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The Shuugoteki (private)

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon May 25, 2009 2:33 pm

Ookami moved quickly and quietly through the streets. His objective's were simple send the message to Yami no Kira that it was time for the Shuugoteki to meet. The messenger hawk he had "borrowed" from the messenger tower sat quietly on his arm. He new he did have much time before the messenger corps realized the bird was missing. Ontop of a apartment building he set the hawk down as he prepared the simple message on a piece of paper. The message simply said "meet Kiri apartment block 2". As he set the hawk of on his journey he looked into the sky and smiled before disappering into darkness

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Mon May 25, 2009 2:47 pm

A hawk's cry sounded over Yami's head. He looked up to see the bird circling the clearing he was standing in. A sharp whistle soon brought the bird down to him and he took the message from its leg.
Yami read it quietly and spoke to his two companions.
"This message is from another member. He wants to meet up as soon as possible. Our destination is the Kirigakure apartment blocks. We should leave as soon as we are all able."
Yami scrawled a quick reply on the back of the note
"On our way." He threw the bird back into the sky and turned toward Kirigakure.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed May 27, 2009 11:56 am

Munashii nodded, but inside he was slightly worried. Ninja who went to other Villages for no reason looked very suspicious, and after the slaughter of the people of Kumo, everyone would be on a higher guard than usual. They would need to be extremely careful and covert. That ment no headbands for either himself or Lelia, and it would be best if they hid their weapons as well. He spoke his thoughts aloud to his companions before acting on them.

He took out a scroll, and drew his still bleeding thumb across the paper and summoned a crow. He gave it a short message explaining to his father that he and Lelia would be leaving for a little while. After the crow left, he adjusted his sword so that it was concealed under his cloak. Finally, he removed his headband and carefully stashed it away in one of his pockets.

Turning to Yami-sama, he gestured towards the general direction of Kirigakure. "Lead the way", he said quietly.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Wed May 27, 2009 12:00 pm

"As you wish, the way I will lead you will be short and swift. These times called for such routes to be scouted out. It will not take long to get there."
Yami turned away from the sun and ran, the wind blowing through his hair and billowing his cloak around him. The many pouches about his waist seemingly automatically adjusting themselves around his legs, allowing him to run without hindrance.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Lee Sun May 31, 2009 3:08 pm

Lee had followed Ookami through the streets. On a nice relaxing day, Lee laying down across the unusually warm messaging tower, he heard a strange rustle. It looked as if Ookami had stolen one of the messanger birds, and was off with it immideatly. Lee knew that Ookami had some good reason to do this, being his own man now and all. Lee hadn't been seeing much of him around lately, for he had been doing things on his own, and not doing to much of that fun training that he used to do with Lee. Out of curiosity, Lee descided to follow the chuunin, still young in his eyes.

Lee jumped from rooftop to rooftop rather quickly, as his former student was in a rush, or so it seemed. Before he sent the messanger hawk away, Lee descided to see the little words that the message contained. "Meet Kiri Apartment block 2". Who was to meet in the apartment block? Lee, like a worried father, followed the young man to the assigned apartment block, dropping in next to him after a while.

"Hello Ookami, how've you been?"


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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:44 pm

Ookami nearly jumped out of his skin when his sensei landed next to him. "Lee sensei" he said bowing his head there was no point in lying to him. His old sensei could see straight through him "sensei i have helped form a group to aid the villages. It is named the Shuugoteki and we were formed to combat the akaksuki and protect the villages. After the attack on kumo some of my fellow shinobi felt there was not enough done to rectifiy the mistakes made so the shuugoteki was formed. are you anouyed with me sensei?" Ookami looked nervous and waited for his senseis reply.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Lee Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:41 pm

Lee chuckled a bit, still smiling at Bachi. His former student was as humble as ever, and it was a good thing that he had stayed that way all throughout these years. He wondered how his skills have improved, and if they even did. Somehow, he was relieved to here how he was in this 'Shuugoteki' group of his. It seemed like a group with only the best intentions. Ookami had grown to be a great person, with minimal help from Lee himself. He was almsot worried that he was sending off noted to crooks, villains, and other people of that sort. Luckily, Ookami had gone for the good side, as had Lee for all his life.

He was particularly happy that it was an anti-Akatsuki group. An old friend of his, Sanosuke, had become the Kazekage of Sunagakure. Lee and Sanosuke trained under the same master, and were sparring partners as well. Ever since going there seperate way, Lee and Sanosuke had written letters to eachother, explaining current situations and what not. A particularly interesting letter that Sanosuke had sent Lee was about the attack on his village. Two powerful Akatsuki had come through and destroyed his village, and many of it's citezens. This made Lee a bit sad, and mad at the Akatsuki.

