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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:40 pm

A man entere a laviush hall through 2 great wooden oak doors. The inside of the building was tranguil and peaceful no one would suspect what it held. The man who entered the buidling stood out greatly. His once white robes thick with a dark-red crusting over of blood. His face held tear marks that cut through clots of blood througouht his face.

Red tears dropped from his face and fell upon the lavish carpet of a sea of blue. He looked around and walked towards a staircase waiting for the reaper to pass judgment upon him.

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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:02 pm

The feeling of chaos walks among the halls of Kyouken's lair. It was located not too far from the village Kirgakure but it was very hidden that those who worked for Kyouken would know where it was located. Kyouken, who was sitting in a chair that was completely dark except for the part that was he was sitting was lighted up from a light from above the giant room, felt the crimson shinobi of sadism come up from the stairs into the hideout. He could feel it was Kaji and not Hitoshi. There were different levels of sadism and Kaji was not at that level yet, however he was comparable to Hitoshi.

Kyouken had leaned his head on his head and lays there with his eyes close, waiting for kaji to enter. He knew that he mission was completely, he knew that Hitoshi and Kaji had set there examples to the world about the akatsuki as the cold blooded, heartless, ruthless, monsters. Kyouken did not want to show that to them so early in the game, he wanted to come in quietly so when they would strike, they would hit the village on the blindside of village and take them by surprise. But evidently, Hitoshi and Kaji have already destroy a village and a half of one on the account that they were told not to destroy the village hidden in the clouds, but destroying the rock village was pushing his buttons. Although Kyouken knew that eventually he would've had to done it, it was probably in his agenda to do so soon. Now Kyouken waits for him to enter the room for he had to talk to Kaji.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:43 pm

For the Akatsuki, they were really getting off to a smooth start, making sure that they met up at the right times and that everyone was on time. Yoshimo on the other hand was busy taking care of his son. For an Akatuski member it was odd that he had a child living in the large Akatsuki base, but since it was the best place on earth for anyone to say in for safety, and Kyouken didn't mind, Yoshimo was fine with it. He found that his family living at his "job" would be the best of both worlds and that it would be pretty cool to be able to multi task between the two. Yoshimo flew out of the door, leaving his wife and son to a television show.

He was wearing black slacks and a white shirt for some reason, like he'd just got back from somewhere formal. He didn't feel like he needed to change clothes, and he should have brought his sword with him, but he wasn't thinking. He didn't even have a single kunai on him. Running through the halls, he wondered if he should go back just in case, and instead of turning around, Yoshimo lazily created a bunshin, which ran in the opposite direction to pick up his things. Yoshimo continued running through the infinite amount of halls, taking lefts, and rights that only an Akatsuki member would know to take. He ran down a long tunnel which seemed to dead end, and stopped. He placed his hand on the wall, taking a deep breath, but inserting a small amount of chakra the wall moved back and revealed Kyouken and Kaji. Yoshimo walked in and posted up near the back of the corner, breathing in to reduce the lactic acid from running.

"Kyouken-san, Kaji-kun."

He greeted them with respect like he usually did, making sure that he at least said something instead of just watching. He didnt know what he was there for but if he had to show up, then he would show up.


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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:07 am

Kaji sighed as he climbed the stairs his blood stained boot touching the carpet leaving marks in it. His grin was sadistic and his eyes were closed. He climbed each step each more hesitant than the next. He knew what was instore for him.

As he arrived at the top of the staircase he looked around and took a right and then a left brining himself to a door. He opened the door and entered closing it behind him and him walking forward. He opened another door to enter a large room with a man sitting behind a desk.

Kaji walked forward hesitant of the mans blue hair as if it alone could kill him. As he walked forward he stopped bringing his hand to his hip and as soon as yoshimo arrived he bent over and said in a sarcastic voice "Hi"

The point came across but his body showed death fear lust and blood O so much blood. His usual pure white robes was now fully Dark-red his white hair streaked with red blood. His faced was more purely red than white there were streams from his eye that revealed tears.

As he returned to his position he reached into his cloak pocket and pulled out 2 fresh scrolls. He tossed them to yoshimo and nodded hoping yoshimo knew what they were.

