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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:12 pm

Akuma stirred slightly, she didn't know were she was. She remembered fighting Yoshimaru in the training grounds, then the lake, the pain and running away from him. The last thing she remembered was being at the bottom of a flight of stairs, coughing... 'Were..were am I now? This doesn't feel like the floor..Is someone holding me?' She opened her eyes to see the sky above her, moving so quickly, and a familiar face, it was Yoshimaru. She could feel his arms holding her up and she heared his breathing, she opened her mouth to try and speak but all that came out was a hoarse whisper. "Y..Yoshi.." She couldn't move her arms, legs or anything, this was bad, the poison was pretty powerful, it riveled her own, but then again she controlled it's concentration, and she never had made it this strong before.
Looking up at Yoshi she tried again to speak but still no words came to her voice. Giving up she lay quietly in his arms as he took her to werever he was going.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:30 pm

Yoshimaru looked down at her as she spoke his name. "Dont worry, im taking you back to my place.. Ill treat you there."He told her quietly, still jumping from roof to roof. He had anti poison at his home, so he could treat her wounds. He didnt want her to die, but he knew the poison would only do as much as to paralize her, but not to fully kill her. He stopped as he came to his house, opening the door quietly, walking inside, as he shut the door behind him. "Well, here we are.."He said and walked into his bedroom, turning on the light as he then laid her down on his bed. "If you can hear me, im going to be right back, im getting some anti poison."He told her and then walked into another room, connected to his bedroom.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:35 pm

Akuma followed him with her eyes, that was all she could do for now. As she waited for him the heavy feeling of guilt built up inside her. She wished she had said something, anything when she had the chance to, but she didn't, she cursed her self for being a coward. She looked around his room, it seemed rather empty at first, only the edge os the bed was visable, and all the other necessesities that a room needed. She sighed and turned her gaze to the ceiling.
stone hearted shedemon
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:51 pm

Yoshimaru shuffled in drawers, 'Where is it?'He thought as he pulled open a drawer, "Got it!"he said successfully, as he took the viel, and took a cotton ball with him. He then walked out of the room with a smile, as he sat on the end of the bed, taking one of her feet and placed it gently on his lap, "This might sting alittle, alright?"He told her and dabbed the veil of anti poison on the cotton ball, and then began to lightly dab it on her wound.
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:23 pm

Akuma did not flinck at the pain that shot up her leg. It stung like hell but there was little she could do about it, she just waited it out. She was thankfull that Yoshi went to the trouble to bring her here and heal her after running away from him like she did. Slowly she started feeling her muscles again and twitched her finger experimentaly. It moved a little and she was, at the very least, releived she could move again. Still she remained silent as Yoshimaru healed her, her expression blank, completely void of emotion.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:34 pm

Yoshimaru watched as she began to regain her strength, watching her finger move. He smiled and took the cotton ball away, as that was all the anti poison she needed to fully heal. If he waited longer, he would have to put more on her, which he was thankful he didnt have to use alot of the liquid, for he needed it for the future if something bad happened. "Just rest and relax your body for now, until you can regain full strength."He told her and stood up, going back into the room and putting the items back in the drawer. He came back out and sat in a chair next to the bed, getting comfortable as he smiled at her.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:41 pm

Akuma watched him again and as he came back in she turned her head away. The pain was slowly going but guilt still lay heavy on her heart and mind. All she wanted to do was get away from here, but her body wouldn't let her, so she just rested. As her mind raced her eyes started to droop and slumber took over her, useing the much needed rest to recover her strength for tomorrow. As she slept her tail occasionally twitched and waved about as she drempt silently.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:08 pm

Yoshimaru yawned as he watched her fall asleep. He was happy she was able to feel better, as it made him feel good to help someone in need. He watched her tail flicker up and down like a cats, as he found it quite amusing. He decided to let her sleep until she regained enough energy and strength for tomarrow. He stood up, with a smile, "She must be hungry, after all, the fighting must have taken alot out of her."He said to himself, as he made a woodclone of himself, as he made it sit in the chair he was in. "Ill be right back, im going to make something, yatta?"He told the clone, as it nodded, "Ne!"the clone replied and began to watch Akuma.

The real Yoshimaru went into the kitchen softly, as he began to shuffle around the refridgerator.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:16 pm

Akuma remained silent and still in her sleep as Yoshimaru left the room. She rolled over a little and curled up into a ball, feeling safe and warm under the sheets but did not smile or change her expression in any way. Her ears flicked up as the noises from the kitchen stired her, however she remained asleep, or at least pretended to be. Relaxing again and snuggling deeper into the soft pillow under her head.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:28 pm

Yoshimaru began to search the refridgerator for meats, since he didnt knoww if she liked her meat raw or cooked. He took an assumtion and took out some deer meat, fresh from just a few hours ago. "Ill just cook one e part of the meat and leave the other half raw.."He told himself as be began to season the raw meat and put it in the oven to cook for a while.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:50 pm

Akuma stirred as she smelled the meat cooking and reluctantly opened her eyes. She saw Yoshimaru's clone, she could tell it was a clone because he did not have a scent besides wood, and she sat upright. "Were am I?" She looked around the room fully and went to get up, she saw the wounds on her legs were healing slowly. She stood up and flexed experimentaly, her muscles were still sore but moveable at least.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:54 pm

