feet and soared high into the sky.

Only a few feet away from Masoku, a small shadow grew larger as Keen became closer to the ground. Landing on both of his feet, the surrounding sand sprung up like a cloud of dust, hiding him for a split second. Only about twenty feet away from his pray, Keen slowly rose his gaze until he could see Masoku through his long red hair. As he starred at him, Keen rocked back and forth as he began his attack. Causing Masoku to hear an audio hallucination, the sounds of children singing could be heard in his head. "Ring around the rosy... pockets full of posy... ashes... ashes.. we all fall down..." As the singing continued to grow louder and as if growing in chorus, Keen caused him to also see a visual hallucination as the sky grew black and began to rain ash onto the ground.

Keen's ability to create hallucinations were similar to genjutsu but worked on a different level that proved to be more fun for himself. A demonic smile grew from the sides of his mouth as his pupils grew small. Pulling Masoku into his own little world, Keen continued with the singing and ash, and eventually joined in on the chant. "ashes.. ashes.. we all fall down..." Keen already knew from his previous declaration that he had used 45% of his energy to create an almost exact clone and would use this to his advantage even if he did not know all of his abilities. To put it truthfully, Keen found his magic entertaining and was like a small child watching a magician for the first time. "Play with us.."

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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:37 am

Another attacker Masoku thought to himself. This was a first for Masoku as he rarely fought those who used illusionary techniques, Masoku sighed as he knew this was going to be a long day, it was already longer than before but not it just go even longer. Before this event Masoku was killing more villagers and destroy more buildings, he wanted to take a break from this carnage he was causing. He had enough time, his brethen were fighting there opponents and knowing how they thought, he was not planning on interupting them, or even helping them. As long as they did not ask for help, he was going to do exactly that, interupt. Instead he took a path towards a empty part of the village where it was completely empty and desolated. It was a probable bad move but again, he did not care for he had no emotions of caring whatsoever. However it was probably a mistake he will probably regret

He keeps on hearing the sounds of kids playing "Ring around the rosy... pockets full of posy... ashes... ashes.. we all fall down...". He knew right there and then that he was in a hallucination, although at first he thought he was a genjutsu, he knew right there and then that it was not for he could not see the children, he could only hear it. Hearing was one of the sense that affects his part of the mind, and because it was only one at the moment, he knew right there and then that it was haluncintation If I remember correctly, genjutsu affects all senses and this isnt a genjutsu....indeed this opponent is new to me....Masoku thought to himself. He then saw ashes falling down towards the ground and he did come the conclusion that this was also and halluncination. This is really getting annoying, I wish I would've scan the area better before coming out here alone, dammit, this is gonna be a pain in the ass......I hate shinobi.

He looks down and see's Keen, a small, demented looking child....or man, or whatever Masoku could percieve him and looks at his demonic smile Great im facing against another maniac of the sort. I dont know who the hell this guy is but I'll make sure that he'll suffer a honorable defeat. He heard him say "Play with us". Masoku jumps back, because both his visionary senses and audiory sense were being manipulated, his opponent could take advantage into attacking. If he could not see his opponent nor hear his opponent then the only sense's he has left is touch, taste, smell and his sixth sense, which is his magican can tell whether a foe is either a shinobi or magican and from what he could tell, this was defintely a shinobi. Masoku was on top of a building looking down at Keen, or what he thought was Keen. Masoku had a plan Although he has the advantage of me not seeing where he is at, the known fact is that he IS still here. He wouldnt be able to affect me if I wasnt close to him. Either he is far away or close up.....either way, I still have the advantage of the wind. Seeing that he could have been watching me during my last fight, I'll have to change up my strategy. He claps his hands together and his eyes growed green.

"Vortexum Monstious Shaollum"

Immediately an vortex began to form around Masoku, it was twenty feet high and about twenty-five feet long in width. With this attack he would able to concentrate his wind towards every direction. The vortex that was surrounding him began to form arms of wind. These wind generated enough power to tear through the buildings. On arm began to swing towards Keen's direction while the other arm began to swing everywhere, at every building and at every corner, every nook and cranny. This type of wind easily ripped around the buildlings that were placed around him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:32 am

The wind howled and tore at the surrounding buildings, bashing the unsecure objects from their resting place. Keen could see the wind starting to tear at his skin and the rest of the area, Keen activated another jutsu.

Earth Release: Earth Spear (Doton: Domu no Jutsu)

As his body turned black and harder than steel, the wind no longer effected him. But as he usually did with all his victims, he wanted to make them feel helpless. Keen made it so that Masoku could not see or even hear what was happening in the real world. Unfortunately, he would be able to feel his own wind. Because of this, Keen now was going to put him in both a Olfaction and a Thermoception.