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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:17 am

Yoshimo accepted the scrolls, and was so happy that he didn;t have to travel all the way to Iwagakure just to get them. He was planning on making the journey one day, but he wasnt sure when he would do it. It was too late to try to do it with the Akatsuki going on, so Yoshimo had planned it for another time. He knew that if he didn't get that scroll collecting done, his son would never be able to train as a ninja. Even though he couldn't teach him Izoto clan techniques, there were still things in the scroll that his son could very well much use, and important things that Yoshimo needed also.

"Arigato, Kaji-kun."

Taking another look at the man Yoshimo realized that his clothes were covered in blood. The metallic sent of iron in the blood began to drift over towards Yoshimo, and he knew that Kaji had just gotten out of what seemed to be a slaughter-fest. Had he really gone through all of that just for Yoshimo? Or was he doing it just to kill? Whatever it was it sure cost him a lot of blood, he was soaked in it from head to toe. Medically Yoshimo worried about him being in so much blood, if he'd scraped himself or got any cuts he could catch a disease and harm himself, but it seemed as if he was alright. Yoshimo would have to burn those clothes later on if Kaji didn't get them clean. The blood held so much germs and things in it, and if it wasn't properly disposed of, it would be hazardous for all of them. Any smart S ranked ninja could make a quick poison out of so much blood.


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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:45 am

"Good to see you again, Yoshimo Izoto" Kyouken replied, not moving away from his spot. He leans his head up at both Yoshimo and Kaji. He could smell the blood, the carnage, the gore, the violence, death's chaotic path was what he felt on Kaji. Before he went to Kaji, he looked over at Yoshimo. Yoshimo was wearing a formal attire, the common suit and tie, with black slacks. It looks like he came from a formal meeting, like the time Kyouken had that meeting at his home. Kyouken eyes then slowly glances over to Kaji. Thats when he became somewhat irritated.

"Kaji Kanto.....the jack of bloody hearts......."

He said his name very clearly but at the same time very dark. It was different from Kyouken's calm nature. It was more depressing and despairful. It was not like hearing Kyouken but more so hearing the voice of death himself. He looks up, his eyes were now the mix of both dark blue and bloody red. The blue eye represented Kyouken while the other eye was much more different. It wasnt evil but it far from good, it was far from tranquilty but it was far from chaos. The red eye began to star down at Kaji

"You succesfully completed your mission, you put fear in Kumogakure. And yet........." he paused for a moment "You went to Iwagakure and destroyed that village, killing countless people, destryong families, homes, shinobi..........your damn job was to complete the mission that I gave you, even though I gave you members freedom to do whatever you wanted to do, I dont want you to go killing off villages for the your own pleasure".

Kyouken points a finger at Kaji, the gloved hand gave out an ominous feeling. A feeling of much kill intent, the feeling of an unworldy kill intent. Kyouken closes his eyes and there was an absolute silence.....................

Silence.............deathly awful silence.......

Then out of the nowhere, Kyouken appeared to have appeared behind Kaji. His appearance was deathly, his style, the silent homicide killing techinque, his quota.........instant death.....

Kaji had this sudden urge of something stabbing him in the back, the feel of a blade twisting inside of him. A hot, fiery blade ripping past Kaji's intenstial tract and out of his stomach. The blood dripping down out of his body, the feeling of being impaled by death was inevitable. Kyouken wanted Kaji to feel the absolute pain that a sadist love's, the pain that makes them a sadist but that feeling will not last as long as Kaji thinks. To Kaji, everything was shattering around him. No longer was Yoshimo and Kyouken there. The room when from darkness to sudden light. A infinte void of light had surrounded Kaji. The feeling of being impaled was still in effect for a brief moment...then it slowly dissipatied, but now he felt that time of loneliness, a distance away from humans and those who are considered animals. What would happen if felt as though he was away from the violence, the blood, the chaos, the people? The people crying as they see there love one being torn away from them.

In this realm where Kaji was at, it felt like hours has past by, then a feeling of days, then a feeling of weeks, months, years, centuries, eternityit was enduring the feeling of emptiness, loneliness, the loss of him losing his sadism and becoming something a sadist fears.......losing the ability to feel anything......although Kaji would still be there consciously, subconsciously he was losing his mind. Then.................light........

