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Another day, a new beggining

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:01 pm

Akuma made her way to the training grounds, a little grogy having not long woken up. She spent the night in a tree as she stayed up too late to go home, she was training for hours and hours without stopping. "If I keep this up I'll probably drop dead of exhaustion..." She mused alowed to no one in particular.
The sun was barely over the horizon so the ground was still covered in crystaline drops of morniing dew, the sky was an array of orange, purple and red, clouds drifted by like candy floss, pink and fluffy.
The training grounds were in sight, the logs Akuma had used last night bore the marks of being scratched, stabbed and dented by her wepons and claws. One had a black patch down one side were she had used the acid from her tail.

Standing in the centre of the logs Akuma looked up, watching the birds fly above her as they did every day, she counted and saw one was missing, shrugging she decided to ignore it and began her training. She began by running between the posts and jumping on top of them, after about an hour of this she stopped and jumped to the centre again, this time drawing her blades from her gauntlets. She ran for the nearest log and slashed right across it, getting the blade a good two inches into the wood, she spun around and sliced again and again. After a few minutes the log was reduced to tinder, bits and peices of wood spread across the ground and Akuma stopped, taking out her hammer now she grabbed a handfull of wood and threw it in the air. As they fell back to earth she jumped and swung the wepon at the chunks, sending them into the next log, she hit every one of them into the log and landed with three limbs touching the floor, one hand holding the hammer above her head.

"Time for my jutsu practice." Akuma stood in front of another, untouched log, and made hand seals in quick succsession then jumped, Dark clouds swirled around the grounds and lightning struck the log, which exploded on contact, another bolt hit Akuma and she gritted her teeth to bear with the pain, she managed to dodged the flying wood and stopped the jutsu. Panting she sat down, trying to recover a little.
stone hearted shedemon
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:10 pm

Yoshimaru walked outside his house, early in the morning, as it was dim outside. He yawned and stretched, then coming back upm turning around as he closed the door behind him. "Looks like I could start my day with some training."He said to himself as he stepped off the steps from his house, looking back to see if anyone was coming. He smiled and turned back around, walking forward to get outside of Konoha, to his old training grounds when he was just a Genin.

He passed the gates of Konoha, yawning again as he made a right turn, into a forest. The sky was dark, as it was kind of a pinkish color, the sun coming up. He fiddled around with the hilt of the earth sword on his back, unable to stay stable as usual. he smiled as he finally got into the training grounds of the forest, seeing the three wooden logs standing straight up.

Yoshimaru turned his head to also see a young woman, who seemed to look like a demon to him. He sighed and took out a kunai. "She seems to be resting.. A good time to.." he stopped and threw the kunai, as it slid above her head and hit a tree. He then came out from where he was and put his hands in his pockets. "Oyahoo(Goodmorning), and whom might you be?"He asked walking closer to her.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:19 pm

Akuma lowered her head at the flying kunai and lept up onto one of the logs, she turned around to face the newcomer and put a hand on her hammer, she scowled at him and watched his every move. "Who wants to know?" Shestraightened her back and kept a hand on the log for balance as she was still crouching down.
Her tail waved behind her slowly but menicingly, as if in warning, much similar to that of a cat defending it's territory. Her claws dug into the bark and caused a quiet cracking sound, her fingers drummed on the hilt of her hammer as she narrowed her eyes at the man before her.
stone hearted shedemon
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:22 pm

Yoshimaru just smiled politely at her. "Well, I guess its only proper to adress yourself first, ne?"He said and then took his hands out of his pockets and put one hand on his heart. "My name is Yoshimaru Kangai. You may refer to me as Yoshi if you wish."He said with a chuckle as he came closer to her. He took his hand off his heart and let it dangle. "Your name?"He asked with a smile. He didnt want to hurt her, he just threw the kuntai to watch her reaction.
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:29 pm

Akuma watched him aproach and leaned back, preparing to pounce forward if he dared make a wrong move, she tightened her grip on both the log and the hammer before replying bluntly. "I am Akuma..." She looked over him, taking in his appearance carefully, memorising every detail she could. After deaming he had no ill intentions she released her hammer and slid down off the log, standing upright she turned to face him, he obviously was here for a reason and was about to ask him when she thought better of it, she turned arouned and started to preform handseals rapidly, preparing her next jutsu to use on the log.
stone hearted shedemon
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:40 pm

