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The Shuugoteki (private)

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:12 am

"I have thought about this quite thoroughly. Only those who bear the mark would be summoned. So by placing the mark on others who wish to join the cause, they too would be called by the summons. This I feel would be highly beneficial should any of us be in dire need of assistance."

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Kyo Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:38 pm

Animas quietly speculated to himself about the possibility of the summons. Each mark represented a village. While being originaly from Amegakure, it would only make sense that he be given that mark. As he thought about it, he thought about heading back to Amegakure. While keeping his place in Kumo, he would return to Amegakure to try and protect them once again.

" I am currently keeping tabs on The Order and am working on a project that can help us gather information on all opposing threats along with constant survallianve."

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:00 pm

"Perhaps when summoning" suggested Munashii, "a specific persons' or peoples' names could be recited in order to summon them. This, I think, would cause a lot less fuss if you only needed certain people for a certain task or piece of information". Turning to Ookami, Munashii continued. "I think that is a satisfactory position for myself. I have quite some expirence when it comes to tracking and infiltration". This last bit was was said with dry humour. It would be obvious to everyone that being able to become invisible would help greatly in this task.

Looking over at Animae, he was impressed that he seemed able to do this. "What do you know of this Order?" he asked.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Kyo Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:56 pm

Animas turned his cold steel look towards Munashii keeping a stern gaze upon him as he spoke. "let's just say that I have an inside man who just recently joined. He has supplied me with much information, for example Mirage was never in the order. She was manipulated to attack The Council to gain more info on them. Though he may within their ranks, he remains loyal to the people of this world"

Animae was risking alot just by mentioning this to them and hoped that they would see just how commited he was to them.

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:29 am

"I see", said Munashii, knowing better than to ask any further questions on Animae's source. Nodding to himself, he moved towards the door, silently and unseen. Opening the door, he paused.

"Excuse me a moment", he muttered, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Outside, he slid a kunai across his thumb and summoned a crow. Telling it in it's language what he had learned from Animae, such as Akatsuki's fall and the new threats, he sent it straight to his father with the information.

After the bird had disappeared into the horizon, Munashii retrieved his sword from the scroll he had put it in and re-attached it to his back, and returned his headband to his arm where he usually kept it. Making sure that his features were covered by his cloaks hood, he returned to the room. His chakra emissions had died down again, but when the door closed he allowed the Vijon Hitei to drop and he became visible, forming like some sinister spectre. The fact that he allowed himself to be seen was a unspoken show that he decided to trust the people here.

After all they too, for the most part, were strangers too.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Kyo Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:34 pm

Animae kept a close eye on Munashii as he left the room. Even when invisible, Animae was able to see him. His thermal allowed Munashii to be seen while hi x-ray continued his watching even as he closed the door. It was quit apparent that he was sending some sort of message to an outside source that was unknown to Animae. His trust in the human race mattered little to Animae as he would be limiting their knowledge of all that he knew and was.

While knowing the whereabouts of The Order and some of the members, it was information that would only put them at risk. What Munashii told the bird was spoken in some strange form of language that Animae would remember down to the exact syllable. It could very well be information leaking out...

Animae reached in his pocket and pulled out several small machines. Each one seemed to be an ordinary watch yet would work only for this organizations benefit. Holding them out infront of himself, Animae offered them to his new allies.

"If you would like, you may take one of these watches with you. Each one will allow me to contact the wearer at any time. This would be most useful should I come up with any new information or incase of an attack."

Animae continued to hold them up as a gift for any who would take it. He did not care if they wanted them or not, but if they did decide to take them, it would only better themselves for future events.

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:50 pm

"When you say contact, would it be in the same form as we are now, or voice only? And in cases such as attacks, I would hope the summon method would be used, it would prove more beneficial in that case. I shall take one of these machines, if only as a token of the trust we must place in each other if we are to attain our goal."
Yami extended an his hand to take the watch and looked closely at it. It appeared to be completely ordinary, how could it also serve as a communication method also. He placed it in one of the pouches he had beneath his cloak, taking care not to move the cloak too much. He did not wish to reveal the weaponry he carried in case it would be taken as a hostile action.
"Munashii-san, I believe you mentioned something interesting about the summoning idea, specifically summoning certain people. The only way I can foresee this being possible is to use that person's name or a name by which they can be known by. Our real identities may have to be kept secret for our goals to be recognised and those who we are setting ourselves against will use any scrap of information they can to get the upper hand."

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:07 am

Ookami took one of the offered watches, " thank you Animae i to will take one of your watches as proof of my commitment and trust to this organization" Ookami said calmy. "For now i think we should use this apartment block as a base of operations and focus on gathering information and forulating statergies."

Ookami looked around the room noticing that there were not enough shinobi here to fight on two fronts. "Is there any suggestions for more members, any shinobi that show promise even at Genin level should be considered. Are there any suggestions?" Ookami lit a cigarette and sat back in the corner he had first sat in and awited a reply.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:39 pm

Munashii nodded and wordlessly took the watch from Animae.

