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Nara Night - Sand Jounin

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Nara Night - Sand Jounin Empty Nara Night - Sand Jounin

Post by Night Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:10 pm

Name: Nara Night.

Age: 25

Bloodline: Nara. [Shadow-manipulation Clan]

Rank: Jounin.
Alignment: Neutral. Probably the "Good" side.

Appearance: Night always wears black, usually in the form of loose black pants and a loose black shirt which really fits his appearance. The ninja bears a black triangle-shaped necklace that was the last known gift from his parents. Night can sometimes be seen wearing a fluffy jacket and black sunglasses, although this is quite rare. The boy prefers wearing sandals over shoes and he wears fingerless gloves which are also black. Wild medium length black hair adorns the child’s head, but because of the boy’s dis concern for his hair the wild mane takes on a different shape nearly every day. Night’s eyes are very awkward as it feels as if he's always staring into a never-ending distance. His eyes are piercing black in color and the bags under his eyes indicate that he hasn’t slept in months. His hands are bony his fingers are long but his feet are normal in size and shape. Night is six feet, one inch tall and he weighs about 120 pounds. Night has bronze skin and a very small frame due to his lack of sleep.


Personality: While Night does not show many flaws in his personality he regards shinobi who are not of the Nara clan as “filthy beings”, and he believes himself to be superior to others, especially to those who have not received proper training. Night always remains calm, even in the toughest or most dangerous situations, but, if his temper gets high, being his only weakness, his strength also weakens, and his mind starts to heat up, making it a type of distraction when he would be fighting.. He can see through things that normal people would be unable to see. The boy doesn’t sleep much as he suffers from an acute case of a sleeping disorder. He always tries to excel other people in any way possible and Night is almost always jealous because he knows that somewhere in this world there is a ninja with skills that surpasses his greatly. He is always is ready to face situations no matter the level of difficulty and he has no mercy for people who intrude in on his problems. Night, a person that isn't supporter of justice nor evil. The brain of his works like a genius, a philosopher, and an experienced strategist at the same time although he sometimes underestimates his opponents. He has a peaceful tone to his words which often makes other people feel secure. Night does not have any hobbies or anything else of sort and he tries his best to concentrate on the task at hand. Night may open up to several people such as his relatives, overly-best friends, and students.

History: Pre-Academy Arc
Night, born on 20th of October his family had placed great pride and dignity onto him. Night's role models were his mom and dad who were accomplished sand ninja who if weren’t should have been considered great shinobi. Night remembers his father telling him that he could do anything he wanted to do in life if he set himself upright, Night believed in that for the rest of his life and it had become a part of him. After that, his parents became busier then usual with missions, and hardly came back home. Night grew up with his brother. His brother was a kind, caring and an enthusiastic person while Night was very much opposite to him.

Night’s personality was very surprising to his brother as he grew up, because it would cause a great deal of emotional damage to him, if Night kept it up. Most of Night's life was spent in studying, training, thinking and observing, although there were various situations in which he had to risk his life to protect his city, in a young age. At the age of five he began to understand the true meaning of the world, though his life didn't change. At the age of eleven he finally entered a nearby academy.

Academy Arc
Growing up, Night wanted nothing else to be an elite shinobi so after class he dedicated himself to reading and studying up on the ways of the shinobi. Night felt as if he needed to contribute to the world, he needed to become stronger. But, that would only be possible if he became Genin. Unfortunately, for him, days passed slow as ever. Days became months, he began taunting people from afar, then, starting conflicts and arguments. While Night's parents did nothing, as they were always off somewhere. Only his brother, sometimes, if he knew Night was being violent, would stop him. Otherwise, he would continue fighting for the sake of becoming stronger. The boy passed the Academy exams easily, tutting in front of some of the others as they miserable failed.

Genin Exam Arc
Although, the genin exams were nowhere nearing closer. Night had personally, and for the first time, pleeded the teacher to hold them as soon as possible. The teacher pitied Night reasons, and held them. They took beside the usual, large rectangular pool. Everyone was told to make 2 or more bunshins. Night, had another idea. When it was finally his turn, he called up his one and only friend (they both didn't get their turns yet), and they fought. Not to death, but sparred. An epic fight it was, both of them were using Kawarimi, Bunshins and Henge, even weaponry. In the end, they were stopped by one of the teachers, not having injured each other. The teacher, or examiner, had passed both of them. Night had celebrated along with his friend, but, his friend soon left for another place.