He scratched his head and closed his eyes, giving a warm smile to Ookami. "Well then, I can't have you going out to face them alone! If it's okay with you Ookami, I would like to join this group of yours."


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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:42 pm

Ookami stared at his tutor for a second. "You can join the group Lee sensei" Ookami said. Ookami then started to reminise about the old times when him and Lee had trained together. It a tingling feeling that ran down the left side of his face that snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Sensei the others are almost here and we both must be ready. I have thought about this for a while and have decided the best way to get a perminant base of operations is to talk to Mizukage Sama. For the this organisation will need your help could you please organize a meeting with the Mizukage as soon as is humanly able."
with that Ookami bowed "I must go welcome our guests i shall await your news of the meeting here when i return. Thank you and welcome to the Shuugoteki." Ookai then slipped into the blackness of the night without a sound. Partly to show off the silent homicde technique he had taught himself, He knew Lee sensei would love it.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:15 pm

Yami landed silently on the roof of the apartment building opposite that which the note had mentioned. He scanned the bulding quickly, using his instinctive sense to give him a rough idea of threat levels.
Satisfied that none existed he leapt across the gap and landed on the balcony. He walked to the door labelled with nought but a single sign. One saying "Here". Knowing he found the right place, Yami entered the room, a completely black one, no light would be allowed in case someone was to look in upon the inhabitants. He took his place in a corner opposite the door, watching for those he had brought with him and for those he was expecting.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:43 am

Munashii silently walked through the streets of Kirigakure. While he had decided to join with Yami-sama, Lelia had several genin she had to train, and could not follow them at that time. So Munashii had ran after the man from Kiri, keeping up with the man's speed easily, until they had reached the outskirts of the Village, where Munashii decided to hang back and enter after his companion so as to not arouse any suspicions. To help himself blend in with the crowds, he had removed his headband and sword, hiding the former in his cloak and the latter in one of his scrolls.

Following Yami-sama's scent was not hard, and it led him to a door with the sign 'Here' on it. Looking around, he made sure that no-one was there, using his Keiji to be certain. Making a few handsigns, he turned invisible (he decided against doing this when entering the Village in the event of a Kiri ninja noticing his minor visual fluctuations). He entered the room, spotting Yami-sama at once and he took his own place in a corner, awaiting the others that he was sure would come.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:33 pm

Ookami returned to the door after a while. He had been watching for a while from a blacony. Just aross the street from the door keepin his chakra low so as to matained unnoticed. It was his turn to enter the room he activeted his silent homicde technique and entered the room. Ookami could see at least one person in there the other remaind hidden.
He took his place and sat cross legged in a corner "there is no reason to hide i saw you come in. We are all here for the same reason to put a stop to the criminal element known as akatasuki we should all at least be visible. Ookami lit a smoke and took a long drag ."Just one more now and were all here". Ookami said alloud. But hurry lee sensei was what he was thinking.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:16 am

Munashii remained invisible, his distrust of the two men showing. He did not know the full implications of his required presence yet, and so far both members of this organisation were from Kiri, leaving him outnumbered two to one. However, to accept that he had been found, he allowed his chakra levels to return to normal. It would become obvious now to any ninja with the skills of a Chuunin or higher that there was someone else in the room apart from these two men. The fact that he was in plain sight yet could not be seen would make his presence rather off-putting to say the least. Sticking to the shadows (more from habit rather than needing to be concealed), he spoke.

"Revealing myself at this point would be a rather... foolish thing for me to do. So far I have no reason to trust either of you. However, I have heard from your friend your motives, and they seem to be honourable. So. Explain to me fully about your orginaisation".

Munashii waited for the reply, his invisible hand near the kunai hidden under his cloak.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:08 am

Yami smiled lightly as he heard Ookami speak,
"Tis better to hide in the shadows then to watch from the balconies friend. I passed right over the building you were in as I entered this room, it is not far from the street where we first met if you recall. One more you say? That should make our number 5... but yet one is not present who should be... Hissori Munashii-san, where may I ask is your companion who I also approached with a view to joining this?"

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:27 am

OOC: Sorry for the extremly short post, but I don't have much to say yet lol.

Munashii turned his invisible face towards Yami-sama.

"Unfortunatly, she had a training session appointment with some Genin that she could not afford to miss", he explained. "We are expecting one more person then. Thank you for informing me", Munashii said dryly. This new guy was probably from Kiri too.

Three to one.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Kyo Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:47 am

As it seemed that their meeting was just starting, a figure appeared infront of the door way. As if landing from a high jump, Animae rose to is feet while arching his back in a stiff manner. Animae had already analyzed and assessed the situation and found that directly approaching them was the best way to attain his goal.