Within the hallucinations, the children's singing grew louder and louder as more ash and smoke fell from the sky. Looking up, the sky was on fire and stretched as far as the eye could see. The smell of smoke lingered down upon him like a think blanket but blew in the wind that Keen allowed him to now see. As the wind spun around Masoku, the fire form the sky stretched down around him like an upside down tornado of flame. Because of the Thermoception hallucination, Masoku's body was feeling the intense heat, even if it was not there. The ground around him soon caught aflame and grew until his legs were covered in flames. Though the flames were not real and no real damage was being done to his body, he could still feel the fire as if it was really there; burning his flesh.

Keen just stood there; flames moving around but never touching him. This was Keen's greatest weapon. This was how he had made so many people go insane. With Masoku's wind unable to harm him, and his hallucinations working perfectly, it would only be a matter of time before Keen would kill him. As time goes on, Keen's hold on a persons mind increases, enabling him to use more and more hallucinations at once. In only a few more minutes, Keen would be able to cast his most powerful hallucination... with a Proprioception hallucination, Keen would be able to trick Masoku's brain into thinking that his body parts would not be working. Soon Keen would make his body believe that his lungs had stopped. While his lungs would be working fine, his body would believe that he was not receiving any oxygen and his brain would shut down... killing him.

"Ashes.... ashes..." his voice echoed.

(OOC: While I stated that he is gonna try to use the Proprioception hallucination on him, I cannot use it on any people that are being controlled by a member of the site. I just wanted to add a little extra for the reader. Also, the best way to get out of the would be with help from someone that is not being effected by the hallucinations. However, your winds would be making it hard for anyone to get close enough to Keen to attack him, in order to release Masoku from Keen's control.)

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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:52 pm

"This guy.....he's" he could barely talk, he felt as though he was not getting enough oxygen into his body but that was not the case. Although his facial expression was hard to change, he could see that this plan was not going out as he thought it might. By thinking using the surrounding area around him, he could be able to track out the halluncination shinobi without a problem and maybe have a change for his mind to get this gas out of his body. He could deduce now that this was no ordinary halluncinations. The feeling of his legs getting burn, the hearing of the children getting louder, the ashes falling down from the sky, the ground burning. All of this was used by something that stirred something up in the air, some type of odorless....gas...was that the answer to the problem? An ordorless gas that is what Masoku did not put into the equation, he failed to do so and now he'll have to suffer the consequences of either dying to this insane shinobi or to think of something....something so far-fetch that it would seem impossible to work. Then he thought about the technique early today he used against the other insane man but how could he incorporate that into this attack. He was out in the open, he was surrounded by his own wind and he couldnt just put the dome around him to protect him for this was a mental sort of attack. Even if he could use the dome surrounding him, Keen's halluncinations would still be in affect and he'll have to do some drastic measures in order to pass through this ability.

The only way to counter this attack, would be to either find the shinobi or shut off my brain. Right now, my brain is all in a loop because of that defiancy that I have and finding the shinobi through this type of thinking is hard enough to make this "search and destroy" method difficult....I must.....I think I got it. The vortex surrounding him began to diminish slowly and surely, his eyes began to roll to the back of his head and he coughed up blood out of his mouth. "I've.....I've failed you master...." The vortex diminished and Masoku fell down towards the building, because of his dense halberd he carried, he fell right through the building, the buildling began to collaspe on itself and the rubble seemed to have ended his life but to Keen, there was an opening to get to Masoku. Laying there on his stomach was 'Masoku' coughing up blood and shivering. The halberd was very heavy and began to sink his body into the pieces of rubble but his body began to settle. He was breathing, but he was slowly breathing. He was vulnerable, very vulnerable to attacks. Indeed he was finish....
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:51 pm

"Ashes... Ashes..."

It seemed that Keen had succeeded yet it was questionable to him. When using his hallucinations, most people would become mentally insane. However, this man seemed to be physically exhausted. Almost any shinobi might see this as a trap, but Keen was not like most shinobi. Living in a world of his own, his mind was slowly loosing touch with reality and common sense.

Believing that he had already won, Keen ended the hallucinations, allowing Masoku to finally see the real world. He no longer lay in a sea of flames, instead it was the rubble of a building. The surrounding area was greatly damaged by his winds as well. Only about 15 feet away, stood the demonic child, swaying back and forth, back and forth. Part of his Akatsuki cloak was torn from the high winds and now revealed him to be wearing a black straitjacket.

Within his own mind, Keen could hear the soft sound of his mothers voice. The signal that it was time to strike his pray and end their lives. But like a child with his food, Keen wanted to play with it first. "Hush little baby don't say a word, mamas gonna buy you mockingbird..." Her voice echoed within his own mind, partially pulling himself from reality. This was the downside to his hallucinatory abilities. Unknowingly, his own mind would place himself in a hallucination.

As Keen swayed left and right, he began to join in on what he thought was his mothers voice. "And if that mocking bird won't sing, mamas gonna buy you a diamond ring..." A searing pain emitted from his stomach as the feeling of instant starvation struck his small form. Keen knelt to the ground in pain and screamed in agony before growing dangerously silent and still. As he slowly looked up at Masoku, his bore the sense of a mad animal instead of a child. Letting out a devilish scream, atleast a hundred black tentacles sprang from his mouth and raced towards his target who lay motionless in the rubble.

