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Tenshin Nara (Done)

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Tenshin Nara (Done) Empty Tenshin Nara (Done)

Post by Tenshin Nara Mon May 25, 2009 2:24 am

Name: Nara, Tenshin

Allias: Shadow

Age: 30

Rank: Sannin

Village: Konohagakure

Before Bijuu: Tenshin Nara (Done) Animeg10

After Bijuu: Tenshin Nara (Done) Assass10

Personality: Tenshin is a bad and good guy who sometimes doesn't take things serious unless it a fight with someone. Tenshin likes to fight with the strongest and if his village is threaten he wont think twice to kill his opponent. Tenshin also is a smart guy and runs his village with an good order.

Special Characteristics: Eight Tailed Bijuu

Demon name: Orochi Aka The Eight Tailed Demon

Number of Tails: Eight Tailed

Description of Demon: It has crimsom red eyes and eight tails and has the power of the Demon world, a symbol of evil. It has one head looking like a bull with four horn. Beside eight tailed, Hachimata also has two hands. His Jinchuuriki is a swords master with lightning chakra elemental. He has the ability to transform completely into the eight tailed demon cuttle almost at will. Hachimata's real power still not shown yet, but it sure is very strong.

Passed on Physical Characteristics: The Eight tailed junchuuriki may get angry time and timed and get annoyed faster. He also may kill people alot more.

Passed on Abilities: The Eight tailed beast gives the junchuuriki incredible strength. The Junchuuriki can also summon the Eight tailed beast to help him in fights if he needs it.

History of Sealing: The eight tailed bijuu was sealed in side Tenshin by his father. As a kid he was tooken on missions with his father one was to try and capture the eight tailed bijuu and it was his father final mission. Tenshins father caught the best but couldnt control it so Tenshin father had took the bijuu and sealed it inside Tenshin at the age of five and ever since he been holding it inside him and the bijuu never cam out intell one mission when one of his teammates died.

Elements: Fire, Lightning

Jutsu: On other post

Characters Background:

Before Academy Arc: Tenshin was born in Suna by a sand ninja and a leaf ninja who was a nara. Tenshin orginal name was Tenzashi Nara. Tenshin was a very strong kid and was also smart. His father who was a Nara from the leaf would all ways take Tenshin on mission with him tell one day they ran across the Eight tailed Bijuu. When this happen the bijuu and Tenshin father where fighting but his father lost so before his father death he had sealed the eight tailed bijuu in Tenshin. The Ninja off the leaf should up about one hour after his father died and took Tenshin and his fathers corps back to Konohagakure, where Tenshin mother was awaiting to see her son.

Academy Arc: Two years later Tenshin was in the Academy training to become a great shinobi that his father was, but Tenshin had higher stakes he wonted to become the Hokage on his village. Tenshin was the smartest kid in his class and he passed all of it without any fear of having to start the Academy all over again if he failed. Tenshin learned every jutsu he needed and then he used it in his final Test to see if he can become a genin or not and Tenshin passed and moved on to the next lvl a Genin.

Genin Arc: Tenshin was a Genin at the age of eight but when he turned eight he hated that number cause it reminded him of the deamon his father died to and also reminded him that he had a beats inside of him. Tenshin completed many missions as a genin and one mission he was in had unsealed the eight tailed that was inside him. Tenshin teammates died in this mission and was the trigger to un sealing the eight tailed. Tenshin used the Eight tailed Bijuus powers and killed all the ninjas that killed his allies but left Tenshin so tired that he couldnt move once the demons chakra went away. Two years later the Chuunin exam started and Tenshin passed ever test they had for him and Tenshin became a Chuunin.

Chuunin Arc: After the Chuunin exams Tenshin was put into another Team and he became freinds with his teammates and Tenshin was able to Control the deamons Chakra and use it to his make him stronger. This always made Tenshins teammates a little scared when he used his Bijuus Chakra. Tenshin learned many jutsu in his Chuunin years including the Lightning Blade. Tenshin was also the strongest in his team and was the one who made all the rules and told his team what to do to suceed in there missions. When Tenshin was 16 he was promoted to Jounin.