Suddenly Kaji's world was back to normal. Kyouken finger was raised was now lowering. Nothing made sense, was it not Kyouken was behind him impaling him from behind? Was it all a genjutsu? It was, Kyouken knew that pain would only satisfy his need, the only thing that a sadist fears of that losing the ability to feel pain, going somewhere where this is absolute isolation and having no power of trying to regain back there mind.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:14 am

Kaji's smile fadded as he saw the changes. He however wasnt scared he was happy the man was angry with him. Death the man of true chaos but also walks the path of tranguility was angry. He had shattered the tranguil mood revealing a different side of the man he had never felt before.

He endured the silence with his red eyes shining to match kyoukens one. He was fascinated about the eye it seemed to be chaos but it was far from it. His body shook while looking upon it. When kyouken moved kaji tried to look away but he caught himself glancing at the finger.

He then felt the sensation of pain of himself dying yet again. In the realm of the genjutsu Kaji fell his eyes open a grin as sadistic as the devil himself would have worn. His eyes however shrunk back when he realized this was different.

He felt nothing his clothes lost all satisfaction as they had become white again he did not bleed from his wound and when he felt there was no wound. When he sat up his eyes were in a panic as all he saw was a void of nothingness. He couldn't take it he felt for his blade at his side but it had vanished.

His entire body shook as he was losing his mind he screamed "No...NO...NO!!!" As he stood at the brink of insanity of a different kind he felt something. It was pain the genjutsu had triggered his condition and he fell back his insides spasaming in pure pain that gave him his mind back. His smile returned his eyes closed now.

Now back in realife his body fell to the ground as he wrenched his heart as it pulsed and spasm'd. He looked up at kyouken his smile sadistic his eyes even more sadistic than usual but showing no kill intent. He coughed and spat a small glob of blood flying from his mouth heading for kyouken.

Kaji got up and shook in a blissful pain and he stated "Is that the best you got?" He laughed a laugh so dark that it made the heated atmosphere become icy and cold the room covered in a chill.

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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:35 pm

Kaji had to have some nuts to actually say that to the leader. Not only had Yoshimo felt the massive killer intent that was hanging in the room from Kyouken, he'd himself felt sick from the most of it. Kyouken wasn't fucking around this time, and he surely meant business. Yoshimo had never been scolded or anything like that, but he knew if he'd gotten out of line with his mission that he'd be right there were Kaji was, feeling the wrath of Kyouken's powers. He never do anything to put himself in the hot seat, but it seemed as if Kaji was ok with it. Yoshimo frowned at his last comment, wondering why he would say such a stupid thing.

"You're really fucked up in the head aren't you? You've got to be stupid or something. I've seen Kyouken-san do this before, and I've got to tell you, you've only had a smell of the feast that is his wrath."

Yoshimo walked over to a desk and pulled out a chair. He sat down in the cushioned captain chair and put his right foot on top of his left knee, and waited. He'd felt the killer intent from Kyouken last time, and he was sure if Kyouken wished to continue that he'd amp it up a notch. Yoshimo didn't want to be caught falling from his post against the wall, so he'd rather sit down and watch it happen. He would have to keep an eye on Kaji from now on, because he seemed as if he was a very dangerous individual, that liked blood. Under no circumstances would Yoshimo choose to work with him. No way in hell. He'd be in just as much trouble if they were partners. No way was he going to take a fall for this crazy freak.


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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:14 pm

Kyouken moves his head to dodge the blob of blood that was aimed at him. He blinks his eyes and closed it, opening it up again to reveal his dark blue eyes. He looks at Kaji, he saw him laugh histarically. He felt the coldness of his laugh, the coldness of his insanity creepiling over to his body and brought down shivers upon those who feared this boy. Kyouken did not fret, nor did he move, nor did his body care to take fear upon the his laugh. His remark gave no affect to Kyouken, not cause what he said, neither was the fact that he loved pain. No, he did need to bother by such troubles of a young man, for he will learn soon something about being a sadist. Kyouken stands up slowly, he looks directly into the eyes of Kaji and says to him

"My intentions is not to kill you, nor break you, nor destroy your physical, mental or spiritual body. I did not come here to please you of your pleasurable pain. I did this only to let you know something. That there is more than being a sadistical bastard child. There is a time for everything and when you killed all those humans, that was not the time for you to use that sadist side. If you stick to that path like Hitoshi, you will end up what you felt in that genjutsu........emptiness, loneliness, a void of nothingness. You will die and end up being in a void that all sadist fear. You cant control that, nor can I."