His steel cold eyes met with the others and he faced them head on. Wearing an all white cloak, it seemed to give him almost a wise and stern image. For Animae, saving the human race was his main priority and it was only natural that joining this organization would benefit him if only in the slightest way.

"I am Animae, a fellow Jounin of the village hidden in the clouds. From the data that I have already gathered on you, you seem to have a group collaborating against all possible threats. I wish to join your group.

ith a vast knowledge on other threats such as The Order and The Council of Oz, I believe that I can be a high asset to your team..."

Allowing his words to sink into their brains, Animae began looking them over from head to toe. Starting a file on each of them, it was only at the basics of that point; with heights, weights and physical appearances. Animae had no doubt that they would accept him or be interested none the least. Standing with an emotionless expression, Animae awaited their reply.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:00 am

"From Kumogakure? I have never read your name in the research papers I was given when I had the job of hunting skilled shinobi down. Nonetheless you stated you have information about current threats to the shinobi nations. This alone has got my attention. So for that reason, I am open to letting you join. I would like to know your personal aims while being a member of this organization and perhaps a bit more about your background. As I said, I failed to notice your name in the lists of possible candidates given to me from Kumogakure. My name is Yami No Kira of the Hidden Mist. "

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Lee Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:57 am

Lee wasn't given much information on where to go from his forgetful student. He jumped around the town to find clues on where to go eer since his pupil, Ookami, used an odd technique that he had never seen him use before, to get away from him. where did he go? After jumping through to buildings of kirigakure for some time, he managed to find a balcony, with a sign located on the door that read, "Here". he would assume this to be the place of his group meeting, for no other place would clue him like this. After entering through the door, his assumptions were proven true, as he found his former student, Ookami Tenma. He also found three more shady, yet powerful looking characters. Yami No Kira. He had met up with Yami once before, him being a friend of ookami for some time. The other two were a mystery. Lee sat down in a seat and got comfortable, like he does all the time. Even as a new guest.

He looked around the room to see what they were talking about. Lee guessed that they were waiting for him to say something, so he cleared his throat, and said one of the simplest things ever at a tense moment like this. "Hi everyone. I'm here for the group thing."

A slight smile appeared across his face upon saying these words. If there was awkward conversation going on, he was sure it was ended with that small speech. He shifted around in his seat and looked at Ookami once again. He had remembered what he said about forming a group to do battle with the Akatsuki and what not. Recent news had told him something that may bring this group down a little bit, and bring them up some as well. He remembered thinking about his fiend Sanosuke getting attacked by the Akatsuki this morning, and he had forgotten all about the fact that they were no longer alive.

"Ookami... and company, there is something you should know. Like i heard one of you saying before I entered through this door, there are two groups called The council of OZ, and The Order. the Order is a group whom wishes to destroy everyone who uses chakra for ninjutsu. The council of OZ is the main force behind fighting the. I believe that we should make an alliance with the council of OZ. But, I've heard that the Akatsuki was dead, as well." Lee said, wondering if the group had already known this or not. He knew Ookami didn't.


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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:12 pm

So. Akatsuki were gone. Well, some good damn news at last thought Munashii. However, even this news did not budge an expression onto Munashii's invisible face. After all, just because this group were gone did not mean that another like it would not arise. And apparently he was correct. This Order that was going to kill all chakra users... well, maybe the world would know some measure of peace. But at what cost? The people would be left defenceless, and chaos would rule. Unacceptable.

"Akatsuki's demise changes nothing", Munashii said quitely, his voice echoing slightly. "The point of fact remains that the Village's will need a force that is able to strike at threats quickly, without the hassle and waste of sending away requests for help. If we have a shinobi in every Village join this orginisation, then we would have eyes everywhere, watching for potential threats. Like this Order. Orginising a shinobi strike force will take time and effort. If a Village is attacked, they will need assistance quickly to help defend themselves until reinforcement arrives".

Talking for far longer than he wished, Munashii fell silent and awaited what the others thought.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:20 pm

"This is an idea I agree with. Maybe within each village, the shinobi can create their own sub-sect, a mini strike force that can be mobilised immediately. This of course will be subject to a full agreement by every member once we have each village represented. The news that Akatsuki has fallen is indeed interesting, I would like to see proof of this however it was found. This Order however disturb me greatly, I have heard nought but grave things. Things which could spell the end without a strong skilled force ready to combat them and hunt them down."
Yami spoke softly, as was his style. Yet each word was clearly audible, the power in each word making it seem heavy on the air.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Kyo Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:07 pm

This itself was news to Animae's ears. He had no record of a skills searcher within Kumo. "I like to keep my name out of all official records." Making sure to keep a low profile, Animae had deleted all significant information about himself. However, every handwritten document still remained unscathed.