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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:34 pm

The seemingly end to Masoku the Flight, the strongest of the group three and possibly one of the strongest in the order. As the tentacles pierces through the body of 'Masoku', his body was instantly destroyed, there was nothing that could actually save him and the logical excuse of him being defeated was evitable. Masoku the Flight, the strongest of the group three, and posible one of the strongest in The Order, but also.....the most intelligent of the group three. As the body pierce through 'Masoku', it trigger something as a click was heard. Whether or not Keen was conscious or not in his right mind, he would do the most human response of all, react to a sound that was most oddly perculiar to the sound.

Silently but yet rupturing out of the earth, spikes, massive spikes that could pierce through the toughest of steel comes out in a 25 feet radius, ripping everything apart. Even if Keen, a powerful doton user and halluncination master were to dodge, the spikes were so high up that the amount of height was seemingly impossible to avoid. If Keen was still alive, it would be hard to move through the spikes and this would give someone a chance to escape to another part of the village. The only part of the area that was not affected by spikes was the 'Masoku' and the Halberd. The was that thing still attach or even still holding after all of that. The black blade that shined with the intent was death was the one thing that made Masoku the Flight a deadly adversary. The 'Masoku' that was attacked by the tentacles began to crumble up into the type of earth that the building was made out of. It crumbled away into tiny little pebbles. The halberd again began to hum and a soft laugh came from the blade. The blade stood upright and it pierced itself into the ground. The blade then began to talk

How shinobi cease to amaze think that you had the advantage in battle, which of course you did and if my mind was as insane as yours, I would've found a way to gotten out of those messed up halluncinations without using to this tactic. You see, I notice that you were using my wind to let your halluncinations affect me. That gave me evidence that you used something to affect me through the air, which is pretty much my strength. How would someone like me defeat someone who uses hallcinations through air....simple, it would be to either cut off the oxygen simply to my brain....or place my mind into something that is not human so it would not affect me. You see, your hallucinations affected my mind, the different parts of my mind, but not my conscious. I would not have been able to use reasoning if my conscious was still intact, as long as my conscious was in tact, this type of manuever would be easy for me. You see this halberd and I are one in the same, I can fuse with this blade and it wont affect my body as much. I can only use earth magic when im close to the ground with this blade and because i used its heaviness to go through the building and down to the earth, it would easier for me and that act that I pulled made you think that I was killed. The blood that I spilled out....was the one that saved me.....the blood was fused with my magic and it allowed me to do a clone of myself with the earth material surrounding this building and when you could not see me, I fuse my body with the halberd and put the earth magic clone as my replacement. This clone isnt like the clone I've used before, because there were already a type of substance available, it didnt involve alot of energy to use this clone and because I didnt program it to attack, thats what made me save up more energy.

He paused And because you took me and my earth clone out of your halluncination and brought yourself forward, it was easy for me to pull this attack off. I dont know if it will kill you or not, your probably crazy enough to live or you might crazy enough to die, either way, I do not wish to continue fighting done here... and seeing you immoblize, I do believe in honor...The halberd begins to sink into the ground disappearing away from the rubble and into the earth Goodbye shinobi, I hope I'll see you again soon.....
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Keen vs Masoku of Flight Empty Re: Keen vs Masoku of Flight

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:11 pm

Keen could hear the magicians words, yet he saw nothing but the blackness of his own hallucination. As he opened his eyes, he found himself held high in the air by several sharp spikes that bore through his chest. A blackish syrup sloshed out of the many wounds like a thick gel of coagulated blood. As he went to pull himself off from the spikes, he lifted his nub of an arm where it had once been. A small frown formed on his face as if he was trying to think. The long black tentacles slide around the spikes and pulled himself from their perch.

"Where did we put that thing..."

Unconcerned by the strange magician, Keen began looking through the cracks of all the spikes until he found it.

"Ah ha!!!" Reaching down with his left arm, Keen pulled on a hand that lay lodged within the spikes. As he positioned himself to get a better grip, he realized that this was not his arm. Attached to it was a small girl who had died instantly as a spike was sticking out from her forehead. With one quick pull, Keen ripped the arm from her body and held it up to his own shoulder. The black tentacles, stabbed deep inside the arm and then sewed the limb onto himself. Taking a few more minutes to steal more body parts and skin that he was missing, it was not long before he looked good as new. It was at that moment that Keen felt a strange fear. As he looked down at his hands, he noticed that his straitjacket had been torn and he could move them freely once again.

From the seems of his doll-like body, very thin tentacles grew and began weaving together until he was wearing a straitjacket identical to the one he was wearing before. With his re sewn body as good as new, Keen took off into the remainder of the village.

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