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Character. Empty Character.

Post by Unknown Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:22 pm

Name: Ayane

Age: 18

Bloodline: ~

Rank: Chunin

Classification: ~

Village: Kirigakure

Alignment: Good, but helps evil alot.


Personality: Nice, kind.

History: Ayane was born in the hidden sound village. She was raised by terrible people, whom tried to kill her. See never attended a ninja academy, instead, learned from her father.
Ayane's father was a mean man, who treated her like a piece of shit. Her mother, acted the same way. They both told her that being a ninja was dangerous. But eventually, when she turned 6,
she got to go to the Academy.
She learned some basic techniques, made some friends, rivals and enemies. She found out that two people were treated like her.
Ayane decided that they'd try to be on the same team. Ayane knew something was up though, but she didn't care. She just went along with her training.
Soon, her two friends and her, were all on the same team.

They soon went on to doing missions. They did one mission with their sensei, that hey were scared. They had to capture a jounin level ninja who betrayed the hidden sound.
When they caught up to him, their sensei proved ineffective, as he was knocked out. Her friends were battling very hard. No one wanted to die. Ayane used her Mizu bushin no jutsu, to create water clones for a distraction.
It had worked. She ran at him, hold three poisin dipped Senbon in her fist. When she got up close, she launched them at his forehead, most likely killing him. She ran over to her friends and sensei, who was all right.
They left to go back to the village.

Ayane's team had found yet another roadblock in their shinobi life, the chunin exams. They practiced allThey could, perfecting any skills that could come in handy
When the first test came, Ayane finished in record time, but her teammates took a while longer than her. They moved on to the second part.
The Forest of Death. They knew they had to find an earth scroll. It took them a while to find another team. They quickly overwhelmed them by throwing clones, Shurikens, Senbons, and Kunai at them.
They took them out, without killing them, took the scroll, and made it to the next round.

Ayane now relized she had to fight a creepy guy from her village. She quickly dispatched him, not giving him the chance to fight back. She still got hit by many of his attacks. She had to go to the
hospital after her battle. When she got out, she had learned that her friends fought each other, and both lost. She felt sorry for them, promising she'd try to win.
she went to the Final part.

In her first battle, she fought a guy who used earth. He had a great big flaw though. He wasted all his chakra on earth clones, that he couldn't use his attack jutsu.
Ayane ended it by sending three Senbons into his right leg. She watched all the other battles, and was very interrested by them. By her luck, her second battle was her last one.
Ayane was up against someone who tried to kill her. She dodged some of his attacks, but he hit her with a powerful, S-ranked move. Ayane had enough energy to give up, and then collapsed from the attack.
Ayane was rushed to the hospital.

Ayane was in the building for many months. She could have died if she hadn't of gave up. When it came down to who became Chunin, her whole team became chunin.
Ayane was glad she heard this while she was just getting out of the hospital. She was feeling better, but she had to be careful while fighting. She didn't let that stay in her way.
Ayane, now Chunin, was training in Kirigakure, which is her new village. Her old teamates, disappeared while on a mission of great importantance. She wasn't able to search for them, so she felt useless.

After she became 18, she headed the Konohagakure. Not to make it her new home, but to spread peace, as much as she could. Preventing war whereever she could. Ayane,
wouldn't let innocents die, but often leaks information to evil organizations. Like, the location of certains things, where any of the kages could be at, etc.
She now searches for something that was said to be lost, but is uprising once more. The Akastuki.

Speciality: spiritually attuned and mental intuned.

Learned jutsus: Mizu Bushin no Jutsu, Mizurappa, Takitsubo no Jutsu, and Suirou no Jutsu.

Elements: Water(Suiton)

Weapons/items: poisoned-dipped Senbons.

Goals: To find peace in the world.
(Btw, just wondering, any Bijuu left, cause some Bijuu on the list don't have a Jinchuuriki?)

Posts : 50
Points : 81
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-04-12

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Character. Empty Re: Character.

Post by Koga Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:26 pm

For future reference, you can actually show the picture using the [img] function. It would look like this:


Which would give you:

Character. 26562489

However, all in all, it looks fine to me. As for the Bijuu, Im not entirely sure, but I believe some are still available. Approved.

EDIT: I see what you did wrong with the link. You didnt right click the picture and copy the URL to only the picture, which is:

The code would actually be:

Giving you:
Character. B4f5755

Posts : 187
Points : 107
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-02-10

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