The room began to heavier to breath, heavier as though the gravity around them was affected by something or someone. The source of this immense wa Kyouken. This time he was releasing much of his kill intent in the room Yoshimo would not be able to feel it as much as he did before but it would still weigh a toll upon them

This kill intent that Kyouken had released was much different than before, it was alot more deathly and dreadful than what Yoshimo had felt before when they met at Sand Country. This kill intent felt was coming from two sources, Kyouken's and the spirit inside of his body combined together as they were one with each other and began to release it onto the world like a ocean wave ready to consume it's prey. He looks at Kaji, his demeanor did not sway, he was getting closer and closer to him. As he was getting closer and closer, the kill intent was increasing, the air got heavier and heavier. The ground underneath them began to tremble, like a living being looking upward at Kyouken, fearing him. He stands in front of Kaji and kneels down to his level.

Then, instantly, the killer intent had ceased itself. It diminshed back into Kyouken and it was sealed up. The feel of death and tranquility has not yet left but the feeling of someone else inside of Kyouken watching Kaji was eniment for there was someone watching him with much angry. Kyouken reaches into his akatsuki cloak and pulls out a file. It was beige, as usual, nothing slightly out of the ordinary. Kyouken hands it to Kaji

"This will be your next mission, Kaji. Im setting you forth to the next bigger countries. Sunagakure no sato. I have been informed by my spy that the kazekage is still alive and well. If such, I could've used that spy to destroy him but I want to see you again in action. Although you did kill those in earth country, wind country is the second most powerful country . I want to show the world that those that get in the path of the you and the jack cards will be consumed alive. Take note, boy. This time, I want you to use that sadistical side. I hope that you succeed"
Kyouken turns away from Kaji and walks back towards the chair and sits. He looks over at Kaji waiting for his reply
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:45 pm

Kaji's face didnt yield his eyes were now a blue color however. The man had gotten to him and kaji didn't know it. His chaotic soul was now at a piece. His body shook as he walked out of the area where yoshimo entered.

However coming into the mansion was a man who wore all black a trench that hit the ground and dragged he climbed the stairt guickly and silently even though he carried much weight on him. As he hit the hall he walked up to the wood door and breathed in letting the hood fall back.

He entered the room to show a man who kyouken had not seen in over 1.5 years. His eyes were black and his hair was black and spiked forward. He looked at the man with a slight smirk. The man's hands moved out of the trench shuffling it out. He picked it up and threw it to the side to reveal his usual attire.

He walked forward the man and stopped and got down on one knee and said "Its a pleasure to see you again. Mr. Kyouken."

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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:00 pm

Kyouken walks back over to his chair and sits back down again. He knew that got to him, he knew the only torture method for him was to show him a path that he would hate to have at the end of his life. He knew it for he saw what happen to Hitoshi and his life ended at the age of eighteen. He folds his arms and crosses his leg comfortably sitting there without any hassles until, having to look up out of pure instinct of hearing the door open and shut, he saw Mizo. He was wearing the colors Kyouken has much affection for. Black. He was sporting an all black trench cloak that dragged down on the ground. It was a traditional cloak that only could be worn by Mizo for his mysterious emotionless nature. It brought out the darkness that rested inside of him. It fitted the atmosphere that they were in, the room was somewhat gloomy and solemn.

Kyouken notice the weights he had on him, not from sight but from his steps. They were heavy, very, VERY heavy. Because of his training with Kudara, he was able to perform such feats that no regular human could perform. From the amount of pressure he was causing, he would have to estimate that it was 150 maybe 200 times the amount of weight than last time, maybe even more cause the clothing might be heavier. He see's that he is on his knees, he was not a type of person who wanted to see that. But he did it out of respect, which he truly honored

"Rise, Mizo Sangana. It has been a long time since I awaited you to come and reveal yourself again. I have been wondering what happen to the powerful subordinate of Kudara, but alas you have return and there is no need to ask such question. Tell me, Mizo, how have you been and what are you planning on doing?"

Kyouken said it all so calm and collective, he was curious as to Mizo unexpected visit.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kenshi Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:55 pm

"Well it seems as if you all are having fun, but if you must I need to be on my way. I think you guys got it under control"

Yoshimo stood up, and bowed to both Kyouken and Mizo, showing respect as he walked out of the room. He'd seen enough mind fucking for one day. Yoshimo turned around to the hall, made a left and was about his way.


