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Demise of Konoha [Closed]

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Demise of Konoha [Closed] Empty Demise of Konoha [Closed]

Post by Aki Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:18 pm

Kagemusha... Yukio... Kokoro... thought Obito as he saw the graves of his long dead friends and lover. He felt grief for awhile and then anger replaced the grief. He would begin today... Infiltrating Konoha was easy enough. And no one would recognize him. He had been careful to keep his identity from reaching Konoha, even when he had been the temporary Mizukage.

Obito's fingers curled into a tight fist. He wanted desperately to destroy Konoha, but he knew he wasn't strong enough for that, not by himself. For now he needed to learn what had happened in the years he had been gone. What did these people think of him now? Did they still think of him as dead? And of their powers, had they gotten any stronger? Or were they still the weaklings they were? Did they still claim to be great ninjas when they weren't?

The sun was beginning to rise. Obito grimaced. Closing his eyes his new form emerged. Silvery-white hair turned black, brown eyes turned into amethyst ones. His clothing morphed and changed. Once again he was Shikama, but this time, his memories stayed in tact. Every since the fall of Iwa his rage and anger had built up even more. No longer could his new form suppress the anger that was constantly feeding him and growing more and more with each passing day. With a small shudder he opened his eyes and looked up at the rising sun.

The world remains peaceful... but I live on a battlefield... Let the darkness, hatred, and pain consume me. Their power will let me accomplish my goal thought Shikama. He glanced around the area, it seemed as if no one was there. It suited him perfectly. Perhaps he would pose as the new Mizukage... after all, he had heard of Kirigakure falling. No... that would not suit his needs. He needed to draw as little attention as possible.

Shikama quickly took off the Mizukage robes. Why he still wore it he had no idea. He hated Kirigakure... no he hated the Mizukage. A grim smile passed his face. He was glad the Mizukage had died now. That last Mizukage had been just about as worthless as the previous one. Neither of them had cared for their people. Shikama stood in the warm sunlight as these thoughts crossed his mind and then he let out a long sigh.

"Konoha... what do you have in store for me today?" asked Shikama quietly to no one in particular, his voice slightly feminine.

Last edited by Aki on Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Demise of Konoha [Closed] Empty Re: Demise of Konoha [Closed]

Post by Aki Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:28 am

Shikama walked along the streets he had once called home. Memories of the past came back to him like ghosts. They appeared and wavered for a few minutes, some stayed, others didn't. He let out a small sigh. Things were... rather boring. It seemed as if no one were really here, that or he was quite by accident avoiding people, or it was just simply too early, after all, who woke up at the crack of down just to stroll around the village?

Either way, he needed to see some people. With a small yawn Shikama continued his walk. Before he knew it, a young girl had ran into him... or he had ran into her. He could sense that she was a Genin... no Chunin. There is something... different about her. The girl looked up at Shikama, at this he felt something rather cold and evil about him. Thinking it was an enemy nearby he became alert, but he soon realized it was coming from the girl.

"Just... who are you?" he asked, looking at her. In his inner mind he couldn't help but think that this child might be worth drinking... Her answer proved otherwise.

"You," she had said, "are like me, but I am superior."

Shikama shook his head briefly. "You mean that I--"

"No... You are like me, but I am superior even if I am lower ranked than you. You are the same, but you can not reach our potential... Halfling," she said, the last word rather quietly.

At this Shikama gritted his teeth. She knew. He had to kill her now. But reason stopped him. She had said they were the same... but different. Did that mean that she too was a... vampire? He looked at her again, this time more closely. She was dressed mostly in black, and there was a blue blade by her side. Why wasn't it sheathed? Had she been sent here to do him bodily harm?

"Perhaps... this form would be more pleasing to you who have not met others of your kind in years." With that being said, she reverted back. Before him stood another girl... this one was similar to the first, but different. And he soon caught sight of her gloves.

Argh... Konoha and Kiri? I should just kill her right now! Anger built up in Shikama, but he remembered his mission and calmed himself down. He cleared this throat. "I see now... Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me--"

"You are... a ninja who has once been here before. You once called this place home. Why is not so now?" she asked quietly. Shikama glared at her. How did she know... She had to be younger than him! She could never know... unless... So what the other one had said was true.

Shikama bowed ever so slightly to her. "... What do you want from me?" She was strong, he could tell that much. Years from now who knew what she could become? He was being respectful, not out of fear, but in wonder and curiosity. He had always thought it were only he and Mizukage Jinkai who were like this... And now all of a sudden this girl...

Posts : 302
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Join date : 2008-12-13
Age : 31
Location : I don't know anymore....

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