Yoshimaru stood perfectly still as he watched Akuma move her body. He smiled though, as he walked to the side. "Well, its nice to meet you, Akuma."He said in a deeper voice, sounding happy though. He watched her turn around and begin to move her arms, assuming she is doing handsigns. "What do you seem to be doing?"He asked her, coming closer to her.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:47 pm

Akuma flicked her tail out to stop Yoshimaru from comeing too close as she released the jutsu. The point just touching his jacket, the ground started to shake as giant fang-looking stones emerged from the earth, they grew bigger and bigger and started to move forwards, like a huge wave, the fangs curled as if biting the ground and rolled forwards onto the log Akuma was aiming at. The log cracked under the pressure and splintered as the fangs tore it to peices. She stopped the jutsu, leaving the earth looking like freshly tiled soil. She turned her head to look back at Yoshi. "I am training, what are you doing here?" She was still glaring as she turned to face him fully, her tail left his jacket and swayed behind her as the wind caught it. Her feline-like ears twisted so they were directly aimed at him, trained on every sound he made.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:45 pm

Yoshimaru stopped once the tip of her tail touched his jacket. He looked over her shoulder, as he was tall enough not to stand fully over her. He smiled as he watched her jutsu take action, pretty amazed by her earth like attacks. He stepped back a little once she came face to face with him. "What might I be doing here? Oh, just taking a walk, patrolling the village. I just stopped by here to meditate maybe."He answered her, looking around, then looked back at her and into her eyes.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:33 pm

Akuma shifted her ewight a little and held his gaze for a few seconds, trying to find out what he was looking for. She thought about his answer and found it truthfuk, she blinked then turned away. "Then I shal not disturb you and go train myself elsewere." She began walking back towards the forrest, just a litle away from the village. Suddenly she stopped and turned her head to face Yoshi. "Unless you would like to spar?" She asked, she had trained for a long time but had never really trained with a partner before, none of the acadamy student wanted to be paired up with her and she was half hopeing he wanted to.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:50 pm

Yoshimaru chuckled a bit and nodded his head to her proposal. He had never fought a demon before, or one that was a female for that matter. He smiled and cracked his neck. "Whenever you are ready."He told her and got into a defencive position. He took out a kunai and held it infront of him, he didnt know what this girl's element was, neither her type of fighting style.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:07 pm

Akuma took on a low stance and extended the blades adorning her wrist gauntlets, She sprung up into the air without hesitation and spun as she headed towards Yoshi, giving her a speed boost. She held the blades out in front of her, spinning like a deadly fan towards Yoshi. The glint of the reflected light bouncing off the shining blades. Her tail swung out behind her giving her balance, eyes focused on her target.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:17 pm

Yoshimaru stood perfectly still, not feared by her spinning attack. He made a few handsigns, and then stuck out his arm. His arm then extended as a log, with spikes shooting out of his arm, attached to the log. They came at her with a high speed, as he kept one arm on his arm that was doing the attack, trying to knock her out of the air atleast.
Another day, a new beggining DaijurinB
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:24 pm

Akuma couldn't land just yet so she continued to spin towards the log, the blades catching and shredding them aside for her to land safely. No sooner had her feet touched the ground she jumped back and took out her hammer, running towards Yoshi swinging it upwards at his chin. Her hands gripped the metal shaft tight as she twisted her wrist to add speed to the blow. Again her tail was behind her providing balance as she swund upwards. A heated determination filled her eyes as she rushed forward.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:45 pm

Yoshimaru quickly took back his arm as it went back to normal. He watched as she ran after him, as he took out his Earth Sword. He put the sword benieth his chin, just then, the warhammers head collided with the blade of the sword, making a large spark between the metals colliding. "Not so fast.."He told her with a smirk, as he jumped backwards, letting his blade slide off her hammer. He put the sword back on his back, sliding it into the sheath.