Yami seemed to want to know more about his past which Animae had kept secret for so long. Yet to join, Animae would have to endure upon letting some data slip.

"I am originally from Amegakure and left several years ago to live in Kumokagure. Since then, I have been collecting data on possible threats. While The Order is the main threat and The Council of Oz works to stop them, The Council is still a threat to the villages." As he spoke, Animae took a small pause to retrieve the data from his memory. "Not long ago, the previous Mizukage, Kira Miraa, also know as Mirage, attacked The Council of Oz. In an attempted to pull her from hiding, their leader, Jin Chisoki, lay slaughter to the innocent civilians of Kirigakure. The battle ended with a large portion of the inner village destroyed. While most of the damage was done y their Mizukage, The Council were clearly going to any lengths to stop her. The Council of Oz is just as much a threat to the villages as The Order...."

While discreetly changing the topic from himself to what threatens the villages, Animae was not sure how they would react to his information. Joining The Council of Oz was only logical without the data that Animae had just shared. But now that they knew how wreckless The Council was, joining them would only allow further casualties.

"As for having shinobi from each village... I believe that that would greatly increase our chances for success. Since Munashii is from Kumogakure, I suggest that I leave Kumo and find home in a village where we have no eyes. Munashii can watch Kumo without me while I can keep an open ear within another village..."

Animae was used to moving around and it would faze him none the least to do so again. While Kumo seemed to be the logical choice for hiim to stay for personal gain, it would help this Organization to have shinobi from each village.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Ookami Tenma Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:42 am

Ookami had listen to everyone quietly and taken in everything. "So we've got a fight on two fronts, the order and the council of Oz. This just means we've got to recruit more skilled shinobi." Ookami said with confidence. "Maybe we should spilt into small groups and perform both tasks, protecting the villages and recriuting more members. Munashii, Animae and Lee I think you should perform recon and information gathering, whilst me and Yami carry on recruiting new members. This way we can at least have a chance at matching these new threats head on if we need to. And we can gather information at the same time to learn the weaknesses of these new opponents."

Ookami smiled. At least this plan might leave them in a stronger position than their current one.

Ookami Tenma

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:40 am

"In that case I suggest a method by which we can call on each other instantly. During my training in my younger days, I came upon certain seals and summoning documents. One of these was how to summon teammates from far away by use of either a summoning scroll or by a summoning contract tattooed onto the users skin. It is not a high level summon so the main branch of this group should all be able to use it easily, the main branch being the representatives of each village."
Yami took some ink and a scroll out and quickly drew on it.
The Shuugoteki (private) Shuugouteki1-1
"This is how I envisaged the contract. The symbols of the eight villages correspond to whom you wish to summon, merely draw a bloodline from the symbol to the centre circle and perform the Summoning Jutsu. That person will instantly be summoned to your side. It will allow us all to meet and be organised with greater efficiency then messenger birds. Are there any issues with using this method?"

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:57 am

Looking at the summoning, Munashii nodded. Not only would it serve to summon allies, but it would also allow each member to reconise that a person was in the Shuugouteki.

"This mark should be invisible except to the eyes of other members. That way anyone trying to infiltrate us would be immediately noticed and dealt with. Can this be done?" he asked.

Munashii also wondered how, if the need arose, a person would summon more than one member. He voiced this question as well, his voice the only sign that he was still in the room.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Sparky Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:02 am

"As far as keeping it invisible goes... I am not currently aware of any method by which this can be done. If anyone here knows such a method, this will be gladly welcomed. Multiple summons... this would have to be done in stages. 4 to be exact, joining opposite symbols together in a spider web. Then the Summoning Jutsu would be performed and all indicated members would be summoned simultaneously."
Yami looked around the room at the silent voices, wondering, hoping, that they would also think this a good idea and put it to use.

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The Shuugoteki (private) Empty Re: The Shuugoteki (private)

Post by Lee Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:29 am

Lee had heard of an idea such as this, but presented in a different matter. They would all sign a summoning contract, and then you could write the name in of whomever you wished to summon. Lee only partially understood Yami's method, for he had a couple questions. Lee cleared his throat to speak again, still reclining in his seat. "What if we have a few members, from each village. When you cross the villages unto your destination, do we all come, or just the 'representative'?" Lee asked, quite curious on the matter. He was all for it, he just needed more information about it. He didn't want to be summoned all over the place for no reason, nor did he want to be the only one.


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