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Fizz is Back In Action! [Open]

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Fizz is Back In Action! [Open] Empty Fizz is Back In Action! [Open]

Post by Fizz Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:33 pm

"Man... I'm not used to all this green...!"

The words escaped Fizz's mouth as the Land of Fire's trees finally appeared through the thick fog. Before this splash of color, everything had been... Well, he had once heard it described as "pastelly." The term was pretty fitting for the washed-out tones of the Land of Waves. A heavy mist seemed to be ever-present, even pervading the edge of the forest. Fizz had come from a land of gray, and before that an even larger land of blue; forest green was something he hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime. He continued to walk as he had been for the last short while, enjoying the smell of the air as it slowly transitioned from salty to sweet.

Even though the names Waterfall and Fire seemed like polar opposites, the trees filling each region were the same. Both countrysides made Fizz feel at home, and he was fairly relaxed as he traveled onward. Still, he couldn't take all the time in the world; he wanted to reach Hidden Leaf before nightfall. Fizz paused momentarily. A second was all it took for Fizz to focus chakra in the balls of his feet, then swiftly spring into the treetops. Through leaps and bounds, he traveled in the traditional ninja manner, from tree branch to tree branch; it felt almost like flying.

Before long, Fizz found himself at a familiar clearing. He dropped down from the tree branches and looked around. Forest surrounded the clearing on all sides, except one small pathway leading to a stream. At this discovery, the area's significance became clear: He had done missions with Konoha-nin before, and could remember stopping in this very spot to rest for the night. The three teammates hadn't met each other prior to receiving the mission at the Leaf Village gate, and so it was here that they sat around a campfire, getting acquainted with one another. Fizz remembered there was one boy who wielded a dark, black chakra... He could form blades, much like Fizz's own. They never did get the chance to have a friendly battle, though... At this thought, Fizz couldn't help but smile and let out a chuckle. The second ninja of the group was another male, although Fizz couldn't quite recall his abilities. Still, the little grassy spot amongst the large trees held plenty of memories from his Genin-hood.

Fizz stopped briefly to take a drink from the stream. He took out a once-filled bottle and dipped it in the faster-flowing, sparkling part of the stream's surface. Fizz trusted the clear water that now splashed inside the bottle to be safe, but as always, he placed a finger into the mouth of the container. The words shot through his mind, as all inaudible jutsus did.

"Seisui no Jutsu!"

A little glow of blue light, and Fizz was now positive that the water contained no impurities. He took a swig, and pondered the water as it went down his throat. "I wonder if I just purged it of minerals? Those are supposed to be healthy, heh..." Of course, no one was around to answer his mental question. "Ah well, it still tastes nice and refreshing." He capped the bottle, put it away, and leaped once more into the trees.

It was roughly an hour before sundown that Fizz emerged from the thick forest. He landed at ground level, a few feet from the trees behind him. Before him was Konoha's enormous wall; it wrapped around the entire Hidden Village, with watchtowers placed at even intervals along its circumference. Fizz jogged away from the foliage and followed the wall to his left. After a short run, he found himself once again at the Village Gates. He could finally let out a sigh of relief.

"It's good to be back!"


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Join date : 2008-12-15

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