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Toushin (self RP sample)

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Toushin (self RP sample) Empty Toushin (self RP sample)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat May 09, 2009 2:23 pm

Toushin sat atop of a large tree in the bright morning sun. He had been travelling all night and didnt feel the need to continue today. He was ready TO take a nice long break. He reached into the puch on his waist and pulled out his small red journal. He than pulled out a pen and fliped to the page that he last left off on. He bgan to write about his most recent events. He wrote "Last nights travels were very difficult. On an almost hourly basis I was attacked until just about three hours ago. I am becoming sick of fighting with this sword fodder." He stoped writing for a moment and closed his eye. He then began writing again " I have had to long of a night with too little sleep. I am becomeing a bit exhausted." He closed the journal and placed it back into the pouch. He let out a large yawn. In the distance he was being watched.

A jounin from the cloud village was tracking him and had finally found him. He Was now waiting for Toushin to drift away into a deep sleep. Toushinlay agaisnt the tree and began to doze off. As he fell asleep he began to fall off the tree. The ninja following him had lost sight of him for a split second. He waited a seconded and toushin crawled back up and layed down on the branch again falling asleep. The ninja waited for and hour before making his move. He silently pulled a kunai from his holder. He took aim for toushin's throat. He quickly threw it and it pierced his neck. A shriek of pain was released then a puff of smoke. It was a shadow clone! he thought to himself. Before he could move Toushin was standing next to him with sword drawn and placed against the back of his neck.

"Do you have any intersting weapons?" Toushin asked him calmly. the ninja did not move then on a whim stabed Toushin in the ribs. Antoher puff of smoke and he realized it was another clone. He turned quickly to find him and once again Toushin was behind him. this time he was'nt going to talk. He thrust his Katana into the man's spine. "Sad, You look like such a young man. You did'nt have to die but I guess this is your choice." He pulled the blade from his back and wiped the blood on the dieing ninja's headband. He placed his sword slowly back in it's sheath. He jumped down onto the forest floor and began to walk along the path once again. "I'm going to find an Inn, I can't take this constant attack thing." He walked by all the commoners as the dead ninja sat just out of sight in the tree.

He walked for what seemed like days but was only in fact a few hours. A woman about his age began to walk behind him. Toushin did'nt take much notice becuase of his thinking. He was contemplating wheter or not to make a move on a village or to make a move on the akatsuki organization. "Toushin?" the women behind him said in a concerned voice. Toushin stoped where he was and let a small sweat break out. "I knew it was you. Don't you rememebr me?" she said as she looked up from her cloaks hood. She was very beautiful and had red flowing hair. He turned to her and droped his cloaks hood. "Yuukan" He said with a small hint of sadness in his voice. "Why do you follow me?" This girl was his former teammate he knew why she followed. "I have killed all of your friends why do you still follow?" She wiped the tear from her eye and stared at him.

"I once loved you, but now all I feel for you is pity. I pity your pathetic life of roaming the land killing all you deem worthy of a death by your blade." She was becoming increasingly angry. Toushin looked into her eyes and realized he must be near his old village. "That boy you killed a short while ago...he was my son." Toushin continued his blank stare. "I apologize, he was worthy of..." She cut him off "He was too young!" Toushin was takin back by this. "Regardless he is dead now and I will not offer you anything to make you feel any better." He stared at her again and placed his hands on both of his katanas. She clenched her fists and stared at him with the intent of killing him immediatley.

She charged yelling at him with kunai in hand. Toushin knew that this was an attack blinded by rage. she had no defense for his attacks, he was stunned how careless she had become since they had last seen each other. He pushed his swords back into their sheaths. She thrust the kunai into his stomach. He looked down on her with a slight look of sadness. "I have missed you, I think of how beautiful you were everyday." He looked up towards the sky as she stared up at him stunned that he was'nt at all effected by her attack. He placed his hand back on the katana and pulled it out of its sheath. "Now I have to miss your face again but now with no chance of your returning." He lifted his sword into the air and thrust it into her back and through his stomach. He held her there as they both began to bleed. He backed away so his blade wouldpull out of his stomach. He wraped himself quickly. "Yuukan, if you are worried about my health, I am fine I missed my vital points. as for you, you will die shortly and see your son once more." He stood next to her andgrabed the katana. "With this kill, all of squad three is dead, except me. we are no more." he pulled his blade free andwiped the blood off his blade.

He let her body drop to the floor as he once again continued his walk through the land. "maybe now I will be left alone more often than not." He pulled out his journal once again. He placed the pen to his paper and had a hard time thinking of what to write. He stoped walking and stood looking at the journal. He let a single tear fall from his cheek. it landed on his pen and he looked at the sky once more helplessly. He placed the pen to his journal and slowly wrote "I know the true meaning of lonliness now." He closed the book and placed it back into his pouch. He walked into the trees and cursed himself as he often did.

Last edited by Bachi Hyuokin on Sun May 10, 2009 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : finishing up)
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Age : 34
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Toushin (self RP sample) Empty Re: Toushin (self RP sample)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun May 10, 2009 6:05 pm

Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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