"I think that this will do for now, but perhaps we should keep on varying our meeting places, to throw off any of the foes we most likely will make", Munashii suggested. Nodding to Yami-sama, he continued. "And furthermore, perhaps we should not reveal more about ourselves than we already know, lest one of us fall into enemy hands. I think code-names or something similar should be put into effect, to reduce the risk of one of us folding under torture and giving away names".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:44 pm

"We will need a sturdy base of operations nonetheless. Even if it is one we rarely use. Maybe an abandoned village perhaps? If we do not use it, it can act as a shadow base, perhaps fooling our enemies if any think we are there." Yami took note of Munashii's suggestion and quickly thought it over "Code-names? That is a thought I had not entertained in its entirety, it is one which, to me, sounds most excellent. If we are all agreed on this, then let us choose what we shall henceforth be known by."

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:01 pm

Animae remained motionless as their discussion continued. As each watch was taken from his hand, Animae gave them a slight nod in respect. This team was obviously going to be a thorn in The Orders side if not kept under constant surveillance. Either way, Animae would do what he could to keep the Shuugoteki safe from harm.

"I am afraid that I have spent more time than intended here today... I must take my leave." Unfortunately, Animae was needed elsewhere and could not stay a moment longer to discuss further things. However, Animae would keep an open ear as to what they were discussing even after leaving. Animae bowed one last time before turning around and exiting the room.

(OOC: Sorry I know this post kinda sucked)

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:58 am

Munashii watched Animae leave his face neutral, but his mind whirling with suspision. Why the extremely hastey exit? Was he really needed elsewhere, or was it perhaps something more sinister? Munashii tried to shake the feeling. They all needed to trust one another if they truely wanted to stop these threats. However... if anyone here was the most likely to betray, it would most likely be Animae. His cold and detached manner made that very obvious.

He would keep a discreet tab on the man, just in case.

Turning to Yami-sama, he nodded. "That would seem to be the most cautious course of action". Thinking for a moment, he decided on a code-name for himself. "I choose Shakou as my callsign" he said quietly. He looked to the others for their names. He would need to know them should he need to call on them.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:31 pm

Well that was odd, he left in a hurry Ookami thought. Somthing didn't feel right about that guy he was so cold. Ookami looked at the watch he had selected then stuffed it in his belt pouch. On the subject of callsigns mine will be Akuma Ookami said. All this is a mewt point if we havent got more members lined up then there's no way we can fight on to fronts.

If Animae's information is correct we now have a fight on two fronts, that will be a problem if there's not enough to take both threats on. Ookami said darkly we've now got multiple choies we could split into groups and vist diffrent villages. Or we could focus on making a safe haven for anyone who's interrested. Ookami knew the group could only focus on one task at a time with the amout of members they had currently.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:40 pm

"As it stands, there are 4 of us here. The five main villages no doubt know of the threats already and hopefully are preparing their defenses. A safe haven will be impossible to achieve until we have a measure of peace with which to work with. Therefore our only choice is to make that happen. Granted, our small number makes finding out information difficult, perhaps even impossible until we can recruit more people. I propose identifying villages which may be at risk and be ready to bolster their defences. We must be ready to defend them at the slightest hint of trouble. Incidentally, my callsign will be Karite."
Yami disregarded the one person who had left prematurely, he did not have the desire to care about him. His attention was demanded by those who had stayed, those whose desire matched his own.

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:16 am

There was a odd cawing sound at the door behind Munashii. He tilted his head to the side and made a similar sound back. For noise like that coming from a human throat was disturbing to say the least. The cawing returned from the door, and Munashii nodded. He turned his hooded face to the others.

"It would appear to my sources that Sunagakure is under attack by a bunch of men. If anything was to test our orginisation, it would be this. Shall we go?" announced Munashii. He awaited the others replies.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:37 am

"Sunagakure? The Sand village will be perfect for my style of attacking. Do we know anything about these men or are their identities and such unknown as of yet?"
Yami barely contained his pleasure at hearing battle was at hand, it was time to make his mark on the world and he would do so in a massive way.

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:52 am

"All I know is that they are laying waste to it. My father has several eyes on most Villages, but the information they have is limited" Munashii answered. "Perhaps we should attach this mark after the battle, assuming any of us survive", he suggested. He headed for the door and opened it. Stopping breifly at the doorway, he half turned, glancing over his shoulders.

Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:56 am

"I will come, the mark can wait. As all who are members are here, it is not necessary to summon anyone else as yet. We will sort that out after we have dealt with this and have organised how we will spread our forces in the villages."

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:35 am

Well my guts say this is gonna be bad but seen as though everyone elese is going. Ookami said Suna right there isn't much water there. I'll have to take some with me i'll meet you at the gates in half an hour. Ookami walked towards the door and jumped up the nearest bulding.

On the way as he was jumping from rooftop to rooftop he still couldn't shake that bad feeling in his gut. He arrived at the door of his apartment .Went inside he opened a closet in the main room and pulled out two items one was a long black cloak and the other was a large gourd.

He had only bought both items the week previous incase of such and event. He put his cloak on with the hood up so very few pepole could see his face properly and put the gourd across his back. He was heading towards the door and stopped in his tracks he removed his Kiri headband and placed it on the table next to the door.

He then left to meet his allies at the gate and locked the door behind him.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

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