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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:59 pm

Mizo stayed kneeling and his body shook and soon tears fell to the floor. They hit the carpet and absorbed in. Mizo's hand clenched and he spoke in sobs. "I came here... to end.. Kudara... Or should i say... volo's... suffering. This... is... the... day i will... i will... SET HIM FREE!" Mizo burst up at the last few words and he yelled it at kyouken.

Mizo then walked forward placing his hand up on the desk it clenched and he spoke. "As you sense. Not only one but two people will die tonight. I will free kudara, i mean volo. This ends tonight. His suffering and his life. My life will go with him. I will go with him. I just ask for something."

Mizo turned around and walked a few paced his back away from Kyouken. "I would like you to. I would like you to take in my son. I want you to seal my soul into this blade i carry and give it to him. If you do this i can live happy with Volo knowing i returned the favor of freeing him off his suffering."

Mizo turned around again looking kyouken in the face his eyes now full of tears and his arm glowing red from under his cloak and then suddenly dissapearing. Mizo had broken the seal wich kept him from emotions. He would fight at full power and die with his master by doing so. He walked forward and spoke one last time "Please take me to volo. I know hes here.

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Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private) Empty Re: Everybody's going to the party to have a real good time. (private)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:47 pm

Kyouken looks down at the floor, attempting not to see what was about to happen to his only brother. His only brother that he was sworn to protect due to his mother's oath was about to be broken. He begins to think back to that day, it was rainy day in Konoha. He was in his room at the age of eight years old. He had a full understand of life and how things were operating. His intelligence continued to grow, but as he gain more and became seemingly depress at times. This was one of them and he did not know what this feeling was. He was staring outwards onto the village, seeing the people run for cover, running from the drenching wetness. Kyouken thinks back to that moment where he said to himself.

"Cry for me o rain, your water consumes the pain that lies in between my heart and soul......cry for me o rain" he looks away from the window and hugs his knees as he closes his eyes and thinks about his brother. He was lying there, on the bed. The illness was progressing forward over his body. Kyouken, Noctis, at the time did not understand what was happening to his young brother but all he knew was that he was extremely ill. He had been laying there for weeks at time, sick not able to perfrom missions and simple task. He wish he knew what was making him so ill

Kyouken returns back to reality for a minute and seeing back at Kaji, he thought of him as that of himself ready to take the life of someone but yet losing his own life at the same time.Thinking back to seeing his mother come into the room, her beauty struck anyone who saw upon her. Her blue and black hair mixed in with a colorful mix of white. Her eyes, being that of her being a hyuuga made her face light up ever so brightly. Her appearance stun, both men and women, out of there tracks and gaze upon her. But to Kyouken, he saw that motherly appearance of her. He thought of her as the only person that he could connect with that did not make him seem like he was nothing as his father would tell him constantly as a young child, that he was not just a monster or a creature's the god's have shun away. She made him feel like a son. She walks over to Kyouken and wraps his arms around him. Kyouken looks back and leans his head back on his mother's neck. She smiles.

"Whats wrong, Noctis? Are you worrying about Volo?"

Kyouken nodded slowly as the warmth of his mother gave him comfort and it only made things alittle better and yet alittle worst at the same time. She kisses Kyouken on his forehead and rubs his blue hair.

"Noctis.....please dont worry about your brother. It distracts you, seeing how close you are to him. He'll get strong, he always comes out of situations like this. Please....." she hugs him alittle tighter and Kyouken obviously notices it. He looks back and sees her mother crying alittle. He looks back at Kudara as he slept comfortably, he twist and turns as he tries to find a spot that he would feel comfortable and yet he could not for the amount of pain and suffering he was getting. Kyouken then looks up at his mother who was still crying alittle. She try to hide it but Kyouken could obviously see it. He moves a warm hand up to her face and wipes her tears away from her eyes. She looks at Kyouken and continues to cry alittle more. She felt the pain was transfering to Kyouken.

"Noctis......please....protect Volo. He'll get strong but I dont want him to be alone. Please Noctis, if you can make that promise for me.......I'll be so happy...."

Noctis looks back at the window for a moment seeing the rain still pouring down from the heavens. He sees it like a tranquil spirit covering over the people and the village. He wanted to be that spirit to tranquil them. He looks back over to his mother and nods

"Ok....I will protect Volo with my life......"