Genin Arc
Finally becoming a full-fledged Genin, , striving to become the strongest, most knowledgable, he awaited his entrance in the Chuunin Exams. Also, Night had no teacher that he could turn to, as they all turned his application down. But, instead of a teacher, Night had been trained by his brother, Light. Night suffered emotional tradgedy on one mission when he failed to utilize stealth as a shinobi. He fought highly powered shinobi and lost miserably. On the face of death, he had a metamorphisis in which he chose a side between good and evil.

Soon, he showed signs of morals to oppose the Nara Clan. During the chuunin exams, Night collected 5 scrolls with a confident smile. When his opponent confronted him in the fighting matches, Night lost to him. He was over-confident, that's what he thought. The next year, he took the exam again, once again failed. The year after, he finally passed the exam, as the examiner had passed him even though he lost his match.

The Chuunin Exam Arc
The Chunnin exams began, Night went through the beginning stages of the exam with ease, it was at the time only a battle tournament, the feelings Suna had on their nin would be expressed in the tournament. Night battled through them alone for the first few times, battling without his teammates, somewhat losing hope in the beginning, but eventually, he knew that his teammates were helping him, through friendship, that is. Maybe one of his first few friends.

He went throught the battles with flying colors, as this was his third time, and he was probablt more experienced then the rest of them. The final battle had arrived, Night's opponent was a Taijutsu user, over-confident as Night was, in the end, he lost. Even though he lost, the whole battlefield had been destroyed, leaving the examiner very impressed as he had observed the fight very closely. At last, Night had been passed, even though he had lost.

Chuunin Arc
Night lived in the shadows of Sunagakure. On missions, he killed like a demon, but proved useful in combat . Though none liked him, not even his brother, who had now turned a blind eye on him, he was respected, which was all Night ever needed. He was soon dubbed, “Neakeus" for appropriate experiences. Night was jailed for the illegal experimenting of jutsu, and spent 3 years doing nothing but training and physically enhancing. He was freed after proven non guilty in a trial. He was given back his rank.

As the weeks went by he was growing tired his nights consisting of making his newest jutsus and training for exams. This gave him very little time for sleep, as he also did alot of missions. The day he finished his jutsu was the day a knock was heard on his door, that it was time for the Jounin exams. He passed the exams, this left a great big mark on his personality, reputation and pride.

The Jounin Exam Arc.
His opponents were tough, and on top of that, they taunted Night alot. As Night had learnt many jutsus now that he was Chuunin, and taking the Jounin exams, he was confident that he would win. The exam consisted of people grouping into 3, the people that didn't have a group would then leave the exam. The exam was simple, the examiner had released different kinds of monsters in a small forest. The Chuunins' jobs were to kill as many as possible in the given time limit. Whoever killed the needed amount of monsters, would pass. These monsters were no mere monsters. They were beasts. The whole forest was literally destroyed after the exam. Several had passed, several were killed. Out of several of the ones that had passed, one of them was Night.

Night was used as a combat weapon for a long portion of his jounin experience. He eventually sided with evil and isolated himself from acts of justice. He developed a complex base of organization in which Night simply trained, what he loved most. While he was called insane by many, he was sane. And then, he contiuned to do what his elders told him too, as he now had no goal in life, other than to surpass all mankind.

Speciality: Kekkei Genkai, Ninjutsu.
Learned jutsus:
Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique)
Kage Bikan (Shadow Vision)
Kage Yose no Jutsu (Shadow Gathering Technique)
Kage Mane Shuriken no Jutsu - Shadow Imitation Shuriken Technique
Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Neck Bind Technique)
Katon: Dai Endan
Fuuton: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
Bunshin Bakuha - Shadow Clone Explosion
Katon: Haisekishou
Fuuton: Atsugai - Pressure Damage
Fuuton: Kami Oroshi - Godly Wind from the Mountains
uton: Kaze no Yaiba - Sword of Wind
Fuuton: Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu - Dragon Fire Technique
Katon: Karyuu Endan - Dragon Flame Missile
Katon: Hibashiri - Running Fire
Wind Torpedo
Elements: Fire, Wind.
Weapons/items: A 3 feet long Katana.
To surpass all of mankind.

Last edited by Night on Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2009-06-07

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Nara Night - Sand Jounin Empty Re: Nara Night - Sand Jounin

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:36 pm



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