Jounin Arc: During the Jounin Tenshin was a outstanding Shinobi he was just one step from becoming his dreams in becoming a Kazekage of Suna. One day Tenshin went on a mission a A rank mission and when Tenshin came back from that mission he was diffrent. Tenshin eyes was always glowing red now and he had a thing for killing and he also brong back a sword that belonged to a Uchiha and it had blood on the case of the sword and the blade. Tenshin explaned to the Hokage how he obtained the blade but he never told anybody but the Hokage not even his own mother. About four years later Tenshin finnaly got his dream come true but he wasnt happy at all he was more like evil or depressed about something.

Hokage Arc: Tenshin was 20 and he was the Hokage of Konohagakure but he wasnt so pleased. Tenshin was bussy alot now and was hardly at home with his mother now. Tenshin was so bussy that he got tired and went for a walk one day and left the village. Tenshin walk apon a stranger and the stranger told him that Tenshin should go out and seek of power and destroy everything and everyone who stood in his path and as he do this to find more people to join him in his seek for all nine bijuus that was sailed in him. So Tenshin took the young mans advise and started to kill all in his path starting with the young man that gave him this advise but before Tenshin left to do this he went to the village and Faked his death and made every one to believe he was killed by a unknown shinobi. Tenshin came back to the village and went to his office where he started to do paper works and started to send anbu ninjas to search and destroy the Akatsuki and missing Ninja's.

Recent/Sannin Ark: Five years later Tenshin left the Hokage rank and became a Sannin of the village he was the most smartest wises and strongest ninja around the leaf he was a hero to many kids and fellow ninja. Tenshin left the leaf and now walks thru many diffrent villages. Tenshin occasional pops up to speak with the new Hokage of the village and train young ninja to be better at what they do.

Rp Sample: Tenshin set five papper bombs in the Kazekage office and exploded them by trowing a Kunia with a paper bomb on it at the kazekages office to make everyone think he was killled. "Hum. Now i can leave this lame and boring Village and collect all the bijuus and kill people and recruit ninjas in the process." Tenshin says in a evil voice as he walks away from the village with no regrets. "I Think ill change my name as well I shall be known as..." "Tenshin Nara!!!!!!" Tenshin yells into the air as he leaves Sunagakure.

Last edited by Tenshin Nara on Mon May 25, 2009 2:45 am; edited 2 times in total

Tenshin Nara

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Tenshin Nara (Done) Empty Re: Tenshin Nara (Done)

Post by Tenshin Nara Mon May 25, 2009 2:26 am

Jutsu Name: Chidori Eisou
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Chidori Eisou is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is able to shape the Lightning Element to form an extending blade of lightning. Though unstated, this blade probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through anything which stands in its path, allowing the sword to strike its target with ease. This attack may also be similar to Chidori Nagashi, causing the target to go numb from the electrical charge.

Jutsu Name: Chidori Nagashi
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Chidori Nagashi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke out of the original Chidori technique. Instead of merely focusing the electrical force to his body, Sasuke is able to extend it outside of his body and through objects which he is holding. This allows him to create a protective zone around his person. This zone of electricity can shock and immobilize his foes, presumably by attacking their nervous system.

Jutsu Name: Chidori Senbon
Rank: A
Element: Lghtning
Description: Chidori Senbon is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is able to shape the Lightning Element to form senbon. Though unstated, these needles probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through most anything which stands in its path.

Jutsu Name: Raikiri
Rank: S
Element: Lightning
Description: Raikiri is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Raikiri allows him to cut through any foe.. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Raikiri is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Kakashi's hand become enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack.

Jutsu Name: Kirin
Rank: S
Element: Lightning
Description: Kirin is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Tenshin out of the original Chidori technique. Tenshin will first launch fireballs into the sky above using his Gouryuuka jutsu. These fireballs will warm the atmosphere and create a powerful rising air current, which in turn generates thunderclouds. Tenshin will then form Raikiri and raise his arm to the heavens. This will allow him to channel the lightning down upon his target. Because he is merely channeling the naturally created lightning, he is able to utilize a power greater than what a ninja could create with their own elemental chakra. Because this is also natural lightning, it will travel more quickly than any ninja could dodge. Upon calling down the lightning, it will create a powerful impact with a large amount of destruction. (Tenshin only uses this move one time in every fight do to the ammount of chakra taken away when used.)

Jutsu Name: Ryuuka no Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: Ryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.

