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Resting near Konoha ^^ (open)

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Resting near Konoha ^^  (open) Empty Resting near Konoha ^^ (open)

Post by Elk Kuroishiro Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:15 pm

The sky was bright as mourning hit Konoha's forestry. The dirt trail that lead to the gates of Konoha was wide and bare for now of any people. The gates shimmered with the mourning sun's rays and birds chirrped. It was a little too peacefull if you asked. The evironment held some puddles from the last night rain.
A figure walked down the trail now, calm as he surveyed his surroundings. He seemed to be a normal looking boy, with black and white hair and a pale skin tone. He had amber eyes that some would call bird like eyes. He wasn't showing any nervousness at coming here, in fact he approached Konoha as if he had dozens of times. He wore a brown hoodie with a rainbow picture on it and black pants. He had a belt which supported a Katana, a pocket of kunai and a small first aid kit. He also had a backpack, which had food inside for his journey.
The figure sighed as he went up to a tree and leaned on it. He'd been walking for hours without rest and needed a break. The boy unpacked a fish from the backpack, and chewed on it. It was strange to see a human eating a raw fish. Of course, he wasn't human. His chakra was laced with a strange sort of red chakra, which only belonged to demons and summoning creatures. As he rested, he surveyed the scenery again, content at being at peace here for now.
I think this should be a more quiet day, unless I finally get called on by dad again. He and bro are always trying to find me. He thought, closing his eyes still trying to rest. He chewed on another fish part as he used his own psychic bloodline to see where his father was. He saw his father concentrating back in the summoning world. He smirked.
He thinks he can find me....Heh heh. He'll never catch me while I travel away from his range of telepathy. Besides, he never concentrated on his telepathy more than me, so I can shut him out better. Elk smirked and opened his eyes again. He was too far right now for his dad to find him without meditating for a day. He'd might as well make the best of it.
Elk Kuroishiro
Elk Kuroishiro

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Join date : 2009-03-15

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