Yoshimaru then activated his Koudogan, as his eyes turned a green color, and his pupil began to grow four spikes outwards. His hands and feet turned a brown color, showing as his skin turned into earth. Green color grew around his eyes, resembling a leaf formation. He then began to form something in his hands, it was spikes. He put his hands outwards towards her, "Spear bolt ejection". He then ejected the spear heads towards her with a high speed.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:49 pm

Akuma bounced back from the collision and held up the hammer to block the spikes comeing towards her and swung the hammer back onto her back. She quickly formulated hand seals and shouted as her hands started to glow bright, flaming orange. "DEMON CLAW JUTSU!" She ran towards him again, holding out her claws and pounced like a cat, her arms swiping downwards towards his head, the chakra surrounding her hands flickered like a cangel in the wind, she bared her teeth and a low growl came from her chest as she hurtled towards Yoshi.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:54 pm

Yoshimaru made a few handsigns quickly after taking back his hands. He then turned his body to face her incoming launch into the air. He made a series of handsigns quickly, as he held out his arms, "Earth snake launch."He commanded as 2 snakes came out of each arm made of earth, heading towards her arms to wrap around them, the fangs sharp as a needle.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:57 pm

Akuma's eyes widened at the snakes comeing from his arms but did not stop moving forward, if anything she moved faster, swinging her legs out infront of her she landed on one of the snake's head's and lept forward, useing it like a spring board to propell herself towards Yoshi, her claws now inches from him.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:01 pm

Yoshimaru controlled the snakes, making them come back to him, as he moved backwards, launching them at her again, this time, aiming for her feet. Both of all four snakes began to make a wrapping movement in mid air, curving around her legs, ready to pull in and grab her legs fully, with their mouths open with the fangs straight out so if she moves, the fangs go into her skin.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:05 pm

As the snakes wrap around her legs, Akuma had no time to react, the snaked grabbed around her legs and pulled her back. She used her already charged demon claws to strike at the heads of both snakes, blocking chakra from reaching the heads. She smirked andtwisted arouns in the coils to release herslef.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:13 pm

Yoshimaru watched as his snakes started to decapitate, from a blockage of chakra to the snakes. He cancelled the snake jutsu, as the snakes were turned into mud. "Wood clone no jutsu!"He commanded and made a tiger sign. A clone began to form out of his side quickly. The clone stood next to Yoshimaru, then stood infront of him, waiting to take Akuma's attack, as Yoshimaru stepped backwards and began to make a series of handsigns.
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:18 pm

Akuma landed on the ground on her back but she quickly jumped to her feet, she stood back and preformed several more handsignes and her chest began to swell. Just as she looked about ready to burst she opened her mouth and she unleashed her sonic roar jutsu wordlesly. The shockwave of air blasted from her maw with a deffeningly loud continuous roar, the grass and soil in it's way was carelessly blown about as it approached Yoshi and his clone. Akuma stood fast with the force oth the jutsu and continued to release the energy she stored for this jutsu. Her feet dug into the ground in attempt to stop he moveing and her tail swayed quickly to keep her in balance.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:26 pm

Yoshimaru hid behind his clone, as he threw the clone into the air, Yoshimaru on his back, avoiding the sonic boom. He then grabbed the woodclone and threw him towards Akuma, as the clone balled up. Yoshimaru clicked his teeth, as the clone exploded and wooden needles were shot out of the exploded clone, tipped in poison, heading straight for Akuma.
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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:32 pm

Akuma stopped her jutsu as the clone headed towards her, a confused look on her face was quickly replaced with shock as the needles sped towards her. She ackflipped away from most of them but some cought her legs on the first jump, she hissed in paion and pulled them out of her legs. Feeling a little weeker from the poison she stumbled to her feet and stood facing Yoshi, a smirk upon her lips as she made more handsigns. "Inferno ball jutsu." Akuma's body began to shrink as she curled up into a ball, glowing chakra engulfed her and she became the size of a golf ball. As the chakra condensed to her form it crackled and fizzed just before she released it, the explosion was huge, a crater was left under her as the force sped outwards in all directions, heading for Yoshi.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:38 pm

Yoshimaru came falling down, as his feet touched the ground while Akuma was still shrinking. He watched the force of energy come at him, as he made the tiger handsign. "Underground Mole Technique."He commanded and sunk down into the ground, avoiding the giant blow of energy that was heading his way. He was deep underground, about 10 feet under, as he began to make his way to Akuma like a fish underwater.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:52 pm

Akuma collapsed through exhaustion and over use of chakra, she could hear him moveing underground, trembling a little she stood up again and waited for him to surface, preparing to jump the second he did. "I can't use any more jutsus or chakra, so its just down to taijutsu..." She said to herself, analysing her situation. She shook her tail as she felt the vibrations from under the ground as he came towards her, positioning herself to adjust to his movements.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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