Kyouken returns back to the present and see's Mizo. He stands up and walks towards Mizo. The pressure of his kill intent was rising and was getting stronger. Was his intentions to kill Mizo? No......Kyouken could not do it, he could not kill the one person that Kudara thought of as his own blood. He thought back to when Kudara and himself had a discussion on this matter only a year ago

"Brother" Kudara said to him as they were walking in a path in the day. The sun look so beautiful as it was falling downward disappearing in the sky. It was so beautiful that Kyouken stared at it for a brief moment before he looks back at Kudara and looks at him. He had the appearance of there mother, that kind and gentle appearance that would make anyone melt. He smiled at Kyouken and Kyouken looks away as he blushed alittle. He could not stand looking at Kudara for it reminded him of his mother

"Brother, are you listening to what I am saying?"

Kyouken shakes his head and comes back to reality and looks at Kudara "Sorry, I was looking the sun. Its so.....peaceful....I could not help but to look at it. Forgive me brother...."

Kudara moves a hand to his mouth to chuckle alittle and looks at Kyouken "oh brother...." he looks at the sun and looks at its beauty "It is beautiful.....I have to admit that to you.....reminds me some thing.....well someone...."

"Like what?" Kyouken questioned

"Like me......the sunset is ready for rest....ready to disappear over the horizon and onto a new cycle. Its so marvelous like seeing the sun die and come back up again in the morning. Its so......great"

Kyouken puts his hands behind his head and begins to think upon that statement. When it came back to him in his mind, he glances back over to Kudara and see's that he was breathing somewhat heavy. Kudara grabbed his shirt, sweat came down on his face. He almost fell over but Kyouken grabbed him. Kyouken, having a face of worry, examines Kudara


"Yes seems as though I can move for so long before coming to this......"

"This happen to you all those years ago, I thought......I thought you were better"

"No brother, Im not.......i've only been able to suppress it and now that is finally consuming me......I only have so much time before....."

Kyouken lifts him up and puts his arms around his shoulder "No Volo, I cant allow that. I have to protect you....I cant let you die...."

Kudara smiles ever so softly, it was comforting but not to Kyouken. It made him feel so unnatural. Kudara looks over at Kyouken and laughs alittle "You know, you looks so much like mom.....heh, it isnt even funny ya know?"

"Shut up, dont say anything, just rest ok?"

Kudara leans his head on Kyouken's shoulder and complies to that order. Kyouken did not know what to think. He knew that his only brother, his legitmate brother whom he had suffer so much is now dying. Dying of something that Kyouken could not stop. No matter what Kyouken could do, the future seems to be told that one of the angels would fall from the sky and die out. Kyouken walks with Kudara on his side, dragging him for awhile. Kudara was silent and peaceful and Kyouken did not like it when he became like that. Kudara represented that flame and Kyouken represented that water. Being like that mean that something was wrong with Kudara. Kudara then looks back up at the sun and see that it was almost gone.

" see that....just like me. A dying sun........" there was a pause for a moment and he looks at Kyouken "If you may, it would nice for me to see Mizo and Shin one more time before I go, ya know? I think of them more of my sons then anything. More so Mizo......I want to him for he has been so close to me for so many years. I wish for him to see me before I go........before we go..."

"Dont say stuff like that, you'll get better like you did the last time......just like....."

"No Noctis, not this time.....this time isnt the same"

Kyouken looksat Mizo and puts a hand on his shoulder. He lifts his chin up and looks into his eyes. His dark, mysterious eyes that seemed to have cried from the inside rather than the outside. He nods his head

"He's at the end of hallway, it goes to a room where it shows the'll meet him there....."

Kyouken walks past Mizo, showing away the pain.....the amount of pain and suffering that showing outwards as his blue aura show. Kyouken goes towards the window and see's the sunset. It was going towards the horizon and fading away like a beautiful flame going away. He wish it was raining.....he only wished it could rain

"Rain come to me so you may cry for me......." he whispers to himself

He moves away and goes towards another room, leaving Mizo to complete the task that Kudara wanted him to do. In that room was art room and in that room was a place where there was a window that also showed that same sunset he saw in meeting room where he met with Yoshimo, Kaji and Mizo. Next to the window was a beautiful grand piano. It was marvelous and mysterious as it stood there, seemingly untouched by time and human contact. Kyouken walks over to it and sits down on the bench. He grabs the cover and opens it up to reveal the beautiful keys. He begins to play a tune....a tune that was both omnious and glorious at the same time.

the song that Kyouken is playing is the piano part
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:10 am

Mizo's eyes whelled up and he stood frozen for a moment. He undid his shirt and pulled his sheith from his side and looked at it placing it in front of him. He unsheithed the blade inside it was pure black. Mizo threw the sheith to the side and he kept the blade in his hand.