Yoshimaru's clone smiled and pointed to the door, "Yoshimaru's house, he is cooking for you right now."He answered in a manotinious voice, going back to watching her. He then stretched a bit and stood up, "Do you need me to direct you into the kitchen?"He asked, as the real Yoshimaru began to prepare the raw meat for Akuma. "Just down the all and to the right."He told Akuma and sat down.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:58 pm

Akuma stared at the clone for a few seconds and thanked him silently. She followed the hallway and found the kitchen easily enough but took her time. Looking all around her like a kitten opening it's eyes for the first time, taking in her surroundings. She entered the kitchen and found Yoshimaru, she knocked on the doorframe before she entered, it was only polite to make one's presance known before walking around another person's house. She waited for Yoshimaru to say something.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:03 pm

Yoshimaru could hear someone walking down the hallway slowly, thinking it was his clone. He ignored it until he heared a tapping on the doorframe of the kitchen, as he turned slowly to see Akuma. "Well, hello there. Did you get a good rest? Feeling any better?"he asked her softly as he put down his knife that he was chopping the meat with, walking over to her now, as he waited for her to reply to him, a smile on his face.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:05 pm

Akuma stayed silent and just nodded, her expression the same as it had been the last few hours, blank. She was about to speak when her stomach did a funny gurgle growl, she blushed and closed her mouth again, putting an arm around her stomach protectivly. Her tail swished behind her as she looked down out of embarrasment.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:09 pm

Yoshimaru chuckled a bit and pointed to the dinner table, as it had two empty chairs. "Go and sit down, the meat will be ready soon."He said and smiled at her, walking back over to the counter. He finished chopping the raw meat, as it was seasoned with some basil. "You like your meat raw, ne?"He asked, looking over his shoulder at her to confirm it.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:15 pm

Akuma nodded and sat down nearest the door. "I think right now i could eat just about anything..." She said, more to herself than Yoshimaru. She watched as he prepared the food and looked around the rest of the room. She noticed there didn't seem to be any trace of anyone living here besids him, she sweeped her tail back and forth as she waited for the meal.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:22 pm

Yoshimaru chuckled a bit and put the raw chopped meat on the plate, walking over to her and placing it gently on the table infront of her, then placing chopsticks down next to the plate just in case she would use them. "Tell me how you like it."He said with a smile as he turned around and took out a small cup and filled it with water, putting it down next to her.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:39 pm

Akuma thanked him and took the chopsticks in hand, she picked at the meat slowly, her common sense told her to make sure it wasn't poisoned but her stomach overuled it. She put the first peich in her mouth and chewed it slowly, savouring it, it was really good. Usually her meals were whatever she hunted and was often eaten as it was or cooked with nothing added to it. She looked up at Yoshimaru, half expecting to be told to leave when she was done. Her ears drooped at the thought of once again being rejected. 'this is why I wasn't supposed to get close to anyone, it hurts!' She returned her gaze back at her food and continued to eat in silence.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:45 pm

Yoshimaru took his own meat out of the oven once it beeped, knowing it was done. He then began to put some spices on it, and then began to chop it up. "Good, ne?"He asked as he looked over at her over his shoulder, then back down as he put his meat on his plate, then putting it on the table infront of the other empty seat infront of her. "I hope you dont mind me sitting with you."He said softly as he sat down in the seat, parting his chopsticks.
Shin Uchiha
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:52 pm

Akuma swollowed the meat she had in her mouth and looked up, but keeping her eyes downcast. "It is your house, I don't mind what you do." She flicked her eyes up to se his reaction and went to take another peice of meat, as she savoured every bit of it her tail raised up and swayed side to side of it's own accord. She blushed as it danced behind her and tried to ignore it.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:54 pm

Yoshimaru chuckled again and began to eat, picking up piece by piece, chewing it slowly. He turned his gaze to her tail with a grin, "I can tell you like it."he told her and pointed to her swaying tail. "You can have more if you want, if you have any room left when you are done."He added with a grin, swollowing the meat.
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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:59 pm

Akuma blushed even deeper shade of scarlet and looked at her tail. "Sorry, it just does that on it's own, the food is good though, thank you." A shadow of a smile graced her lips as she looked at him and returned to eating. Her tail settled down eventually and her ears perked up again, and her muscles felt less sore.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:03 pm

Yoshimaru grinned in reply, "Im glad you like the meat."He said and then picked up another piece, placing it into his mouth, then swollowed it. He took a sip of his water from the small cup that was placed infront of him. "Just ask me if you want anymore, yatta?"He asked her with a smile, watching her as she ate happily, knowing she would like the food.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining) Empty Re: Healing (continuation of another day a new beggining)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:08 pm

"I will" Akuma replied, her tone of voice was a little lighter than before, not so cold and secretive. She looked out of the window to see the sun was already low on the horizon but not so much so that the sky was orange just yet. She finished the last peice of meat and put her chopsticks down. She sighed contentidly and thanked Yoshimaru once more.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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