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Orimaru Haji: Leader of the Sound Five ((not finished))

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Orimaru Haji: Leader of the Sound Five ((not finished)) Empty Orimaru Haji: Leader of the Sound Five ((not finished))

Post by resonaceaddict Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:05 pm

Name: Orimaru Haji

Age: 25

Bloodline: Haji Clan: After years of Sunagakure testing the clan's kekkai genkai renders their chakra completly visible.

Rank: Special Jounin, Otokage's personal assistant, leader of the sound Five
Village: Otoagakure, former Sunagakure
Alignment: Neutral, Pretty much just does what hes told with no remorse or second thought

Appearance: ive split it into two catagories:
Physical: He is about 5ft 10in, weighting about 185lbs, he is the peak of shinobi fitness, being muscular but not bulky. He wears his rather long black hair in a loose ponytail. he has muddy brown eyes, and his left pupil is replaced by his eternity curse seal, a sideways eight. He constantly has inactive seals all over his body that he has created with his kekkai genkai, so that he can move them to fit his purposes, so it looks like he has tattoos covering his whole body.
Clothing: He has made some altercations to the sound ninja garb, wearing the loin cloth with the chaos symbol on the front with the purple rope tied around his waist to keep it up there. He wears the white loosely fited shirt with his black sound ninja chuunin vest on over it. He wears the black sound 5 pants.

Personality: He is the kind of person who doesnt like anything to be useless, if it is useless, he removes it without a second thought. Exciteable in battle, he meets his opponet head on, often without too much forethought untill he is injured, then he becomes calculative and inteligent in battle. He relies heavily on his curse seal which allows him to preform diffrent types of fuuinjutsu. He is very prone to hero worship and has studied various ninja in history so that he could become just like them. The two he idolises the most is Orchimaru and Sasuke, and he has taken many of their techinques and copied them with his afinity for fuuinjutsu. He also gets angry if people insult these two people because he loves them soo much and he will fight for their honor even if it means his death.

History: Ive split it into the diffrent parts of his life:
Pre-Academy life: Being of the Haji clan, he has had to study more than his peers because the clan shouldnt use Ninjutsu because of their visible chakra. From the age of 5 years old he has had to study fuuinjutsu, chakra manpulation, and basic seal construction. Orimaru was not exceptionally good at it. he studied hard and was able to become good, but he didnt have the luxary of being a natural genius like his brothers and sisters. When he was seven years old he went to the academy and begin his training as a ninja.

Academy Life:

Speciality: Fuuinjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Elements: He has no determined element because he does not practice ninjutsu, instead he has a seal on his chest that allows him to change the elemental output in order to do several of his assimulated ninjutsu seals
Weapons/items: He basicly just carries around the basic ninja tools and weapons
Writing brushes
Smoke Bombs
Goals: to serve the Otokage without question and to full fill his role to the best of his ability, even if it means death. Also he wants the perserve the memory of the Elite Shinobi that have gone before him.


Posts : 23
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 32

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