He then noticed the music begin. It was fitting yet pure ironic. He walked slowly making each step with ease. His eyes whelled and he walked down the hall and as he arrived at the door the music stopped.

Mizo reached for the doorknob with his left hand. Mizo let the door fly open mizo holding the blade in his right hand his head down tears falling from his face. He walked into the room and spoke softly.

"The bond between student and sensei is strong. Even when they are torn apart the bond only grows to its strongest point." Mizo walked forward and soon bowed beside the bed looking at his sensei kudara his tears falling from his face and hitting the bed. Mizo looked upon his sensei who now looked weak. His white hair looked awesome in the now fadding sunlight.

Mizo got up and bent over his master he spoke slowly. "Nail would have loved the view... I apologize for what i did. I thought you were up to something evil but now i found out that i was wrong. I had to live with my deciscion for years. Now i know what i can do to repent for my deciscions. I love you kudara-sama... Volo caleum...Father"

Mizo cried as he fell forward his head resting on his sensei's stomach. Mizo's tears fell and hit his sensei's stomach. He awaited his sensei's words.

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Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:25 am

Resting softly on the pillow was Kudara, how was lying there ever so comfortably with the blankets over his body. His blindfold had covered his eyes, still covering the eyes of kings. He hears the door opening and see's Mizo coming into the room. A soft and simple smile came upon his face as he tries to get up but could not as he was too weak to do anything. He looks at Mizo and hears his words as the relationship of student and sensei and how strong it can become and how strong it became between the two. He has growned to Mizo and could not help but to smile as he remember back on all the times he had together with Mizo. Both of happiness and sadness, joy and mourn, anger and calm. There was so many things that he wish he could do more for Mizo and wish he could've gotten better to help him, so he could see him grow and see him train his student and his son. But today was not a day for Kudara.....for Volo. It seemed that it would only a fool's wish to obtain such a feat. Gekijin was getting out of hand and if not stop, he would consume Kudara and possibly this world.

The last part of what Mizo said, touched Kudara. Kudara, finding the strength inside of him made him sit up and caress his hair as though a father cares for his son. A single tear drop comes down from his eyes and onto the blanket. Kudara then takes off his blindfold and reveals his true onyx colored eyes. The eyes of the kings had disappeared and return back to the one who gave it to him, its orginal owner. Kudara smiles

"Im sorry for not telling you why I left you to join the sorry.....that I could not of been there for you......or for Nail........please forgive son........"

Kudara blinks a few times, revealing the tears that streamed down his face. He wipes it off with his face. He lies back down on the bed and closes his eyes waiting for Mizo to take his life so he can end the threat that lied inside of him.

"I brother.....and your son a gift for you.......I know.......I know Noctis got....his...and know him.....he'll use that gift....for many I hope he gets it........."
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:42 am

Mizo cried but he stood up and said a few last words for him and for kudara "I love you father. Its also why i choose to die with you. The spirit inside of you. I know how it shall die it shall die by the power that i am endowed with. We shall die togethor. We will live in the realm of the spirits togethor where we can finnally be happy."

Mizo brought the blade up and estimated where the seal was. Mizo plunged the blade into kudara's head directly at the seal. Mizo looked at his sensei and then cried as a black aura came over kudara and the blade and mizo.

Mizo screamed in pain as his tears fell. The black aura took his chakra his emotions. He screamed as he felt his humanity leave him and the chakra seeped out of him into the blade where it seeped into kudara the demon would be obliterated and so would kudara.

This was the end of both of them. Mizo's eyes flashed white and he saw all his memories. Orgasmic pancakes the day he met kudara and nail. The first time he felt emotions and had jumped on kudara. The day he first saw kudara's labatory. The way kudara helped him become takikage.

He then flashed back in reality his screams mixed and his lower half now completely shrivled to bones. He then flashed out again and remebered the day he learned kudara was in akatsuki. His destruction of takigakure and finnally the day he spat in kudara's face.

He saw the day on the mountian and how kyouken saved him from his own death. He then flashed back in. His eyes rolled back as all his chakra was drained. His hands let go of the blade and he felt back his skin melting off and leaving nothing but a skeleton in clothes.