Jutsu Name: Goukakyuu no Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it.

Jutsu Name: Gouryuuka no Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Gouryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete.

Jutsu Name: Haisekishou
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Haisekishou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed handseals, Asuma will expel an ash from his mouth. This large cloud begin to envelope his foe and when Asuma clicks his teeth, the cloud will ignite in an explosion.

Jutsu Name: Karyuu Endan
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Karyuu Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and the proceeds to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth.

Jutsu Name: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique the clan member will first bind their target using the Kage Mane no Jutsu technique. Once the target can no longer move, they form the needed hand seal to initiate this technique. The clan member uses their shadow to form a hand which will creep up their opponents body to their neck. Once the hand reaches the neck, it will constrict in such a manner so as to strangle the opponent. However, the clan member will need to be careful. If their target has a lot of chakra, they can turn back the shadow hand and prevent it from binding their neck.

Jutsu Name: Kage Mane no Jutsu
Rank: C - B
Element: None
Description: Kage Mane no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. It's original purpose was as a skill to help delay any pursuers. After forming the needed hand seals, the clan member is able to manipulate their shadow along any surface. By using other nearby shadows they can further extend the reach of their shadow, however they are limited to the surface area of the original cast shadow. Once the clan members shadow reaches the target shadow, it will attach itself. While attached the target will be frozen, only able to replicate in mirror form the actions of the clan member. If the clan member is low on chakra, the Kage Mane will falter and the shadow will return to its normal form.

Jutsu Name: Kage Nui
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Kage Nui is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique Shikamaru will first form the needed handseal to extend his shadow. Shikamaru will then change the handseal to cause the shadow to emerge from the ground in tendrils. The tendrils can extend and whip about and are strong enough to pierce nearby targets

Jutsu Name: Kage Yose no Jutsu
Rank: S
Element: None
Description: Kage Yose no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. This technique uses the Kage Nui threads to extend from a Kage Kubi Shibari bound on the body. These threads can then pull an object back towards the one bound. In this case, the shadow thread was used to pull in wire and explosive tags which were surrounding the target. The Kage Nui then sewed the wire into the target, binding them with the wire and lacing them with explosive tags.

Jutsu Name: Kage Mane Shuriken no Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Kage Mane Shuriken no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara Tenshin. Tenshin can imbue his shadow chakra to create "pins" to stick his opponent in place. This sword absorb the chakra nature of the user and give off the nature's effect. In this case, the sword takes on the Nara clan's shadow binding properties. By implanting the shadow chakra enhanced blade into the shadow of his target, they will be frozen in place; just as if they were caught in one of the clan members extended shadow bindings

Jutsu Name: 100 Punches
Rank: A - S
Element: None
Description: Tenshin well first need to borrow some of the Bijuus Chakra. Tenshin well then use the bijuus chakra and his own chakra to make his strength and speed 5x stronger then normal. Tenshin well then move so fast it as if he just used space time jutsu to get from one place to the other. Tenshin then we hit his enemy so fast it is almost as if he got his enemy in the uchihas Tsukuyomi state. Tenshin well hit his enemy 98 times in the face then the last to well be the most power full blows by hitting the enemy in the stomach then hitting him one last time to make them fly far away from him as possible. (Sometimes this move kills people afther the last 2 hits.).

Tenshin Nara

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Tenshin Nara (Done) Empty Re: Tenshin Nara (Done)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 25, 2009 2:53 am

Well, history is missing much (lacking) but if you wish to have a rp sample where your history does not have to explain. Also:

Jutsu's does not have to be in character creation
Bijuu does not have to be character creation
It still doesnt follow the template
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Tenshin Nara (Done) Empty Re: Tenshin Nara (Done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon May 25, 2009 11:57 am

I'll let it slid, but Your Hokage arc wouldn't work. Sannam was officval Hokage around age 22ish, and he's 32 at the moment.

But, I'll allow you to keep it.


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Tenshin Nara (Done) Empty Re: Tenshin Nara (Done)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 25, 2009 12:05 pm

Because u let it slide, it is on your hands if something happens cause all I was doing was following regulation.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Tenshin Nara (Done) Empty Re: Tenshin Nara (Done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon May 25, 2009 12:19 pm

He still needs to add more, or show a proper rp sample. No doubt.


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