However a calm came over the room and all that was heard was the laugh of a kid and a father. A vision flashed as the sun set revealing mizo as a kid and kudara in his prime laughing and playing like father and son. Kudara's eyes a nice onyx and mizo's a deep vibrant blue like the ocean.

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Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:08 am

The song was complete, Kyouken had played the last note of the song as he felt the presence of both Kudara and Mizo completely vanish. The presence of his kind, sweet-hearted, and loving brother and the presence of his student who had that personality trapped inside of him was now gone. Both people that was close to Kyouken had disappeared out of his life and onward into the vibrant afterlife. The spirit of Gekijin had disappeared which ended the threat upon the world and possibly the universe, if he was not killed by anyone the spirit would had came out and destroyed the living and possibly the supernatural. But this did not comfort Kyouken and Rapaer, the grim reaper and also his grandson, mourning souls one bit. Kyouken closes his eyes and begins to say again to himself

"Cry for me o rain, consume the pain that is lodge betwen my heart and soul......"

Kyouken looks up at the window and see's that sun had finally disappeared and it was now night time. The stary night became vibrant and it was beautiful. It reminds him so much of the times Kudara and him stayed outside on the rooftops of Konoha and looks up at the stars as they dream about there goals. He remembered Kudara saying he wanted to become Hokage and protect both Kyouken, his mother and the village. This was one of the rare moments that Kyouken had actually smiled and Kudara almost caught him. Kyouken turns away from him as he smiled at him. Another time was there travelling together and they look up at the night sky.

Kyouken walks over to the window and looks onward at the village. Seeing the vilalge from afar, the village was marvelous at night and it made him wonder why life had to be so precious, why, a being of both almost infinite intelligence, wisdom and understanding, could not figure out why he could not protect his one and only brother in the world that gave a damn about him. The only person who was there besides his mother. Now that both of them are gone, he felt so lonely. He felt as though he could not do anything but look at the window and comtemplate on what just happen. He then looks up and see's that it was raining, but how was it possible. There was no cloud in the sky and yet it was crying. Kyouken blinks twice and then realize that the heavens were crying, mourning for Kyouken who could not even cry, he did not have the ability to do such a thing. The heavens rain down water like teardrops. It was like God himself was crying.

Kyouken moves away from the window and walks out of the room towards the room where his brother and Mizo had disappeared out of existance. He opens the door and see's the last remnants of them. He see's the katana that was left on the nightstand. It was Kudara's legendary katana. Only he was able to carry such a elegant weapon of such power. He rarely used it though. Kyouken walks over to the blade and grabs it. This was the last thing that help Kyouken cope with the amount mourn. He looks over at Mizo's remnants, seeing the skin melted away from the bone and how there was only clothes. Kyouken moves over to Mizo's blade and looks at it. It was just as elegant as Kudara's blade. It finds the sheath and puts the blade in it. He holds both blades in his hand as he moves over to Kudara's bed. There was nothing there, only the silohette of someone lying there. Kyouken blinks, only to realize that Kudara had given him something that makes Caelums powerful. He gave him his Tenshu Hitokoki. He gave him the one thing that made a Caelum a Caelum. But why? Why would Kudara give Kyouken the one thing that was his pride? He could not believe it really and he only found out the moment he looked at the silohette.

"Goodbye.......Oni-san.....and thank you.....for everything.....I finally realize why you gave me the Tenshu.....I've always protected you, and now you want to protect me and this is what you gave me instead of those eyes. Those eyes made you see everything from a different persecptive, and you saw.....everything. We always did things together and you dont want me to forget that we do things together....." He turns away from the bed and smiles "I'll never forget.....Oni-san"

He turns around and walks out of the room. The door had remained open for there was something left that Kyouken had to do. Kyouken takes out his blade and Kudara's blade. They both gave off an aura that was both soothing and calm. He begins to walk out of that base slowly. The rain had stopped and Kyouken notice it. He turns around and the blade glew brighter, one growing darker and the other growing brighter. He swings both blades in a hortizontal way, releasing it so it can cross together making a black and white "X". It makes impact with the base and goes right through it, destroying it completely. The amount of force that the "X" made, caused it to burn as it crumbled down towards the earth. Kyouken puts the blades back into the sheath and begins to walk away as this was a new chapter in both the akatsuki and towards Kyouken.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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